


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 s a well-known growth-promoting rhizobacteria that can also act as a mild phyto-pathogen.
2 ing, the emulsion was stabilised with gum arabic as it also act as a co-wall polymer.
3 soil resources, such as water, nitrogen and phosphate, also act as signals that shape 3D root growth to optimise uptake.
4                          Besides transporting fat, TGs also act as stored fat in adipose tissue, which is utilized during
5 ntial factors that are regulated by caloric restriction and act as caloric restriction mimetics.
6 hydrolyzing enzyme, phospholipase Dalpha1 (PLDalpha1), both act as GTPase-activity accelerating proteins (GAPs) for the G
7 can also be introduced to replace other heteroatoms and can act as a surrogate of functional groups such as olefin and am
8 face, suggesting that utilizing sand mixed with biochar can act as a promising biofilter capable of protecting natural aq
9                                        The metallic NWs can act as an efficient hole injection layer on top of 2H-MoTe2 d
10      Taken together, our findings show that pilocarpine can act as either an agonist or antagonist of M3R, depending on t
11 s of disease that support the idea that alpha-synuclein can act as a prion.
12  results in soluble low-molecular-weight oligomers that can act as a therapeutic agent in vitro and in vivo.
13 nforce that strawberry fruits are functional foods that can act as an adjuvant in the treatment of inflammatory condition
14 nes except CBL-CIPK converter genes, and revealed that CFKs act as the main CS conversion system in plants.
15                                        In conclusion, CMMPs act as 'synthetic stem cells' which mimic the paracrine and b
16  the surprising effect that linear two filament connections act as transistor-like, angle dependent momentum filters, whe
17                   Over longer timescales, CO2 release could act as a negative feedback, limiting progress of glaciation,
18 he kinked GGA motifs in the stem region of TGGAA repeat DNA act as hot spots to facilitate the transition between the two
19                                      Thus, genomic DNA DSBs act as signaling intermediates in murine macrophages, regulat
20 TICALLY RESPONSIVE GENES 1 (HOS1), which is known to either act as E3 ubiquitin ligase or affect chromatin organization,
21 he variation in expression of upstream genes, and thus LRCs act as attenuators.
22                                                   Agrin may act as a mechanotransduction signal in the extracellular matr
23 cessible (RAMA) elements were enriched at promoters and may act as gatekeepers of monoallelic mRNA expression.
24 at enhanced sulfide oxidation as a result of glaciation may act as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere.
25 We propose that targeted delivery of GD1a to MS lesions may act as a potential novel molecular tool to boost maturation o
26                                   Furthermore, nicotine may act as a mitogen in cholestatic liver disease processes, ther
27 ts that H2 [(CF3 )7 TpFPP]2 H2 O and cognate structures may act as supramolecular synthons, which, given their chirality,
28  it is considered a lipophilic hydrogen bond donor that may act as a bioisostere of hydroxyl, thiol, or amine groups.
29 nduces pro-angiogenic responses through TGF-beta, which may act as the bridging molecule that mediates IL-37 binding to t
30 -activators such as EP300, whereas KLF3 and related members act as transcriptional repressors via recruitment of C-termin
31                Therefore, our study supports that 38u might act as a potent and specific AEP inhibitor useful for cancer
32 ese and previous observations, we suggest that CENP-F might act as a transporter of mitochondria and other cellular cargo
33                          In conclusion, FER rs4957796 might act as a prognostic variable for survival in patients with se
34 heir action on other known carbohydrates, both KCl and NaCl act as salting-out agents towards trehalose, as seen in the e
35 gle dependent momentum filters, whereas triangular networks act as stabilizing elements.
36 reveals limited contact surfaces to Tra1, hence it does not act as a molecular scaffold within SAGA.
37                            To understand if these processes act as "windows of opportunity" for changes in cell identity,
38 esting that electrostatic contacts with the excluded strand act as a regulator for unwinding activity.
39                                     Hippo effectors YAP/TAZ act as on-off mechanosensing switches by sensing modification
40 ward their neocortical target by corridor (Co) neurons that act as axonal guideposts.
41  information, so that stressed individuals could themselves act as stressful stimuli for other individuals with whom they
42      These findings highlight the capacity of DA neurons to act as metabolic sensors by responding not only to hormones b
43 s, stress-induced changes in behavior have the potential to act as a source of information, so that stressed individuals
44 ange of environmental conditions that have the potential to act as additional stressors.
45  Pfn1-actin interaction and therefore have the potential to act as competitive inhibitors of this interaction.
46    These findings indicate that the ability of sloughing to act as an effective immune defence is species specific, and t
47 ivity versus other P2Y receptor subtypes, and is thought to act as an allosteric antagonist.
48                                  These tri-gate transistors act as enhancement-mode transistors with an on/off current ra
49 y be ancient, preserved in wild Agaricus populations, which act as reservoirs for subsequent cell-to-cell infection when
50                  We argue that mesic microenvironments will act as species-specific refugia only if the nature and space/

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