


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1 ess and Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act in 2015.
2 phenotype in absence of RsgA, another GTPase, well known to act in 30S subunit assembly.
3                                                   These TFs act in a combinatorial manner to bind sequence-specific DNA w
4                    During inflammation, proteins and lipids act in a concerted fashion, calling for combined analyses.
5 reater and penetrate deeper into membranes when FP1 and FP2 act in a concerted manner, suggesting that they form an exten
6                                        Proneural genes thus act in a context-dependent fashion as early determinants, pro
7 mary, our results indicate that disulfide bonds in proteins act in a context-dependent manner rather than simply as mecha
8                                         Thus, OX40 and ICOS act in a cooperative, nonredundant manner to maximize and pro
9                    To repair these lesions, the FA proteins act in a linear hierarchy: following ICL detection on chromat
10 re subject to lipid modification, often restricting them to act in a localized manner on responsive cells.
11 , including greater punishments, are mandated for those who act in a state of knowledge, compared with a state of reckles
12                                             Sulfur does not act in an analogous donor fashion in this gold-catalyzed reac
13    Based on epistasis experiments, SMG-1 does not appear to act in any of the three major pathways known to mend DNA DSBs
14                      In this study, we report that CGRP can act in both the brain and the periphery of the mouse to cause
15 ) is a protein whose function is poorly understood, but may act in both transcription and pre-mRNA splicing.
16 tors, RNA stability factors, and epigenetic modulators that act in complex, interconnected positive and negative regulato
17 at multiple PrP(C) segments containing Asn/Gln residues may act in concert along a replicative interface to promote prion
18 sses both DNA polymerase activity and RNase H activity that act in concert to convert single-stranded RNA of the viral ge
19 tic, SST and VWS co-vary inversely, so that the two factors act in concert to either enhance or inhibit basin-wide hurric
20 which anatomical, physiological, and immunological features act in concert to foster a particularly tolerant microenviron
21                                          PLA2 and ENPP6 may act in concert to generate phosphocholine from the matrix ves
22  and increased nuclear factor kappa B-mediated inflammation act in concert to mediate AEG-1-induced NASH.
23 protein and long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) regulatory networks act in concert to regulate key aspects of thermogenic adipocy
24  Qk5 and Qk6 regulate distinct target mRNAs in the cell and act in distinct ways on their own and each other's transcript
25                                           How these stimuli act in diurnal species remains to be established.
26 les related to indole and derived from commensal microbiota act in diverse phyla via conserved molecular pathways to prom
27 ymes search for DNA lesions and form protein complexes that act in DNA repair pathways.
28  composed of clustered connexin transmembrane proteins that act in dual capacities as channels for direct intercellular e
29                        The reason why the same catalyst can act in either the two- or four-electron reduction of O2 can b
30              These results demonstrate that Pol epsilon can act in eukaryotic MMR in vitro.
31 on Reduction Program, established under the Affordable Care Act in March of 2010, placed financial penalties on hospitals
32  where two interconnected pathways or transcription factors act in opposite directions on a target gene, to control the e
33  pathway that enhances proteostasis capacity and appears to act in parallel to well-studied proteostasis pathways.
34 ate-induced defense responses, suggesting that monoterpenes act in parallel with SA The volatile emissions from SAR signa
35                             Together, anti-VEGF/VEGFR drugs act in part by inhibiting eNOS, causing vasocontraction, MV c
36 differently involved in starch granule formation and do not act in series.
37 eate how complex interactions between diverse organisms may act in synergy to promote HTTs.
38 ar toxicity and vasoconstrictive effects of depolarizations act in synergy with direct ischaemic effects of haemorrhage a
39  of the Martian surface, iron oxides and hydrogen peroxide, act in synergy with irradiated perchlorates to cause a 10.8-f
40 ation exerted by the CPuORF was tissue specific and did not act in the absence of light.
41 otein 16 (IFI16) is an immunological DNA sensor proposed to act in the cyclic GMP-AMP synthase-stimulator of IFN genes pa
42 r-naive; our findings show that the mir-35 family microRNAs act in the early embryo to function as a developmental timer
43 scriptional reprogramming, and some NLRs have been shown to act in the nucleus and interact with transcription factors.
44 ctment of the Cancer Moonshot within the 21st Century Cures Act in the USA arrived at a propitious moment in the advancem
45                                                  How Boi1/2 act in these two distinct processes is not understood.
46                          Twelve participants (instructed to act in three prescribed ways) manually controlled two systems
47 cessful in identifying genes that affect ABA levels and may act in upstream drought-related sensing and signaling mechani
48                            Human Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells can act in vitro as antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and induce al
49 hest activity at 65 degrees C and that Tfu-FNO is likely to act in vivo as an F420 reductase at the expense of NADPH, sim
50        However, many questions remain about how T reg cells act in vivo.

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