


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 lammatory exudates during the development of acute peritonitis.
2 ively modulate leukocyte migration in murine acute peritonitis.
3 gic alterations and transport defects during acute peritonitis.
4  vivo analysis in CD47(-/-) mice by inducing acute peritonitis and aggressive colitis observed consis
5 udied the dissemination of B. fragilis after acute peritonitis and characterized the interactions of
6  PD patients on the day of presentation with acute peritonitis and discriminate between culture-negat
7 abrogated defects in solute transport during acute peritonitis and restored ultrafiltration.
8 udied in the gut and liver in a rat model of acute peritonitis and this reduced production was associ
9 g of RNA intraperitoneal injection exhibited acute peritonitis as evidenced by marked neutrophil and
10 the in vivo role of YB-1 in murine models of acute peritonitis following LPS injection, in sterile re
11 d IL-1beta in the peritoneal membrane during acute peritonitis have not been investigated.
12                                              Acute peritonitis is a frequent medical condition that c
13           Here, we report that resolution of acute peritonitis is delayed in obese diabetic (db/db) m
14  that are deficient in secreted (s)IgM in an acute peritonitis model induced by cecal ligation and pu
15 CFTR inhibitor-172 (CFTR(172)) augmented the acute peritonitis promoted by zymosan, an effect associa
16 e during cecal ligation and puncture-induced acute peritonitis/sepsis.
17 vascular recruitment site for neutrophils in acute peritonitis that is indispensable for host defence
18                       In an in vivo model of acute peritonitis, the inhibition of chemokine productio
19 okine production in a rat model of prolonged acute peritonitis, to determine its effect on survival i
20                            111 patients with acute peritonitis underwent emergency laparotomy: number
21    Furthermore, neutrophil emigration during acute peritonitis was reduced by 80% in the double-defic
22 ed innate immune response after induction of acute peritonitis with Klebsiella pneumoniae.

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