


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 frequency in cortical neurons in culture and acute slice.
2 cites prefrontal thalamocortical synapses in acute slice.
3 ellate cell synapses by electrophysiology in acute slices.
4 n of YFP, we identified 5-HT neurons in live acute slices.
5 c target neurons by whole-cell recordings in acute slices.
6 mined by whole-cell patch-clamp recording in acute slices.
7  migration by 27%, as previously reported in acute slices.
8 g ischemia, consistent with changes shown in acute slices.
9 ed by means of dual whole-cell recordings in acute slices.
10 odulating the spread of action potentials in acute slices.
11 on at CA3-CA1 synapses by tetanic stimuli in acute slices, a cellular model of long-term memory, lead
12  spines on two distinct types of NAc MSNs in acute slices after 24 hours of cocaine withdrawal and af
13 n MAP1B and GRIP1 increased significantly in acute slices after treatment with DHPG and not NMDA.
14 ice such effects were markedly attenuated in acute slices and abolished in the dissociated Purkinje c
15 on content represented by such landscapes in acute slices and in vivo promises to unveil the hitherto
16 of the mouse hippocampus in cultured slices, acute slices and in vivo.
17 ents using in vitro whole cell recordings in acute slices and measured cystine and glutamate uptake i
18 eous EPSC (sEPSC) frequency was increased in acute slices and primary hippocampal cultures prepared f
19 ulating functional pathways independently in acute slices and recording synaptic responses in RGCs, w
20 Studies in reduced systems--tissue cultures, acute slices, and anesthetized rats--show that spontaneo
21 i, indicating that these native receptors in acute slices are significantly Ca2+-permeable, consisten
22 radiatum interneurons and pyramidal cells in acute slices by recording nAChR-mediated currents elicit
23                              Recordings from acute slices demonstrate that FFA reduces repetitive- an
24 uorescent detection of peptide elongation in acute slices demonstrates robust translation in distal p
25 ous firing of layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in acute slices derived from monocular visual cortex.
26  marker, together with immunohistochemistry, acute slice electrophysiology, and optogenetic circuit m
27 rvation, electroencephalographic recordings, acute slice electrophysiology, immunohistochemistry, and
28 -out mice and analyzed synaptic responses by acute slice electrophysiology.
29       Here, we report a novel preparation of acute slices from adult mouse spinal cord, allowing visu
30                                           In acute slices from adult rats, coincident pre- and postsy
31                                           In acute slices from C57BL/6 mice, we find that co-activati
32                              In contrast, in acute slices from juvenile (P14) rats, TBS failed to ind
33 ly altered synaptic properties in the BL: in acute slices from juvenile (prepubertal) female rats, wa
34 pyramidal cells, effects which are absent in acute slices from M(1) receptor knock-out mice.
35 idal neurons using patch clamp recordings in acute slices from mice at different ages.
36 hysiological and Ca2+ imaging experiments in acute slices from rat cerebella.
37 nsic excitability of PL pyramidal neurons in acute slices from rats exposed to either escapable stres
38 CA1 region of the rat hippocampus to compare acute slices from the third postnatal week with various
39 0 GFP-fluorescent cell aspirates obtained in acute slices from transgenic mice expressing green fluor
40  clamp recordings from dysplastic neurons in acute slices from TSC tubers demonstrated excitatory GAB
41  addition of protein synthesis inhibitors to acute slices (in which spines otherwise proliferate) blo
42                 Both in cultured neurons and acute slices, KO of Rab11Fip5 had no significant effect
43 ity was analysed by patch-clamp recording in acute slices obtained from mice carrying a targeted null
44 icity at Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses in acute slices of adult mice.
45  by recording from pairs of relay neurons in acute slices of developing ventrobasal nucleus (VBN) of
46     Here the authors study Up/Down states in acute slices of entorhinal cortex, and find that Up stat
47 recordings were performed on DCN neurones in acute slices of juvenile rat cerebellum.
48                                           In acute slices of letrozole-treated female mice with reduc
49    Here, by making patch-clamp recordings in acute slices of macaque retina, we show that the bipolar
50 sed whole-cell recordings from Im neurons in acute slices of mouse amygdala.
51  recordings from LIII pyramidal neurons from acute slices of mouse medial entorhinal cortex, we find
52 velopment (P2-P12) in pyramidal neurons from acute slices of mouse neocortex.
53 ological and optical recording techniques in acute slices of rat cerebellum, along with modeling, we
54 estigate gain modulation in granule cells in acute slices of rat cerebellum.
55 a channel antagonists on Purkinje neurons in acute slices of rat cerebellum.
56 his issue in mature organotypic cultures and acute slices of rat cortex by recording spontaneous loca
57 h recordings from visualized interneurons in acute slices of rat hippocampus.
58                              Recordings from acute slices of rat locus coeruleus (LC) demonstrated th
59               Here, we recorded from RBCs in acute slices of rat retina and isolated lateral GABAergi
60 uts to neurons in the ganglion cell layer of acute slices of rat retina.
61 ice preparations as well as in synapses from acute slices of the auditory brainstem.
62                        We discovered that in acute slices of the avian OT, persistent (>100 ms) epoch
63  investigated layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in acute slices of the contralateral medial prefrontal cort
64 ally, we found that, in cultured neurons and acute slices of the hippocampus, extracellular sequences
65 cs to show that layer 2 pyramidal neurons in acute slices of the mouse mPFC receive excitatory inputs
66 r modulation of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in acute slices of the mouse prefrontal cortex.
67                      In cultured neurons and acute slices of the olfactory bulb, however, intracellul
68  abolish hippocampal LTD as measured both in acute slices or using a chemical LTD protocol in culture
69 on, studies were then performed in the adult acute slice preparation to examine changes in DA recepto
70                   Here, we show that, in the acute slice preparation, actin expression increases duri
71 pal input onto downstream septal cells in an acute slice preparation.
72 nsible for tonic conductance observed in the acute slice preparation.
73 -cell patch-clamp recordings from neurons in acute slice preparations from neonatal wild-type and hSO
74  and optogenetics to explore connectivity in acute slice preparations.
75 naptic currents in host pyramidal neurons in acute slice preparations.
76 nd external stimuli, and they proliferate in acute slice preparations.
77                                              Acute slices prepared at postnatal days (P) 14, 17 and 2
78                                              Acute slice recordings revealed that Kv3.3 channels are
79         Electrophysiological recordings from acute slices showed that barium- and bupivacaine-sensiti
80                     However, live imaging in acute slices showed that Pten deletion did not cause a u
81                    Patch-clamp recordings in acute slices showed that, 1 week after the nerve injury,
82 in vitro and can be used in parallel with an acute slice system to model mature brain tissue to exami
83 e we demonstrate, in cultured neurons and in acute slices, that the NMDA receptor is both effector an
84  whole-cell recordings from granule cells in acute slices to assess synaptic function after Pten knoc
85   We used laser scanning photostimulation in acute slices to study the organization of local excitato
86 tes or B-cells led to a vascular response in acute slices using the P2Y(2/4) receptor (P2Y(2/4)R) ago
87 t notable difference between organotypic and acute slices was a four- to five-fold increase in the ab
88 t notable difference between organotypic and acute slices was a four- to five-fold increase in the ab
89     Using electrophysiological recordings in acute slices, we demonstrate that knockout (KO) of Rab3B
90              Using patch-clamp recordings in acute slices, we examined developmental refinement of wh
91 ynapses in the rat hippocampal CA1 region of acute slices were studied using whole-cell patch-clamp t

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