


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s with different mobilities occur during the acute stage.
2 roup of 160 stroke patients scanned at a sub-acute stage.
3 th the 562-bp promoter in neurons during the acute stage.
4 the severity of metabolic derangement in the acute stage.
5 f a test to diagnose this disease during the acute stages.
6 reated routinely with simvastatin during the acute stages.
7 associated acute pancreatitis survived their acute stage; 151 had peripancreatic fluid collections.
8 t of blood throughout gray matter; (2) a sub-acute stage, 4-5 days after the onset of clinical signs,
9                                       In the acute stage, amusic patients exhibited decreased activat
10 ciated with both types of neglect at the sub-acute stage and 9 months later.
11 ozing, erythematous, pruritic lesions in the acute stage and xerotic, lichenified plaques in the chro
12 tosis were similar in both models during the acute stage, and the number of apoptotic nuclei increase
13  associated with neglect symptoms at the sub-acute stage but only some of these are critical for pred
14  have biphasic properties-deleterious in the acute stage but potentially beneficial in the delayed st
15 ation and demyelination was noted during the acute stage, but only marginal effects on these disease
16                            Here, we obtained acute-stage computerized tomography (CT) perfusion and f
17  heterosexual transmission that precede this acute stage could facilitate the development of effectiv
18                       BZ treatment after the acute stage decreased the parasite persistence and infla
19        The median levels of PAI-1 during the acute stage did not differ from those during the recover
20 the primary cause of muscle paralysis in the acute stage, during which impaired muscle membrane excit
21  in various lymphoid compartments during the acute stage (first 4 months) of feline immunodeficiency
22 lasma and cell-associated viremia during the acute-stage FIV infection appears to precede the appeara
23                       Amounts of tachyzoite (acute stage form of T. gondii)-specific SAG1 mRNA and nu
24 ite strikingly, the expression of nearly all acute stage genes return to baseline levels in the asymp
25               Physiologic studies during the acute stage have revealed a normal pulmonary artery wedg
26 cted tissue and assess its relationship with acute-stage hypoperfusion.
27                                       In the acute stage, ICG-A revealed sharply delineated dense hyp
28 tributes to parasite clearance as well as to acute-stage immunopathology.
29 nd nifurtimox are more effective against the acute stage in both clinical and experimental settings.
30 a transcript from a p44-18 gene was major at acute stage in mice and horses but minor in ticks.
31 red on admission (baseline) and at 48 hours (acute stage) in 126 patients with acute coronary syndrom
32 mox as curative treatments, particularly for acute stage infections, most likely as a result of the h
33                                       At the acute stage, intended primary percutaneous coronary inte
34                                          The acute stage is most notably characterized by increased e
35 rate that high transmission rates during the acute stage is not the main cause of excess clustering o
36 d HBV-specific CTLs, which can be present at acute-stage levels.
37 own extensive astrogliosis and cell death at acute stages (<7 days) but the temporal response at a ch
38 al brain abscess model in the rat during the acute stage of abscess development.
39 a critical deviation in host response to the acute stage of an evolving chronic infection.
40 he efficacy of high-dose antioxidants in the acute stage of central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC).
41 ction of Ito in chagasic myocytes during the acute stage of Chagas' disease may reflect the lack of t
42 mma plays a cardioprotective role during the acute stage of Chagas' disease.
43  abundant in lamina propria cells during the acute stage of cholera.
44 t IL-2 mRNA is markedly increased during the acute stage of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), an anim
45 usceptible (SJL/J and B10.S) mice during the acute stage of DA and DAL*-1 infection was characterized
46 logies were similar in all groups during the acute stage of disease.
47 ative responses, and inflammation during the acute stage of EAE.
48                                          The acute stage of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infec
49                                          The acute stage of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infec
50 gan and site of viral replication during the acute stage of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infec
51 ular tachycardia may be characteristic of an acute stage of heart block.
52                                       By the acute stage of HIV-1 infection, the immune system alread
53                                   During the acute stage of illness when antimicrobial agents are mos
54 tic gene expression changes during the early-acute stage of infection (8 weeks), suggesting it is a s
55 totoxic effect on cells collected during the acute stage of infection and an inhibition of proliferat
56 of strong Th2 responses that peak during the acute stage of infection and then decline despite ongoin
57 erferon by splenocytes challenged during the acute stage of infection but with a diminished recall re
58 es in gene expression were determined as the acute stage of infection developed into the chronic stag
59                                       In the acute stage of infection following sexual transmission o
60 ected patients who were followed up from the acute stage of infection for 9 to 18 years.
61 ver, the presence of escape mutations in the acute stage of infection has raised a concern that accel
62  of viral antigen to white matter during the acute stage of infection is essential for the induction
63 ocytes obtained from C57BL/6 mice during the acute stage of infection were able to mediate both patho
64 that were not detected in the mammals at the acute stage of infection were detected in ticks.
65 ced in canine epicardial myocytes during the acute stage of infection with Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas'
66                           Individuals in the acute stage of infection with viruses containing the mos
67 or 14 weeks of age (i.e. , the early- or mid-acute stage of infection), whole blood and large surgica
68 difficile bacteria and, in comparison to the acute stage of infection, have persistent, albeit amelio
69 anulomatous inflammation was enhanced at the acute stage of infection, the livers of IL-10T mice disp
70 nt increase in hepatic granuloma size at the acute stage of infection, which was associated with incr
71 cation in the trigeminal ganglion during the acute stage of infection.
72  several parameters were measured during the acute stage of infection.
73 ection in lymphatic tissues (LTs) during the acute stage of infection.
74 mplaints using resting state fMRI in the sub-acute stage of injury as well as a group of control part
75 g complex plays a protective role during the acute stage of intestinal inflammation and contributes t
76 In vivo confocal microscopy performed at the acute stage of keratitis.
77 rdiac myosin Abs might be present during the acute stage of KS.
78  nervous system (ENS) of macaques during the acute stage of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infec
79 when dysphonia or dyspnea is observed at the acute stage of SJS/TEN.
80 strate that HA breakdown is a feature of the acute stage of stroke injury.
81  recovery and that inhibition of VEGF at the acute stage of stroke may reduce the BBB permeability an
82  or hearts transplanted into mice during the acute stage of T. cruzi infection become parasitized and
83 f the immune system is known to occur in the acute stage of the disease and plays an important role i
84 mice, an altered tropism was seen during the acute stage of the disease and the chronic demyelinating
85 ence of possible pain experienced during the acute stage of the disease but not at the chronic stage
86 cardial coronary artery abnormalities at the acute stage of the disease or during follow-up, as asses
87 inst the P35 antigen are produced during the acute stage of the infection but are uncommon in the lat
88  the ME49 strain, all muMT mice survived the acute stage of the infection but died between 3 and 4 wk
89 y the P35-IgM-ELISA is more specific for the acute stage of the infection than demonstration of IgM a
90  CD8(+) T cell population present during the acute stage of the infection.
91 the action of BK and KD, participates in the acute stage of the inflammatory and pain response, where
92 erve terminals are also destroyed during the acute stage of this disease.
93 onist, release was also depressed during the acute stage of typhoid fever.
94  HF keratinocytes to the IFE plays a role in acute stages of healing.
95 ed chronic cystitis, arguing that during the acute stages of infection, a higher number of IBCs prece
96                                   During the acute stages of infection, most CD8+ T cells in the sple
97 rated weight loss, was detectable during the acute stages of infection.
98 amics of urothelial exfoliation in the early acute stages of infection.
99 re one of many antigens that are secreted in acute stages of inflammation after left ventricle assist
100 eeded in order to optimize inhibition during acute stages of injury without interfering with benefici
101 that Fn14 plays a protective role during the acute stages of intestinal inflammation, and its absence
102 chondrial impairment and liver damage in the acute stages of liver copper accumulation compared with
103  protective role for A(2B)R signaling during acute stages of lung disease.
104 sclerosis, yet potential swelling during the acute stages of optic neuritis may confound baseline mea
105                                 In the early acute stages of schistosome infection, egg-tolerized mic
106                       Patients surviving the acute stages of sepsis develop compromised T cell immuni
107                           Patients surviving acute stages of sepsis often display impaired adaptive-i
108  hepatitis B virus (HBV) dynamics during the acute stages of the infection and analyze the immune mec
109 y of CEST MR imaging to show G47Delta-LRP at acute stages of viral infection.
110 ion and play a deterministic role during the acute stages on the rate of infection and disease progre
111 munoreactivity in convalescent compared with acute-stage or healthy control samples (34 in plasma, 39
112 egeneration was more limited overall than at acute stages, our combinatorial strategy in the chronica
113 infected wild-type mice significantly reduce acute-stage parasitemia in CCR2(-/-) mice.
114 d and unprotected animals are present during acute stages postchallenge, before different antigenic l
115                              Finally, in the acute stage, prediction of how a patient would adapt to
116                                          The acute stage responds readily to antibiotic treatment.
117 nalysis of these biopsy specimens during the acute stage revealed a massive infiltration of T cells,
118 ctious agent whose diagnosis at least in the acute stage, susceptibility testing, and management are
119 sibility of intervening in the acute and sub-acute stages to protect specific brain systems, such as
120 cutaneous anthrax and the first to associate acute stage toxemia with subsequent antitoxin antibody r
121 response to Francisella infection during the acute stage, transcriptomic analysis was performed on lu
122                      FIV infection caused an acute-stage transient reduction in CD4CD8 double-positiv
123 ering statistics to be used for inference of acute stage transmission rates and found that no single
124 very much variance in parameters controlling acute stage transmission rates.
125 in lung B and T cell populations seen in the acute stage were also significantly reduced in the chron
126 c and egocentric neglect symptoms at the sub-acute stage were associated with lesions to dissociated
127 choroidal thickness is a feature of the LHON acute stage, which follows the thickening of RNFL.
128 sis, the patients had a lower slope 5 in the acute stage, which then gradually increased during the f
129 ed with behavioural performance (i) at a sub-acute stage (within 3 months of the stroke) and (ii) at
130 nts had significantly lower DFAalpha2 in the acute stage (within 72 hours) and lower DFAalpha1 at 3 m
131 l necrosis consisted of three stages: (1) an acute stage, within 24 h of motor regression, characteri

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