


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nflammatory mediators and induce the hepatic acute phase reaction.
2 ediated damping of the FcepsilonRI-dependent acute-phase reaction.
3 hat constitute the cerebral component of the acute-phase reaction.
4            Cholesterol is reduced during the acute phase reaction; a state of immune activation that
5                                              Acute-phase reactions after the first dose occurred more
6 nism of inhibition and demonstrated that the acute-phase reaction, an adverse effect of N-BPs, is als
7 es in the immune and inflammatory responses, acute-phase reaction and hematopoiesis.
8 ters of clinical symptoms evident during the acute-phase reaction and the cellular components of the
9 arrier function of the respiratory tract, an acute phase reaction, and excessive activation of macrop
10       Tissues respond to injury by releasing acute phase reaction (APR) proteins which regulate infla
11 ines, such as interleukin-6, that induce the acute-phase reaction are currently being explored as mor
12 idence indicates that different parts of the acute-phase reaction are initiated by distinct mechanism
13  is one of the most commonly used markers of acute phase reaction in clinical settings and predictors
14                                          The acute-phase reaction is the multisystem response to acut
15 renal acute phase reaction, unlike the liver acute phase reaction, is more strongly dependent on loca
16                   An excess of renal AEs and acute-phase reactions occurred with zoledronic acid; hyp
17 plenomegaly, hepatomegaly, leukocytosis, and acute-phase reaction) (P<0.01) in group II as compared w
18                                    The renal acute phase reaction, unlike the liver acute phase react
19                                      When an acute phase reaction was induced in rabbits, or the rabb

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