


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nterfaces, and its core functions are highly adaptable.
2 rom one stage to the next are not themselves adaptable.
3 aspects--limited to malignant melanoma--were adaptable.
4 renders organisms both less adapted and less adaptable.
5 udies contend that robust organisms are more adaptable.
6 t our task is easily scalable in difficulty, adaptable across species, and produces a rich set of beh
7 rthermore, these oligoPPEs can be stocked as adaptable advanced building blocks for rapid assembly of
8 the organism has continued to evolve into an adaptable, aggressive, hypervirulent strain.
9                           It is a simple and adaptable algorithm that improves on other tools on non-
10 roscopic probes were designed to make use of adaptable-anchor and length-varied spacers to estimate m
11 e conclude that even very short peptides are adaptable and add to the growing knowledge regarding amy
12                    As the platform is easily adaptable and amenable for future automation in order to
13 asm makes actin transport robust yet rapidly adaptable and amenable to regulation.
14                 The MAAB pipeline is readily adaptable and can be modified to optimize the recovery o
15                  However, viruses are highly adaptable and can easily generate mutants resistant to p
16  the mechanism of ATP utilization by ClpB is adaptable and can vary depending on the specific substra
17  selecting rare cancer cells that are highly adaptable and drive malignancy.
18             Thus PP1 phosphatases are highly adaptable and employed across a broad range of sexually
19                             We engineered an adaptable and expandable system of in vitro RNA transcri
20 s of generating phenotypic diversity that is adaptable and heritable across generations.
21    Here we review the inner workings of this adaptable and heritable immune system and draw compariso
22 e protocol is not only fast, but also widely adaptable and highly effective for preparing generic mem
23                     Myeloid cells are highly adaptable and may positively or negatively regulate angi
24                            mrSNP is a highly adaptable and performing tool for predicting the effect
25 hole system is experimentally simple, highly adaptable and requires no specific equipment.
26  mechanisms by which stimuli are encoded are adaptable and sensitive to a diverse array of stimulus a
27                    Our method is convenient, adaptable and should be a valuable tool to facilitate ou
28  this area and possible implications of this adaptable and swift mechanism for spatial control of gen
29 ich have the potential to be more robust and adaptable, and safer for human interaction, than traditi
30 c acid-derived hydrogels are highly dynamic, adaptable, and self-healing, those derived from lipoic a
31                             This is a highly adaptable approach, and we envision its broad applicatio
32  (NIRS), can be applied as reinforcers to an adaptable artificial learning agent in order to guide it
33 er, this system has also proven to be highly adaptable, as is now highlighted by its short-range func
34 d proliferated without glutamine were highly adaptable, as judged by additional robust adaptability a
35 ntered Clinical Research Network, called the ADAPTABLE (Aspirin Dosing: A Patient-centric Trial Asses
36 ontributions of two redundant operons in the adaptable bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14.
37 ates of temporal precision, together with an adaptable Bayesian prior, predict well the reproduction
38                                   Walking is adaptable because the timing of movements of individual
39 i) aggregate remodeling, during which highly adaptable binding interactions of cpSRP43 with hydrophob
40 feedback regulation in generating robust and adaptable biological responses.
41              A small subpopulation of highly adaptable breast cancer cells within a vastly heterogene
42                      This protocol is highly adaptable, but in its most common form it requires 3-4 w
43      The visual system is built to be highly adaptable, but the nature and purpose of this adaptation
44 cose and glutamine, we hypothesized that the adaptable cancer cells that drive malignancy must posses
45                      Biochemical systems are adaptable, capable of reconstitution at all levels to ac
46 l of the ubiquitous crotonase superfamily as adaptable catalysts for the control of enolate chemistry
47  constitutional dynamic networks that reveal adaptable catalytic properties.
48 ng open and compact configurations around an adaptable central lipid-filled chamber, wherein polytopi
49  can be combined with the inherent quick and adaptable characters of surface coupling chemistry (e.g.
50                            It creates a size-adaptable cleft between the loop and the stem, which can
51          Placental cell growth depends on an adaptable combination of an endogenous developmental pro
52 sor-based automated approaches and enable an adaptable, comprehensive, high-throughput, fine-grained,
53 nd antOFC lesions resulted in stronger, less adaptable conditioned fear responses.
54 ce morphological variations in dependence of adaptable conditions.
55 om the piezoelectric material because of its adaptable conductance to the electrochemical potentials
56 e to the protein backbone permits secure and adaptable control of intraprotein electron-tunneling dis
57                                           An adaptable density gradient multilayer polymerization (DG
58          We developed a highly sensitive and adaptable donor/acceptor pair that can be used to invest
59 xtensive teasing of the nerve fibers; (2) an adaptable drop-plating method for selective cell attachm
60 mic protein modifications to exert rapid and adaptable effects.
61                                  This easily adaptable electrodic platform is demonstrated for a fast
62 pen up a new era for ultraflexible and human adaptable electronic systems because of their potential
63  radiodurans RNAPs and identify the FL as an adaptable element responsible for the observed differsma
64 and create a new view of the cytoplasm as an adaptable fluid that can reversibly transition into a pr
65 ially folded intermediate provides a readily adaptable folding landscape by allowing the independent
66 w that the cell-free split-protein system is adaptable for analysis of both protein-protein and prote
67 ormation of fungal biofilms, which is easily adaptable for antifungal susceptibility testing.
68 all RNA detection both in vitro and in vivo, adaptable for any small RNA.
69            The technique should be generally adaptable for basic laboratory investigation and for cli
70                 Therefore, it is potentially adaptable for better diagnosis across various clinical a
71              Additionally, these methods are adaptable for both passively and actively collected data
72  ex vivo molecular therapy approach and thus adaptable for clinical application.
73 vergent subclasses of patients, which may be adaptable for diverse applications.
74 netic field actuation scheme was not readily adaptable for integration.
75                                        It is adaptable for other countries and other exposure situati
76 a for high-throughput methods and is readily adaptable for other polynucleotide ligases.
77        This program is designed to be easily adaptable for other shotgun lipidomics approaches that a
78 ribed here is rapid, economical, and readily adaptable for prenatal testing of prevalent autosomal re
79 y of the biosensing platform makes it easily adaptable for quantitative detection of other microbial
80                        This assay is readily adaptable for quantitative studies of both artificial an
81 , has controllable adherent selection and is adaptable for scalable suspension culture.
82  the probes, the ISFET-based assay should be adaptable for screening ion channels in various cell typ
83 interrogating lncRNA function in situ and is adaptable for targeting multiple genes across model orga
84 uction and cloning scheme, this technique is adaptable for the production of any repetitive fibrous p
85 ance specifications and modular template are adaptable for the validation of other platforms and reag
86 milar programmes need to be made more easily adaptable for the varied specialisms found in Community
87  recalls provide approaches that may also be adaptable for use in large epidemiologic cohorts, if war
88 l is applicable to adherent cells, and it is adaptable for use with several DNA dyes.
89 ed, open-source software tool (MUSCLEMOTION) adaptable for use with standard laboratory and clinical
90 alized for growth on cellobiose (muC) and an adaptable, generalist phenotype (muS).
91 l to manufacture formulations in complex and adaptable geometries for the controlled loading and rele
92  model, to generate real-time, personalized, adaptable glucose forecasts; (ii) model averaging of dat
93 R in complex with Manalpha1,2Man revealed an adaptable hinge between V(H) and C(H)1 that enables the
94 lanning of goal-directed movements is highly adaptable; however, the basic mechanisms underlying this
95              Lattice structure depends on an adaptable hydration layer modulating interactions among
96               In this review, an overview of adaptable-hydrogel design considerations and linkage sel
97                                 In contrast, adaptable hydrogels are formed by reversible crosslinks.
98 and re-formation of the reversible linkages, adaptable hydrogels can be locally modified to permit co
99 ing mechanisms that can be exploited to form adaptable hydrogels for tissue engineering.
100                                              Adaptable hydrogels have recently emerged as a promising
101    This system represents an inheritable and adaptable immune system that is mediated by multisubunit
102 ng RNAs called piRNAs serve as guides for an adaptable immune system that represses transposable elem
103 mine if these surgical techniques are safely adaptable in the broader urologic community.
104      We propose that B. petrii is remarkably adaptable in vivo, providing a possible connection betwe
105 cable to laboratory research settings, where adaptable, inexpensive and predictable prototyping tools
106 rotransposons were annotated from the highly adaptable insect species Diabrotica virgifera virgifera,
107                                              Adaptable interaction between aquaporin-1 and band 3 rev
108    Our study thus suggests semi-conservative adaptable interaction between ESE and SRSF1, and such bi
109 ed ATGC transcriptomics, with a flexible and adaptable interface that allows users to work with new g
110 ajor loop, the so-called ZA loop, creates an adaptable interface that preserves the disorder of both
111 ng structurally conserved elements to create adaptable interfaces accommodating conformational rearra
112             Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an adaptable intracellular pathogen, existing in both dorma
113                                        Novel adaptable LDL-C estimation performs better in nonfasting
114  potential for PV microgrids to be feasible, adaptable, long-term energy access solutions, with healt
115 rom high-throughput platform to a clinically adaptable low-dimensional platform are currently lacking
116 ion processes blend into greater reliance on adaptable magnitude information.
117 an black bears (Ursus americanus) are highly adaptable mammals, spending up to half the year hibernat
118                           In addition, these adaptable materials can have biomimetic viscoelastic pro
119                 The design and generation of adaptable materials derived from structurally dynamic po
120 dent UNC-40 clustering provides a robust and adaptable mechanism to polarize toward netrin.
121 ments that isolate and characterize multiple adaptable mechanisms that influence responses of orienta
122  cells that drive malignancy must possess an adaptable metabolic state and that such cells could be i
123 of hot-electron harvesting process in highly adaptable metallic nanorods.
124  CRISPR-based antibacterials are a novel and adaptable method for building an arsenal of antibacteria
125 cing technologies provide an alternative and adaptable method of detecting copy number by comparing t
126 on" represents a simple, general, and highly adaptable method of generating enzymatically stable pept
127      We present a straightforward and easily adaptable method to create a ladder of mass pairs to exp
128  GO on a support membrane by an industrially adaptable method to produce large-area membranes (13 x 1
129                                          The adaptable methodologies described here should guide the
130  isolated and characterized using clinically adaptable methods.
131   The mouse embryo hindbrain is a robust and adaptable model for studying sprouting angiogenesis.
132 view, we will focus on how comprehensive and adaptable modeling allows investigators to explain exper
133 cy of PIGExClass in the design of clinically adaptable molecular subtyping assay and have implication
134                                          The adaptable nature of this multipurpose building block pro
135            Microtubules (MTs) form a rapidly adaptable network of filaments that radiate throughout t
136 d in crosslinked polymers - that of covalent adaptable networks (CANs) in which covalently crosslinke
137  developed MolBioLib to address the need for adaptable next-generation sequencing analysis tools.
138 tional diversity in this highly abundant and adaptable non-human primate could inform its use as a mo
139 ere to refer to switchable, multifunctional, adaptable, or tunable ligands and, in general, to all th
140                      Mitochondria are highly adaptable organelles that can facilitate communication b
141 lidity and may provide a platform to support adaptable, personalized rehabilitation and enhanced serv
142 best described as being a highly dynamic and adaptable phenomenon.
143 in, we demonstrate the suitability of a size-adaptable phospholipid membrane-mimetic system for solut
144 surfaces for versatile bioconjugation, their adaptable photophysical properties for multiplexed detec
145                                         This adaptable platform could be readily extended to the deli
146 ocessed and stained tissue, combined with an adaptable platform for optical alignment-free programmab
147                 This device could provide an adaptable platform for the vaginal drug delivery of many
148 gh selection of producer cells, represent an adaptable platform for vaccine design and should aid in
149 t locks the different drug structures on the adaptable platform surface, and a trio of acidic residue
150 ene therapy has the potential to serve as an adaptable platform technology for treating various disea
151         We show that these VLPs are a highly adaptable platform that can be used to deliver proteins
152 olving role for collagen V/XI isoforms as an adaptable polymeric template of fibril macro-architectur
153    We report a crystalline porous solid with adaptable porosity, in which a simple dipeptide linker i
154                    Here we introduce a Rapid Adaptable Portable In vitro Detection biosensor platform
155 tion) need to be developed for effective and adaptable prehospital care, patient transfer, in-hospita
156 ass, we have created a family of simplified, adaptable proteins-maquettes-that contain a single trypt
157 th an automated assay approach and an easily adaptable protocol, this portable platform has the poten
158  Evolution can favor organisms that are more adaptable, provided that genetic variation in adaptabili
159 hese lines, we describe the most general and adaptable reaction conditions for the preparation of hig
160 he targeted alleles have been designed to be adaptable research tools that can be efficiently altered
161 signaling are both required for a robust and adaptable response to glucose stress, but these two path
162 rate sensory experience, transforming highly adaptable responses at early stages to stable representa
163  reservoir), and a decidedly peripatetic and adaptable sand fly vector are the primary forces.
164 nclude that inflammasomes represent a highly adaptable scaffold ideally suited for detecting and init
165                                   Our highly adaptable self-assembly approach enables the rapid prepa
166 how Piezo1 can function efficiently and with adaptable sensitivity as a sensor of mechanical stimulat
167  systems configured for vocal learning, with adaptable sensorimotor maps that couple heard speech sou
168 e bacterial cells use a highly sensitive and adaptable sensory system to detect changes in nutrient c
169 egrates genetic variation with a diverse and adaptable set of genome annotations (e.g., dbSNP, ENCODE
170 ucturally diverse ligands making them highly adaptable signaling molecules.
171 and robustly respond to fluctuations through adaptable signaling networks.
172 ts, which is especially important for highly adaptable small (+)RNA viruses.
173 lutions used to make PSS include several bio-adaptable solutions, mainly cell culture medium and simp
174 nalysis reveals that this widespread, highly adaptable species is approximately three times as divers
175 ally marked jackdaws-a highly neophobic, yet adaptable species-are equally influenced by social cues
176               The results suggest that three adaptable stages of machinery shape neural responses in
177 us, we propose that the N-terminal arm is an adaptable structural feature of M. tuberculosis PhoP, wh
178 nature of the chemical bonds that enable the adaptable structure, how the properties of these materia
179 hydrogen-bonding partners derives from their adaptable structures rather than from their intrinsic ac
180  that are highly expressed and stable and an adaptable subset with lower expression that respond to e
181 se of their high surface-to-volume ratio and adaptable surface functionalization, particles are widel
182 xibility, yielding a plastic active site and adaptable surrounding elements.
183 -AMPK signaling cascade may provide a quick, adaptable switch to promote survival of metastasizing ca
184                                           An adaptable system alleviates the need for different stati
185 for object and action values create a highly adaptable system for decision making.
186 ering the potential to integrate this highly adaptable technology with a number of emerging technique
187 lementations and applications of this easily adaptable technology.
188 ed coat-dormancy mechanism provides a highly adaptable temperature-sensing mechanism to control the t
189            The structure and function of the adaptable tetramer are determined by the distance betwee
190         Our results demonstrate how a highly adaptable three-dimensional scaffold is used for the evo
191  social behavior are more vulnerable or less adaptable, thus resulting in social deficits.
192 his reaction was not only feasible, but also adaptable to a kinetic resolution of secondary alcohols
193 theses are efficient, selective, and readily adaptable to a multigram scale, requiring only inexpensi
194            The EBC algorithm is flexible and adaptable to a wide range of problems in biomedical text
195 roach is both versatile and scalable, and is adaptable to a wide variety of applications.
196  Drosophila, this IF-FISH protocol should be adaptable to a wide variety of organisms, tissues, antib
197                            This microchip is adaptable to all commercial TEM holders.
198     This practical computational resource is adaptable to almost any applications environment in whic
199  example, however, the ARQiv-HTS platform is adaptable to almost any reporter-based assay designed to
200    However, innate behaviors are also highly adaptable to an animal's internal state and external env
201 ssembly using oligonucleotides and is easily adaptable to any enzyme in which information is availabl
202  Although the MagaZorb technology is readily adaptable to automated platforms, it is also well suited
203 inical biophysical kinetics tools, making it adaptable to both clinical research and possible diagnos
204    In addition, bacterial cell morphology is adaptable to changes in environmental conditions.
205 d regulatory functions, which are remarkably adaptable to changes in self.
206  Noise in gene expression renders cells more adaptable to changing environment by imposing phenotypic
207          Moreover, our strategies are easily adaptable to circuit mapping in any genetic system.
208                        The device is readily adaptable to clinical diagnostics of other cancers.
209 tion of the body is dynamic, responsive, and adaptable to contingent conditions, in that the role of
210 (LIMS) with a flexible configuration that is adaptable to continuously evolving experimental protocol
211 alyze upcoming larger data sets, and readily adaptable to detect high-level selective constraints bet
212 method is robust, fast, efficient and easily adaptable to different analytical problems.
213                         The method is easily adaptable to different indenter geometries and acquires
214                       The program was easily adaptable to different training structures and incorpora
215                            These methods are adaptable to difficult-to-image tissues, such as bone (P
216 erative process redesign for surgery will be adaptable to disparate hospital systems and will be bene
217  a versatile, scalable device design that is adaptable to emerging material physics.
218 d functionality, which can make C. difficile adaptable to environmental changes and potentially lead
219  body temperature rhythm in a manner that is adaptable to environmental demands.
220 reasonably easy to perform, low in cost, and adaptable to experiments in mice.
221 hanism described here is rapidly reversible, adaptable to fine-tune gene expression, and relies on Se
222 owever, conventional methods are not readily adaptable to gene targeting in other cell types.
223     Overall, the OAO method is versatile and adaptable to high-throughput quantification of validated
224                                This assay is adaptable to high-throughput screening of ubiquitin and
225 the teleost system, makes this model readily adaptable to high-throughput screening strategies and ma
226 ady-state kinetic parameters, and is readily adaptable to high-throughput screening.
227  chemical screens against human kinesins are adaptable to homologs in disease organisms and, as such,
228 erentiation protocol is highly efficient and adaptable to human PSCs.
229  a specific cancer cell phenotype, but it is adaptable to investigate other oncogenes and model syste
230 bust, efficient and rapid, making it readily adaptable to large-scale clinical and pharmaceutical qua
231 script for automated integration is fast and adaptable to large-scale data sets, eliminating the need
232 other cyanide sources; this makes the method adaptable to large-scale synthesis.
233 all molecules, the assay is envisioned to be adaptable to larger compound libraries.
234           The method is cheap, portable, and adaptable to many device configurations, thus constituti
235     Importantly, the VDTS approach should be adaptable to many different analytical platforms, includ
236                         Bacillus subtilis is adaptable to many environments in part due to its abilit
237 hetic route to BTzOR reported here should be adaptable to many other bithiazole-based building blocks
238  making the system robust, easy to align and adaptable to many problems.
239     The technique appears to be sufficiently adaptable to meet the needs of many other similar testin
240               Notably, their interaction was adaptable to membrane tonicity changes.
241  that the technique is fast, chemoselective, adaptable to metal nanomaterials, and scalable for biome
242 e or two turns of an alpha-helix, are highly adaptable to most peptide sequences, resulting in favora
243 urement in 30 min in a semi-automated system adaptable to multiplexed protein detection.
244 le imaging of HIV-1-infected tissues and are adaptable to other animal models and human patient sampl
245                                 It is easily adaptable to other biological systems, e.g. HIV, malaria
246 ysis protocols are anticipated to be readily adaptable to other chemical and biochemical agents and v
247  unique and dynamic treatment option readily adaptable to other commensal pathogens.
248 influenza, with extensions to make it easily adaptable to other diseases and data sources.
249 nding environments are stable, scalable, and adaptable to other formats.
250    The principles of this value paradigm are adaptable to other hospitals as demonstrated in our long
251 ns to the surface of cells to be general and adaptable to other membrane-bound proteins.
252 gets and resistance mechanisms and is easily adaptable to other microorganisms.
253                         This assay, which is adaptable to other nonspecific nucleases, will be useful
254         The procedure presented here will be adaptable to other organisms and experimental conditions
255                Ribosome profiling is readily adaptable to other organisms, making high-precision inve
256 fic application, the model developed here is adaptable to other pathogens, mucosal barriers, and geom
257 a benthamiana as an example, the protocol is adaptable to other plant species.
258 cal and optical properties of QDs, should be adaptable to other protease targets for which both pepti
259 urprisingly low noise profile and is readily adaptable to other sequencing-based assays.
260 lysis of protein heterogeneity and function, adaptable to other single-molecule strategies.
261 in approximately 30 min, and they are highly adaptable to other strains of rats, as well as mice, in
262 platform has the potential to be universally adaptable to other viral and cellular enzymes that have
263 erimental paradigm presented here is readily adaptable to other viral systems and can potentially be
264 -volume cells as described herein is readily adaptable to other volume-limited samples.
265  the community and our phenotyping scheme is adaptable to phenotypic analysis beyond embryogenesis.
266 lex and expensive instruments, which are not adaptable to point-of-care (POC) needs at resource-const
267 ex and expensive instruments making them not adaptable to point-of-care (PoC) needs at resource-const
268                        It is easy to use and adaptable to professional working schedules.
269  stable isotope labeling strategies that are adaptable to proteomic methods is particularly attractiv
270 thods, providing a framework that is readily adaptable to quantitative studies into the coding of mix
271           Precursors and methods are readily adaptable to radiolabeling with various radiohalides sui
272  thermostable biochemical structures readily adaptable to reactions in myriad solvents.
273 f invasive cells, a simple and visual assay, adaptable to reproduce collective cell migration in vitr
274  in mice and suggest this approach may prove adaptable to rescue sperm function in certain cases of h
275                  Expansion of this method is adaptable to retrieve 3'-UTRs encoded in more than one e
276 dditionally, current vaccines are not easily adaptable to sequence diversity and immune evasion.
277 e tunable by mutation, making TULIPs readily adaptable to signaling pathways with varying sensitiviti
278 matic approach is expected to become readily adaptable to streamlining the synthesis of other complex
279 demonstrate that this methodology is readily adaptable to targeting CD20 on cancer cells using the sa
280 nge of emerging SLIM technologies may all be adaptable to the analysis of native-like ions, which wil
281 or depleting high-abundance proteins are not adaptable to the analysis of the animal plasma proteome,
282 proteome, and the strategy developed here is adaptable to the comprehensive analysis of other highly
283     Moreover, the motility mechanism must be adaptable to the continually changing surface conditions
284 ture and molecular biology skills, and it is adaptable to the efficient derivation of any integrated
285             This versatile system is broadly adaptable to the high throughput study of cell adhesion
286 The methods of synthesis were designed to be adaptable to the preparation of the (13)C-labeled analog
287 ith high-throughput screening, and should be adaptable to the rapidly changing workflows and targets
288       This addressable selectivity should be adaptable to the selection and evolution of multi-compon
289 ying concept of using multiple scan rates is adaptable to the voltammetric detection of other tyrosin
290           Laparoscopic instruments, although adaptable to TV approaches, have yet to be optimized.
291                                        It is adaptable to use in other species and enables the effici
292  conditions revealed to be gram-scalable and adaptable to various groups; hence, promoting facile use
293             The framework is easy to use and adaptable to various practical settings that frequently
294 on and responsiveness to noxious stimuli are adaptable traits that are ubiquitous throughout the anim
295 l help design future compounds stable in the adaptable tungsten tetraboride structure.
296                  GeIST version 2.1.0, a more adaptable version of our original pipeline, can identify
297 t stress-inducible Rab5 proteins that ensure adaptable vesicle trafficking and vacuolar hydrolase act
298 hese channels should therefore be separately adaptable, whereby a channel's sensitivity is reduced fo
299                                The method is adaptable, with tunable pore and particle sizes, and rob
300 out inside the syringe void volume as a size-adaptable yet sealed mixing and extraction chamber.

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