コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 of adducin and also inhibited proteolysis of adducin.
2 orylation of the PKC cytoskeletal substrate, adducin.
3 ontrast to the restricted expression of beta-adducin.
4 ization site localized in the neck domain of adducin.
5 -unphosphorylatable S716A/S726A mutant alpha adducin.
6 become artifactually uncapped due to loss of adducin.
7 3-fold and had no effect on interaction with adducin.
8 hange in F-actin binding or association with adducin.
9 d even for an unrelated IDP from human alpha-adducin.
10 n content, decreased band 3, and absent beta-adducin.
11 3 levels and present, although reduced, beta-adducin.
12 use RBCs also contain small amounts of gamma-adducin.
13 n vivo PKC phosphorylation site in mammalian adducins.
14 red blood cells that express alpha and beta adducins.
16 to decreased membrane incorporation of alpha-adducin (30% of normal) and unexpectedly promotes a 5-fo
20 natively, that the barbed ends are capped by adducin, a membrane skeleton protein that was shown rece
24 and of the second repeat in association with adducin/actin, and imply the possibility of an extended
26 5.1 RNA-binding protein (RNPS1), erythrocyte adducin alpha subunit (ADD1), plexin A3 (PLXNA3 or the S
27 l functions, including altered expression of adducin-alpha, pallidin, stathmin-like-2, and synaptojan
28 ition, we observed that spectrin, actin, and adducin also form a 2D polygonal lattice structure, rese
30 patial organizations of spectrin, actin, and adducin, an actin-capping protein, in the dendrites and
35 ing was inhibited by phosphorylation of beta-adducin and of a MARCKS-related domain peptide by PKA an
37 produced from the first eight exons of beta-adducin and part of the neo cassette in spleen but is no
38 logically binds to the cytoskeletal proteins adducin and spectrin, whose mutual interactions are pert
39 f the protein kinase C (PKC) substrate alpha-adducin and the abrogation of DNA damage checkpoint also
41 II caused a 60% decrease in endogenous gamma-adducin and was associated with a 2-fold increase in bas
45 major peripheral membrane proteins spectrin, adducin, and actin were greatly reduced in FLKO erythroc
46 whereas approximately 33% is immobilized by adducin, and approximately 27% is not attached to any cy
49 The hts gene encodes the only Drosophila Adducin, and is a female-sterile mutant that affects bot
50 ization resistant and sensitive to spectrin, adducin, and nucleator deficiency, consistent with micro
51 ructures alternating with those of actin and adducin, and the distance between adjacent actin-adducin
52 ld-type membranes, but levels of actin, TMs, adducins, and other membrane skeleton proteins remain un
64 F-actin with a Kd of 26 microM, and promoted adducin binding to F-actin with half-maximal activation
65 in a 2-fold increased activity in promoting adducin binding with half-maximal activation at 50 nM.
66 t not the extent, of phosphorylation of beta-adducin, but not alpha-adducin, by PKA and that of each
70 c activation of the alpha2-Na/K ATPase/alpha-adducin complex as a critical glial cell-intrinsic mecha
72 phosphorylation-dependent regulation of Hts/Adducin controls the level, localization, and activity o
73 ents in the membrane skeleton indicates that adducin could be the functional barbed end capper in ery
78 In situ hybridization for alpha- and beta-adducin demonstrates that these mRNAs are found througho
80 osphorylation of serines 713 and 726 in beta-adducin disrupts cytoskeletal protein complexes and inte
81 ence of magnesium reveals that 60-80% of the adducin dissociates from the membrane during hemolysis a
82 e regions in other proteins (e.g. MacMARCKS, adducin, Drosophila A kinase anchor protein 200, and N-m
83 nslocation of phosphoserine 713 and 726 beta-adducin either to nuclei, where it associates with nucle
84 eover, the cells expressing the mutant alpha adducin exhibited increased levels of cytoplasmic spectr
86 Moreover, we characterized PKC delta and p-adducin expression in a pulmonary epithelial cell line (
87 port our hypothesis that a decrease in gamma-adducin expression in cardioregulatory-relevant brain ar
88 nfirmed by demonstrating a decrease in gamma-adducin expression in hypothalamic/brainstem neuronal cu
89 -mediated down-regulation of alpha- or gamma-adducin expression significantly attenuated calcium-depe
92 ynaptic plasticity to elucidate the role the adducin family plays in processes underlying learning an
93 nown to markedly reduce the affinity of beta-adducin for spectrin and actin and to uncouple actin/spe
94 by PKA, but not PKC, reduced the affinity of adducin for spectrin-F-actin complexes as well as the ac
96 eciprocal relationship between regulation of adducin function by calmodulin binding and phosphorylati
98 actin cytoskeleton, suggesting that impaired adducin function may lead to neuromotor impairment and f
100 and 726 and raise the possibility that beta-adducin functions in support of structure of heterochrom
101 size to the corresponding exons of the alpha-adducin gene (4p16.3), suggesting gene duplication.
102 e intron-exon organization of the human beta-adducin gene (ADD2) has been determined from overlapping
106 data suggest that although the ankyrin- and adducin-immobilized band 3 can be monitored separately,
109 A (p.G367D) mutation in ADD3, encoding gamma adducin in all affected members of the index family.
110 s of adducin imply that an important role of adducin in cells is to form a complex with the fast grow
112 Manipulations of the actin-capping protein adducin in Drosophila and mammalian neurons provide new
113 ium regulation of actin filament assembly by adducin in erythrocytes and at cell-cell contact sites i
117 Knockdown of alpha2-Na/K ATPase or alpha-adducin in mutant SOD1 astrocytes protected motor neuron
119 revealed the RTPS-serine phosphorylation of adducin in postsynaptic areas in the developing rat hipp
120 F-actin complexes as well as the activity of adducin in promoting binding of spectrin to F-actin.
123 tin polymerization and abolished activity of adducin in recruiting spectrin to ends and sides of acti
125 ults reveal an essential role of dematin and adducin in the maintenance of erythrocyte shape and memb
126 he ubiquitous expression of alpha- and gamma-adducins in contrast to the restricted expression of bet
127 ypertensive rats and (2) analyze the role of adducins in neurotransmission at the cellular level.
128 y, our findings indicate a critical role for adducins in regulating the activity of the actin cytoske
134 pectedly promotes a 5-fold increase in gamma-adducin incorporation into the RBC membrane skeleton.
135 the level, localization, and activity of Hts/Adducin, influencing actin-based synapse elaboration and
136 KC phosphorylation of native and recombinant adducin inhibited actin capping measured using pyrene-ac
140 modifies in vitro and in vivo activities of adducin involving actin and spectrin, and we demonstrate
143 actin and spectrin, and we demonstrate that adducin is a prominent in vivo substrate for PKC or othe
155 osphorylation of serines 713 and 726 in beta-adducin is known to markedly reduce the affinity of beta
156 We then demonstrate that presynaptic Hts/Adducin is necessary and sufficient to control two oppos
159 ducin are also absent, indicating that alpha-adducin is the limiting subunit in tetramer formation at
160 he alternative splice sites for the smallest adducin isoform, beta-3, are alternative donor and accep
161 er analysis of tissue-specific expression of adducin isoforms and in analysis of DNA from patients wi
162 is study we demonstrate a novel function for adducin; it completely blocks elongation and depolymeriz
165 apidly in acute hippocampal slices from beta-adducin knock-out mice, although baseline spine morpholo
168 impairs the normal actin-capping function of adducin, leading to both abnormal proliferation and migr
170 vary, membrane skeletal proteins such as the adducin-like Hts protein(s), spectrin, and ankyrin are f
171 a fusome, containing alpha-spectrin and the adducin-like product of the hu-li tai shao (hts) gene.
173 e we propose a new model whereby dematin and adducin link the junctional complex to human erythrocyte
180 that PKCalpha-mediated signals, probably via adducin-mediated inhibition of actin-spectrin binding an
181 bed end capping activity requires the intact adducin molecule and is not provided by the NH2-terminal
183 nd actin and to uncouple actin/spectrin/beta-adducin multimeric complexes needed for cytoskeletal sta
184 mplex and its formation of a new bridge with adducin necessitates a significant revision of accepted
185 date adducin's role in vivo, we created beta-adducin null mice by gene targeting, deleting exons 9-13
189 ariety of cells, and that phosphorylation of adducin occurs in dendritic spines that are believed to
193 rin, ankyrin, protein 4.2, protein 4.1, beta-adducin, or dematin headpiece exhibited GEs bound to the
194 Loss of function studies of the Drosophila adducin ortholog hts confirmed a critical role for adduc
196 PTN determines the cellular location of beta-adducin phosphorylated in serines 713 and 726 and raise
199 additionally evaluated the effect of RhoA on adducin phosphorylation because RhoA activation was show
201 re to a novel enriched environment increases adducin phosphorylation in WT, but not T75A mutant mice.
204 echanistically link autoantibody binding and adducin phosphorylation, we evaluated the role of severa
209 n (TM) and the other actin-binding proteins, adducin, protein 4.9, tropomodulin, and a small proporti
210 ponse element binding protein (CREB), c-Jun, adducin, protein kinase C, and signal transducer and act
212 suggest that the cytoskeleton regulator beta-Adducin provides an activity-dependent switch controllin
213 of cytoskeletal substrate proteins, such as adducin, provides a mechanistic link between increased P
215 al MARCKS-related domains of alpha- and beta-adducin, respectively, were identified as the major phos
216 cin, and the distance between adjacent actin-adducin rings was comparable to the length of a spectrin
220 Phospho-Thr75-DARPP-32 facilitates beta-adducin Ser713 phosphorylation through inhibition of a c
223 e possibility of an extended contact between adducin, spectrin, and actin involving several actin sub
224 embrane skeletal elements including ankyrin, adducin, spectrin, and the junctional complex of the ske
225 e fragmentation, we conclude that the band 3-adducin-spectrin bridge is important to membrane stabili
226 demonstrate the existence of a novel band 3-adducin-spectrin bridge that connects the spectrin/actin
228 he present study were to (1) determine which adducin subunit gene demonstrates altered expression in
230 ed domain, present in alpha, beta, and gamma adducin subunits, binds calmodulin and contains the majo
235 l that mobilities of individual ankyrin- and adducin-tethered band 3 molecules are heterogeneous, var
236 ls expressed the alpha and gamma isoforms of adducin that positively regulated each others protein le
237 in (ApADD), the Aplysia homolog of mammalian adducins that are regulatory components of the membrane
238 y virtue of its interaction with ankyrin and adducin, the anion transporter, band 3 (AE1), contribute
239 otein kinase (PK) C substrate domain of beta-adducin through activation of either PKC alpha or beta.
240 to regulate tyrosine phosphorylation of beta-adducin through the PTN/receptor protein tyrosine phosph
241 nsmembrane protein that binds to dematin and adducin, thus providing a rationale for the attachment o
243 he half-maximal concentration for binding of adducin to gelsolin-sensitive sites at filament ends was
246 uretic use would be lower in carriers of the adducin variant than in carriers of the adducin wild-typ
250 A hypertension-linked decrease of gamma-adducin was confirmed by demonstrating a decrease in gam
251 tein complex of alpha2-Na/K ATPase and alpha-adducin was enriched in astrocytes expressing mutant sup
252 in kinase C substrate-related domain of beta-adducin was identified as the dominant Ca2+-dependent ca
256 bol 12-myristate 13-acetate, alpha and gamma adducins were phosphorylated by protein kinase C (PKC) a
257 protein in striatal neurons, interacts with adducins, which are cytoskeletal proteins that cap actin
258 with the cytoskeletal proteins spectrin and adducin whose altered disposition in IP6K3 knock-out mic
262 The association of stoichiometric amounts of adducin with the short erythrocyte actin filaments in th
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