


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ned columnar and persisted into adulthood as adenosis.
2 eltaNp63 in vaginal epithelium and developed adenosis.
3 nregulation of RUNX1 is the cause of vaginal adenosis.
4 tected in 22% of normal TDLUs (6/27), 17% of adenosis (4/23), 19% of hyperplasia (4/21), and 53% of a
5 hyperplasia, apocrine metaplasia, sclerosing adenosis, and morphologically normal terminal duct lobul
6  We reported on two patients with sclerosing adenosis assessed with mammography, ultrasound, and cont
7      Here we report that DES induces vaginal adenosis by inhibiting the BMP4/Activin A-regulated vagi
8       Malignancy can be seen with sclerosing adenosis; core biopsy was accurate in six (86%) of seven
9  the National Cooperative Diethylstilbestrol Adenosis (DESAD) Project, a US study begun in 1975 to ex
10                                   Sclerosing adenosis does not have distinctive radiological features
11 ies of specimens from reduction mammoplasty, adenosis, ductal carcinoma in situ, and infiltrating duc
12 ol (DES) in utero frequently develop vaginal adenosis, from which clear cell adenocarcinoma can arise
13 ional deletion of Runx1 in the MDECs induced adenosis in the cranial portion of vagina, which mimicke
14                                   Sclerosing adenosis is a benign, usually asymptomatic lobulocentric
15                                   Sclerosing adenosis is an acceptable result at core biopsy of circu
16 e fornix of the vagina, where DES-associated adenosis is frequently found.
17 strated extensive areas of papillary growth, adenosis-like areas, prominent host inflammatory infiltr
18                                   Sclerosing adenosis proved to be a minor component at core biopsy f
19 sions (60%) comprised papillomas, sclerosing adenosis, radial scar, fibroadenoma, and areas of atypic
20 cular pathogenesis of DES-associated vaginal adenosis remains elusive.
21 udy (National Cooperative Diethylstilbestrol Adenosis Study and Dieckmann cohorts) provided data on d
22 elop abnormalities, including cervicovaginal adenosis that can lead to cancer.
23                                   Sclerosing adenosis was a major (> or =50%) component for 44 lesion
24 66 percutaneous biopsies in which sclerosing adenosis was reported, 88 (7.5%) lesions were identified
25 ons without atypia or malignancy, sclerosing adenosis was the major finding at core biopsy (21 lesion

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