


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e surrounding the MIDAS (metal ion-dependent adhesion site).
2 e and close to the beta3 metal ion-dependent adhesion site.
3 cture at the apex that likely represents the adhesion site.
4 erface that includes the metal ion-dependent adhesion site.
5 omes are preferentially deposited at the new adhesion site.
6 nge protein diffusion in the membrane to the adhesion site.
7 ding, edge retraction, and initiation of new adhesion sites.
8 results in morphologically defective nascent adhesion sites.
9 a protein that enhances Src effectiveness at adhesion sites.
10 lined by actin bundles form between adjacent adhesion sites.
11  of paxillin, vinculin and actin at cell-ECM adhesion sites.
12 ed to describe force regulation by dynamical adhesion sites.
13 pendent pathway that is activated locally at adhesion sites.
14 sitive regulator of Src activity at integrin adhesion sites.
15  found to be an important component of focal adhesion sites.
16 cruitment of KLEIP as well as F-actin to the adhesion sites.
17 osphotyrosine signaling at integrin-mediated adhesion sites.
18 ytoskeletal organization and increased focal adhesion sites.
19  by VEGF and found to be important for focal adhesion sites.
20 nor tensin localize to fibrillar cell-matrix adhesion sites.
21 age of polysaccharides and putative RGD cell adhesion sites.
22 rtments, including the nucleus and cell-cell adhesion sites.
23 ant roles at cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) adhesion sites.
24 y, 12(S)-HETE causes the loss of growth cone adhesion sites.
25 ity to shuttle between the nucleus and focal adhesion sites.
26  was restricted to GSK3beta present at focal adhesion sites.
27 skeletal organization and phosphorylation at adhesion sites.
28 a random, non-oriented distribution of focal adhesion sites.
29  cone, the actin cytoskeleton and substratum adhesion sites.
30 pends on the appropriate spacing of integrin adhesion sites.
31 ssembly of the vimentin cytoskeleton at cell adhesion sites.
32 ained a reduced amount of phosphotyrosine at adhesion sites.
33 tion of both vinculin and phosphotyrosine at adhesion sites.
34 rophil rolling by competing for the selectin-adhesion sites.
35 relate with an altered organization of focal adhesion sites.
36 timately exhibit differential trafficking to adhesion sites.
37 omyosin-dependent tension across VE-cadherin adhesion sites.
38 reover, they have abnormally arranged matrix adhesion sites.
39 ultiple cellular forces may be integrated at adhesion sites.
40 cytosol as multi-protein building blocks for adhesion sites.
41 f these two closely related kinases in focal adhesion sites.
42 onto plastic substrates containing selective adhesion sites.
43 nocytes via profound effects on their matrix adhesion sites.
44 g neurites by maintaining their structure at adhesion sites.
45 n between the cell and the substrate through adhesion sites.
46  a high turnover of actin polymerization and adhesion sites.
47 eads to actin filament assembly near nascent adhesion sites.
48 t with ICAM-1 and are recruited to leukocyte adhesion sites.
49 ion, maturation, and turnover of matrix-cell adhesion sites.
50 oss-linker and may act as a mechanosensor in adhesion sites.
51 integrin-linked kinase were not recruited to adhesion sites.
52 re concave cell edges were anchored to FN by adhesion sites.
53 ng clathrin adaptors and dynamin 2, to focal adhesion sites.
54 apidly, and correctly as diverse cell-matrix adhesion sites?
55 th fixed area is not possible for stationary adhesion sites, according to elasticity theory.
56 tance of the adjacent to metal ion-dependent adhesion site (ADMIDAS) in integrin activation by Mn(2+)
57 S), site adjacent to the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (ADMIDAS), and ligand-induced metal-bindin
58 bound to the adjacent to metal ion-dependent adhesion site (ADMIDAS), at the locus of shape shifting,
59 ain known as adjacent to metal ion-dependent adhesion site (ADMIDAS).
60          LMO7 was assembled at the cell-cell adhesion sites after both the nectin-afadin and E-cadher
61 ated morphology with stress fibers and focal adhesion sites aligned parallel to the lines.
62 reatest staining intensity being observed at adhesion sites along the cell periphery.
63 domain and activates its metal ion-dependent adhesion site, analogously to activation of the integrin
64  occur that activate the metal ion-dependent adhesion site and partially stabilize the complex.
65  the conformation of the metal ion-dependent adhesion site and the position of the alpha7 helix of th
66 tracellular matrix regulate local tension at adhesion sites and activate local tyrosine phosphorylati
67 trix, FAK is being translocated toward focal adhesion sites and activated.
68 acellular environment through integrin-based adhesion sites and adapt to the extracellular milieu in
69 omponents and their dynamic exchange between adhesion sites and cytosol.
70 dulates microfilament attachment at muscular adhesion sites and furthers our understanding of MV-medi
71 d their substrate relies on the formation of adhesion sites and on the stabilization of contractile a
72 ment of endogenous ILK and PINCH to integrin adhesion sites and prevented their association of ILK wi
73  has been associated to the shielding of its adhesion sites and proteolytic cleavage.
74 with FAK may signal the destruction of focal adhesion sites and regulate the onset of apoptosis.
75 ymerization at upstream alpha4beta1 integrin adhesion sites and the adjacent cortical cytoskeleton.
76 yr(747) and Tyr(759) of beta(3) in the focal adhesion sites and the leading edge of spreading platele
77 s between their extracellular ligand binding adhesion sites and their cytoplasmic domains, which link
78 ith loss of pp125FAK and paxillin from focal adhesion sites and their redistribution into the charact
79  "sticky fingers" mechanism to probe for new adhesion sites and to direct migration.
80  prevented the translocation of FAK to focal adhesion sites and tyrosine phosphorylation of FAK and p
81 ch other with plenty of water present at the adhesion sites) and k = 7 (one peptide chain pulled out
82  that the RGD at alpha572-574 is the primary adhesion site, and that the gamma chain site plays no si
83 ce chemistry to provide spatial control over adhesion sites, and elastic deformations of a supporting
84 process are membrane blebbing, loss of focal adhesion sites, and retraction from the matrix followed
85 localizes to cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) adhesion sites, and this process requires binding to vin
86 grins upregulates traction forces at cell-FN adhesion sites, and thus provide additional insight into
87 serves as a FAK repressor to stabilize focal adhesion sites, and when LKB1 function is compromised, a
88        Microtubules regulate the turnover of adhesion sites, and, in turn, focal adhesions promote th
89 ng partners and the localization of SAP97 at adhesion sites, as well as the clustering of ion channel
90 amily kinases have distinct functions during adhesion site assembly, and that RPTPalpha is an early c
91 connections and no role in stretch-dependent adhesion site assembly.
92           The waves originate from one major adhesion site at leading end of the cell body, which is
93 e face known to bear the metal ion-dependent adhesion site, at the opposite end of the alphaI domain
94  in concert to shift the metal-ion-dependent adhesion site between the resting and active states.
95                     Synapses are specialized adhesion sites between neurons that are connected by pro
96 ia may involve the formation of the membrane adhesion sites between the inner and the outer membranes
97 membrane tension serving as a measure of the adhesion sites between the plasma membrane and the F-act
98 ordination of a receptor metal ion-dependent adhesion site-bound metal ion is governed by the seconda
99 M domain abolished targeting of p62 to focal-adhesion sites but did not interfere with binding of p62
100 orrelate with growth cone advance toward the adhesion site, but the amount of microneedle deflection
101  followed by adjacent to metal ion-dependent adhesion site Ca(2+), alpha1 helix, alpha1' helix, beta6
102 cell with the extracellular matrix relies on adhesion sites, clusters of membrane-associated proteins
103 ytoskeletal organization and increased focal adhesion sites compared with control cells or cells trea
104 elated time lapse-electron microscopy, these adhesion sites contained a focal ring (an oblate, donut-
105  with extracellular matrix proteins at focal adhesions sites contributes to the integrity of vascular
106 etween VLA-4 on the T lymphocytes and the FN adhesion site CS-1.
107 ention through decreasing attachment rate or adhesion site density in the lung by 50% could increase
108 ractions are Mg(2+)- and metal ion-dependent adhesion site-dependent.
109 e stiffness, and that the stress measured at adhesion sites depends on substrate rigidity.
110 pt it lacks a functional metal ion-dependent adhesion site domain and is expressed without an alpha-c
111  targeting mechanism for properly localizing adhesion sites during cell motility.
112 nd alpha-parvin may be recruited to membrane adhesion sites during contractile stimulation of trachea
113 ty, yet the effects of axon guidance cues on adhesion site dynamics are poorly understood.
114           This shows for the first time that adhesion site dynamics are regulated during adhesion for
115                              In correlation, adhesion site dynamics, measured by fluorescence recover
116 ed with alpha-actinin assembly and decreased adhesion site dynamics.
117 aterial and impacting actin organization and adhesion site dynamics.
118                                          The adhesion site effect seems partially independent of the
119 both Calpain 2 and p42ERK/MAPK to peripheral adhesion sites facilitating maximal Calpain activity.
120 vinculin-containing, actin-terminating focal adhesion sites (FAS) per cell.
121 gl-Glt complex) localizes to so-called focal adhesion sites (FASs) that form stationary contact point
122 ins regulate hard tissue growth by acting as adhesion sites for cells, by triggering cell signaling p
123                          In this report, the adhesion sites for human dermal fibroblasts on fibrinoge
124 for the normal development of cells, and are adhesion sites for various infectious agents.
125                              We show that as adhesion sites form between fusion cells, myosin and mic
126 tegrin-cytoskeleton connections and initiate adhesion site formation.
127 rotein were acutely directed to F-actin-rich adhesion sites from the adipocyte cytoplasm in response
128 ytoskeletal rearrangements and detachment of adhesion sites from the extracellular matrix, via mostly
129 h local actin assembly forces buffer nascent adhesion sites from the mechanical effects of retrograde
130                                      Nascent adhesion sites have been shown to regulate these forces
131 d bind a Mg(2+) ion at a metal ion-dependent adhesion site implicated in ligand binding.
132 auxiliary residue at the metal ion-dependent adhesion site in alpha(4)beta(7) is essential for bindin
133  an essential signaling node at newly formed adhesion sites in a talin-independent manner.
134 rin and the Src family kinase p53/56(lyn) to adhesion sites in bone marrow-derived macrophages.
135 dherin and beta-catenin localization to cell adhesion sites in both cell culture and in the intact em
136  targeting of the ILK-PINCH complex to focal adhesion sites in fibroblasts during cell adhesion.
137  mechano-responsive properties of N-cadherin adhesion sites in isolated VSMCs.
138 "point contacts," which are the primary cell adhesion sites in neuronal cells.
139 ronectin-coated beads and early formation of adhesion sites in response to force, even though Src fam
140 to PAT-4 and normal localization to integrin adhesion sites in vivo.
141 r maintaining the composition of cell-matrix adhesion sites; in the absence of fibronectin and fibron
142 lize with actin on stress fibers and at cell-adhesion sites, including neuronal synapses.
143                                     At these adhesion sites, integrins connect the extracellular matr
144 gen and also other tetraspanins to cell-cell adhesion sites, interferes with HIV-1 but not with influ
145 ent of the I-like domain metal ion-dependent adhesion site into a high affinity conformation.
146 , demonstrating that the metal ion-dependent adhesion site is directly coordinated by CMG2 and PA in
147 -1 ligand, ICAM-1 to the metal ion-dependent adhesion site is regulated by the I domain allosteric si
148  of VASP with activated vinculin at membrane adhesion sites is a necessary prerequisite for VASP-medi
149    We propose that molecular organization of adhesion sites is controlled by at least two mechanisms:
150 utant that is unable to localize to cell-ECM adhesion sites is incapable of exerting these effects.
151        How cells orchestrate the assembly of adhesion sites is only partially understood.
152 asymmetric distribution of these proteins at adhesion sites is reminiscent of invasive podosomes and,
153 n as focal complexes, but not in more static adhesion sites known as focal adhesions.
154  concentrate with beta 1-integrin in dynamic adhesion sites known as focal complexes, but not in more
155 otrusion, the assembly of integrin-dependent adhesion sites known as point contacts remains poorly un
156 h beta1 integrins resulting in loss of focal adhesion sites, ligand-induced focal adhesion kinase (FA
157 site within the putative metal ion-dependent adhesion site-like domain of the Pactolus gene product a
158                            Interestingly, as adhesion sites matured, contractile actin arc structures
159 t adhesion sites, thus a metal ion-dependent adhesion site-mediated adhesion mechanism may be applica
160 on of actin stress fibers, the loss of focal adhesion sites, membrane blebbing, and cell detachment.
161 -exposed residues in the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) (Tyr-157 and Gln-215) significantl
162  between the beta I-like metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) and an intrinsic ligand in the lin
163                      The metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) and the ligand-induced metal-bindi
164 e bivalent cation at the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) by a carboxylic acid function, a c
165 in contains a C-terminal metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) domain that interacts with the N-t
166 ucture homologous to the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) domains of the integrin subunits a
167  Divalent cations at the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) face of the alpha subunit-derived
168 und that mutation of the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) in the alpha(E) A-domain (D190A) a
169                        A metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) in the betaA domain is positioned
170 n hexacoordinated at the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) in the integrin A domain.
171 ction requires an intact metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) in the receptor as well as the pre
172                        A metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) located within this domain of the
173 tes in just one of three metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) loops, suggesting that MIDAS loop
174             The integrin metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) Mg(2+) ion binds the gammaC Asp si
175 borrelial adhesin with a metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) motif that is similar to those obs
176 in contained an integrin metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) motif, but the crystal structure s
177 nding, a function of the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) motif, was assessed by terbium lum
178 D sequence or the betaPS metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) motif.
179 or A (VWA) domain with a metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) motif.
180 ite side relative to the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) motif.
181 smann" fold containing a metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) on its top face.
182 als an exposed potential metal-ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) on one edge of the beta-sandwich t
183 ower" face, opposite the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) on the "upper face".
184 D11b revealed a putative metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) on the top of the structure.
185                        A metal ion dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) present in the integrin-like inser
186 ues localized around the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) was severely perturbed on ICAM-1 b
187                     CMG2 metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) was studied kinetically and thermo
188 esidues may be part of a metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) within the beta subunit homologous
189 through an extracellular metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS), a conserved set of amino acids wi
190 e metal sites termed the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS), site adjacent to the metal ion-de
191 A-domain is known as the metal-ion dependent adhesion site (MIDAS).
192  by interacting with the metal ion dependent adhesion site (MIDAS).
193 ported to be part of the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS).
194 nding referred to as the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS).
195  metal ion is bound by a metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS).
196  a portion of the unique metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS).
197 a divalent cation at the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS).
198 ng a coordination to the metal-ion dependent adhesion site (MIDAS).
199 ues within the conserved metal ion-dependent adhesion site motif impaired the ability of VWA to poten
200  a substitution near the metal ion-dependent adhesion site motif in the alpha2I domain.
201 he domain, including the metal ion-dependent adhesion site motif, defines the collagen recognition si
202 mediated by the I domain metal ion-dependent adhesion site motif, requires Mg(2+) or Mn(2+), is aboli
203 rin I domains containing metal ion-dependent adhesion sites motif mutations that prevent divalent cat
204 ibitors that bind to the metal ion-dependent adhesion site of the beta(2) I-like domain and prevent i
205  Simvastatin targets the metal ion-dependent adhesion site of the open, ligand-binding conformation o
206 ng of receptor and accumulating actin at the adhesion sites of beads to HeLa cells.
207 rmed a ternary complex with ILK at the focal adhesion sites of tubular epithelial cells.
208 ical findings, kindlerin is present at focal adhesions, sites of integrin-rich, membrane-substratum a
209                      The metal ion-dependent adhesion site on the I-domain of LFA-1 alpha(L) subunit
210 ogy and growth with the disassembly of focal adhesion sites, perhaps to organize new integrin complex
211 es are distinct from the metal ion-dependent adhesion site previously demonstrated to be essential fo
212 on microscopy, and fluorescence staining for adhesion site protein expression and actin filament arch
213 e-rich protein kinase C substrate, an 87-kDa adhesion site protein.
214  of the extracellular matrix and cell-matrix adhesion sites provides cells with a means of precisely
215 ions were accompanied by a decrease in focal adhesion sites, reduced actin stress fibers and a collap
216 r localization of UNC-112 to muscle integrin adhesion sites requires PAT-4.
217       Mutations in three metal ion-dependent adhesion site residues that abolish adhesion to collagen
218 e region surrounding the metal ion-dependent adhesion site, resulting in a collagen VI network contai
219 We propose that stress fiber assembly at the adhesion site serves as a structural template that facil
220 ith cortical actin, stress fibers, and focal adhesion sites, sites of potential interaction between m
221 etal adaptor highly enriched in the integrin adhesion sites, strongly interacts with the same region
222 defective farnesylation mislocalizes nascent adhesion sites, suggesting that LKB1 farnesylation serve
223 necting myosin motors with the initiation of adhesion sites, suggesting that the major functions driv
224 y integrin complexes localized at the muscle adhesion sites termed costameres.
225 r matrix (ECM) through integrin receptors at adhesion sites termed point contacts.
226 residues surrounding the metal ion-dependent adhesion site that caused the greatest loss of collagen
227    (IV) At the surface of cells are specific adhesion sites that determine how all cells bind to each
228 constitutes an essential component of muscle adhesion sites that is regulated by RNF-5.
229 discrete plasma membrane foci known as focal adhesions, sites that anchor the intracellular actin cyt
230 l cells, which are co-clustered at fibrillar adhesions, sites that are involved in fibronectin matrix
231 s surrounding the MIDAS (metal ion-dependent adhesion site), the presumed business end of the domain.
232 ly of multiple protein interactions at focal adhesion sites, these proteins activate signaling cascad
233 sses of phosphorylated residues are found at adhesion sites-those induced by adhesion and those const
234 ruit cadherins to the nectin-based cell-cell adhesion sites through their cytoplasm-associated protei
235 residues are part of the metal ion-dependent adhesion sites, thus a metal ion-dependent adhesion site
236  form polarized bundles that connect the new adhesion site to the cells' microtubule-organizing centr
237  spatially regulates integrin endocytosis at adhesion sites to control cell migration.
238         Caveolin and uPAR may operate within adhesion sites to organize kinase-rich lipid domains in
239  protein is able to form tight intercellular adhesion sites under adverse environmental conditions.
240 P2/3-controlled formation of new VE-cadherin adhesion sites via intermittently appearing lamellipodia
241 ombinatorial activation implies that at cell adhesion sites vinculin is a coincidence detector awaiti
242 f this complex from cell-matrix to cell-cell adhesion sites was required for the establishment of con
243 activated ion channels and the detachment of adhesion sites were prerequisites for this retraction.
244 s at cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix adhesion sites, where it is thought to provide a link to
245  for the actin-myosin machinery and discrete adhesion sites which can be in a "gripping" or "slipping
246  attachment to the cell membrane at cellular adhesion sites, which is crucial for processes such as c
247 nction and recruit integrin-linked kinase to adhesion sites, which leads to Merlin degradation, downr
248  and facilitate formation of new VE-cadherin adhesion sites, which quickly move into the junctions, d
249 septal annuli, a discontinuous periplasm and adhesion sites, whilst the cytoplasmic membrane is proba
250    Force-regulation by substrate rigidity of adhesion sites with fixed area is not possible for stati
251 the full hydrodynamic load is applied to the adhesion site within an exceptionally short time-less th
252 c was dependent upon the metal ion-dependent adhesion site within the alpha(E) A domain.
253 lly constrained mimetics of the laminin cell-adhesion site, YIGSR, are described.

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