


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 This system maintains homeostatic control of adipose tissue mass.
2 esity, as reflected by a marked reduction in adipose tissue mass.
3 en specifically linked to increased visceral adipose tissue mass.
4 or normal development and for homeostasis of adipose tissue mass.
5 ulin:glucagon ratio in the serum and reduced adipose tissue mass.
6  produced by adipose tissue in proportion to adipose tissue mass.
7 onance imaging shows a striking reduction in adipose tissue mass.
8 class of genes involved in the regulation of adipose tissue mass.
9 mount of intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal adipose tissue mass.
10 k loop that maintains homeostatic control of adipose tissue mass.
11 ce obese individuals seem to have less brown adipose tissue mass/activity than do their lean counterp
12  and leads to a large, specific reduction of adipose tissue mass after several days.
13 r program responsible for the restoration of adipose tissue mass after weight loss is largely unchara
14                                   Decreasing adipose tissue mass alone will not achieve the metabolic
15 ese mice fed the HFD reduced body weight and adipose tissue mass, ameliorated hepatic steatosis assoc
16     All three mutants showed increased white adipose tissue mass and adipocyte size.
17             Chronic alcohol exposure reduced adipose tissue mass and adipocyte size.
18 ight, mainly because of an increase in white adipose tissue mass and BAT whitening.
19 cose, and FFAs during a euglycemic clamp and adipose tissue mass and distribution, organ fat, and adi
20 one secreted by adipose tissue and regulates adipose tissue mass and energy balance.
21  deletion decreased the size of the visceral adipose tissue mass and enhanced insulin sensitivity in
22 t the Sra1 gene is an important regulator of adipose tissue mass and function.
23 ed insulin secretion, decreased expansion of adipose tissue mass and preservation of insulin sensitiv
24        AdPLA-null mice have markedly reduced adipose tissue mass and triglyceride content but normal
25 1 in fat displayed reduced lipid storage and adipose tissue mass and were resistant to diet-induced o
26          However, changes in overall weight (adipose tissue mass) and hepatic fat were the most impor
27 999A mice exhibited low body weight, reduced adipose tissue mass, and increased lifespan, similar to
28 eptin mRNA levels are highly correlated with adipose tissue mass, and leptin expression can thus be u
29 at mass, total adipose tissue mass, visceral adipose tissue mass, and superficial adipose tissue mass
30  administration to obese mice did not reduce adipose tissue mass, and the compensatory increase in GS
31 ulin receptor knock-out (FIRKO) have reduced adipose tissue mass, are protected against obesity, and
32 atic TG even though they lost nearly as much adipose tissue mass as the C57BL/6J mice.
33 eased body weight, adipocyte size, and white adipose tissue mass, as assessed by magnetic resonance i
34 GHa mice exhibit a twofold increase in white adipose tissue mass, as well as increased levels of seru
35                              The increase of adipose tissue mass associated with obesity is due in pa
36                               An increase in adipose tissue mass can be the result of the production
37 he hypothesis that the posterior left atrial adipose tissue mass contributes to structural and electr
38 d weight gain are characterized by increased adipose tissue mass due to an increase in the size of in
39 o directly contribute to a failure to expand adipose tissue mass during states of excess caloric inta
40    Iron supplemented mice had lower visceral adipose tissue mass estimated by epididymal fat pad, ass
41 isceral adipose tissue mass, and superficial adipose tissue mass (for all interactions, P < 0.05).
42 tin are essential for homeostatic control of adipose tissue mass, glucose metabolism, and many autono
43                Indomethacin had no effect on adipose tissue mass, glucose tolerance, or GSIS when inc
44              Treatment with an FTI increased adipose tissue mass, improved body weight curves, reduce
45 ogenesis and its possible role in regulating adipose tissue mass in adults can now be tested.
46    Consistent with the observed reduction of adipose tissue mass in fld and fld(2J)mice, wild-type Lp
47 a levels of leptin correlate positively with adipose tissue mass in normal humans and animals, recent
48 products result in significant reductions in adipose tissue mass in obese humans in the absence of ca
49  mice consume equal amounts of food, but the adipose tissue mass in the null animals is reduced to ap
50             Furthermore, HDL decreases white adipose tissue mass, increases energy expenditure, and p
51                                              Adipose tissue mass is determined by both the number and
52                                        White adipose tissue mass is governed by competing processes t
53                             We conclude that adipose tissue mass is sensitive to angiogenesis inhibit
54                        Posterior left atrial adipose tissue mass is significantly larger in patients
55           Obesity, defined as an increase in adipose tissue mass, is the most prevalent nutritional d
56                               Enlargement of adipose tissue mass leads to an appropriate downregulati
57 indings describe a further mechanism whereby adipose tissue mass may be modified by TNF-alpha.
58  have been identified, but the modulation of adipose tissue mass may have both advantageous and delet
59 sed abdominal adiposity in males only (white adipose tissue mass (mg): CON 280.5 +/- 13.4 [mean +/- S
60 to be natural bioactive factors effective in adipose tissue mass modulation.
61 dy was to assess whether an increased atrial adipose tissue mass posterior to the left atrium is rela
62                      Decreases in weight and adipose tissue mass predicted improvements in GDR but no
63 rs, which are effective in the inhibition of adipose tissue mass production.
64 targeted knock-out of Nrf2 in mice decreases adipose tissue mass, promotes formation of small adipocy
65 ole-body fat mass was not affected, visceral adipose tissue mass tended to decrease after the interve
66 ese men had substantially (2.5-fold) greater adipose tissue mass than lean control subjects, but the
67 er is a major contributor to the increase in adipose tissue mass that is characteristic of obesity.
68 sia accounts for the severalfold increase in adipose tissue mass that occurs throughout life, yet the
69 ty is characterized by an expansion of white adipose tissue mass that results from an increase in the
70 ted by adipocytes, regulates the size of the adipose tissue mass through effects on satiety and energ
71 responds by adjusting food intake to restore adipose tissue mass to a regulated level.
72             Furthermore, the addition of the adipose tissue mass to the multiple variable analysis si
73 ole body total percentage of fat mass, total adipose tissue mass, visceral adipose tissue mass, and s
74                    The posterior left atrial adipose tissue mass was quantified on computed tomograph
75                                          The adipose tissue mass was significantly larger in patients
76 eptin release by leg tissue, relative to leg adipose tissue mass, was comparable with that reported p
77 tolerance, insulin resistance, and increased adipose tissue mass were observed in animals harboring a
78                         Body weight gain and adipose tissue mass were significantly reduced by soy bu
79 (-/-) animals showed reduced body weight and adipose tissue mass with a significant decrease of the e
80 t Bif-1 deficiency promotes the expansion of adipose tissue mass without altering food intake or phys
81 es in terms of a deficiency versus excess of adipose tissue mass, yet these conditions are accompanie

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