


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ole genome-level evidence of African archaic admixture.
2 entral hub of human migration and population admixture.
3 s between different population groups due to admixture.
4 ric multiple population evolution model with admixture.
5 inference of recent single- or multiple-wave admixture.
6 cal model for population genetics studies on admixture.
7 ican demonstrated a high degree of ancestral admixture.
8  ancient stable African taurine x Asian zebu admixture.
9 djustments for population stratification and admixture.
10  and Egypt-show minimal evidence of European admixture.
11 ancestors left Africa, both before and after admixture.
12 re high levels of population substructure or admixture.
13 ich is robust to population substructure and admixture.
14 ses health risks e.g. from possible methanol admixture.
15 e but instead formed through ancient genetic admixture.
16 erindian genes in spite of known contact and admixture.
17  their genomes from ancient African-Eurasian admixtures.
18 affected by post-colonial translocations and admixtures.
19 let excited state (3)LC with small (1,3)MLCT admixtures.
20 inference of histories of complex population admixtures.
21  19.3 +/- 2.7 cm H2O; p < 0.001), and venous admixture (0.05 +/- 0.01 vs 0.22 +/- 0.03, p < 0.001) an
22 onally distinct hunter-gatherer and Eurasian admixture across sub-Saharan Africa.
23 t, correlates and predicts levels of genetic admixture among European early farmers.
24 tured in North America with some evidence of admixture among sampling locales.
25                                              Admixture analyses showed that HR weeds tend to possess
26                                  Genome-wide admixture analysis and candidate SNP study involving 3 p
27                                              ADMIXTURE analysis revealed that the optimum number of m
28                      Clustering results from ADMIXTURE analysis was validated using the assumption-fr
29 ing; and (ii) model-based maximum likelihood admixture analysis.
30              After adjustment for population admixture and clinical risk for LTBI, each rs12297124 mi
31 t is the result of complex events of genetic admixture and cultural contact between early inhabitants
32 ents in southern African populations reveals admixture and cultural reversion involving several Khoes
33                                              Admixture and demographic growth happened recently, sugg
34 using a mixed-model method that accounts for admixture and family relationships.
35   The analysis suggests a complex history of admixture and identifies signals of repeated evolutionar
36 the cohort, and exhibits diversity in clonal admixture and in dynamics of evolution, which may impact
37 ifferentiation of early modern humans, human admixture and migration events, and relationships among
38 endants of such slaves, yet their history of admixture and natural selection remains largely undefine
39  for phylogenetic conflict caused by ancient admixture and sex-biased differences in genomic transmis
40 , as it exposes phenomena such as ecoclines, admixture and stratification.
41 r it, several model-based algorithms such as ADMIXTURE and STRUCTURE have been proposed.
42 luenced the recent history of wolves through admixture and vice versa, potentially enhancing adaptati
43    In particular, the history of migrations, admixture and/or isolation of populations speaking Tibet
44  long- and short-distance gene flow, archaic admixture, and changes in effective population size thro
45             We find widespread interspecific admixture, and detect the genetic signature of past cass
46 cients (KCs) robust to population structure, admixture, and Hardy-Weinberg departures.
47 n other studies with multiple ethnic groups, admixture, and relatedness.
48 tely control for population substructure and admixture, and spurious associations can occur.
49 arios of dog domestication are confounded by admixture, and studies that do not take admixture into a
50  are robust to population stratification and admixture, and therefore provide an effective approach t
51 p < 0.01) and the smallest amount of stromal admixture (ANOVA p < 2.2e-16).
52 ture of the crown barbs, resulting from past admixture appears to have rendered a duller structural c
53                  These levels of Neanderthal admixture are consistent with an early divergence of Ara
54 kely involving multiple pulses of Neandertal admixture, are required to explain the data.
55 rence which is preferable in cases of recent admixture as the genome level tends to be too coarse to
56 e continuous nature of the produced in-house admixtures as data series instead of discrete points.
57 tion more than 60% resulted in lowest venous admixture, as well as peak and mean airway and transpulm
58 ngoing migration that may facilitate genetic admixture at the border areas between two groups.
59 e-wide association studies, and whole-genome admixture-based approaches that account for ancestral ge
60 llage, of origin, underscores the promise of admixture-based methods for biogeography and has ramific
61 armer genomic ancestry, and that substantial admixture began only within the last 1,000 years.
62 ce from the western Asian fossil record, and admixture between AMHs and Neanderthals predating the ma
63 umbian Exchange entailed substantial genetic admixture between ancestral source populations from Afri
64 provides a flexible framework for simulating admixture between any number of ancestral populations.
65                           We found extensive admixture between dogs and wolves, with up to 25% of Eur
66 haic hominins has revealed a rich history of admixture between early modern humans, Neanderthals, and
67                                              Admixture between groups with different ancestry profile
68 enomes for each, demonstrating an absence of admixture between lineages and that populations over ext
69  and adaptations that may be fuelled through admixture between long separated lineages.
70 niche and geography, also bear signatures of admixture between major populations in events independen
71                         Thus, the history of admixture between modern humans and Neandertals is most
72 ntinuous migration, discrete divergence, and admixture between multiple populations.
73 ine the scope of plausible models of archaic admixture between Neandertals and anatomically modern hu
74                                              Admixture between racial/ethnic groups creates long-rang
75 en speculated that there has been historical admixture between the Norse Vikings who lived in Greenla
76 data to study range-wide patterns of genetic admixture between the serpentine-soil specialist leather
77 eir current area of sympatry, and widespread admixture between the two lineages of Q. chrysolepis in
78 ame areas and same hosts without evidence of admixture between them.
79 The results were consistent with episodes of admixture between two of the North Pacific ecotypes and
80 ed widely irrespective of ancestry, although admixtures between populations was not always symmetric,
81                    In addition, we uncovered admixtures between Siberians and Eastern European hunter
82 ints to cultural exchange, and thus possible admixture, between hunter-gatherers and farmers.
83 n of Polynesian ancestry with later European admixture, but also a contribution from Native Americans
84 t wavefunction control uses a two-eigenstate admixture, but more control over the spatial distributio
85 f which appear to be derived from Neandertal admixture, but these were not associated with divergent
86 ped a method, iMAAPs, to infer multiple-wave admixture by fitting ALD using a p-spectrum.
87  a heterogeneous mixture of cells, including admixture by normal (non-cancerous) cells and subpopulat
88 admixed Africans and found that the Eurasian admixture can bias inferences on their coalescent histor
89 ectly, although sample sizes and times since admixture can influence the results.
90 roach permitted rapid evaluation of over 400 admixture combinations for the oxidative methyl esterifi
91 enous Arabs had higher levels of Neanderthal admixture compared to Africans but had lower levels than
92 nmental constraints, human selection, genome admixture constrains) have shaped the genome of EASZ.
93 from Medellin show a wide range of three-way admixture contributions from ancestral source population
94                     Further, African genetic admixture correlates with an index tabulating idiolectal
95 ound statistical support for Native American admixture dating to AD 1280-1495 and European admixture
96 dmixture dating to AD 1280-1495 and European admixture dating to AD 1850-1895.
97      A multi-agent chemotherapeutic ablation admixture did not appear to significantly improve rates
98 n in genetic diversity and extensive genetic admixture distinguish cultivated chickpea from its wild
99 en authentic durum wheat and its adulterated admixture down to 3% adulteration level, which is the ma
100 ple, orange and grapefruit juices, and their admixtures down to 1% adulteration level.
101 pulations, we find no evidence of sex-biased admixture during the migration that spread farming acros
102 oral dynamics of population interactions and admixture during the Neolithic period.
103 e origins of the enslaved Africans and their admixture dynamics remain unclear.
104                          Many generations of admixture enables high-resolution mapping of loci contri
105  show that the Makranis are the result of an admixture event between local Baluch tribes and Bantu-sp
106 vidence supporting a previously hypothesized admixture event between the Inuit in East Greenland and
107  in Africa, which involves at least a single admixture event from an unknown archaic population into
108 lagasy populations are derived from the same admixture event involving Austronesian and Bantu sources
109                          We date this latter admixture event to approximately 900-1,800 y ago and sho
110 power of all the loci to accurately identify admixture events and discriminate the different hybrid c
111 r results indicate that because of ancestral admixture events and incomplete lineage sorting, a singl
112  from Anatolian farmers, suggesting multiple admixture events between hunter-gatherers and farmers.
113 ure analysis identified surprisingly few DNA admixture events between species.
114 n-day Anatolians carry signatures of several admixture events from different populations that have di
115  bottleneck but before the major Neanderthal admixture events in Europe and other regions of Eurasia.
116 , we detect different dates for the European admixture events in the African-Colombian (1749 CE; conf
117 eographic boundaries and present evidence of admixture events into Ireland.
118                       We additionally detect admixture events that provide evidence of Norse-Viking g
119 ng ecotypes could also result from ancestral admixture events we reconstructed the relationship among
120 enomes are the product of a range of complex admixture events.
121 en shaped by multiple waves of migratory and admixture events.
122                              Regions showing admixture evidence were followed-up with family-based as
123                            We also show that admixture from aus and indica is more recent than gene f
124  residing in northwestern China with genetic admixture from Europeans and East Asians.
125 st in estimating histories of divergence and admixture from genomic data, it has proved difficult to
126 t has proved difficult to distinguish recent admixture from long-term structure in the ancestral popu
127  compare the relative support for a model of admixture from Neandertals into Eurasian populations aft
128 an migrants who received a limited amount of admixture from resident hunter-gatherers.
129 ns, who have witnessed a more recent wave of admixture from the Near East.
130 ed the relationship among the ecotypes as an admixture graph and estimated f4-statistics using TreeMi
131 pulation stratification is dependent on when admixture happened and thus can occur at various levels.
132 est that Cape Verdean genetic and linguistic admixture have followed parallel evolutionary trajectori
133 erican ancestry as a result of their complex admixture histories.
134 the results of a systematic survey of recent admixture history across Western Eurasia and show that a
135  this to produce an atlas of worldwide human admixture history, constructed by using genetic data alo
136 s time, as well: first, signs of South Asian admixture in Aboriginal Australian genomes have been rep
137 nstrate increased power to detect sex-biased admixture in African-American individuals from the 1000
138                                              Admixture in all regions except North Western Europe inv
139 rican origin of Kriolu, we find that genetic admixture in Cape Verde varies on an axis separating Ibe
140        We detected substantial diversity and admixture in continental and subregional populations, co
141 ast/South Asian date palms, with evidence of admixture in cultivars from Egypt and Sudan.
142 ve selection in contrasting environments and admixture in ephemeral hybrid zones.
143 OAL; n = 306) and the Genes-environments and Admixture in Latino Americans (GALA II) study (n = 573).
144 n 3334 Latinos from the Genes-environments & Admixture in Latino Americans (GALA II) study.
145 populations (BREATHE, Genes-Environments and Admixture in Latino Americans II, PACMAN, the Paediatric
146 yptians, who received additional sub-Saharan admixture in more recent times.
147 of the demographic history of migrations and admixture in Northern Eurasia.
148 vealed that the species showed slightly more admixture in parapatric populations than in allopatric p
149 eported genetic evidence for Native American admixture in present-day indigenous inhabitants of Rapa
150 rom ancient human remains, we also highlight admixture in the ancestors of Iranian Zoroastrians dated
151 ying a more recent average date of Denisovan admixture in the history of these populations (p = 0.000
152     Finally, we showed that possible lineage admixture in the introduced range can confound allocatio
153 ighland groups and a lack of non-New Guinean admixture in the latter.
154 implemented for models both with and without admixture in the software MavericK1.0.
155  population of two sub-populations plus some admixtures in the 672 accessions.
156 including two (GC3 and GC5) with significant admixture, in an updated database of 578 STs.
157 econd, we tested the hypothesis that genetic admixture increases with different sources of environmen
158 isturbance hypothesis, we found that genetic admixture increases with wildfire frequency, but we did
159                          Evidence of nuclear admixture indicated strong male-mediated gene flow among
160           Our results establish that archaic admixture influences disease risk in modern humans, prov
161 e genotypes without requiring a higher-level admixture interpretation.
162 d by admixture, and studies that do not take admixture into account with specific demographic models
163    The proportion of hunter-gatherer-related admixture into early farmers also increased over the cou
164 5600 and 300 bc, which allows us to identify admixture into the steppe from at least two external sou
165 w the human brain is shaped by migration and admixture is a critical step in studying human evolution
166 history across Western Eurasia and show that admixture is a universal property across almost all grou
167 e deer in continental Asia, although genetic admixture is evident in some border areas.
168 Americans, respectively, and global European admixture is negatively correlated with SHR in African A
169 ative ranges and, at least in our case, that admixture is not a main driver of invasion.
170 ulation LD tends to confound the analysis of admixture LD, the earliest algorithms for MALD required
171 mportant challenge with methods based on the admixture linkage disequilibrium (ALD) is to remove the
172                                   Mapping by admixture linkage disequilibrium (MALD) is a whole genom
173                              Association and admixture loci were mapped for 1088 patients with Crohn'
174                            We also performed admixture mapping across the genome by testing for an as
175                  The present study conducted admixture mapping analysis for total cholesterol, high-d
176                                              Admixture mapping analysis of 12,212 Hispanic Community
177                                          The admixture mapping and family-based association analyses
178                                              Admixture mapping and genome-wide association are comple
179                     Our results suggest that admixture mapping can be a useful hypothesis-generating
180 in African Americans and European Americans, admixture mapping is a useful approach to identify loci
181 erefore expand the range of studies in which admixture mapping is a viable tool.
182 d 8 mixed-race children participating in the Admixture Mapping of Ethnic and Racial Insulin Complex O
183                                              Admixture mapping of lipids was followed-up by family-ba
184 erformed a genome-wide association study and admixture mapping of total IgE levels in 3334 Latinos fr
185      However, hybridization also facilitates admixture mapping of traits that distinguish each specie
186                         We next identified 4 admixture mapping peaks (6p21.32-p22.1, 13p22-31, 14q23.
187                                    Follow-up admixture mapping revealed that African ancestry in a 12
188                                          The admixture mapping signal identified on chromosome 2, spa
189 lysis, rs116907128 accounted for most of the admixture mapping signal observed in the region.
190     We performed genome-wide association and admixture mapping to identify asthma-associated loci.
191                                   We applied admixture mapping to the African American cohort of the
192                                              Admixture mapping was performed in a meta-analysis of bl
193 nitiatives and new analytic methods, such as admixture mapping, are currently being used to address t
194  risk of AF were identified with genome-wide admixture mapping, suggesting that additional genetic or
195 ther populations, suggesting a rationale for admixture mapping.
196                     We conducted genome-wide admixture-mapping and association studies for serum iron
197 ized weighted LD statistic under the two-way admixture model and proposed a polynomial spectrum (p-sp
198 s the well-known Pritchard-Stephens-Donnelly admixture model as a special case.
199   Using PPCs, we evaluate the quality of the admixture model fit to four qualitatively different popu
200                         We use a mechanistic admixture model to compare the sex-specifically-inherite
201                                              Admixture models are a ubiquitous approach to capture la
202       Here we develop methods for validating admixture models based on posterior predictive checks (P
203 ated the performance of iMAAPs under various admixture models in simulated data and applied iMAAPs to
204        Despite the widespread application of admixture models, little thought has been devoted to the
205                     These modifications make ADMIXTURE more efficient and versatile, allowing users t
206  has contributed to low levels of Amerindian admixture observed in European Americans and that this p
207 f Si:P orbitals using multiple orbital state admixtures, observing beat patterns produced by Zeeman s
208  linkage-disequilibrium decay patterns, that admixture occurred 6,600-3,550 years ago, coinciding wit
209 of archaic sequences to show that Neandertal admixture occurred multiple times in different non-Afric
210 l adenocarcinoma in humans, the reflux of an admixture of acid and bile must be controlled before the
211                              Furthermore, an admixture of an extra virgin olive oil with a low amount
212         Despite extensive human movement and admixture of barley landraces since domestication, indiv
213 ation, coincident with an increased relative admixture of charge-transfer configurations in the descr
214 al corneal epithelium (CK3(+)/12(+)) without admixture of conjunctiva cells (Muc5AC(-)/CK19(-)) and r
215 at the Uyghur population exhibited a genetic admixture of Eastern Asian and European populations, and
216 equency spectrum determines AJ to be an even admixture of European and likely Middle Eastern origins.
217               Hispanic/Latino genomes are an admixture of European, African, and Amerindian ancestrie
218     Latin American populations stem from the admixture of Europeans, Africans and Native Americans, w
219                                       Direct admixture of even small amounts of Miller-Urey mixture s
220 s in the rat so also in humans, reflux of an admixture of gastric acid and duodenal juice in a high-p
221                      Esophageal reflux of an admixture of gastric acid and duodenal juice induces Bar
222 of major parts of the stomach and changes in admixture of gastro-pancreatic enzymes, which could have
223  putative horizontal gene transfers from the admixture of genes from autonomously replicating bacteri
224               The population is formed by an admixture of native Brazilians, Europeans, and Africans;
225 sts in both groups were then infused with an admixture of paclitaxel and gemcitabine.
226     Transferred patients represent a complex admixture of patient characteristics that result in high
227 test the hypothesis that the Native American admixture of the current Rapa Nui population predates th
228 resent-day Iranians and we estimate that the admixture of the Parsis with Indian populations occurred
229  CD spectra at predetermined times following admixture of the protein and DNA.
230 ybrid-speciation event involving the genetic admixture of the snow-capped (Lepidothrix nattereri) and
231 ence of two glacial refugia and post-glacial admixture of them followed by simultaneous dispersal thr
232 the golden-crowned manakin is genetically an admixture of these species and does not represent a hybr
233            This leads to a well-controllable admixture of various matter components in three hybrid p
234 ear and are lower than fallout indicating an admixture of weapons-grade material, while the (242)Pu/(
235            Sequence recovery was precise and admixtures of as low as 1% could be identified, dependin
236 w altering extracellular fluid tonicity with admixtures of clinical IVFs affects sRBC biomechanical p
237 y the screening of simple binary and ternary admixtures of Pd/charcoal in combination with one or two
238 ch as Neandertals, yet the influence of this admixture on human traits is largely unknown.
239 iaspora and illustrates the impact of recent admixture on the diffusion of adaptive traits across hum
240         To infer the histories of population admixture, one important challenge with methods based on
241  RV-GDT to adequately control for population admixture or substructure and analyze pedigrees with mis
242  are robust to confounding due to population admixture or substructure.
243  but little is known about genomic levels of admixture, or about the adaptive significance of introgr
244 rom bovine ancestors after nearly continuous admixture over at least the last 1,500 years.
245                                  Significant admixture (P < 3.9 x 10(-4)) was observed for 17q12-17q2
246 genetic variation, and the downstream use of admixture parameters to correct for population structure
247 rthermore, we find evidence for sex-specific admixture patterns, resulting from predominantly Europea
248 erstood, and variability of these controlled admixtures plays a central role in the inheritance and o
249 e-wide SNP dataset together with analysis of admixture, population structure, and coalescent modeling
250                                          The ADMIXTURE program is commonly used to infer individual a
251                                      Genetic admixture propels invasions of Callosobruchus maculatus
252 titative traits, adjusting for age, sex, and admixture proportions (Discovery).
253 problem has focused on estimating a model of admixture proportions of ancestral populations for each
254 rate that our method can be used to estimate admixture proportions using pooled sequence data making
255  a maximum likelihood estimate of the global admixture proportions using the BFGS optimization algori
256 hical patterns of variations and genome-wide admixture proportions within and among breeds.
257 2-fold deep coverage) shows that continental admixture rather than local post-Columbian history is th
258 dicting the broadly accepted hypothesis that admixture results from solely anthropogenic habitat chan
259 resent study, we demonstrate the utility of "admixture screening" for the discovery of new multicompo
260 astrians dated to 570 BCE-746 CE, older than admixture seen in any other sampled Iranian group, consi
261  Finally, we searched for signatures of post-admixture selection at traits evolving under positive se
262             Overall our results suggest that admixture shaped olive germplasm and perhaps also local
263  profiles of West Eurasians before and after admixture show that population movements within the last
264 ulated and recorded fingerprints for various admixtures showed that PTR-MS VOCs analysis, in combinat
265 resent genomic diversity, independent of the admixture, showing that a few centuries is sufficient to
266  replicated a previously reported AA-DHS CAC admixture signal (rs7492028, LOD score 2.8).
267          We describe two improvements to the ADMIXTURE software.
268 e, driven by MAML3 and CSDE1, and a cortical admixture subtype.
269 nd French Canadians; groups with continental admixture such as Puerto Ricans; settlers such as the Am
270 ithin Northern, Western, and Central Europe, admixture tended to occur between local groups during th
271  India/Myanmar, having experienced extensive admixture that reshuffled the ancestral Tibeto-Burman ge
272 nfluences are distinct from the early farmer admixture that transformed the genetic landscape of cent
273 : the Lapita-Asian connection, the degree of admixture, the Lapita-Polynesian connection, and the que
274 have pointed to several instances of archaic admixture through interbreeding between the ancestors of
275                                              Admixture thus appears to have been widespread during ho
276                        This mode also allows ADMIXTURE to correctly estimate individual ancestry and
277               The second modification allows ADMIXTURE to correctly handle X-chromosome (and other ha
278 he contribution of the 163 loci and European admixture to IBD risk in AAs is unclear.
279                            We leveraged this admixture to identify associations between urine albumin
280 00 Genomes Project, we show that this allows ADMIXTURE to infer ancestry for 10,920 individuals in a
281                            The first enables ADMIXTURE to infer ancestry for a new set of individuals
282   These well-known excipients can be used as admixtures to treat NPC1 disorder.
283  ancestry across the island reveals that the admixture was sex biased and happened heterogeneously ac
284 studies with population structure, including admixture, we demonstrate that PC-Relate provides accura
285 m these populations show patterns of genetic admixture with a nearby non-threatened sister species (S
286 ar genetic differentiation and a significant admixture with alleles from East Asian populations in th
287 ution of Neandertal lineages in Europeans by admixture with an unknown ancestral population, are cons
288 n groups except the Basques display distinct admixture with Caucasus/Central Asian and North African
289 t whose ancestors had undergone sex-specific admixture with early farmers with Anatolian ancestry.
290 lthough the indigenous Arabs had a signal of admixture with Europeans, they clustered in a basal, out
291  roles of migration, cultural diffusion, and admixture with local foragers in the early Neolithizatio
292 ptation of Bantu speakers was facilitated by admixture with local populations, particularly for the H
293 an populations provided evidence for Tibetan admixture with low-altitude East Asians and for Sherpa i
294 c signals of natural selection and show that admixture with Neandertals introduced regulatory variant
295 ternatively as migratory events and possible admixture with surrounding populations.
296                    Q2 showed signs of recent admixture with wild olives and may derive from a local d
297                                              Admixtures with excessive hypotonicity (sodium = 103 mEq
298                                              Admixtures with higher tonicities (sodium = 141 mEq/L) a
299                                              Admixtures with intermediate tonicities (sodium = 111-12
300 the 158 SNPs provide successful estimates of admixture, with 100% hybrid individuals (two to three ge

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