


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  of reactions leading to the colored product adrenochrome.
2            Employing enzymatic studies using adrenochrome as a substrate, we show that quinone reduct
3 cies, nitric oxide and O2.-, we employed the adrenochrome assay to examine whether nNOS was capable o
4 pinephrine, the quinone cyclizes quickly and adrenochrome formation dominates, but for dopamine, the
5 , both superoxide formation and the yield of adrenochrome increase at higher pH.
6                                 The yield of adrenochrome increases if the epinephrine semiquinone re
7 re reversed, generation of potentially toxic adrenochromes is reduced, and survival rate is improved.
8                              We also use the adrenochrome test as an indicator of ROS in vitro in the
9 sely related to the plasma concentrations of adrenochromes, the product of the autoxidation of catech
10 e reductase 2 in complexes with dopamine and adrenochrome, two compounds that are structurally relate
11 reductase 2 is specific for the reduction of adrenochrome, whereas quinone reductase 1 shows no activ

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