


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rexpressed in fetal T cells as compared with adult cells.
2 is not obligatory for the function of normal adult cells.
3 on and cdk2 expression between perinatal and adult cells.
4 tions or switching during differentiation in adult cells.
5  transmitted information on firing rate than adult cells.
6 her incidences of functional precursors than adult cells.
7 which larval epidermal cells are replaced by adult cells.
8 in the lungs of SCID mice reconstituted with adult cells.
9 antly affect LPS-induced cytokine release in adult cells.
10 ntigen to the high level seen among cultured adult cells.
11 rior in embryonic cells and in a fraction of adult cells.
12 +) T cells were markedly lower than those of adult cells.
13 three times more adherent to tenascin-C than adult cells.
14  transcripts were detected in both fetal and adult cells.
15  = .17) toward greater IL-1 secretion by the adult cells.
16 ) possessed the current, but only one in ten adult cells.
17 TX on rate or most of the same parameters in adult cells.
18 sed in CB naive CD4(+) T cells compared with adult cells.
19 els in CB naive CD4(+) T cells compared with adult cells.
20 m cells derived from embryos or reprogrammed adult cells.
21 s was 6-fold higher than that converted from adult cells.
22 ) insulin(+) cells during development and in adult cells.
23 ogical dysregulation of key processes within adult cells.
24 nt BM largely matched that of TdT-sufficient adult cells.
25 differentiation of terminally differentiated adult cells.
26 s present within nucleoli of most larval and adult cells.
27 D and autoimmune gastritis as efficiently as adult cells.
28 ession of B7-1, B7-2, and CD40 compared with adult cells.
29 he expression of the hormone products in the adult cells.
30 s play a role in the survival of postmitotic adult cells.
31 afficking of Nek2 to the centrosome of human adult cells.
32 cally heritable and are stably maintained in adult cells.
33 ogenic (neonate) and angiogenic (neonate and adult) cells.
34                                    Sparks in adult cells (220 events) were infrequent, yet they were
35  suppression of embryonic gene expression in adult cells, a mechanism that may underlie its tumor-sup
36 birth of lambs from differentiated fetal and adult cells also reinforces previous speculation that by
37              Deletion of the HBBP1 region in adult cells alters contact landscapes in ways more close
38  cytokines in term cells and IL-8 release in adult cells and (ii) augmented LPS-induced TNF-alpha, IL
39 ons to reconstruct developmental lineages of adult cells and demonstrate that the two daughter cells
40 persistent epigenetic response that protects adult cells and extends lifespan.
41  embryonic development, reprogramming normal adult cells and malignant transformation and progression
42 atal CD8+ T cells expanded more rapidly than adult cells and quickly became terminally differentiated
43 es and platelets are among a small number of adult cells and tissues that synthesize and contain FN E
44         The protein is widely distributed in adult cells and tissues.
45 eing low in neonatal fibroblasts and high in adult cells, and treatment with transforming growth fact
46 some critical tumor suppressor mechanisms in adult cells are not required by neonatal cells.
47    Outstanding questions include whether any adult cells are viable in the absence of polzeta and whe
48  Integration of newly generated neurons into adult cell assemblies is a key mechanism for network pla
49  mice were significantly less efficient than adult cells at migrating to the draining lymph nodes aft
50 ath, we find that E93 is expressed widely in adult cells at the pupal stage and is required for many
51 lthough the differences between neonatal and adult cells became smaller with increasing time postbirt
52 y expressed in fetal cells and turned off in adult cells, becomes reactivated in the most advanced st
53  faster in high-frequency IHCs, with that of adult cells being more rapid than immature cells.
54 hened the spark duration in wt embryonic and adult cells but not in RyR type 3-null cells.
55 GF receptors are expressed on most fetal and adult cells but their precise roles are not well known.
56 ent of TATA box-binding protein (TBP) in the adult cells, but not in embryonic cells, suggesting that
57 sible to achieve the direct conversion of an adult cell by exposing it to a demethylating agent immed
58  [(3)H]thymidine incorporation) in fetal and adult cells by 211 +/- 18% and 150 +/- 14%, respectively
59 n of kidney development from a population of adult cells by generating embryonic progenitors may be f
60  cells from tissues, or generating them from adult cells by nuclear transfer, encourages attempts to
61 a new regenerative medicine in which damaged adult cells can be replaced with new cells.
62             Recently, it has been shown that adult cells can be reprogrammed directly, without the ne
63 demonstrated that the developmental state of adult cells can be reprogrammed into that of embryonic c
64     The fact that a lamb was derived from an adult cell confirms that differentiation of that cell di
65 between S and M phases to become the complex adult cell cycle.
66 nal cyclins plays a role in establishing the adult cell cycle.
67 stinct biological functions in embryonic and adult cell cycles of mammals.
68  Cdc25C protein phosphatase to embryonic and adult cell cycles, mice lacking Cdc25C were generated.
69  thus rendering bulk analyses of postmitotic adult cells difficult to interpret.
70 ured embryonic dorsal pancreatic buds, these adult cells display a unique capacity to contribute to b
71 ng directly regulates stem cells to generate adult cells during metamorphosis.
72 g of the developmental switch from larval to adult cell fates during Caenorhabditis elegans developme
73 in-4 RNA, and transition from late larval to adult cell fates requires the 21-nucleotide let-7 RNA.
74 required prior to the third stage for normal adult cell fates, suggesting that it acts once to contro
75 identity and prevent premature expression of adult cell fates.
76 led us to examine the DNA damage response of adult cells following acute RB deletion.
77 e for reprogramming readily accessible human adult cells for cell replacement therapy.
78 re-differentiation of the full repertoire of adult cells from a single original cell of any kind.
79 , because significantly increased numbers of adult cell-generated neurons were observed in the hippoc
80                  The cloning of animals from adult cells has demonstrated that the developmental stat
81 tion important for embryonic development and adult cell homeostasis.
82 s the plasticity of seemingly differentiated adult cells, identifies Fbw7 as a master regulator of ce
83 ytometry, before and after 48 hr culture, to adult cells in terms of class II and costimulatory molec
84  compared with that of normal differentiated adult cells in the body.
85 manipulate both embryonic and differentiated adult cells in the context of regenerative medicine.
86 le are completely eliminated and replaced by adult cells in the corresponding tissues of the frog for
87 o compromised proliferation and viability of adult cells in vitro.
88     Other genes, expressed preferentially in adult cells in vivo, are down-regulated following injuri
89 nic fibroblasts, which is similar to that in adult cells in vivo.
90                                           In adult cells, inactivated and live virus invoked cytokine
91 ivin is, however, expressed in proliferating adult cells, including human hematopoietic stem cells, T
92  increase in the number of both neonatal and adult cells interacting (interacting cells = rolling + a
93 em cell technology enabled the conversion of adult cells into any other cell type passing through a s
94 erative medicine is to instructively convert adult cells into other cell types for tissue repair and
95                         The reprogramming of adult cells into pluripotent cells or directly into alte
96                 Direct lineage conversion of adult cells is a promising approach for regenerative med
97 ion of innate immune protective cytokines by adult cells is diminished after transfer to neonatal mic
98 nt embryonic lethality, but the situation in adult cells is still unclear.
99 gnaling in cardiomyogenic differentiation of adult cells is unclear.
100 miting for transcription, yet their roles in adult cell lineages are largely unknown since homozygous
101  (ES) cells can contribute precursors to all adult cell lineages.
102 urvey of ASM across 16 human pluripotent and adult cell lines using Illumina bisulfite sequencing.
103 tion, whereas both viruses equally spread in adult cells maintained in similar conditions.
104       By using different ratios of fetal and adult cell mixtures, fetal liver cells repopulated 8.2 t
105 s of these two processes are to variation in adult cell number by estimating total ganglion cell prod
106 its are observed, but rather laterally where adult cell number is nearly normal.
107 e of defined size, Engrailed-2 helps specify adult cell number.
108 ls of widely different tissue origins and in adult cells of blood lineages.
109 ploid embryonic stem-cell lines derived from adult cells of diseased human subjects, we have systemat
110  of neonatal cells that rolled compared with adult cells on both stimulated HUVECs and CHO-P-selectin
111  first instance of engineered intestine from adult cells or an engineered tissue.
112     Stem cells may be obtained from somatic (adult) cell or embryonic cell origin.
113 sses that might underlie apparent changes in adult cell phenotype.
114 e BXD32, a strain that has an extremely high adult cell population, and Mus caroli (CARL/ChGo), a wil
115 reviously unreported Sox1/Sox2/Sox9 positive adult cell population, suggesting that these cells may r
116 l stage-related event and that embryonic and adult cells possess distinct chromatin structures of the
117 ieve this, it is important to understand how adult cell production, migration and differentiation may
118 screen-based battery, but leads to increased adult cell proliferation in the hippocampus and enhanced
119              We examined the distribution of adult cell proliferation throughout the brain of an anur
120 oproterenol and cAMP similar to responses in adult cells, providing evidence that the beta-A cascade
121                      Oligonucleotide-treated adult cells removed thymine dimers at least as rapidly a
122 t of chromatin involved, and their status in adult cell renewal systems are unknown.
123                Although isolated examples of adult cell reprogramming are known, there is no general
124 The synaptic GABAA receptors in immature and adult cells showed differential sensitivity to modulator
125                               Both child and adult cells showed similar levels of proliferation and s
126             Accessibility is important; some adult cells, such as neural stem cells, are difficult to
127 clear cells (PBMNCs) in vitro was greater by adult cells than by term cells and preterm cells.
128 ipts were approximately 40% more abundant in adult cells than in term cells and were consistent with
129 on-like process occurring in normal, diploid adult cells, that is, cytokine-induced activation of end
130  ferritin along the membrane of agglutinated adult cells, the ferritin particles on the infants' cell
131                              In contrast, in adult cells, the HBBP1-BGLT3 region contacts the embryon
132 emoglobin could be more fully reactivated in adult cells, the insights obtained might lead to new app
133 B lineage cells paralleled that of wild-type adult cells, the length distribution, global amino acid
134      Animal and preliminary human studies of adult cell therapy following acute myocardial infarction
135 er or fetal cells/tissues, but not in normal adult cells/tissues.
136 nscription-factor-based reprogramming revert adult cells to an embryonic state, and yield pluripotent
137                     The ability to reprogram adult cells to induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells has
138 r reprogramming of terminally differentiated adult cells to pluripotency.
139           We hypothesize that the ability of adult cells to synthesize renin does not occur randomly
140 emotherapeutics, RB was required for primary adult cells to undergo DNA damage checkpoint responses a
141 onally defined medium (HDM) tailored for the adult cell type of interest.
142 bryos have the potential to develop into any adult cell type, and are thus said to be pluripotent.
143 th a methylome map of a fully differentiated adult cell type, mature peripheral blood mononuclear cel
144 enitor state and then redifferentiate to the adult cell type.
145  ability to differentiate into virtually all adult cell types are not well understood.
146 s and its expression is reactivated in these adult cell types by proliferative signals or oxidative s
147 uripotent cells or directly into alternative adult cell types holds great promise for regenerative me
148 lls into discrete populations of specialized adult cell types.
149 ereby limiting the proliferative capacity of adult cells under low oxygen tension.
150 c stem cells by reprogramming DNA taken from adult cells was demonstrated by the cloning of Dolly, th
151 Lack of X4 HIV-1 replication in child versus adult cells was not caused by a differential expression
152 to localize to inflamed tissue compared with adult cells, we examined the neonatal neutrophil interac
153 etermine transcriptional partners of Sox2 in adult cells, we generated mice where gene expression cou
154 gate the effect of decreased Snf2h levels in adult cells, we performed antisense inhibition of Snf2h
155 ominant genes de-repressed in PRC2-deficient adult cells, where aberrant expression is proportional t
156 o reports on Dolly (first animal cloned from adult cells) whose diagnoses of osteoarthritis (OA) at 5
157 echanisms underlying the functions of Wt1 in adult cells will reveal key cell types, pathways, and mo
158 ynamic epigenetic silencing is controlled in adults cells will allow us to address the epigenetic sta
159 mation by neonatal neutrophils, as it did in adult cells with inactivated NADPH oxidase, demonstratin
160  and induce pluripotency when coexpressed in adult cells with other Yamanaka factors.
161 espite similar proliferation by neonatal and adult cells within the recombinase-activating gene 2(-/-

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