


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hippocampal Dio3 and Igf2 expressions in the adult offspring.
2 ssociated with a more atherogenic profile in adult offspring.
3 e contributes to the development of NAFLD in adult offspring.
4 rain and subsequent cognitive impairments in adult offspring.
5 d maternal undernutrition to the size of the adult offspring.
6  changes in gene expression in the brains of adult offspring.
7 opiate exposure blunts the fever response of adult offspring.
8 ened cardiovascular response to restraint in adult offspring.
9 ) and latent inhibition (LI) deficits in the adult offspring.
10 erability of ischemic injury in the heart of adult offspring.
11 ning and by a shortage of follow-up data for adult offspring.
12 mesenteric artery endothelial dysfunction in adult offspring.
13 -term effects on cardiovascular responses in adult offspring.
14 rmanently enhances memory performance of the adult offspring.
15  increased risk of nicotine dependence among adult offspring.
16 me of birth and risk of schizophrenia in the adult offspring.
17 their spouses (parents' generation) or their adult offspring.
18 10%) by prenatal exposure to cocaine only in adult offspring.
19 cular dysfunction in rat weanlings and young adult offspring.
20 birth weight and causes hyperglycemia in the adult offspring.
21 nd its relation to testicular dysfunction in adult offspring.
22 l thickness were measured in male and female adult offspring.
23 ne environment alters vascular reactivity in adult offspring.
24 uses hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy in adult offspring.
25 ring pregnancy leads to metabolic changes in adult offspring.
26 iation has rarely been investigated in young adult offspring.
27 ing diabetes, obesity and premature death in adult offspring.
28  fetal programming of vascular reactivity in adult offspring.
29 ring pregnancy promotes physical activity in adult offspring.
30 ight, and obesity and premature mortality in adult offspring.
31 rations in the fine motor performance of the adult offspring.
32 nd the efficiency of immune responses in the adult offspring.
33 otypes but to a greater extent in the Ts65Dn adult offspring.
34 e rats and in the brain of their neonate and adult offspring.
35 f selected BER-related genes in the brain of adult offspring.
36 d with cardiometabolic risk factors in young adult offspring.
37 se persisting abnormalities (programming) in adult offspring.
38 ain responses to the fear conditioned cue in adult offspring.
39  increases the risk for schizophrenia in the adult offspring.
40 ophysiological consequences in the hearts of adult offspring.
41 ents of hepatic and muscle Akt expression in adult offspring.
42 o PKCepsilon gene repression in the heart of adult offspring.
43 genotyped these two SNPs in 1679 CLHNS young adult offspring.
44  (2.5, 5, and 10 mg/kg i.p.) was assessed in adult offspring (70-90 days of age) using a rate-frequen
45                       The study examined 197 adult offspring (95 male and 102 female) of alcoholic bi
46 tional weight gain (GWG) are associated with adult offspring adiposity.
47                                        Young adult offspring (age, 21 years [N = 433]) provided self-
48 3 to 84 years in 1987 through 1988 and their adult offspring aged 21 to 84 years in 2005 through 2008
49  middle-aged women and their female and male adult offspring (aged 18-23 y) and to examine the associ
50 is "interneuronopathy" persists in the young adult offspring and contributes to enduring changes in (
51 iatal DAT availability that were apparent in adult offspring and were associated with behavioral char
52 latively leading to long-term improvement in adult offspring; and (ii) maternal behavior can attenuat
53 f MgSO4 in clinical practice, its effects on adult offspring are not well known nor have sex-specific
54 ding were observed in the dorsal striatum of adult offspring as a consequence of germline THC exposur
55 ing of Holocaust survivors, thus identifying adult offspring as a possible high-risk group within whi
56  Parental prebirth, parental concurrent, and adult offspring assessments occurred in 1971-1983, 1998-
57 and p38 MAPK activity in left ventricular of adult offspring at resting state.
58                                              Adult offspring (both Ts65Dn and 2N) of choline-suppleme
59 caused low birth-weight and changes in young adult offspring brain, mimicking those in human neuropsy
60  induce insulin resistance and reduce IST in adult offspring, but such alterations are not attributab
61 ovascular and metabolic dysfunction in their adult offspring, but the intrauterine mechanisms involve
62 cient mice indeed reduced atherosclerosis in adult offspring by up to 56%, but the protective effect
63  of parental age with a suite of outcomes in adult offspring, comparing the results from an array of
64                                Subjects were adult offspring derived from a 2 x 2 experiment in which
65         Subsequent genotyping of CLHNS young adult offspring detected an uncommon variant [minor alle
66 dy examined associations between parents and adult offspring diagnoses of the MS and its risk factors
67                                       Mother-adult offspring dietary resemblance in this Australian c
68                                              Adult offspring dyslipidemia is associated with maternal
69                                     In young adult offspring exposed to ethanol in utero, this effect
70                           Furthermore, young adult offspring exposed to the 3 day binge-type ethanol
71          Analyses in the AA adolescent/young adult (offspring from COGA families) subsample indicated
72                               Kidneys of the adult offspring had few structural or functional abnorma
73                           Remarkably, Pl-OGT adult offspring had reduced body weights and elevated hy
74 mpus, with effects on memory that persist in adult offspring; higher choline intake is associated wit
75                    At the time of testing of adult offspring, hormone status had returned to control
76                In hearts of both fetuses and adult offspring, hypoxia-induced methylation of SP1 site
77 , offspring viability) and higher numbers of adult offspring (i.e., productivity) than MOC females, s
78 bility to ischemia and reperfusion injury in adult offspring in rats.
79 of maternal cholestasis on the metabolism of adult offspring in the mouse.
80       Our previous brain imaging findings in adult offspring in these high-risk families also reveale
81 d with reduced Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity in adult offspring kidney.
82 L-C levels explained 13% of the variation in adult offspring LDL-C levels beyond common genetic varia
83                                              Adult offspring LDL-C levels were associated with matern
84                                              Adult offspring LDL-C levels were examined as both a con
85  concurrent LDL-C levels in association with adult offspring LDL-C levels.
86 ity to ischaemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury in adult offspring male and female rats.
87 d sites in H9c2 cells, hearts of fetuses and adult offspring, methylation of both SP1 sites reduced S
88 vioral and cognitive characterization of the adult offspring (n = 12 per group), unbiased capture arr
89 sured in Holocaust survivors (n = 32), their adult offspring (n = 22), and demographically comparable
90                                              Adult offspring (n = 38) were imaged by positron emissio
91  allelic expression of Dio3 in the fetal and adult offspring of alcohol-consuming and control dams, w
92 ces cardiovascular and metabolic function in adult offspring of C57BL/6J mice in comparison with anim
93                            Specifically, the adult offspring of choline-supplemented Ts65Dn dams perf
94                        Participants were 114 adult offspring of depressed and nondepressed parents, f
95 major depression, assessed prospectively, in adult offspring of depressed probands who reported that
96 sistent changes were determined in F1 and F2 adult offspring of F0 mothers exposed to two relevant hu
97 aptive" responses in a rodent model in which adult offspring of fat-fed dams develop characteristics
98 l mGluR1-induced long-term depression in the adult offspring of high-LG compared with low-LG mothers,
99 imethylation of Grm1 in hippocampus from the adult offspring of high-LG compared with low-LG mothers.
100 nd other psychiatric diagnoses in a group of adult offspring of Holocaust survivors (N=100) and a dem
101 rinary cortisol excretion was measured in 35 adult offspring of Holocaust survivors and 15 healthy co
102                  The data show that although adult offspring of Holocaust survivors did not experienc
103 stress disorder (PTSD) have been observed in adult offspring of Holocaust survivors in both glucocort
104  on cortisol negative feedback inhibition in adult offspring of Holocaust survivors with PTSD (N=13)
105 tamin C prevented these effects in fetal and adult offspring of hypoxic pregnancy.
106                                              Adult offspring of immune-challenged mothers displayed h
107                                              Adult offspring of LP0.5-exposed mothers exhibited gluco
108    We found that 2 weeks of ISO treatment in adult offspring of LPS-treated mothers led to augmented
109                  To determine the effects in adult offspring of maternal exposure to stress and alcoh
110 uR1 mRNA and protein in hippocampus from the adult offspring of mothers showing an increased frequenc
111 AR-dependent long-term potentiation (LTP) in adult offspring of mothers that varied in the frequency
112 mere length in young (4 mo) and aged (15 mo) adult offspring of normoxic or hypoxic pregnancy with or
113                                     Studying adult offspring of pregnant mice subjected to PRS, we ex
114 itivity (euglycemic clamp) were performed in adult offspring of probands.
115                             To examine this, adult offspring of rat dams either fed a control diet (C
116             Perfused livers of 48-h- starved adult offspring of rat dams fed 8% protein diets during
117                                       In the adult offspring of rats exposed to dexamethasone in late
118 We recently reported vascular dysfunction in adult offspring of rats fed a fat-rich (animal lard) die
119 ed whether abnormal vascular function in the adult offspring of rats fed a high saturated fat diet in
120                                              Adult offspring of rats that were given sufficient choli
121                                              Adult offspring of RES-treated mothers showed increased
122 ave examined vascular and renal structure in adult offspring of Sprague-Dawley rats fed a control die
123 or spirituality with major depression in the adult offspring of the original sample using a 10-year p
124  BOSS (2005-2008) is a study of aging in the adult offspring of the population-based Epidemiology of
125                                              Adult offspring of time-pregnant dams that were given a
126 her studies on the health and pregnancies of adult offspring of transplant patients are warranted.
127                               We studied 206 adult offspring of women with gestational diabetes melli
128                Participants were 1086 mother-adult offspring pairs (59% female) from the New England
129             At 4 months, tissues from 1 male adult offspring per litter per group were either perfusi
130 ero and suckling periods in establishing the adult offspring phenotype in response to an environmenta
131 ellets on a progressive-ratio (PR) schedule, adult offspring prenatally exposed to cocaine were obser
132 ion has a profound effect on the behavior of adult offspring, probably via an effect of the maternal
133 long-lasting deleterious consequences in the adult offspring solely mediated by its ability to disrup
134 d heart susceptibility to ischemic injury in adult offspring, suggesting an in utero programming of P
135  damage responding to isoproterenol (ISO) in adult offspring that underwent maternal inflammation (mo
136 iation into distinct effector populations in adult offspring that were infected with influenza A viru
137                                           As adults, offspring that received low perinatal n-6/n-3 ra
138 y, and during 1 h of restraint stress in the adult offspring using indwelling arterial catheters impl
139 y for metabolic dysregulation and obesity in adult offspring via epigenetic modifications.
140                                              Adult offspring were assessed for sensory inhibition.
141 s, striatum and midbrain of prepubescent and adult offspring were determined by measuring: (1) the co
142                                              Adult offspring were evaluated for effects of placental
143                        After foster rearing, adult offspring were exposed to the stressor and trained
144  percent egg-to-adult survival and number of adult offspring were higher for PMC than MMC females, sh
145                                           As adults, offspring were fed either a low-fat diet (LFD) o
146 success (measured as the number of returning adult offspring) when spawned in captivity compared with
147  contributes toward the NAFLD progression in adult offspring, which is mediated through impaired hepa
148  DNA damage levels in subcortical regions of adult offspring, which may increase sensitivity to oxida
149                                              Adult offspring with at least one Holocaust survivor par
150 ith hyperglycemia at age 39 years and in two adult offspring with impaired insulin secretion.
151  family functioning when there is a child or adult offspring with intellectual disability.
152 Females homozygous for tuh-1h always produce adult offspring with more bristles than females homozygo
153 des or both, was significantly higher in the adult offspring with parental CAD.
154 to enhance the probability that they produce adult offspring with rarer phenotypes with survival bene

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