


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                         Both adult-born and early-born DGCs are targets of new inputs
2 identify and compare presynaptic inputs onto adult-born and early-born DGCs in the rat pilocarpine mo
3 ), whereas normotopic DGCs synapse onto both adult-born and early-born DGCs.
4                                              Adults born and raised at high altitudes have larger lun
5                                      Healthy adults born and raised at moderate altitude (2,000 m abo
6 g of data from a national sample of 6,476 US adults born before 1924, who were tested 5 times between
7                                              Adults born before 1968 have likely been exposed to H2N2
8 water fluoridation were at least as great in adults born before widespread implementation of fluorida
9 fering 1-time screening for HCV infection to adults born between 1945 and 1965.
10                                Subjects were adults born both preterm and at term, with their childre
11 tructural remodelling where mature spines of adult-born but not early-born neurons relocate in an act
12  a 58% higher prevalence of obesity in young adults born by CS than in young adults born vaginally.
13 ally, learning required both the presence of adult-born cell and noradrenaline.
14 energic transmission significantly effect on adult-born cell survival and perceptual learning.
15 ampal BDNF protein levels, survival rates of adult born cells, and synaptic plasticity (long-term pot
16  on sensory activity, but when and how these adult-born cells acquire responsiveness to sensory stimu
17 litation, sprouted mossy fiber synapses from adult-born cells exhibited profound frequency-dependent
18 ay be critical for the contribution of young adult-born cells for certain tasks.
19                          Thus, maturation of adult-born cells in both the DG and the MOB is much long
20  Deletion of FXR1 in aNSCs resulted in fewer adult-born cells in the dentate gyrus (DG) overall, redu
21                  These findings suggest that adult-born cells in the dentate gyrus have different, an
22  these manipulations on regional survival of adult-born cells in the OB.
23 a remarkably rapid functional integration of adult-born cells into the preexisting neural network.
24 representations, and the few spatially tuned adult-born cells remapped to a similar degree.
25 ine could directly influence the survival of adult-born cells.
26    We also quantified both developmental and adult-born cohorts of neural progenitor cells that contr
27 ing cells in the cortex, but the majority of adult-born cortical cells did not appear to myelinate.
28  underlying the integration and functions of adult-born dentate granule cell (DGCs) are poorly unders
29   To understand how monosynaptic inputs onto adult-born dentate granule cells (DGCs) are altered in e
30                                              Adult-born dentate granule cells (DGCs) contribute to le
31 cuit-, and systems-based mechanisms by which adult-born dentate granule cells (DGCs) modulate pattern
32  synaptic plasticity of retrovirally labeled adult-born dentate granule cells at different stages dur
33 modulate hippocampal adult neurogenesis, and adult-born dentate granule cells contribute to the patho
34                                We found that adult-born dentate granule cells exhibit tortuous, yet h
35 eport that mossy fiber en passant boutons of adult-born dentate granule cells form initial synaptic c
36 havioral studies have established a role for adult-born dentate granule cells in discriminating betwe
37  of hippocampal neurons in vitro and in vivo Adult-born dentate granule cells lacking Trim9 similarly
38  lines can be used to label large cohorts of adult-born dentate granule cells with excellent time res
39  vitro and in vivo Embryonic hippocampal and adult-born dentate granule neurons lacking Trim9 exhibit
40 t remodeling of the afferent connectivity of adult-born dentate granule neurons.
41 we show that Disc1 knockdown specifically in adult-born dentate gyrus (DG) neurons results in increas
42 deletion, a significant number of Trim9(-/-) adult-born dentate neurons localized inappropriately.
43      Subsequently, during differentiation of adult-born DG granule cells, Sema7A promotes dendrite gr
44 n of adult-born DGCs transiently reorganized adult-born DGC local afferent connectivity and promoted
45 lar ectopic DGCs preferentially synapse onto adult-born DGCs after pilocarpine-induced status epilept
46 lf9), in mature DGCs enhanced integration of adult-born DGCs and increased NSC activation.
47 ver, somatostatin(-) interneuron inputs onto adult-born DGCs are maintained, likely due to preferenti
48                                              Adult-born DGCs are thought to compete with mature DGCs
49 ell backprojections that specifically target adult-born DGCs arise in the epileptic brain, whereas ax
50 found that mice with a reduced population of adult-born DGCs at the immature stage were deficient in
51 ning and memory, yet it remains unknown when adult-born DGCs become involved in the cognitive process
52             The survival and activity of the adult-born DGCs can be influenced by the experience of t
53 owed us to transiently reduce the numbers of adult-born DGCs in a temporally regulatable manner.
54 nation of the DG by enhancing integration of adult-born DGCs in adulthood, middle age, and aging enha
55                      Enhanced integration of adult-born DGCs transiently reorganized adult-born DGC l
56 of Rac1 in mature DGCs increased survival of adult-born DGCs without affecting proliferation or DGC a
57                           The events leading adult-born DGCs' to transition from simple spindle-like
58 y integrated, expanded cohort of age-matched adult-born DGCs.
59 ing in regulating the initial integration of adult-born DGCs.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Since the discove
60                            RECOMMENDATION 1: Adults born during 1945-1965 should receive 1-time testi
61 roups, VE against A(H1N1)pdm09 was lower for adults born during 1957-1976 (25%; 95% CI, -16%-51%).
62                                              Adults born from 1945 through 1965 with 1 or more visits
63 irus (HCV) infection is most prevalent among adults born from 1945 through 1965, and approximately 50
64 lines enable simple and reliable labeling of adult-born GC lineages within restricted time windows.
65 contrast, mice lacking 5HT1ARs only in young adult-born GCs (abGCs) showed normal fluoxetine response
66                     Our data suggest that as adult-born GCs age, their function switches from pattern
67  conditional expression of tdTomato (Tom) in adult-born GCs and characterized their development and f
68 aptic signaling for structural maturation of adult-born GCs and formation of glutamatergic synapses.
69  distinguishing them from less active, older adult-born GCs and the major population of dentate GCs g
70 reproduces data from mouse or rat, mature or adult-born GCs as well as pharmacological interventions
71 dia formation/retraction on the dendrites of adult-born GCs at the early maturational stages depended
72 on and retraction on the distal dendrites of adult-born GCs at their early maturational stages.
73                      The slow development of adult-born GCs characterized here is consistent with pre
74 2B-containing NMDA receptor was deleted from adult-born GCs did not differ from controls in baseline
75 gs reveal an increased structural dynamic of adult-born GCs during the early stages of their integrat
76 tes the NMDAR-dependent filopodia dynamic of adult-born GCs during their early but not late maturatio
77 lopodia formation on the dendrites of mature adult-born GCs following NMDA iontophoresis.
78 etion of NR2B-containing NMDA receptors from adult-born GCs impairs a neurogenesis-dependent form of
79 s indicate that NR2B-dependent plasticity of adult-born GCs is necessary for fine contextual discrimi
80                    We observed that, whereas adult-born GCs maintained stable cell-to-cell variabilit
81 tomical and electrophysiological analysis of adult-born GCs showed that olfactory learning promotes a
82 taining NMDARs promote synapse activation in adult-born GCs that integrate in circuits with high and
83 ation, synaptic integration, and survival of adult-born GCs when their afferent GABAergic inputs are
84 ynapse formation in developmentally born and adult-born GCs, and they provide support for SEMA5A cont
85 n the DG and reduces dendritic complexity of adult-born GCs, but does not impact their survival.
86  lentiviral vectors to selectively transfect adult-born GCs, we observed that overexpression of the p
87  that learning strengthens these inputs onto adult-born GCs.
88 ilopodia on the distal dendrites of immature adult-born GCs.
89 aptic densities of neonatal-born GCs than in adult-born GCs.
90 esponse to changes in neuronal activity than adult-born GCs.
91 occurred differently in mature neonatal- and adult-born GCs.
92 el odors and eventually led to the demise of adult-born GCs.
93 roaches to precisely label entire cohorts of adult-born GCs.
94                                        These adult-born granule cell (GC) interneurons form new GABAe
95 que features in the synaptic outputs made by adult-born granule cell interneurons in the mouse olfact
96                                              Adult-born granule cells (ABGCs) are involved in certain
97                                              Adult-born granule cells (abGCs) have been implicated in
98   We examined the functional life history of adult-born granule cells (abGCs) in the olfactory bulb u
99 ynamics and morphological characteristics of adult-born granule cells (abGCs), innervating the OB of
100 tle is known about the structural dynamic of adult-born granule cells (GCs) at their different matura
101 nal role of GluN2B for synapse maturation of adult-born granule cells (GCs) in the olfactory bulb has
102                                              Adult-born granule cells (GCs), a minor population of ce
103 estricted manner along the dendritic tree of adult-born granule cells (GCs).
104  we show that exclusive inhibition of JNK in adult-born granule cells alleviates anxiety and reduces
105      Using optogenetics, we demonstrate that adult-born granule cells born before SE form functional
106  functional evidence indicates that axons of adult-born granule cells establish synapses with hilar i
107        We reveal that sprouted synapses from adult-born granule cells have a diminished ability to su
108 enes involved in survival and integration of adult-born granule cells into hippocampal neural circuit
109 ed robust granule cell layer dispersion, and adult-born granule cells labeled with enhanced green flu
110 ed patterns of stable connectivity with MCs, adult-born granule cells show dynamic and plastic patter
111                                              Adult-born granule cells that were ectopically positione
112 unexplored, and the specific contribution of adult-born granule cells to functional mossy fiber sprou
113 ted synapses would limit the contribution of adult-born granule cells to hippocampal hyperexcitabilit
114 activated sprouted mossy fiber synapses from adult-born granule cells to study their synaptic propert
115 disorganization, and the ectopic position of adult-born granule cells within a malformed dentate gyru
116 rs for the activity-dependent integration of adult-born granule cells.
117 ocalization of the GGABA(B)R1 protein within adult-born granule cells.
118 , determination, and survival of hippocampal adult-born granule neurons are unaffected in the APP big
119 density in young (developing) but not mature adult-born-granule-cells (abGCs) in the olfactory bulb.
120  and effective) of the output connections of adult-born hippocampal cells to show that, as these cell
121 is accompanied by an increase in survival of adult-born hippocampal cells, both neurons and astrocyte
122                                              Adult-born hippocampal neurons are important for cogniti
123                            Here we show that adult-born hippocampal neurons are required for normal e
124 ched experiences to increase the addition of adult-born hippocampal neurons by increasing the firing
125 avioral resiliency and increased survival of adult-born hippocampal neurons compared with sham-operat
126 rtin) or survival (bromodeoxyuridine) of new adult-born hippocampal neurons in adult male Sprague-Daw
127               Recent studies have implicated adult-born hippocampal neurons in pattern separation, a
128 ss this question is to link the functions of adult-born hippocampal neurons with specific endophenoty
129 us depression, including reduced survival of adult-born hippocampal neurons.
130       Accumulation of abnormally integrated, adult-born, hippocampal dentate granule cells (DGCs) is
131 ovirus mediated knockout of notch1 in single adult-born immature neurons decreases mTOR signaling and
132 found that Notch1 is highly expressed in the adult-born immature neurons in the hippocampus of mice.
133 ce exhibited a significantly greater loss of adult-born immature neurons within the dentate gyrus aft
134 jury (TBI) results in the selective death of adult-born immature neurons, compromising the cell popul
135 itutively activate Notch signaling in single adult-born immature neurons, promotes mTOR signaling and
136                                              Adults (born in or after 1957) attending pretravel consu
137 irth year groups reporting AD, with 12.9% in adults born in 1936-1949 and 19.0% born in 1976-1988.
138         We used a birth cohort of 1400 young adults born in Jerusalem who had extensive archival data
139                                 We find that adult-born interneurons are resistant to presynaptic GAB
140      We further demonstrate that eliminating adult-born interneurons in naive animals leads to an exp
141                This dynamic decreased as the adult-born interneurons matured.
142                            The maturation of adult-born interneurons was accompanied by a progressive
143                               After arrival, adult-born JGNs are still migrating, but at DPI 9, 52% o
144  two-photon imaging of retrovirally labelled adult-born JGNs reveals that ~90% of the cells arrive at
145 ctors are also present in the large group of adults born late preterm.
146 tudinally imaged the developing dendrites of adult-born mouse dentate granule cells (DGCs) in vivo an
147  these developmental stages in embryonic and adult-born mouse hippocampal neurons in vitro and in viv
148 rimary cilium in the synaptic integration of adult-born mouse hippocampal neurons.
149            This review discusses the role of adult-born neural and glial progenitors in drug seeking
150 MRP, we investigated whether learning shapes adult-born neuron morphology during their synaptic integ
151 em cells and neuroblasts to achieve adequate adult-born neuron production.
152 strate that top-down neuromodulation acts on adult-born neuron survival to modulate learning performa
153                                       How an adult-born neuron with initially simple spindle-like mor
154                                              Adult-born neurons adjust olfactory bulb (OB) network fu
155                           Silencing of young adult-born neurons also produced changes extending to th
156  the DG but show impaired differentiation of adult-born neurons and decreased neurogenesis-dependent
157 ns that are prevented by ablation of FMRP in adult-born neurons and rescued by an metabotropic glutam
158 pment of balanced inputs and outputs for the adult-born neurons and reveal important insights into th
159 tors controlling the synaptic development of adult-born neurons and their connectivity remain essenti
160                    Each breeding season, new adult-born neurons are added to the pallial nucleus HVC
161 eurogenesis, the integration and survival of adult-born neurons are both strongly influenced by olfac
162                                              Adult-born neurons are continually produced in the denta
163  ablated neurogenesis, we find that maturing adult-born neurons are crucial only when memory must be
164 aptic inputs, these results demonstrate that adult-born neurons are fully integrated into the existin
165 One area where neuroblasts that give rise to adult-born neurons are generated is the lateral ventricl
166 tantial number of studies demonstrating that adult-born neurons are necessary for mediating specific
167 prone to die during the critical period when adult-born neurons are normally integrated into behavior
168 in their capacity for repopulation, and that adult-born neurons are not required for antidepressant r
169     Together, these results show that mature adult-born neurons are still plastic when they are funct
170 r experience-induced dendritic plasticity of adult-born neurons as spatial learning in the water maze
171  p63 regulates the numbers of adult NPCs and adult-born neurons as well as neural stem cell-dependent
172 le using optogenetics to transiently silence adult-born neurons at different ages.
173        We further discuss potential roles of adult-born neurons at the circuitry and behavioral level
174                                          The adult-born neurons at the misplaced position may make wr
175                                        These adult-born neurons become functionally active and are th
176 nt mechanisms in the synaptic development of adult-born neurons by genetic labeling of synapses while
177     Furthermore, such enhanced plasticity in adult-born neurons depends on developmentally regulated
178               In alpha7KO mice, we find that adult-born neurons develop with truncated, less complex
179 re located in brain clusters 9 and 10 (where adult-born neurons differentiate) and express appropriat
180 esis and thereby determine whether depleting adult-born neurons disrupts specific brain functions, bu
181 ic transmission is a key mechanism selecting adult-born neurons during learning and demonstrate that
182             However, the behavioral roles of adult-born neurons during their establishment of project
183 esults identify a restricted time window for adult-born neurons essential in hippocampal memory retri
184 he water maze sculpts the dendritic arbor of adult-born neurons even when they are several months of
185                          It is believed that adult-born neurons exert their unique role in informatio
186 etween 1 and 1.5 months of the cell age when adult-born neurons exhibit enhanced long-term potentiati
187                  Our study demonstrates that adult-born neurons exhibit the same classic critical per
188                  Early in their development, adult-born neurons express homomeric alpha7-containing n
189  before integrating into existing circuitry, adult-born neurons express receptors for neurotransmitte
190                           We find that young adult-born neurons fire at a higher rate in vivo but par
191          Here we assessed the destination of adult-born neurons following TBI.
192  female mice was used to label and birthdate adult-born neurons for morphological and electrophysiolo
193                                              Adult-born neurons formed functional synapses on CA3 pyr
194              Considering the small number of adult-born neurons generated at any given time, it is su
195       Conversely, optogenetic stimulation of adult-born neurons has been shown to specifically improv
196       The sequential synaptic integration of adult-born neurons has been widely examined in rodents,
197                               Although these adult-born neurons have been shown to receive synaptic i
198 birth date and reversibly control a group of adult-born neurons in adult mice.
199 d by a significant decrease in the number of adult-born neurons in both the DG and OB.
200                    Morphological analysis of adult-born neurons in both the DG and the OB showed that
201            Irradiation reduced the number of adult-born neurons in both wild-type and Ccr2(-/-) mice,
202 se studies identify hemocytes as a source of adult-born neurons in crayfish and demonstrate that the
203                         Here, we report that adult-born neurons in crayfish can be derived from hemoc
204 vity is required selectively for survival of adult-born neurons in response to BDNF signaling.
205 terneurons and points to a critical role for adult-born neurons in stabilizing a brain circuit that e
206  Appropriate generation and incorporation of adult-born neurons in the dentate gyrus are critical for
207 t studies have led to the exciting idea that adult-born neurons in the dentate gyrus of the hippocamp
208 mal survival, maturation, and integration of adult-born neurons in the dentate gyrus.
209 ic deletion of IL-17 increased the number of adult-born neurons in the DG.
210 ion, maturation, and dendritic complexity of adult-born neurons in the DG.
211                                              Adult-born neurons in the hippocampal dentate gyrus are
212                    The aberrant migration of adult-born neurons in the hippocampus occurred 48 hours
213 ed that experience elevates the abundance of adult-born neurons in the hippocampus primarily by enhan
214 cently been observed to serve as a source of adult-born neurons in the mammalian brain.
215      In addition, to establish the origin of adult-born neurons in the MOB, an adeno-associated virus
216  neuronal excitability of in vivo individual adult-born neurons in the mouse dentate gyrus via expres
217                                        While adult-born neurons in the olfactory bulb (OB) and the de
218 ic manipulations to enhance AKT signaling in adult-born neurons in vivo exhibit similar defects as DI
219 ate gyrus reduce the survival of hippocampal adult-born neurons in wild-type but not in NFATc4(-/-) m
220           Conditional deletion of cilia from adult-born neurons induced severe defects in dendritic r
221 hat control the migration and integration of adult-born neurons into circuits are largely unknown.
222 ffer direct support for rapid integration of adult-born neurons into existing circuits, followed by e
223 es are indicative of enhanced integration of adult-born neurons into the bulbar circuitry of lactatin
224                            The production of adult-born neurons is an ongoing process accounting for
225 ies has suggested that the function of these adult-born neurons is linked to cognition and emotion.
226  unclear whether expanding the population of adult-born neurons is sufficient to affect anxiety and d
227 n, Temprana et al. (2015) show that immature adult-born neurons largely function independently of inh
228                                      Whether adult-born neurons make unique contributions to brain fu
229                    Because the generation of adult-born neurons may be tightly coupled to their funct
230 environment are rapid, the synaptogenesis of adult-born neurons occurs over a longer time scale.
231 l expression of green fluorescent protein in adult-born neurons of the mouse dentate gyrus with immun
232 specifically, by targeting the cell death of adult-born neurons or by other mechanisms, may have ther
233                           We discovered that adult-born neurons promote location discrimination durin
234                     Local CRH signaling onto adult-born neurons promotes and/or stabilizes chemical s
235 ling through NMDARs to control the number of adult-born neurons reaching their final destination.
236 c link between these effects by showing that adult-born neurons receive noradrenergic projections and
237 aled that the malleable dendritic portion of adult-born neurons receives excitatory inputs mostly fro
238        These findings indicate that maturing adult-born neurons regulate both functional network plas
239 encode experiences to affect the addition of adult-born neurons remains unknown.
240 ls that regulate survival and integration of adult-born neurons such as neurotrophins and neurotransm
241 ndritic architecture and spine morphology of adult-born neurons that are prevented by ablation of FMR
242 -19 in preventing the irregular migration of adult-born neurons that may contribute to the etiology o
243                                   Even those adult-born neurons that survive the critical period reta
244 cible genetic expansion of the population of adult-born neurons through enhancing their survival impr
245 -) mice, but the distribution pattern of the adult-born neurons through the granule cell layer was on
246 ates structural plasticity of olfactory bulb adult-born neurons to support olfactory learning through
247 extracts clues regarding the contribution of adult-born neurons to the different circuits of the olfa
248 d that the integration of lentivirus-labeled adult-born neurons was biased: newly formed neurons were
249 on, maturation, and dendritic development of adult-born neurons were impaired.
250 may provide a fundamental mechanism allowing adult-born neurons within the critical period to serve a
251                Neurons that arise in adults (adult-born neurons) show heightened synaptic plasticity
252 erneurons, as well as hilar mossy cells, new adult-born neurons, and recently active neurons.
253           Primary cilia were absent in young adult-born neurons, but assembled precisely at the stage
254 dor learning is sensitive to inactivation of adult-born neurons, revealing that developmentally defin
255 at GABA regulates the initial integration of adult-born neurons, similar to neuronal development duri
256         Excitability is enhanced in maturing adult-born neurons, spurring the hypothesis that the act
257 ore, associated with the reduced survival of adult-born neurons, the absence of NFATc4 leads to selec
258       To assess the behavioral importance of adult-born neurons, we developed a novel knock-in mouse
259                     In the OB, we focused on adult-born neurons, which are continuously incorporated
260 reorganization of connections impinging onto adult-born neurons, which is likely to have important im
261 omotes input-specific synaptic plasticity in adult-born neurons, which reinforces the top-down influe
262 the first-generation precursors that produce adult-born neurons, which reside in a neurogenic niche,
263      The sequential formation of synapses in adult-born neurons, with input synapses appearing before
264 Golgi localization and dendrite formation in adult-born neurons.
265 ce and a mechanism of circuit integration of adult-born neurons.
266 ogenesis processes and special properties of adult-born neurons.
267 al disorders may be caused by disruptions in adult-born neurons.
268 work adaptations provided by the addition of adult-born neurons.
269 directly regulating the survival of immature adult-born neurons.
270 nsory experience, relates to the survival of adult-born neurons.
271 -driven prosurvival signaling in hippocampal adult-born neurons.
272 ritic refinement and synaptic integration of adult-born neurons.
273 ts are continuously molded by the arrival of adult-born neurons.
274  required for the survival and maturation of adult-born neurons.
275 dified throughout life by integration of new adult-born neurons.
276 ease of alphaCaMKII dendritic translation in adult-born neurons.
277 ormed functional glutamatergic synapses onto adult-born NG2(+) oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs
278                           The recruitment of adult-born OB neurons depends not only on sensory input
279   Using an olfactory learning task requiring adult-born olfactory bulb neurons and cell-specific abla
280 al differentiation and long-term survival of adult-born olfactory bulb neurons.
281          Consistent with that, we found that adult-born OLs elaborated much shorter but many more int
282                      It is not known whether adult-born OLs ensheath previously unmyelinated axons or
283                             We conclude that adult-born OLs in the optic nerve are engaged in myelin
284                Therefore, how integration of adult-born OSNs may contribute to lifelong OB plasticity
285                                              Adults born outside the United States had less affected
286 cing the incorporation of defined classes of adult-born PGCs and not GCs, reflecting their different
287 n+ PGCs, suggesting that distinct subsets of adult-born PGCs may respond differentially to common ext
288 ighlights that fat deposition is enhanced in adults born preterm and suggests that ectopic fat accret
289 insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity in adults born preterm and their children.
290 s most apparent for systolic function; young adults born preterm had significantly lower right ventri
291                                        Young adults born preterm have distinct differences in left ve
292                               In conclusion, adults born preterm have insulin resistance in midadulth
293                                              Adults born preterm were less insulin sensitive than tho
294 breeding season is due to the integration of adult-born projection neurons.
295 olic BP and P/HTN were not different between adults born SGA and those with normal BW, but higher CW
296   In this study, we quantified the number of adult-born striatal cells and characterized their fate i
297                The study included 1024 young adults born to mothers who were participating in the Wes
298 ity in young adults born by CS than in young adults born vaginally.
299 for ophthalmologic follow-up of children and adults born very prematurely.
300       Therefore, pattern separation requires adult-born young GCs but not old GCs, and older GCs cont

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