コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 nesemia and/or hypocalciuria in childhood or adulthood).
2 nd is a major concern because it tracks into adulthood.
3 of schizophrenia do not appear before early adulthood.
4 rmal and pathological aging processes across adulthood.
5 ficient Trr eclose and develop to productive adulthood.
6 es to adult stages, and in the cerebellum at adulthood.
7 ften discovered during adolescence and young adulthood.
8 that often develops in adolescence and young adulthood.
9 orld measures of individuals' risk taking in adulthood.
10 to disperse early or to extend philopatry in adulthood.
11 spleen during embryogenesis and persist into adulthood.
12 isk carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) in adulthood.
13 thalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) function in adulthood.
14 t of outcomes in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
15 -time analyses from the first day of life to adulthood.
16 ehavior, and decreased cognitive function in adulthood.
17 emotional and sexual domains may prevail in adulthood.
18 s of Snord116p-/m+ animals that persist into adulthood.
19 iduals differ during infancy as well as into adulthood.
20 t it is unknown whether effects persist into adulthood.
21 decreases in specific cognitive functions in adulthood.
22 ed reciprocity from early childhood to young adulthood.
23 E) exposure compromises neural function into adulthood.
24 xperience or perpetration of violence during adulthood.
25 ovascular activity, and energy metabolism in adulthood.
26 ng nerve and to maintain myelinated nerve in adulthood.
27 um of psychiatric disorders and addiction in adulthood.
28 ceptibility to seizures, which endures up to adulthood.
29 but not punishment-mediated risk-taking, in adulthood.
30 expressed during development and throughout adulthood.
31 from early childhood through adolescence and adulthood.
32 f risk of common noncommunicable diseases in adulthood.
33 ogaster CTD in supporting fly development to adulthood.
34 identity without needing to rear the eggs to adulthood.
35 creasing dendritic length with age well into adulthood.
36 ring early life with persistent effects into adulthood.
37 typically diagnosed from late adolescence to adulthood.
38 and insulin resistance in male offspring at adulthood.
39 sis and peripheral T-cell homeostasis in the adulthood.
40 od is often associated with severe asthma in adulthood.
41 dolescence were associated with high cIMT in adulthood.
42 experience may leave different signatures in adulthood.
43 families with multigenerational diabetes of adulthood.
44 ar functions throughout development and into adulthood.
45 y may function in cerebellar processing into adulthood.
46 en with IUGR in fetal life may continue into adulthood.
47 sociated with impaired cognitive function in adulthood.
48 exhibit substantially more mutagenesis than adulthood.
49 lin/IGF-1 and glp-1/Notch mutants throughout adulthood.
50 .3] for medium vs high; overall P < .001) in adulthood.
51 s system functions during development and in adulthood.
52 nd a change in learning mode from infancy to adulthood.
53 cational attainment in adolescence and early adulthood.
54 activity and developed FD manifestations in adulthood.
55 recidivism, not on psychosocial outcomes in adulthood.
56 , and increases the likelihood of obesity in adulthood.
57 gene expression by temperature shifts during adulthood.
58 ikely result in a deficit of large spines in adulthood.
59 primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) now reach adulthood.
60 dual differences that may persist throughout adulthood.
61 development and cellular homeostasis during adulthood.
62 pattern of the Gpr182 during development and adulthood.
63 le until their official age of transition to adulthood.
64 el the muscle mitochondrial reticulum during adulthood.
65 d with increased cardiovascular mortality in adulthood.
66 sufficient to cause social abnormalities in adulthood.
67 low birth weight and cardiovascular risk in adulthood.
68 ls throughout postnatal development to early adulthood.
69 d multiple dendrites that persist throughout adulthood.
70 women who performed shift work during young adulthood.
71 logical and motor deficits that persist into adulthood.
72 is, and sensitization in childhood and early adulthood.
73 s men exhibit toward attractive women during adulthood.
74 substance-related problems in adolescence or adulthood.
75 pands developmentally from childhood through adulthood.
76 of developing chronic multisystem disease in adulthood.
77 ent on adolescent prediction of high cIMT in adulthood.
78 scular disease risk factors in childhood and adulthood.
79 inflammation is initiated and sustained into adulthood.
80 ing loss during childhood and death in young adulthood.
81 yopia, particularly in adolescence and young adulthood.
82 ing BMI and fat mass from childhood to early adulthood.
83 of those at highest risk of dyslipidemia in adulthood.
84 multiple discrete regions as they develop to adulthood.
85 e lives of the animals and following pBDL in adulthood.
86 s of gestation and HF in childhood and young adulthood.
87 metabolic outcomes over the life course into adulthood.
88 o evaluate offspring heart function in early adulthood.
89 und to increase during adolescence and early adulthood.
90 bacterial load observed starting from early adulthood.
91 d nephropathy as a mitochondrial disorder in adulthood.
92 ontrol Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats from birth to adulthood.
93 morphogenesis and thus ensuring survival to adulthood.
94 ges in the perinatal period may persist into adulthood.
95 uction of EAE during the age window of young adulthood.
96 s similar in childhood and adolescence/early adulthood.
97 HRs, but not in bLRs or control rats, during adulthood.
98 edicted preclinical atherosclerosis in young adulthood.
99 ganization events during sensory deficits in adulthood.
100 ndergoes continuous tissue remodeling during adulthood.
101 nital, even though they presented throughout adulthood.
102 timulates myelin growth, even overgrowth, in adulthood.
103 asured in prepuberty, adolescence, and early adulthood.
104 n 1978-79, and followed up at school-age and adulthood.
105 uences of stress across development and into adulthood.
106 oanatomical profile from embryonic stages to adulthood.
107 ime course spanning embryogenesis through to adulthood.
108 ly mobile minorities is compromised in young adulthood.
109 arly childhood and body composition in young adulthood.
110 and verbal comprehension in adolescence and adulthood.
111 but not in males that experienced CUS during adulthood.
112 r delivery and intelligence measures (IQ) in adulthood.
113 ial planes of the retina, in development and adulthood.
114 aenorhabditis elegans, from embryogenesis to adulthood.
115 ul in utero exposure manifests as disease in adulthood.
116 increased risk for physical morbidity during adulthood.
117 rietal and sub-cortex during infancy through adulthood.
118 er birth; surviving mice developed apneas in adulthood.
119 ) frequently begins in adolescence and young adulthood.
120 ction and behavior improve from childhood to adulthood?
122 ve surgery were rare during childhood versus adulthood (2% versus 35% and 1% versus 9%, respectively,
124 izure onset with ongoing seizure activity in adulthood, (2) intellectual disability of any degree, an
127 in childhood (father's class at 10/11 y) and adulthood (42/43 years), and BMI repeatedly across adult
128 1 mutation presented with severe aHUS during adulthood; 57% of affected women in this cohort presente
129 -relationships, from late childhood to early adulthood (7-29 years) using four separate longitudinal
130 Early-life obesity predisposes to obesity in adulthood, a condition with broad medical implications i
131 ho have undergone the Fontan operation reach adulthood, a newly recognized disease process, Fontan-as
135 ion of this pathway can be maladaptive as in adulthood acute strong activation of MAPK/ERK has been s
137 rnal educational immunity such that by young adulthood, all immune cells responding to a foster dam i
139 hese risks during late adolescence and early adulthood among people admitted to hospital following in
140 significantly ( 15%) from childhood to early adulthood among the individuals with consistently low LT
142 associated with HT; c-BMI from school age to adulthood and c-height from birth to school age were pos
143 n cause immune effects that can persist into adulthood and create increased host susceptibility to ce
144 xA1 mutant mice maintain CM connections into adulthood and exhibit superior manual dexterity as compa
145 maintenance of central gustatory circuits at adulthood and highlights a level of plasticity not seen
146 eater viral-induced inflammatory response in adulthood and in turn with increased susceptibility to v
149 childhood and adolescence may continue into adulthood and lead to adverse cardiovascular outcomes or
150 pectrum of LMN syndromes that may develop in adulthood and provide a framework for the clinician asse
151 airborne allergen sensitization up to young adulthood and risk factors for early and late onset of s
152 maintaining SC identity and integrity during adulthood and show that its age-related changes can be r
153 erstand the hippocampal niche changes across adulthood and suggest yet unexplored functions of newbor
155 to produce offspring, which grew normally to adulthood and transmitted the reporter to second-generat
156 gnitive function and socioeconomic status in adulthood and with changes in IQ and socioeconomic mobil
157 mutant mice survived and grew normally until adulthood and, at 6 months of age, exhibited marked sple
158 itution (n=67 at ages 6 years; n=50 at young adulthood) and UK controls (n=52 at age 6 years; n=39 at
159 examined these lines during development, in adulthood, and after injury using RNA sequencing analysi
160 scular disease risk factors in childhood and adulthood, and participants' own SES in adulthood, the r
161 ent of the cerebral cortex from childhood to adulthood, and provide novel insight into how changes in
162 attentional and impulse control deficits in adulthood, and whether continued lifelong Mn exposure ex
166 ty during the transition from adolescence to adulthood are understudied.This study examined associati
168 lative abundances of two bacterial genera in adulthood, atrazine did not affect gut bacterial diversi
171 late to aspects of physical fitness in young adulthood, but replication of these findings is required
172 aride antibody deficiency (SPAD) revealed in adulthood by severe infections with encapsulated bacteri
173 families with multigenerational diabetes of adulthood carry mutations in known monogenic diabetes ge
175 ]) were predictive of sensitization in early adulthood compared to average birth length and birthweig
176 ings establish that oocytes generated during adulthood contribute directly to ovarian function and na
177 rve development to focal hypermyelination in adulthood, depending on the level and timing of mTORC1 h
178 D structure remains stable even through late adulthood despite the overall reduction in perceptual co
179 natally, while most patients infected during adulthood develop acute hepatitis B (AHB), which usually
180 .06-1.73; Ptrend = 0.002] and 1.41 for early adulthood diet (95% CI, 1.11-1.78; Ptrend = 0.006) compa
181 port the notion that an adolescent and early adulthood diet characterized by high intake of sugar-swe
183 ce) develop neutrophilia and splenomegaly in adulthood due to the up-regulation of granulocyte-colony
185 development of obesity predicted obesity in adulthood, especially for children who were severely obe
186 en activity in maintaining these circuits at adulthood, especially in subcortical structures, appears
191 itution (n=98 at ages 6 years; n=72 at young adulthood) had persistently higher rates than UK control
192 controls (n=52 at age 6 years; n=39 at young adulthood) had similarly low levels of symptoms across m
194 yl donor supplementation during pregnancy or adulthood has been used to alter DNA methylation and beh
196 ed with increased adiposity in childhood and adulthood have been based on analyses "adjusting" for he
197 ding parents' educational attainment), early adulthood (high-school or college completion), and older
199 juvenile plasticity can be reestablished in adulthood if acoustic stimuli are paired with disruption
200 f the persistence of childhood symptoms into adulthood impacts on the brain's functional connectivity
201 nctioning after early adolescent use, and in adulthood, impaired driving and vehicle crashes; cannabi
203 Cs until 21 days post hatch (dph), reared to adulthood in clean water at elevated temperatures, and s
204 evidence of causality between BMI and EDs in adulthood in either direction.This study provides eviden
207 ntial role for Cav1.2 during development and adulthood in shaping cognition, sociability, emotional b
208 steroid hormones during ontogeny but also in adulthood in the context of seasonal changes in birdsong
209 er density increases from childhood to young adulthood, in contrast with gray matter volume and corti
210 llular responses during embryogenesis and in adulthood including cell differentiation, proliferation,
211 ficits in hippocampus-dependent behaviors in adulthood, including spatial learning and memory and fea
212 igh-school or college completion), and older adulthood (income, mean age 66 years) were all dichotomi
213 s, particularly during adolescence and young adulthood, increase the risk of developing skin cancer.
215 investigated whether an adolescent and early adulthood inflammatory dietary pattern was associated wi
216 In this cohort, birth size and adiposity in adulthood interact to predict events of cardiovascular d
219 conomic position (SEP) in both childhood and adulthood is associated with higher adult BMI, but how t
220 ention beginning in childhood and into early adulthood is necessary to preempt the development of pre
223 owever, the maintenance of these circuits at adulthood is usually not dependent on sensory-elicited n
226 beginning at a young age and continuing into adulthood, likely contributes to sensory overreactivity
227 influencing the working synaptic range into adulthood, long after the end of the perinatal period.
229 ese findings suggest that weight problems in adulthood may be rooted partially in early childhood exp
230 at hydrocephalic disorders appearing in late adulthood may often result from initially unapparent par
233 rdered eating in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.MR analyses were conducted with a genetic scor
234 any different miRNAs with important roles in adulthood myogenesis (regeneration) and myofibre hypertr
238 y significantly associated with BHR in early adulthood (odds ratio 4.8 [95% confidence interval 1.5-1
239 ongitudinal objective data for survival into adulthood of patients who have undergone Fontan procedur
240 ss is important for cognitive performance in adulthood on a population level, but the association is
241 nergistically affected social recognition in adulthood: only mice exposed to all three hits showed de
242 hich blood pressure (BP) components in young adulthood optimally determine cardiovascular disease (CV
243 ly than breastfed infants into childhood and adulthood.Our objectives were to identify growth pattern
244 with age to levels comparable to controls by adulthood (P = NS), but stooling frequency remained high
245 (p=0.17), and then marked increases by young adulthood (p=0.0005), with similar effects seen for pare
248 ic loss of sodium-elicited taste activity at adulthood produced dramatic and selective reorganization
249 -67% of individuals are less likely to reach adulthood, recruit late and skip breeding often but have
250 icantly better working memory performance in adulthood relative to sucrose SA controls, and performan
251 calizations change during development and in adulthood represents a major challenge facing cognitive
252 ascular cell types during development and in adulthood respond to Thymosin beta4 (Tbeta4) and myocard
253 t removal of sodium taste neural activity at adulthood resulted in significant reorganization of matu
255 m (CNS) myelin remains an adaptive entity in adulthood, sensitive to environmentally induced structur
257 attrition was not associated with age during adulthood suggesting that increased attrition in early l
258 changes in HD monkey brains from infancy to adulthood, suggesting differentiated degenerations acros
259 holds face increased risks of poor health in adulthood, suggesting that inequalities in health have e
260 ostly affects boys in childhood and women in adulthood, suggesting that shifts in sex hormones alter
261 locatechin-gallate (EGCG), from gestation to adulthood suppressed 3R-tau expression and rescued anxie
262 deeply connected to other magnitudes through adulthood than acknowledged by the "sense of magnitude"
263 ts provide striking evidence from infancy to adulthood that bilinguals monitor their languages for ef
265 ent for modifiable risk factors during young adulthood, the disparity was no longer statistically sig
266 an link to future morbidity and mortality in adulthood, the potential contribution of these risk fact
267 and adulthood, and participants' own SES in adulthood, the relationship with LV mass (differences [9
270 nary development during adolescence or early adulthood, thereby preventing catch-up from earlier acqu
274 ed in individuals with risk factors in early adulthood to inform discussions about primary prevention
275 cancer incidences increased rapidly in early adulthood until ages 30 to 40 years for BRCA1 and until
276 onfers a bias toward habit-based behavior in adulthood via long-term cellular structural modification
277 Higher intake of B vitamins throughout young adulthood was associated with better cognitive function
278 Q and socioeconomic status from childhood to adulthood was observed with 40% of the association with
280 role of microglia in these processes during adulthood, we examined the effects of microglia depletio
281 FA dietary deficiency during adolescence and adulthood, we found strong increases in anxiety and anhe
282 of IGSF1 clinically followed from neonate to adulthood, we investigated a common pituitary origin for
283 that symptoms of inattention persisting into adulthood were associated with disrupted patterns of typ
284 Risk in Young Finns Study) and followed into adulthood when cIMT was measured (mean follow-up, 23.4 y
285 roughout development and remains active into adulthood, where it performs a critical role in tissue h
286 was deleted in glutamatergic neurons during adulthood, where the later deletion even improved cognit
287 opulations are continuously generated during adulthood, where they act as agents of tissue homeostasi
288 es largely restricted to Purkinje neurons in adulthood whereas P19/Nsg2 expression strikingly disappe
289 ased the resilience to acute stress in early adulthood, which illustrates the long-lasting effects of
290 etworks are linked to risk for SV into young adulthood, which suggests that network-focused SV preven
291 between face- and place-selective regions in adulthood, which we validate with postmortem cytoarchite
292 than white Americans from childhood through adulthood, which, given the health risks posed by grief
293 tis (EAE) during adolescence and early young adulthood, while an increase in immunological tolerance
294 anxiety and depression symptoms during early adulthood, while increased structural connectivity in ce
295 volumetrically throughout childhood and into adulthood, while other brain structures are stable or de
296 cioeconomic, and behavioral factors in young adulthood with the observed racial disparity in diabetes
297 t acute episode of TTP usually occurs during adulthood, with a predominant anti-ADAMTS13 autoimmune e
298 lation (DNAm) in inflammatory genes in young adulthood would be predicted by early life nutritional,
299 evated blood pressure (BP) from childhood to adulthood, yet few have examined differences in age-spec
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