


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 and updated epidemiological investigation is advisable.
2 entation of drug resistance testing might be advisable.
3 tching at least the charge state is strongly advisable.
4 cardiography after Mitroflow implantation is advisable.
5  of this treatment in patients should not be advisable.
6 l level of similarity that makes cooperation advisable.
7 reactions to ASA/NSAIDs, an ASA challenge is advisable.
8 avoprotein, and treatment with riboflavin is advisable.
9 of these drugs during early pregnancy may be advisable.
10  A cautious approach to its continued use is advisable.
11 nd the situations in which magnet use is not advisable.
12 s type of dye bias in design and analysis is advisable.
13  for ABL kinase domain mutations may also be advisable.
14 original abortion provider for management is advisable.
15 escribing of fluconazole in pregnancy may be advisable.
16 t-to-consumer marketing of helical CT is not advisable.
17 ates to a specialist reference laboratory is advisable.
18 ble prognosis, modified treatment may not be advisable.
19  and further development of this approach is advisable.
20 the care of pts with Eisenmenger syndrome is advisable.
21 bjects undergoing screening sigmoidoscopy is advisable.
22 phy 6 to 8 weeks after treatment is probably advisable.
23 g use of QT-prolonging drugs, in general, is advisable.
24              Combining multiple endpoints is advisable.
25 ed by allogeneic stem-cell transplant may be advisable; addition of a tyrosine kinase inhibitor in pa
26  and that screening for resistant strains is advisable after treatment failure or relapse.
27 al community and the path of connectivity is advisable and imperative for the conservation of Hainan'
28 ive or secondary treatment for asthma is not advisable and must await results of ongoing clinical tri
29 ly asked whether such participation is safe, advisable, and efficacious, yet few guidelines exist to
30 or the stabilization of dried protein is not advisable, as reaction clearly occurs between the reduci
31 cal intervention or radiation therapy may be advisable based on breast cancer mortality data, there i
32 ll surface in vivo, as demonstrated here, is advisable because distinct protein expression is apparen
33 tion of PRP on periodontal surgical sites is advisable because of its regenerative potential and its
34  epidermolysis bullosa simplex phenotype, is advisable before commencing clinical trials of bone marr
35             Early closure of post-AMI VSR is advisable before establishment of multiorgan failure.
36 nt of SSEs over a broad temperature range is advisable; but measurement of the temperature dependence
37 amination of data for interviewer effects is advisable despite incorporation of quality control measu
38 aturation above which the calculation is not advisable due to fluctuation of peak numbers.
39 llness or noncompliance with medications) is advisable early in the transplant assessment process to
40 adiotherapy to the residual breast tissue is advisable even when selective adjuvant systemic therapy
41 function observed in this study, it might be advisable for asthmatics to avoid high ERMI environments
42                 A watch-and-wait approach is advisable for asymptomatic patients.
43 ia episode associated with HbAS, it would be advisable for clinical trials and observational studies
44  highest antioxidant activity, both would be advisable for direct consumption.
45                 Adjuvant systemic therapy is advisable for most patients with stage T1a,bN0M0 breast
46                       Class Ic drugs are not advisable for patients with structural cardiac abnormali
47                             Early surgery is advisable for radiologically suspected IPNB as it is fre
48 n of whether advanced imaging techniques are advisable for surveillance colonoscopy in these high-ris
49 strict surveillance (or ablative therapy) is advisable in cases with endoscopic abnormalities, LG-IEN
50 ments, lower minimum volume standards may be advisable in less populated areas, where the alternative
51 ood pressure and cerebral perfusion would be advisable in the treatment of elderly patients after TBI
52 s essential, and monitoring for dnDSA may be advisable in this setting.
53                                   Caution is advisable on meta-analytical comparisons that primarily
54                                        It is advisable that, until the results of more appropriately
55    Whereas surgical therapy remains the most advisable therapy for resectable neuroendocrine tumors o
56  surveillance and modelling show that DST is advisable, these assays can be used to guide clinical de
57         The results suggest that it might be advisable to assign older individuals to key social role
58  patients with macular edema and cataract is advisable to avoid exacerbation of the condition and imp
59 ay be lower than in adults; therefore, it is advisable to confirm the diagnosis after the age of one
60 l for studies on hair cell physiology, it is advisable to consider that the age at which the majority
61                   It is concluded that it is advisable to consume cv. Chanee rather than cv. Monthong
62 n one hand it is no longer necessary or even advisable to delay surgery until advanced symptoms are p
63 ds for their detailed profiling is therefore advisable to expand our knowledge on their metabolism an
64 alysis with microarray data, it is generally advisable to have more than one measurement of each gene
65                               However, it is advisable to incorporate electrogram characteristics and
66 ependent GEP testing of each specimen may be advisable to lessen the probability of underestimating a
67  and geographic regions, it sometimes may be advisable to limit global recommendations in favor of th
68                   In the former group, it is advisable to maintain a deliberately low blood pressure
69                         However, it often is advisable to monitor patients until improved instrumenta
70 eatment plan for childhood SRNS, it might be advisable to perform mutational analysis of NPHS2, if th
71 a did not remove them; therefore it would be advisable to prepare this type of milk with mineral wate
72 availability and intrathecal chemotherapy is advisable to prevent CNS relapses in FCM(+) patients.
73                          Therefore, it seems advisable to quantify resistant bacteria and characteriz
74 ance of weight gain after the age of 25 y is advisable to reduce cardiovascular mortality.
75  amines in fermented food by bacteria, it is advisable to use CFS for food and food products.
76 ildren with RPE65-LCA suggest that it may be advisable to use individualized ONL mapping to guide the
77 the hydration status in wrestlers, but it is advisable to use untransformed BIA measurements rather t
78    Intraoperative modulation of PVP would be advisable when PVP exceeds 20 mm Hg.
79     For Type II defects, the use of flaps is advisable, with tensor fascia lata representing the flap

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