


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  reactions in the cytosol to be oxidized via aerobic metabolism.
2 d in their expression of proteins supporting aerobic metabolism.
3 ipts encoding proteins uniquely required for aerobic metabolism.
4 exchange for utilization of oxygen-dependent aerobic metabolism.
5 pecies (ROS) are toxic by-products of normal aerobic metabolism.
6 ve oxygen species occurs as a consequence of aerobic metabolism.
7 y detoxifier of endogenous H2O2 generated by aerobic metabolism.
8 sion during the transition from anaerobic to aerobic metabolism.
9  subunits of the 2-oxoacid dehydrogenases of aerobic metabolism.
10  are generated as inadvertent by-products of aerobic metabolism.
11 timing of the evolutionary appearance of the aerobic metabolism.
12 H2O2), which is produced in all cells during aerobic metabolism.
13  the environment and from those generated by aerobic metabolism.
14 te than for the wild-type W3110 during fully aerobic metabolism.
15 ns such as MPP+ that target specific loss of aerobic metabolism.
16 reated RIF-1 tumors is due to an increase in aerobic metabolism.
17 yl CoA reservoirs in the mitochondria during aerobic metabolism.
18 esulted in suppression of both anaerobic and aerobic metabolism.
19 (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) in aerobic metabolism.
20 l analysis of the gene products important in aerobic metabolism.
21 raditionally regarded as toxic byproducts of aerobic metabolism.
22 ogen peroxide (H2O2) as toxic by-products of aerobic metabolism.
23 ic regulation of the H2O2 produced by normal aerobic metabolism.
24  from all other members by its facultatively aerobic metabolism.
25  also encodes capacity for heterotrophic and aerobic metabolisms.
26 stemic perfusion, unrelated to elevations in aerobic metabolism, accounted only for approximately 5%
27                                              Aerobic metabolism also generates superoxide (O2()) and
28 enase enzymes involved in both anaerobic and aerobic metabolism and also regulates posttranslational
29 ell lines are highly glycolytic with minimal aerobic metabolism and altered mitochondrial physiology.
30 st damaging superoxide radicals generated by aerobic metabolism and as a consequence of inflammatory
31  intermediate provides a direct link between aerobic metabolism and bacterial stress responses, repre
32 species are produced as the direct result of aerobic metabolism and can cause damage to DNA, proteins
33 cytosol and regulate processes as diverse as aerobic metabolism and cell death by necrosis and apopto
34  and other chemicals and result in decreased aerobic metabolism and cell death.
35 osphere to one suitable for the evolution of aerobic metabolism and complex life.
36 ctive oxygen species (ROS) are byproducts of aerobic metabolism and contribute to both physiological
37 ithin the mitochondrial matrix that promotes aerobic metabolism and controls reactive oxygen species
38 yme Q6 biosynthesis, which in turn activated aerobic metabolism and enhanced oxidative stress resista
39 these data show that NOXase is important for aerobic metabolism and essential in environments high in
40  current findings indicate that p53 promotes aerobic metabolism and exercise capacity by using differ
41 nase are required for the use of glycerol in aerobic metabolism and gluconeogenesis.
42 g is essential for bacterial survival during aerobic metabolism and host infection.
43        Hydrogen peroxide is generated during aerobic metabolism and is capable of damaging critical b
44 on in a canine model of DCD: (1) facilitates aerobic metabolism and resuscitates the DCD heart, (2) p
45 evels of H2O2 both as a consequence of their aerobic metabolism and through the respiratory burst of
46 olic rate of oxygen (CMRO(2); i.e., index of aerobic metabolism), and lactate production (J(Lac); i.e
47 ic processes, a particularly mobile fuel for aerobic metabolism, and perhaps a mediator of redox stat
48     During acute inflammation, as in sepsis, aerobic metabolism appears to malfunction and switches t
49 timulation frequencies and were generated by aerobic metabolism (approximately 98%), with %DeltaJ(ATP
50  Numerous genes involved in biosynthesis and aerobic metabolism are repressed, whereas a high proport
51           Although ROS, normal byproducts of aerobic metabolism, are essential for various defense me
52 cells (RPTCs) that exhibit in vivo levels of aerobic metabolism, are not glycolytic, and retain highe
53 cies (ROS), which are the products of normal aerobic metabolism, as well as naturally occurring free
54                  We conclude that restricted aerobic metabolism at the thermal limits contributes to
55                        Oxygen is critical to aerobic metabolism, but excessive oxygen (hyperoxia) cau
56  is validated by detecting the impairment of aerobic metabolism caused by 1.5 mM amobarbital.
57                                    Likewise, aerobic metabolism downregulates during growth arrest, a
58 ed in the DIV-BBB demonstrated predominantly aerobic metabolism evidenced by a robust increase in glu
59                       The data indicate that aerobic metabolism fails and cellular damage with degrad
60 ior studies have indicated the importance of aerobic metabolism for L. monocytogenes infection, these
61 idence for the importance of menaquinone and aerobic metabolism for L. monocytogenes pathogenesis.
62  with superoxide produced by bacteria during aerobic metabolism, forming peroxynitrite, a known oxida
63                                              Aerobic metabolism generally suppresses hypoxia-sensitiv
64                                              Aerobic metabolism generates biologically challenging re
65 ], exercise duration, 6-minute walk), muscle aerobic metabolism (half-time of VO2 and near infrared r
66 that the scant superoxide (O2-) generated by aerobic metabolism harms even cells that contain abundan
67                  The subsequent evolution of aerobic metabolism in prokaryotes to form aerobic bacter
68 e AMZ core, which could periodically support aerobic metabolisms in a typically anoxic environment.
69 ults indicated the exogenous GAs lowered the aerobic metabolism including the oil metabolisms during
70                                       Normal aerobic metabolism is associated with the production of
71 ysis during malignant progression, even when aerobic metabolism is available.
72 cation, the dehydrogenases are inactive, and aerobic metabolism is blocked.
73                              A key enzyme in aerobic metabolism is cytochrome c oxidase (CcO), which
74 ll exceeds the PHX enzymes of glycolysis, an aerobic metabolism is preferred.
75  chain, we demonstrated that the reliance on aerobic metabolism is reduced at thermal limits.
76 om the effects of oxidative stress caused by aerobic metabolism may contribute to the ability of Neis
77              Thus, genes/operons involved in aerobic metabolism, NO. detoxification, flagellar biosyn
78 elucidate a putative role for this enzyme in aerobic metabolism, NOXase-deficient mutants were constr
79 out the domains of life that is required for aerobic metabolism of 2-oxoacids and for C(1) metabolism
80 of low-flow ischemia and mixed anaerobic and aerobic metabolism of an acutely infarcting region; (2)
81 theoretical possibility of a switch to fully aerobic metabolism of glucose in the chemostat under con
82 r neurotransmitters are synthesized from the aerobic metabolism of glucose; anoxia-induced impairment
83           Consequently, the toxic affects of aerobic metabolism on biogenesis and function of the rib
84 uspected capabilities, including evidence of aerobic metabolism, one-carbon and complex carbon metabo
85 to analyze and predict allometric scaling of aerobic metabolism over a remarkable 27 orders of magnit
86 ance is limited by their ability to maintain aerobic metabolism (oxygen- and capacity-limited toleran
87                                              Aerobic metabolism produces reactive oxygen species, inc
88                             We conclude that aerobic metabolism produces toxic levels of H(2)O(2) in
89 the high energy requirements and reliance on aerobic metabolism render it particularly susceptible to
90 e), we found that superoxide, a byproduct of aerobic metabolism, significantly destabilized the [2Fe-
91                         During physiological aerobic metabolism, the epidermis undergoes significant
92                                              Aerobic metabolism therefore makes use of reactive molec
93 ular metabolite diffusion on skeletal muscle aerobic metabolism through the application of the effect
94 ammed cellular metabolism from mitochondrial aerobic metabolism to glycolysis, resulting in a remarka
95 roposed to depend on the ability to maintain aerobic metabolism, too.
96       A corollary of this hypothesis is that aerobic metabolism underwrites complex biological functi
97 duction by spheroids upon suppression of the aerobic metabolism was observed.
98 trong contemporary functional association of aerobic metabolism with both physical capacity and healt
99  contact with CAFs, were reprogrammed toward aerobic metabolism, with a decrease in GLUT1 expression

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