


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ors), chlorophyll (O2 production), and heme (aerobic respiration).
2 cal gas normally produced in the body during aerobic respiration.
3 ve lipid essential for electron transport in aerobic respiration.
4 h, saNOS also plays a modulatory role during aerobic respiration.
5 ogenase complex (PDHE1), a central enzyme in aerobic respiration.
6 an electrochemical Na(+) potential driven by aerobic respiration.
7 is utilized in oxygen-limited conditions for aerobic respiration.
8 capable of supporting growth of the cells by aerobic respiration.
9 ansformations ranging from photosynthesis to aerobic respiration.
10 duced owing to decreased NADH oxidization by aerobic respiration.
11 in which growth of the pathogen is fueled by aerobic respiration.
12  and eukaryotes for energy production during aerobic respiration.
13 een fermentation, anaerobic respiration, and aerobic respiration.
14 cherichia coli is able to conserve energy by aerobic respiration.
15 o detrimental effects on cell energetics and aerobic respiration.
16 tch for the transition between anaerobic and aerobic respiration.
17 imeric enzyme that executes the last step in aerobic respiration.
18 nucleotide metabolism, LPS biosynthesis, and aerobic respiration.
19 imethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and plays a role in aerobic respiration.
20 unities for improved energy conservation via aerobic respiration.
21 otection and switching between anaerobic and aerobic respiration.
22 f organelles, only some of which function in aerobic respiration.
23  transition from anaerobic photosynthesis to aerobic respiration.
24  transition from anaerobic photosynthesis to aerobic respiration.
25 unique to cytochrome c oxidases and vital to aerobic respiration.
26 fate oxidation to denitrification as well as aerobic respiration.
27 tical molecules produced as a consequence of aerobic respiration.
28 tes an electrochemical Na(+) gradient during aerobic respiration.
29 fferentially regulate many genes involved in aerobic respiration, an essential pathway for sporulatio
30 ion profiles for three diverse growth modes--aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration in the dark,
31 e is different when cells generate energy by aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, or photosynt
32 tes of pyruvate conversion to acetyl-CoA for aerobic respiration and anaerobic fermentation, respecti
33 nuclear genome indicates a capacity for both aerobic respiration and anaerobic metabolism with concom
34 en species (ROS) are metabolic byproducts of aerobic respiration and are responsible for maintaining
35 imetic AICAR or by antimycin A, which blocks aerobic respiration and causes acidification, increased
36 evolution by facilitating the development of aerobic respiration and complex multicellular life.
37 dative stress both endogenously generated by aerobic respiration and exogenously produced by host pha
38  coexisting mitochondrial metabolic pathways-aerobic respiration and fermentative malate dismutation.
39           NO was found to reversibly inhibit aerobic respiration and growth.
40 r canonical mitochondrial functions, such as aerobic respiration and haem biosynthesis.
41 , the CydAB bd-type oxidase is essential for aerobic respiration and intracellular replication, and c
42 and the presence of either is sufficient for aerobic respiration and intracellular replication.
43 tive oxygen species are byproducts of normal aerobic respiration and ionizing radiation, and they rea
44 one of redox reactions in both anaerobic and aerobic respiration and photosynthesis.
45 c program induced by conditions that inhibit aerobic respiration and prevent bacillus replication.
46 ion, FlhD/FlhC repressed enzymes involved in aerobic respiration and regulated many other metabolic e
47 tosynthetic activity led to the evolution of aerobic respiration and responses to the resulting react
48  mechanisms, particularly, the regulation of aerobic respiration and rRNA processing.
49  conditions, while that of genes involved in aerobic respiration and the tricarboxylic acid cycle wer
50                Oxygen consumption rate (OCR, aerobic respiration) and extracellular acidification rat
51 p protects V. fischeri from NO inhibition of aerobic respiration, and removes NO under both oxic and
52  species (ROS) arise through normal cellular aerobic respiration, and, in combination with external s
53  isolation (hot-spring biofilm) revealed (an)aerobic respiration as population segregation factor acr
54   These compounds, produced during bacterial aerobic respiration as well as by the host immune system
55 F-1's functions by showing that it modulates aerobic respiration as well.
56 hen taken advantage of to develop a cellular aerobic respiration assay.
57 ee organisms use DNA repair, translation and aerobic respiration associated processes to modulate the
58 uvate metabolism, resulting in a decrease in aerobic respiration at the location of injury following
59                                       During aerobic respiration, Bacillus subtilis utilizes three te
60 wth inhibition under conditions that require aerobic respiration, but does not affect growth under an
61  produce energy is to metabolize the food by aerobic respiration, but the fastest way is to metaboliz
62             Altogether, our results identify aerobic respiration by bacteria as a previously unknown
63       Therefore, we reasoned that inhibiting aerobic respiration by inducing systemic hypoxaemia woul
64 ete submergence represses photosynthesis and aerobic respiration, causing rapid mortality in most ter
65 neurons that are activated by the product of aerobic respiration, CO2.
66 chrome C oxidase genes, suggesting increased aerobic respiration compared to diet-fed larvae.
67 apsulatus utilizes two terminal oxidases for aerobic respiration, cytochrome cbb(3) and ubiquinol oxi
68 s, but continuous growth eventually leads to aerobic respiration defects, reduced mtDNA content, and
69  hypoxia, leads to reduced ATP production by aerobic respiration, driving cells to rely more on fatty
70 lay a role during the sudden interruption of aerobic respiration due to causes such as hypoxia, thior
71 curtailed the fitness advantage conferred by aerobic respiration during C. rodentium infection.
72 sults indicate a role for V. fischeri AOX in aerobic respiration during NO stress.
73 ry complexes, supporting the hypothesis that aerobic respiration evolved after oxygenic photosynthesi
74  annexins, lipid transporters and enzymes of aerobic respiration), from which a link with lipid oxida
75                              In this system, aerobic respiration generally maintains anoxic groundwat
76                                              Aerobic respiration generates reactive oxygen species th
77                 Tricarboxylic acid cycle and aerobic respiration genes are strongly PHX in all five g
78 ganelle, even when its canonical function of aerobic respiration has been apparently lost.
79 AB aa 3-type oxidase is required neither for aerobic respiration in air nor for intracellular growth.
80                                              Aerobic respiration in bacteria, Archaea, and mitochondr
81 gulator for the switch between anaerobic and aerobic respiration in Escherichia coli and many other b
82  Q (Q) is a redox active lipid essential for aerobic respiration in eukaryotes.
83 ted mandelalides are effective inhibitors of aerobic respiration in living cells.
84 dult stem cells and somatic cells can rescue aerobic respiration in mammalian cells with nonfunctiona
85 n enrichment for metabolites associated with aerobic respiration in samples from patients with open i
86 egulon mechanisms shift metabolism away from aerobic respiration in the face of dwindling oxygen avai
87  in the post-diauxic phase, showed defective aerobic respiration in the post-diauxic phase but retain
88 s, enabling a more detailed understanding of aerobic respiration in this organism.
89 tochondrial homeostasis, including decreased aerobic respiration, increased oxidant stress, and mitoc
90                                              Aerobic respiration is a fundamental energy-generating p
91 rom reactive oxygen species generated during aerobic respiration is a major cause of genetic damage t
92                Here we provide evidence that aerobic respiration is required for commensal and pathog
93                                              Aerobic respiration is required for optimal efficiency o
94 tress engendered in situations as diverse as aerobic respiration, ischemia reperfusion, and inflammat
95           Capsule biosynthesis also requires aerobic respiration, leading us to hypothesize that caps
96 ndicates that the capacity of halophiles for aerobic respiration may have been acquired through later
97 existing cardiomyocytes, and is regulated by aerobic-respiration-mediated oxidative DNA damage.
98  environmental heme is a means of activating aerobic respiration metabolism.
99 al for many cellular processes, ranging from aerobic respiration, metabolite biosynthesis, ribosome a
100  onset of villus elongation, suggesting that aerobic respiration might function as a regulator of vil
101                     I therefore suggest that aerobic respiration must have developed early in the Arc
102 ession in P. aerophilum were associated with aerobic respiration, nitrate respiration, arsenate respi
103 ting first-order catalytic rate constant for aerobic respiration on iron was 7,400 s(-1).
104     Mitochondria maintain a constant rate of aerobic respiration over a wide range of oxygen levels.
105 egulation of metabolic parameters, including aerobic respiration, proton motive force (Deltap), and s
106 o be the main reason SQR is expressed during aerobic respiration rather than the related enzyme fumar
107                                  In terms of aerobic respiration, resD functions upstream of ctaA, a
108 ion is an important factor in the inertia to aerobic respiration that is evident in the transition fr
109 ctaA is one of the several genes involved in aerobic respiration that requires ResD for in vivo expre
110   The mitochondria provided the capacity for aerobic respiration, the creation of the eukaryotic cell
111 ycling in upland soils is entirely driven by aerobic respiration; the impact of anaerobic microsites
112 ing revealed bacterial formate oxidation and aerobic respiration to be overrepresented metabolic path
113 cherichia coli, which we have shown requires aerobic respiration to compete successfully in the mouse
114                     ABPP showed a shift from aerobic respiration to ethanol fermentation and utilizat
115 uction can shift cellular bioenergetics from aerobic respiration to glycolysis, yet RCAN1-1L has very
116 antly, it is proposed that the adaptation of aerobic respiration to low oxygen environments resulted
117 el after 2 days, suggesting that maintaining aerobic respiration under conditions of nitrosative stre
118 tion, is able to functionally replace SQR in aerobic respiration when conditions are used to allow th
119 dent respiration under hypoxic conditions to aerobic respiration, when accumulated nitric oxide react

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