


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  aerolysin; thus, PNH cells are resistant to aerolysin.
2 s, are resistant to the cytotoxic effects of aerolysin.
3 xin, a protease, and the hole-forming toxin, aerolysin.
4 in methylcellulose containing toxic doses of aerolysin (1 x 10(-9) M).
5 cells differed markedly in susceptibility to aerolysin (a bacterial toxin that binds to GPI-anchored
6       The mutant cells are also resistant to aerolysin, a channel-forming protein secreted by Aeromon
7 is vacuolation was related to that caused by aerolysin, a pore-forming toxin of Aeromonas; it involve
8 rsensitivity of baby hamster kidney cells to aerolysin, a pore-forming toxin that targets humans.
9                      Importantly, the use of aerolysin allowed us to detect PNH populations that coul
10                   Resistance of PNH cells to aerolysin allows for a simple, inexpensive assay for PNH
11  a protein, probed by two protein nanopores: aerolysin and alpha-hemolysin.
12 D is required for extracellular secretion of aerolysin and protease, indicating that tapD may play an
13  nanopore engineering for biosensing, making aerolysin applicable in genetic and epigenetic detection
14  which severely lowers the sensitivity of an aerolysin-based genetic biosensor.
15           We conclude that alpha toxin, like aerolysin, binds to GPI-anchored protein receptors.
16 s those of beta-pore-forming toxins, such as Aerolysin, but is devoid of a receptor-binding domain.
17 with the GPI-anchor-reactive bacterial toxin aerolysin enriched for the GPI-anchor- populations.
18   The percentage of lysis of PNH cells after aerolysin exposure paralleled the percentage of CD59(+)
19 tebrate cytolysin lysenin is a member of the aerolysin family of pore-forming toxins that includes ma
20  the earthworm Eisenia fetida belongs to the aerolysin family of small beta-pore-forming toxins (beta
21          Examination of other members of the aerolysin family reveals high structural preservation in
22 nchor markers, CD59 and a GPI-binding toxin, aerolysin (FLAER), confirming the pathogenicity of the m
23  its functional and sequence similarity with aerolysin, for which the crystal structure has been dete
24 hat two other bacterial pore-forming toxins (aerolysin from Aeromonas species and alpha-toxin from St
25 r+ cells in the Mut lines and analyses using aerolysin in conjunction with flow cytometry yielded PIG
26 l-characterized bacterial pore-forming toxin aerolysin in single cells in real time to determine the
27 -operate approach to noncovalently transform aerolysin into a highly nucleic acids-sensitive nanopore
28                                              Aerolysin is a channel-forming toxin secreted by Aeromon
29                                              Aerolysin is a toxin secreted by the bacterial pathogen
30                           Here, we show that aerolysin is capable of neutralizing HIV-1 in a dose-dep
31 y lower the pH on one side of the pore, then aerolysin is immediately "activated" and enabled to capt
32 al domain shows structural homology with the aerolysin-like beta-pore-forming family of proteins.
33 ium perfringens epsilon toxin belongs to the aerolysin-like family of pore-forming toxins and is one
34 stridium septicum that belongs to the unique aerolysin-like family of pore-forming toxins.
35 vated pore-forming toxin that belongs to the aerolysin-like family of toxins.
36 the understanding of pore formation by other aerolysin-like pore-forming toxins, which often represen
37     A protein of this same size was found in aerolysin overlays used to detect GPI-anchored proteins.
38                                              Aerolysin protein pore has been widely used for sensing
39 eal isolate, SSU, of Aeromonas hydrophila is aerolysin related and crucial to the pathogenesis of Aer
40                                           An aerolysin-related cytotoxic enterotoxin (Act) of Aeromon
41                             The frequency of aerolysin resistant CFC was 14.7 +/- 4.0 x 10(-6) in the
42     DNA was extracted from individual day-14 aerolysin-resistant CFCs and the PIG-A gene was sequence
43                                              Aerolysin-resistant CFCs from patients with PNH exhibite
44                                              Aerolysin should also be useful in studying PNH biology.
45 PI)-anchored proteins serve as receptors for aerolysin; thus, PNH cells are resistant to aerolysin.
46                                              Aerolysin variants with single amino acid changes that p
47  type III cells were completely resistant to aerolysin, whereas PNH type II cells displayed intermedi
48 ure by using two toxins, alpha-hemolysin and aerolysin, which differ in their shape, size, and charge

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