


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 vated contractility by increasing junctional afadin.
2 AJ reannealing mediated by the Rap1 effector afadin.
3 ynapses through the scaffolding protein AF-6/afadin.
4 y associates with the nectin-binding protein afadin.
5 d with the cytoplasmic actin-binding protein afadin.
6 h protein harbors a cryptic binding site for afadin.
7      It was also previously shown that AF-6 (afadin), a PDZ domain-containing protein, associates wit
8                  In this study, we find that afadin, a component of N-cadherin.beta-catenin.alpha-N-c
9  that lumen formation and elongation require afadin, a nectin adaptor protein implicated in adherens
10   Infectious-center growth is facilitated by afadin, a protein connecting the adherens junction and t
11                              We propose that afadin acts as a robust protein scaffold that maintains
12         Together, these results suggest that afadin acts upstream of the Par complex to regulate the
13 neuroblasts), the scaffolding protein Canoe (Afadin/Af-6 in mammals) regulates spindle orientation, b
14 vo and phosphorylates Canoe, the ortholog of Afadin/AF-6, in vitro.
15 cell adherens junctions and interacts with l-afadin, an F-actin-binding protein.
16 through their cytoplasm-associated proteins, afadin and catenins, it is not fully understood how nect
17  we show that the adherens junction proteins afadin and CDH2 are critical for the control of cell pro
18 ll-cell adhesion sites after both the nectin-afadin and E-cadherin-catenin systems had been assembled
19 nin-binding protein that connects the nectin-afadin and E-cadherin-catenin systems through alpha-acti
20 hat LMO7 was associated with both the nectin-afadin and E-cadherin-catenin systems.
21                                         Both Afadin and PDZ-GEF2 colocalized and coimmunoprecipitated
22 tion facilitates formation of a complex with Afadin and PDZ-GEF2 that activates Rap1A, which regulate
23 ted with the PDZ domain-containing molecules Afadin and PDZ-guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF)
24        Our study uncovers essential roles of Afadin and RhoA in pancreatic central lumen morphogenesi
25         In this issue, Choi et al. show that afadin and ZO-1 regulate tension and maintain zonula adh
26 lial permeability via association with ZO-2, afadin, and PDZ-GEF1 to activate Rap2c and control contr
27  physical interactions between MAGI-1, AFD-1/afadin, and SAX-7/L1CAM, which are part of a functional
28 iates directly with ZO-2 and indirectly with afadin, and this complex, along with PDZ-GEF1, activates
29       These results indicate that LMO7 is an afadin- and alpha-actinin-binding protein that connects
30  of the human LIM domain only 7 (LMO7) as an afadin- and alpha-actinin-binding protein.
31 e Rap1 and the actin-junctional linker Canoe/afadin are essential for polarity establishment, as both
32  the synaptic localization of nectin-1 and l-afadin are F-actin-dependent and that the shedding of ne
33            Our findings identify nectins and afadin as components of the reelin signaling pathway and
34 data demonstrate that activation of the Rap1-afadin axis is a physiological mechanism driving restora
35 elix bundles, both of which are required for afadin binding.
36 also generated a nectin-4 mutant without the afadin-binding site in its cytoplasmic tail.
37 lpha-catenin, residues 385-651, contains the afadin-binding site.
38 upts the synaptically localized nectin-1 and afadin cluster at an early stage and elicits nectin-1 ec
39                                 Nectin-1 and afadin cluster at developing synapses between hippocampa
40                                 These nectin-afadin clusters uniformly colocalize with N-cadherin-cat
41                                   The nectin-afadin complex also localizes to AJs and links to the cy
42 elial cells, MV spread requires the nectin-4/afadin complex and is based on cytoplasm transfer betwee
43  its role in promoting cadherin recruitment, afadin deletion resulted in 70% fewer and less intense N
44 ether, these results support a model whereby afadin determines lumen placement by directing apical-ba
45                  We further demonstrate that afadin directly interacts with AMPA receptors and that l
46 We show that loss of the scaffolding protein Afadin disrupts de novo lumenogenesis and lumen continui
47 age and roles of the linkage regulator Canoe/afadin during Drosophila germband extension (GBE), a con
48  we studied the distribution of nectin-1 and afadin during hippocampal synapse formation using cultur
49 between nectin-1 and the cytoplasmic protein afadin for HSV entry and spread as well as the effects o
50 ed to dissociation of cell junction scaffold afadin from the adherens junctions.
51 oncomitant shuttling of the scaffold protein afadin from the cytosol to the nucleus and synapses.
52                                    Mammalian afadin has been suggested to be essential for adhesion a
53       In contrast, Drosophila melanogaster's afadin homologue Canoe (Cno) has suggested roles in sign
54                               Mice that lack afadin in nephron precursors show evidence of Par3-expre
55             Forced expression of recombinant afadin in pulmonary endothelium attenuated CS-induced VE
56                                   Absence of afadin in vivo leads to misorientation of apical-basal c
57                                        Thus, afadin is a key intracellular signaling molecule for cad
58                                              Afadin is a Rap-regulated, actin-binding protein that pr
59     Phosphorylation studies demonstrate that afadin is a substrate for AMPK.
60                    Here, we demonstrate that afadin is required for lumen continuity by orienting the
61 ently found that the F-actin-binding protein afadin is required for lumen continuity in developing re
62             Furthermore, we demonstrate that afadin is required for Par complex formation.
63        Collectively, these data suggest that afadin is required for the maintenance of dendritic stru
64 noe (Cno), the Drosophila orthologue of AF-6/Afadin, is essential for Slit-Robo signaling.
65                                  Although ZO/afadin knockdown did not prevent contractile array assem
66 acts with the putative actin regulator AFD-1/afadin; knocking down magi-1 or afd-1 function in a hypo
67                                   Absence of afadin led to delayed and diminished integration of nect
68  that LMO7 localized at cell-cell AJs, where afadin localized, in epithelial cells of rat gallbladder
69 sing an in vitro 3D cyst model, we find that afadin localizes to the cell cortex adjacent to the spin
70 ether with the intracellular binding partner afadin, mediate adhesion and signaling at a variety of i
71 role in mediating synaptogenesis, we deleted afadin (mllt1), using a conditional allele, in postmitot
72     The alpha-catenin fragment 385-651 binds afadin more strongly than the full-length protein, sugge
73                         Critically, blocking afadin nuclear accumulation attenuated activity-dependen
74                 Moreover, activity-dependent afadin nuclear translocation coincides with phosphorylat
75                           Activity-dependent afadin nuclear translocation peaked 2 h post-stimulation
76                              Inactivation of afadin or CDH2 in the dorsal telencephalon leads to a ph
77                               Loss of JAM-A, Afadin, or PDZ-GEF2, but not ZO-1 or PDZ-GEF1, similarly
78 equired for the colocalization of the nectin/afadin/ponsin adhesion system to adherens junctions, and
79 pletion of the actomyosin regulator RhoA and Afadin results in defects in the central lumens and arre
80                      Furthermore, the nectin-afadin system is required for the deposition of tight ju
81 motes neuronal Cdh2 function via nectin3 and afadin, thus directing the broadly expressed homophilic
82    Furthermore, association of PDZ-GEF2 with Afadin was dependent on the expression of JAM-A.
83       To assess the relevance of the protein afadin, which connects nectin-4 to the actin cytoskeleto

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