


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 us on drinking to self-medicate or cope with affective symptoms.
2  depressed mood was less frequent than other affective symptoms.
3 ompanied by additional somatic and cognitive/affective symptoms.
4 uggesting that they did not have significant affective symptoms.
5 phase of the menstrual cycle may precipitate affective symptoms.
6  mainly due to somatic rather than cognitive-affective symptoms.
7 were associated with earlier age at onset of affective symptoms and syndromal bipolar disorder.
8 th significant and sustained improvements in affective symptoms, BMI, and changes in neural circuitry
9 on, or anhedonia were used as the qualifying affective symptoms; depressive symptoms were eliminated
10                                              Affective symptoms differed significantly among groups;
11        Participants recovering with residual affective symptoms experienced subsequent major affectiv
12 n when they were moderate to severe, whereas affective symptoms had the largest effect on interferenc
13 ough the etiologic relationship of panic and affective symptoms has not been determined.
14              Psychosis (hazard ratio=1.537), affective symptoms (hazard ratio=1.510), agitation/aggre
15          The primary long-term outcomes were affective symptoms (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scal
16 nvariably associated with the development of affective symptoms in PD.
17                                              Affective symptoms influence health status (health-relat
18              PFC activation also reduces the affective symptoms of pain.
19 odulate some of the negative, cognitive, and affective symptoms of schizophrenia and is a potential t
20 (mGlu2/3) receptors ameliorate psychotic and affective symptoms of schizophrenia suggests that compou
21 ather than manic, and subsyndromal and minor affective symptoms predominate.
22                                 In contrast, affective symptoms reflecting areas of chronic dysphoria
23 elationships between dimensional measures of affective symptom severity and fractional anisotropy in
24 der (BP-I) and does not relate disability to affective symptom severity and polarity or to bipolar II
25 lness featuring the full range (spectrum) of affective symptom severity and polarity.
26 ility fluctuates in parallel with changes in affective symptom severity in BP-I and BP-II.
27 ects of clozapine on positive, negative, and affective symptoms, social and occupational functioning,
28                                       Weekly affective symptom status ratings for 86 patients with BP
29                                       Weekly affective symptom status ratings were analyzed by polari
30 icidal intent was reduced by controlling for affective symptoms, suggesting that the effect of the fo
31 rceived hearing problems or for cognitive or affective symptoms that may be related to hearing loss.
32      Whether cannabis can cause psychotic or affective symptoms that persist beyond transient intoxic
33 controls (HC) and negatively associated with affective symptoms throughout the weight spectrum, indep
34 for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms, and affective symptoms were assessed with the Hamilton Depre
35 eater reductions in severity of positive and affective symptoms were seen with risperidone than with
36 mpulsive symptoms resolved the most quickly, affective symptoms were the most chronic, and cognitive
37 2) = 0.027, P = .002), but not the cognitive-affective symptoms, were positively associated with inti
38 rs-negative symptoms, positive symptoms, and affective symptoms-were all significantly correlated in
39 hesised that self-reported health status and affective symptoms would map onto salience network regio

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