


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tic frequency/amplitude of EPSCs in auditory afferent fibres.
2 rgans is modulated and finely tuned by vagal afferent fibres.
3 trategic position between the urothelium and afferent fibres.
4 and may require activation of high-threshold afferent fibres.
5  for synaptic contact of the lung and airway afferent fibres.
6 ry reflex is mediated by capsaicin-sensitive afferent fibres.
7  in the cell bodies of the primary autonomic afferent fibres.
8  major synaptic termination for thin primary afferent fibres.
9 e (pain-sensing) and thermoreceptive primary afferent fibres.
10 n D(28K), a protein present in striatonigral afferent fibres.
11 due to activation of NMDA receptors by vagal afferent fibres.
12 PGI2) increases the activity of baroreceptor afferent fibres.
13 unctionally and anatomically distinct airway afferent fibres.
14 nteric nerve bundles contained CCK-sensitive afferent fibres.
15  analysis revealed three functional types of afferent fibres: (1) low-threshold fibres (2) wide dynam
16  contrast, electrical stimulation of the ADN afferent fibres (5 s train, 2 ms pulses, 4 V, 0.5-48 Hz)
17                                     Auditory afferent fibre activity in mammals relies on neurotransm
18 al experiments, the relative contribution of afferent fibres and central neurons to their excitatory
19  II) receives strong input from thin primary afferent fibres and is involved in nociception, pain, te
20  neurotransmission between primary autonomic afferent fibres and second-order NTS neurones.
21                High-threshold mechanosensory afferent fibres and small-diameter DRG neurons possessed
22                Some synapses between primary afferent fibres and spinal dorsal horn neurons may be in
23  in the cell bodies of the primary autonomic afferent fibres and transported to the central terminals
24  can develop at synaptic connections between afferent fibres and/or descending tracts and motoneurone
25 ssure stimulates the group III and IV muscle afferent fibres, and in turn induce cardiovascular respo
26 omiting produce intense stimulation of vagal afferent fibres, and since ondansetron and other 5-HT3 a
27 ontal slice preparation in which hippocampal afferent fibres are preserved.
28 evidence for coupling between them and other afferent fibres as being possible peripheral mechanisms
29 mGluR subtypes was detected in the autonomic afferent fibre cell bodies in the nodose and jugular gan
30 -pigs, the mechanical sensitivity of A delta afferent fibres (conduction velocity = 4.3 +/- 0.6 m s-1
31                  Mechanical sensitivities of afferent fibres (conduction velocity = 4.3 +/- 0.6 m s-1
32       We have used electrical stimulation of afferent fibres coupled with whole-cell patch-clamp soma
33 l approaches, we provide evidence that vagal afferent fibres dampen cAMP levels within the vagal brai
34 terations in cAMP levels subsequent to vagal afferent fibre-dependent activation of metabotropic glut
35  these functional effects and of stimulating afferent fibre discharge, including mechanical, chemical
36 n skeletal muscle (localized to unmyelinated afferent fibres) elicits increases in MAP and HR similar
37                    Stimulation of trigeminal afferent fibres evoked an excitatory postsynaptic curren
38                                              Afferent fibres from the superficial lamina (I-III) were
39                  Activation of low-threshold afferent fibres generates typical AMPA-receptor-mediated
40 neuropeptides may not be restricted to vagal afferent fibres, however, as other non-sensory neurones
41 cin, was used to deplete capsaicin-sensitive afferent fibres in rats.
42 he release of neurotransmitter onto auditory afferent fibres in response to spontaneous action potent
43 e secretion via gastroduodenal mucosal vagal afferent fibres in the rat.
44 lly evoked by stimulation of primary sensory afferent fibres in the tractus solitarius (ts) and curre
45                                          The afferent fibres in these vagal branches involved probabl
46 that 5-HT activates different populations of afferent fibres innervating the rat jejunum.
47                                        Vagal afferent fibres innervating thoracic structures such as
48 se to single and repeated stimuli to primary afferent fibres investigated.
49          A reduced activity of cardiac vagal afferent fibres is considered as one of the pathophysiol
50 ory effect of PGI2 on baroreceptor and vagal afferent fibres is mediated by inhibition of voltage-gat
51 alateral muscles implies that stimulation of afferent fibres leads directly to release of humoral fac
52 eATP preferentially activate general sensory afferent fibres (LN) but not taste fibres (CT).
53       Populations of group III and IV muscle afferent fibres located in the adventitia of the small v
54                     The primary baroreceptor afferent fibres make their first excitatory synaptic con
55 ine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) on pulmonary vagal afferent fibres (n = 46) was studied in a canine model i
56 tamatergic excitatory drive from the primary afferent fibres onto dorsal horn neurons.
57   Presynaptic inhibition of soleus muscle Ia afferent fibres, produced by stimulation of group I affe
58 n as a pharmacological tool to study primary afferent fibre responses to cold stimuli and to determin
59 tivated during contraction by stimulation of afferent fibres responsive to mechanical distortion and/
60       The mediators may act locally on vagal afferent fibres running close to their cell of origin, o
61 ular type I and type II hair cells and their afferent fibres send information to the brain regarding
62 oth mechanically and metabolically sensitive afferent fibres, static hindlimb contractions were induc
63                    Depolarization of primary afferent fibre terminals interferes with the gating of i
64             However, whether Merkel cells or afferent fibres themselves sense mechanical force is sti
65 ponses were consistent with activation of Ia afferent fibres through monosynaptic neural circuits sin
66 in (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) act via vagal afferent fibres to mediate gastrointestinal functions.
67 fin cells activates 5-HT3 receptors on vagal afferent fibres to mediate luminal non-cholecystokinin-s
68 , which acts on the 5-HT3 receptors on vagal afferent fibres to stimulate vagal sensory neurons.
69                                        These afferent fibre types differ in degree of myelination, co
70 III/IV NK1R+ neurons postsynaptic to primary afferent fibres, using inward rectification and polyamin
71 m that involves the release of ATP to excite afferent fibres via activation of ionotropic P2X and/or
72 ptors is transmitted primarily by left vagal afferent fibres via non-NMDA receptors to neurones in bo
73              The discharge of duodenal vagal afferent fibres was recorded from the dorsal abdominal v
74 ith monosynaptic input from group II primary afferent fibres were physiologically characterized and i
75 limination of substance P-containing primary afferent fibres with the neurotoxin capsaicin.

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