


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 uded efferent-mediated slow excitation in CD afferents.
2 e target of nodose ganglion-derived visceral afferents.
3 to which response strength varies across SA1 afferents.
4 ires CB1 receptors on cortical glutamatergic afferents.
5 he metabolically-sensitive thin fibre muscle afferents.
6 itory inputs from touch- and/or pain-sensing afferents.
7 rent to trigger action potentials in primary afferents.
8 from nociceptors and recruitment of 'silent' afferents.
9  temporally precise activation of vestibular afferents.
10 L1 receptor signaling to group III/IV muscle afferents.
11 p neurons, and reduced drive from excitatory afferents.
12 ed by functional rapidly adapting trigeminal afferents.
13 the excitability and responsiveness of vagal afferents.
14 w provides selective labeling of only spinal afferents.
15 unilaterally, to label cortical and thalamic afferents.
16  extent the firing dynamics of SA1 cutaneous afferents.
17 e hypothesized stretch receptor roles of the afferents.
18 hreshold afferents compared to low-threshold afferents.
19 /or quantitative regional differences in its afferents.
20 ion of presynaptic ribbons with postsynaptic afferents.
21 receive direct sensory input from peripheral afferents.
22  synapses with presynaptic entorhinal cortex afferents.
23 activation of mGlu7 by stimulation of SC-CA1 afferents.
24 hey are innervated by high-threshold sensory afferents.
25 st regeneration of large, myelinated sensory afferents.
26 ed Ca(2+) transients in putative nociceptive afferents.
27 erent-mediated inhibition in adjacent bouton afferents.
28  neural coding strategies used by peripheral afferents.
29 cting efferent-mediated inhibition in bouton afferents.
30  exert presynaptic inhibition of the sensory afferents.
31  by phase locking in spike trains of primary afferents.
32 s: it receives ipsilateral and contralateral afferents.
33 erm neural accommodation phenomenon in these afferents.
34  laboratory to selectively label only spinal afferents.
35 c target recognition by incoming presynaptic afferents.
36 llover of glutamate from prefrontal cortical afferents.
37  from entorhinal but not Schaffer-collateral afferents.
38 iable times to spike threshold in converging afferents.
39  fibers, namely slowly adapting type 1 (SA1) afferents.
40 nduction of action potentials within primary afferents.
41 ng theta-burst stimulation (TBS) of cortical afferents.
42 ptive pathways in the CNS compared with skin afferents.
43  only observed at the level of striatonigral afferents.
44 ent neurons excites calyx and dimorphic (CD) afferents.
45 t interaction between DEP and airway C-fiber afferents.
46 ry impairment in AD using DBS of hippocampal afferents.
47 only in the more irregularly firing tuberous afferents a synchrony code is established, whereas in th
48                             We show that BLA afferents activate excitatory and inhibitory circuits in
49 eased acetylcholine (ACh) from medial septal afferents activates muscarinic receptors on both vasoact
50  manipulations: (1) enhancing proprioceptive afferents activity by electrical stimulation; or (2) dim
51 appa-opioid receptors (KORs) on dopaminergic afferents and can negatively regulate dopamine release.
52        Synaptic associations between retinal afferents and DRN serotonergic and GABAergic neurons wer
53 ual thalamus that depicts individual retinal afferents and every contact these form with target relay
54  that has the capacity to stimulate visceral afferents and facilitate neuronal TRPV1 signaling.
55 pothesized that TRPV4 is expressed on airway afferents and is a key osmosensor initiating reflex even
56  of GABApre neuron axo-axonic contacts on Ia afferents and of the recurrent inhibitory circuit betwee
57 se neurons are largely controlled by sensory afferents and premotor neurons of the reticular formatio
58 - and polysynaptic connections between these afferents and the ascending propriospinal interneurons o
59  mediating sensory nerve activation in vagal afferents and the possible downstream signaling mechanis
60  (NTS) integrates inputs from cardiovascular afferents and thus is crucial for cardiovascular homeost
61 its that underlie the rapid excitation of CD afferents and whether they differ from alpha9alpha10 nAC
62 ed into adulthood, remained innervated by Ia-afferents, and expressed neurotrophin3 (NT3), which is r
63 eurons, are activated by nociceptive primary afferents, and form GABA-A-mediated inhibitory synapses
64 videnced by the activation of murine colonic afferents, and sensitization responses to capsaicin in d
65 act (NTS), a site that receives chemosensory afferents, and the ventral surface of the medulla that i
66                   Here, we show that type II afferents are activated when outer hair cells are damage
67  elicited by CB denervation means that these afferents are active under normoxia.
68 f efferent varicosities among hair cells and afferents are also integral to understanding how efferen
69  Therefore, we tested if ASICs within muscle afferents are altered in heart failure.
70      It appears that the group III/IV muscle afferents are an important neural link in this regulator
71 ive to drugs of abuse, such as cocaine, when afferents are collectively stimulated electrically.
72              KEY POINTS: Cardiac sympathetic afferents are considered to be essential pathways for tr
73 As the major excitatory input, glutamatergic afferents are important for control of the activity and
74         Despite these many contacts, type II afferents are insensitive to sound and only weakly depol
75  of varicosities suggests that most of these afferents are integrated in the dendritic trees of Mo7 n
76                                        Vagal afferents are involved in regulation of feeding behavior
77 mp experiments demonstrate that serotonergic afferents are largely excitatory for mitral cells (MCs)
78                                 Serotonergic afferents are predominately inhibitory for MCs in the AO
79                       Merkel-cell associated afferents are thought to play a major role in form perce
80        Despite this extensive arbor, type II afferents are weakly activated by outer hair cell transm
81 e periventricular nucleus with many synaptic afferents arising from neuromedin S(+) neurons of the su
82 umbers of chemosensitive group III/IV muscle afferents as assessed by an ex vivo forepaw muscles/medi
83 channels within this subpopulation of muscle afferents as being heteromeric channels composed of ASIC
84 timulation of mossy fiber and climbing fiber afferents as CS and US, while alternating between short
85   Furthermore, repetitive stimulation of BLA afferents at low (2 Hz) or high (40 Hz) frequencies reve
86 al and chemical responsiveness in individual afferents, but also to pain-related behavioral changes.
87 he transmitter phenotype of major IP and MnR afferents by combining retrograde tract tracing with imm
88 sms involved in activation of airway sensory afferents by DEPs.
89 consequence of increased activation of vagal afferents by pathology in the airways (e.g., inflammator
90 afferents distinguished dimorphic from calyx afferents by revealing type II hair cell input.
91 eral mechanisms by which group III/IV muscle afferents can dually regulate muscle nociception and the
92                              Corticostriatal afferents can engage parvalbumin-expressing (PV+) intern
93  primary visceral afferents, including vagal afferents, can maintain fidelity of transmission across
94 nction was more pronounced in high-threshold afferents compared to low-threshold afferents.
95   Overall the SCm receives larger numbers of afferents compared to the SCl.
96                          Solitary tract (ST) afferents converged onto NTS-CeA second-order sensory ne
97 ptogenetic inhibition of nociceptive sensory afferents could be used to modulate bladder pain.
98 ne whether inhibitory DREADDs in nociceptive afferents could be used to produce analgesia, and if so,
99 ndicated that the total number of functional afferents decreased with age.
100 xcitability and respond strongly to cortical afferents despite sparse excitatory inputs.
101                 Here we demonstrate that BLA afferents directly activate excitatory neurons and two d
102  The results demonstrate that ILC excitatory afferents directly modulate the extracellular concentrat
103                                       Muscle afferents displayed a higher probability of glutamate re
104 ockade of efferent-mediated excitation in CD afferents distinguished dimorphic from calyx afferents b
105 is conferred at the level of three glutamate afferents: dorsal raphe nucleus (DR), pedunculopontine n
106 u-opioid receptor-sensitive locomotor muscle afferents during a 5 km cycling time trial.
107                  However, activity of Merkel afferents during active touch has not been directly meas
108 results suggest that enhanced P2Y1 in muscle afferents during ischemic-like conditions may dually reg
109 ourse of transient IFRs in muscle spindle Ia afferents during stretch (i.e., lengthening) of passive
110 t transient innervation from thalamocortical afferents during the first postnatal week.
111 nant (95%) large-diameter, myelinated type I afferents, each of which is postsynaptic to a single inn
112 rdings report conflicting evidence about BLA afferents either selectively activating excitatory neuro
113                   Retinal and electrosensory afferents elicit local monosynaptic excitation, quickly
114  B4 (IB4)-binding, but not TRPV1(+), sensory afferents eliminated movement-induced BTP, suggesting th
115                    Stimulation of excitatory afferents evoked both monosynaptic and polysynaptic resp
116 -current candidates suggested that turtle CD afferents express KCNQ3, KCNQ4, and ERG1-3 potassium cha
117 ) neurons in the CeL, and stimulation of PVT afferents facilitated SOM(+) neuron activity and promote
118 pend on sensory feedback from mechanosensory afferents for the dynamic control of movement.
119 tomical data, we found that corticoclaustral afferents formed monosynaptic connections onto both ClaC
120                        Our data reveals that afferents from both maps of the ELL terminate in a detai
121 ophysiological recordings from single D-hair afferents from Kcnq3(-/-) mice showed increased firing f
122 isual cortex (V1) of cats with that of their afferents from lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), in resp
123             Dorsal parts of the aVTA receive afferents from LHbL and LHbM, whereas ventral parts of t
124 ervated from the LHbL, whereas pVTA receives afferents from LHbM and LHbL.
125 striatum is highly interconnected, receiving afferents from multiple neocortical regions, and support
126                                  It receives afferents from neurons in L10a of the optic tectum, whic
127 shold polysynaptic spinal reflexes involving afferents from other treated muscles.
128 ections, and received similar proportions of afferents from premotor areas 6M and 6DC, and from the p
129      These results suggest that serotonergic afferents from raphe dynamically modulate olfactory proc
130                        In the visual system, afferents from retina to the lateral geniculate nucleus
131 ry tract reflexes are mediated by peripheral afferents from the bladder (primarily in the pelvic nerv
132 sal striatum receives exclusively excitatory afferents from the cortex.
133 t of weakly activated populations of sensory afferents from the nose, thus demonstrating a change in
134        Projection studies revealed that only afferents from the rotated ears segregated from those fr
135 he ascending connections of the nTTD and the afferents from the syrinx to the trigeminal sensory colu
136 ke immunoreactivity, and the organization of afferents from the three branches of the trigeminal nerv
137 ed frogs to assess to what extent vestibular afferents from two adjacent ears could segregate.
138 or its well-defined and early segregation of afferents from vestibular and auditory endorgans.
139  results show that GABABRs on cortico-bulbar afferents gate excitatory transmission in a target-speci
140 organization, activation of corticoclaustral afferents generated monosynaptic excitatory responses as
141                                Gastric vagal afferents (GVAs) respond to mechanical stimuli to initia
142                    Since group III/IV muscle afferents have separately been associated with regulatin
143                           Most craniosensory afferents have unmyelinated axons expressing TRP Vanillo
144 tor activation causes excitation of visceral afferents; however, the impact of P2Y receptor activatio
145 rtex and other brain regions beyond the core afferents identified previously.
146 rmalized by inhibiting these corticostriatal afferents immediately before the drug prime.
147  which are produced by activation of somatic afferents in abnormal conditions of visceral organs.
148  temporally precise activation of vestibular afferents in awake-behaving monkeys to link plasticity a
149 cteristics elaborated de novo by the primary afferents in culture were systematically regulated by th
150  To study of the role of nociceptive sensory afferents in freely behaving mice, we developed a fully
151 to determine the role of group III/IV muscle afferents in limiting the endurance exercise-induced met
152 bo- and mechanosensitive group III/IV muscle afferents in limiting the intramuscular metabolic pertur
153 nd a comparison with the organization of VMH afferents in lizards suggests a homologous similarity of
154     These studies clarify the roles of vagal afferents in mediating particular gut hormone responses.
155   We demonstrate that muscle spindle primary afferents in passive muscle fire in direct relationship
156 nce indicates a role for group III/IV muscle afferents in reflex control of the human ventilatory res
157 his indicates abnormal involvement of muscle afferents in the control of ventilation in COPD which ma
158 lectively activate the GABAergic nigrotectal afferents in the deep layers of the SC.
159 ming noxious stimuli at the primary synaptic afferents in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.
160     Quantitative assessment of TRPV1-lineage afferents in the epidermis of the hind paws of the repor
161  to target expression of ChR2 to glycinergic afferents in the ICC and made whole-cell recordings in v
162 f-stimulation sustained by activation of PFC afferents in the NAc.
163 togenetically stimulating raphe serotonergic afferents in the OB had heterogeneous effects on presump
164 pha-synuclein present in dopaminergic nigral afferents in the regulation of adult neural stem cell ma
165 descending motor circuits and large diameter afferents in the spinal cord.
166 descending motor pathways and large diameter afferents in the spinal cord.
167 s from the clustering of ON and OFF thalamic afferents in the visual cortex, we conclude that all mai
168 that Merkel and unidentified slowly adapting afferents in the whisker system of behaving mice respond
169  innervation of hindbrain regions by sensory afferents in the zebrafish embryo, we mapped the fine-gr
170 hannels (ASICs) because treatment of sensory afferents in vitro with IL1beta-upregulated ASIC3 in sin
171                        UTP or ADP stimulated afferents, including mouse and human visceral nociceptor
172      The MGE cells were activated by primary afferents, including TRPV1-expressing nociceptors, and f
173 ors may explain in part how primary visceral afferents, including vagal afferents, can maintain fidel
174          It is well established that sensory afferents innervating muscle are more effective at induc
175 mpact of P2Y receptor activation on visceral afferents innervating the gut is unclear.
176 ediated slow excitation, we recorded from CD afferents innervating the turtle posterior crista during
177 smitters, between gustatory and chemosensory afferents inside taste buds will help explain how a cohe
178 lowed targeted investigation of gut-to-brain afferents involved in homeostatic responses to ingested
179 erneurons within the claustrum, and cortical afferents is also consistent with recent proposals that
180 reinnervation of muscle by motor and sensory afferents is completed in the periphery.
181 ion of mGlu7 by stimulation of glutamatergic afferents is disinhibition, rather than reduced excitato
182 hat alpha-SYN present in dopaminergic nigral afferents is essential for the normal cycling and mainte
183 buting to efferent-mediated excitation of CD afferents is lacking.
184 erent-mediated slow excitation of vestibular afferents is mediated by muscarinic acetylcholine recept
185 erent-mediated slow excitation of vestibular afferents is of considerable interest given its ability
186 ility for such cortical reactivation by hand afferents is that preserved second-order spinal cord neu
187 ctional significance of such paucity of LPFC afferents is unknown.
188  location of the nerve cell bodies of spinal afferents is well known to reside in dorsal root ganglia
189 The ventral striatum (VS), like its cortical afferents, is closely associated with processing of rewa
190 ereas in the more regularly firing ampullary afferents it is not.
191 cleft between type I hair cells and calyceal afferents, K(+) ions accumulate as a function of activit
192 cleft between type I hair cells and calyceal afferents, K(+) ions accumulate as a function of activit
193  dopamine-containing dendrites and also with afferents labeled by glutamatergic, GABAergic, and choli
194 etino-raphe anatomical organization, retinal afferents labeled with Cholera toxin B were examined for
195  the neonate, convergent inputs from sensory afferents (likely Ia) and motor axons, raising the quest
196          Recent studies suggest that type II afferents may be cochlear nociceptors, and can be excite
197                                      Type II afferents may be the cochlea's nociceptors, prompting av
198 ulation of presynaptic inhibition of sensory afferents may focus the central motor command by opening
199               The selective impairment in D2 afferents may promote the influence of D1 inputs to driv
200 optogenetic silencing of nociceptive bladder afferents may represent a potential future therapeutic s
201 lations between the activities of peripheral afferents mediate a phase invariant representation of na
202      To examine the possibility that sensory afferents modulate synaptic maturation on developing Ren
203 (NTS) neurons, the first synaptic station of afferents of baroreflexes and chemoreflexes, were evalua
204 3-AR stimulation are mediated by the sensory afferents of BAT, we tested the effects of CL-316,243 in
205 estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha)-expressing afferents of GnRH neurons, including kisspeptin neurons
206 ansgenic Gpr151-Cre mouse line, monosynaptic afferents of habenular and thalamic Gpr151-expressing ne
207                                In all cases, afferents of stiffer fins were more sensitive at lower d
208                               Mechanosensory afferents of the massive array of chordotonal organs (Jo
209 al olfactory tract but not the associational afferents of the piriform cortex.
210 ious thermal and chemical stimuli by primary afferents of the somatosensory system.
211 st that evolutionary changes in dopaminergic afferents of the striatum may be associated with uniquel
212 es in tuberous and ampullary electroreceptor afferents of the weakly electric fish Apteronotus leptor
213 e expression patterns among cochlear type II afferents of two genes found in C-fibers: calcitonin-rel
214 descending motor circuits and large diameter afferents onto common interneurons in the cervical spina
215                                  Presynaptic afferents onto mitral and external tufted cells had simi
216                                     However, afferents onto SNc dopamine neurons themselves appear in
217 electively weakens thalamic but not cortical afferents onto these neurons, implicating the thalamus a
218                         Stimulation of vagal afferents or efferents in mice 24 hours before IRI marke
219 pmental time-lines, we aimed to explore when afferents originating in RSC arrive in PHR.
220 dentify two populations of mouse vagus nerve afferents (P2ry1, Npy2r), each a few hundred neurons, th
221 d phenotypic switch in chemosensitive muscle afferents, potentially through regulating membrane expre
222 odulation of 5-HT responses in gastric vagal afferents prior to the development of obesity.
223 odulation of 5-HT responses in gastric vagal afferents prior to the development of obesity.
224 ing whole body exercise, group III/IV muscle afferents provide feedback to the CNS which, in turn, co
225 d separate phenotypic marker of unmyelinated afferents rather than operated by TRPV1.
226 area (VTA) dopamine neurons, whose glutamate afferents react robustly to cocaine.
227                                          BLA afferents recruit different proportions of excitatory an
228 ptogenetic inhibition of nociceptive sensory afferents reduced both ongoing pain and evoked cutaneous
229 tem, sequential segregation of photoreceptor afferents, reflecting their birth order, lead to differe
230  TRCs in the tongue and the principal neural afferents relaying taste information to the brain; and e
231  tissue damage, possibly by type-II cochlear afferents, represents a novel form of sensation that we
232                                 Thus, Merkel afferents send to the brain multiplexed information abou
233 n channels (ASICs), expressed in thin muscle afferents, sense the decrease in pH and evoke a pressor
234      Optically silencing nociceptive sensory afferents significantly blunted the evoked visceromotor
235  previous findings on primate mechanosensory afferents suggest multiplexed population coding as a gen
236 t was thought to originate from multisensory afferents synapsing directly onto the M-cell dendrites [
237 ll understood, inhibition of bladder sensory afferents temporarily relieves pain.
238 ephalic root, some Schnauzenorgan trigeminal afferents terminated in the trigeminal motor nucleus, su
239  timing the neuronal firing via monosynaptic afferents, thalamic nuclei act as a relay station routin
240 eurochemistry of the nerve endings of spinal afferents that actually detect these stimuli in the visc
241 ruited by activation of glutamatergic aNAcSh afferents that are involved in encoding a positive valen
242     However, the number of formerly 'silent' afferents that became mechanosensitive was increased fiv
243 hano-gated channels on the thin fibre muscle afferents that contribute to evoke this reflex, termed t
244 ructure in reward and addiction; however, LS afferents that drive addiction behaviors are unknown.
245 urons (SGNs) are small caliber, unmyelinated afferents that extend dendritic arbors hundreds of micro
246 ed, owing to burst firing in several olivary afferents that fire asynchronously.
247 le on vagal intramuscular arrays (IMAs), the afferents that innervate gastric smooth muscle.
248       The individual nerve endings of spinal afferents that innervate the urinary bladder have never
249 cation of peripheral nerve endings of spinal afferents that transduce sensory stimuli into action pot
250 les into the CNS, and/or activation of vagal afferents that trigger CNS inflammation.
251 rather than gained, sensitivity and 'silent' afferents that were mechanically insensitive and gained
252  are strikingly similar to myelinated airway afferents, the cough receptor, and smooth muscle-associa
253 e proximal airways involving jugular ganglia afferents, the Pa5, and the somatosensory thalamus and s
254            Outside the volume targeted by TC afferents, the resulting postsynaptic LFP signals were f
255 he region that receives orofacial nociceptor afferents, the spinal trigeminal nucleus.
256 nstructions reveal that many trans-medullary-afferents (TmAs) connect the eye with each LGMD, one TmA
257 ect the response of gastric-projecting vagal afferents to 5-HT, it attenuates the ability of glucose
258                                  Mossy fiber afferents to cerebellar granule cells form the primary s
259 ons from the medial septum (MS) as the major afferents to dentate PV interneurons.
260  not known how DEP exposure activates airway afferents to elicit symptoms, such as cough and bronchos
261 e application enhanced the sensitivity of CD afferents to mechanical stimulation, suggesting that mAC
262               Thus, a decrease in inhibitory afferents to MNTB neurons should lead to greater inhibit
263  responsiveness and chemosensation in muscle afferents to play a key role in the development of pain-
264  ability of high-frequency stimulation of SC afferents to reduce IPSC amplitudes.
265 tenuates the responsiveness of gastric vagal afferents to several neurohormones, the aim of the prese
266                     We found that excitatory afferents to SNc dopamine neurons are sensitive to cocai
267 argeting Bar(CRH) neurons and their synaptic afferents to study micturition and other pelvic function
268               Cholinergic and motor cortical afferents to the auditory cortex display distinct activi
269 ary approach to examine the properties of DA afferents to the LHb in the rat.
270 ity may arise from an oversynchronization of afferents to the motor cortex, and that these symptoms a
271 ptogenetic stimulation of either mPFC or AMY afferents to the NAc is pro-resilient.
272              This effect is specific to vHIP afferents to the NAc, as optogenetic stimulation of eith
273  the serotonergic dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) afferents to the nucleus accumbens (NAc) abolishes cocai
274                                          LHb afferents to the pVTA are distinct from those to the RMT
275 f abuse on synaptic mechanisms of identified afferents to the SNc.
276 e dopamine systems themselves; glutamatergic afferents to the striatum; and one of two dopamine-recep
277 ARC), are involved in the Tb setting through afferents to the thermoregulatory median preoptic nucleu
278 forcement circuitry is emerging: it includes afferents to the ventral tegmental area and substantia n
279 he ventral tegmental area (VTA), which sends afferents to various targets, including the nucleus accu
280 ceived inputs derived from only unmyelinated afferents [transient receptor potential cation channel s
281 ng endomorphins are also released by primary afferents under ischaemic conditions.
282 suggest a modulatory role of corticothalamic afferents upon the primate ventral motor thalamus.
283 n the influence of excitatory and inhibitory afferents upon them, we used stereology to estimate the
284 on injury sensitizes group III and IV muscle afferents via upregulation of acid-sensing ion channel 3
285  biomarker of type II versus type I cochlear afferents (Vyas et al., ).
286 veness and phenotypic switching in cutaneous afferents, we sought to determine whether upregulation o
287    The central projections of T7 and T13 DCN afferents were traced using DCN injections of cholera to
288 ferent-mediated fast excitation arises in CD afferents when the predominant efferent neurotransmitter
289 nnels (ASICs) are highly expressed in muscle afferents where they sense metabolic changes associated
290 els, such as TRPV4, are expressed in primary afferents, whether or not they play an analogous role in
291 eurotransmitter released in the NTS by vagal afferents, which arrive there via the solitary tract (ST
292 thin spinal cord circuits compared with skin afferents, which likely contributes to the higher preval
293 e subunit composition of ASICs within muscle afferents, which significantly altered their pH sensing
294                              The hypoglossal afferents, which terminate medially in the dorsal horn a
295 ocked efferent-mediated inhibition in bouton afferents while leaving efferent-mediated excitation in
296 annel is mainly found in primary nociceptive afferents whose activity has been linked to pathophysiol
297 induced when motor programs are triggered by afferents with processes in the esophageal nerve.
298 urons receiving direct input from vestibular afferents within minutes, as well as a decrease in the c
299 sistent with the preponderance of cerebellar afferents within the pons, we observed a significant pos
300 ) blocked efferent-mediated excitation in CD afferents without affecting efferent-mediated inhibition

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