


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ikely to be aggressive and more likely to be affiliative.
2  appropriate social behaviors, aggressive or affiliative.
3 ur data show that Sept5 deficiency decreased affiliative active social interaction, but this phenotyp
4 chanisms-physical avoidance, social support, affiliative, aggressive and displacement behaviours-to c
5 sequent social cues in a variety of socially affiliative and avoidant ways.
6 iably recognized, and the majority of highly affiliative and cooperative dyads are actually unrelated
7 teractions and responded differently to both affiliative and threatening signals.
8  three social-functional subtypes: pleasure, affiliative, and dominance.
9  in human bonding in different reproductive, affiliative, and kinship-based relationships remains unr
10 ) has an important role in the regulation of affiliative behavior and social bonding in both nonhuman
11 relative to the continuum of species-typical affiliative behavior and supports the hypothesis that ER
12 hibited increased levels of both anxiety and affiliative behavior compared with control males.
13 wing that individuals who show high rates of affiliative behavior form stronger social bonds with oth
14  the well-described influence of oxytocin on affiliative behavior in voles could also be of importanc
15 ting that females who manifest high rates of affiliative behavior may also be more motivated to antic
16 eptide systems involved in the regulation of affiliative behavior may contribute to abnormalities in
17 the endogenous opioid system in maternal and affiliative behavior of group-living rhesus macaque (Mac
18          Changes in both negative affect and affiliative behavior were significantly related to volun
19 er, PAC1-deficient females exhibited delayed affiliative behavior when housed with novel males, and P
20 es indicate that OT administration increases affiliative behavior, including trust, empathy, and soci
21 ens of Cape mole-rats reflects their lack of affiliative behavior.
22 mans, which promotes interpersonal touch and affiliative behavior.
23 c effects, suggesting a role in grooming and affiliative behavior.
24  negative affective experience and increased affiliative behavior.
25  (d = 1.09), and at 4-5 weeks exhibited more affiliative behaviors (d = 0.64), including gesturing, l
26 ostromedial basal forebrain are critical for affiliative behaviors and social attachment.
27 n, serve a crucial role in the regulation of affiliative behaviors and thus may be altered in borderl
28      The results suggest that protective and affiliative behaviors are pivotal in bonobo society and
29 nogamous rodents that display high levels of affiliative behaviors, including pair-bonding, biparenta
30 ) predicted oxytocin-associated increases in affiliative behaviors--lip smacking, visual attention to
31 s methamphetamine had only modest effects on affiliative behaviors.
32 ving perceptual abilities and one subserving affiliative behaviors.
33  studies indicate its association with human affiliative behaviors.
34 oxytocin binding and signaling in sexual and affiliative behaviors.
35 t of the prairie vole, and exhibit increased affiliative behaviour after injection with arginine vaso
36  administered arginine vasopressin increases affiliative behaviour in the highly social, monogamous p
37 is dynamically modulated to enhance females' affiliative behaviour towards a partner.
38 uit brain reward systems to drive changes in affiliative behaviour.
39 s of social communication: their relation to affiliative behaviours, their sensitivity to social cont
40                                         Male affiliative bonding depends upon release of both vasopre
41 trinsically social animals, forming enduring affiliative bonds [1].
42 ormal infant monkeys, which developed strong affiliative bonds and little or no behavioral disturbanc
43 striatal connectivity similar to other human affiliative bonds; highlight specific corticostriatal pa
44 t correlated with how quickly animals become affiliative but causally accelerates it.
45 to geladas) and made by males during various affiliative contexts.
46 This second sympathetic network may subserve affiliative, defensive and sexual behaviors.
47 inship-related social scenarios evocative of affiliative emotion induce septal-preoptic-anterior hypo
48  area, may play a key role in enabling human affiliative emotion.
49 ial molecule that nonselectively facilitated affiliative emotions and behavior, it is now recognized
50   Our finding of a neural signature of human affiliative experience bears direct implications for the
51 obiological mechanisms underpinning impaired affiliative experiences and behaviors in neuropsychiatri
52  remains obscure whether the neural bases of affiliative experiences can be differentiated from the e
53 126) imitate lipsmacking gestures (a macaque affiliative expression) performed by a human experimente
54 c-cardiac discrimination of threatening from affiliative facial cues.
55        In contrast, in women, AVP stimulates affiliative facial motor patterns in response to the fac
56 ammalian species, the prairie vole is highly affiliative, forms enduring social bonds between mates a
57 ncounter, predicts how quickly animals begin affiliative huddling with their partner.
58                                              Affiliative interaction, proximity, and nearest neighbor
59     In humans, stress can promote protective affiliative interactions and prosocial behavior.
60                                  We recorded affiliative interactions of 29 two-year-old rhesus monke
61  We examined the social partners involved in affiliative interactions of female orphans and non-orpha
62            These findings demonstrate social-affiliative learning in the Mongolian gerbil.
63                                         This affiliative motivation ensures that people experience an
64             Next, we describe how heightened affiliative need can interact with adolescent transition
65 ocial and hormonal mechanisms that stimulate affiliative needs for females at puberty.
66 nfamiliar monkeys (movie monkeys) displaying affiliative, neutral, and aggressive behaviors.
67 yteles hypoxanthus), a species known for its affiliative, nonhierarchical relationships.
68 portant role in facilitating and maintaining affiliative or cooperative interactions in social animal
69 eural synchrony to social interactions among affiliative partners.
70 account argues that oxytocin mainly enhances affiliative prosocial behaviors; the fear/stress theory
71 nal relations were an excellent predictor of affiliative relations among daughters, explaining up to
72                                     Maternal affiliative relations may be transmitted to offspring, s
73 ysis compared relations among age peers with affiliative relations, kinship, and rank distance among
74 e males form strong, enduring, and equitable affiliative relationships similar to human friendships.
75  importance of studying agonistic as well as affiliative relationships to understand fully the connec
76 es indicated this only occurred after strong affiliative relationships were established between the o
77 ineated dominance hierarchies and a range of affiliative relationships.
78 xcitability, along with reduced responses to affiliative signals.
79              The stable group exhibited more affiliative social behavior and less agonistic behavior
80 here is less data to support the notion that affiliative social behavior can slow disease progression
81 sized that nebulized oxytocin would increase affiliative social behaviors and such effects would be m
82           MDMA and its enantiomers increased affiliative social behaviors and vocalizations, whereas
83 man primates show MDMA-specific increases in affiliative social behaviors following MDMA administrati
84  linked and play a crucial role in promoting affiliative social bonds.
85 protein in the amygdala and increased active affiliative social interaction in C57BL/6J mice.
86 tent, the amygdala elevated levels of active affiliative social interaction in C57BL/6J mice.
87 etic background, selectively impaired active affiliative social interaction in mice.
88             Operated monkeys engaged in more affiliative social interactions with control partners th
89 ial threat posed by rival groups, intragroup affiliative social interactions, or coordinated behavior
90                                       Highly affiliative species have receptors in brain circuits rel
91  care can facilitate the rapid responding to affiliative stimuli by reducing importance of threatenin
92 utbursts, suggesting that the attachment and affiliative system may be implicated in the disorder.
93                                              Affiliative tendencies were predicted by genetic variati
94  that food sharing reflects a combination of affiliative tendency and high tolerance.
95 e a 5-HT1A receptor antagonist did not alter affiliative vocalizations and increased MDMA-induced soc
96 increased repetitive behaviors and decreased affiliative vocalizations.

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