コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 on and suppression of prolonged depolarizing afterpotential.
2 ation or hyperpolarization referred to as an afterpotential.
3 adening and also eliminated the depolarizing afterpotential.
4 prevented the induction of the depolarizing afterpotential.
5 resulted from modulation by mGluRs of three afterpotentials.
6 resident chaperone, neither inactivation nor afterpotential A (NinaA), lead to mild ER stress, protec
7 (+) influx would cause a larger depolarizing afterpotential, a condition favoring the repetitive disc
9 is, presynaptic calcium entry is affected by afterpotentials after standard instant voltage jumps.
12 ptation and increases prolonged depolarizing afterpotential amplitude, whereas a reduced PP2A activit
14 re potassium channels limit the depolarizing afterpotential and the effects of depolarizing currents.
15 toreceptors lacking neither inactivation nor afterpotential C (NINAC) myosin III, a motor protein/kin
17 nd to interact with Neither Inactivation Nor Afterpotential C through Inactivation No Afterpotential
18 ase C (PKC), NINAC (neither inactivation nor afterpotential C) p174, which consists of fused protein
19 counteracting eye-PKC [INAC (inactivation no afterpotential C] in vivo, we performed ERG recordings.
20 ies with reduced Arr1 prolonged depolarizing afterpotential can be triggered with fewer light pulses,
21 ikely via phosphorylation of inactivation no afterpotential D (INAD) and TRP (transient receptor pote
22 Nor Afterpotential C through Inactivation No Afterpotential D (INAD) in a light-dependent manner and
24 player in the signalplex is inactivation no afterpotential D (INAD), a protein consisting of a tande
25 e complex is orchestrated by inactivation no afterpotential D (INAD), which colocalizes the transient
26 dent manner and that the CRY-Inactivation No Afterpotential D interaction is mediated by specific dom
28 n kinase C (aPKC) and INADL (inactivation-no-afterpotential D-like, also known as protein associated
29 ving an activity-dependent slow depolarising afterpotential (DAP) generated by a calcium-inactivated
30 We have demonstrated that the depolarizing afterpotential (DAP), which modulates bursting activity,
31 decreased the amplitude of the depolarizing afterpotential (DAP); this effect was not time-of-day de
34 hat the AP repolarization time course causes afterpotential-induced changes in calcium driving force
35 We show that the AP falling phase causes afterpotential-induced changes in electrical driving for
36 RIO domain protein, prolonged depolarization afterpotential is not apparent (PINTA), which binds to a
40 ential for the induction of the depolarizing afterpotential probably by regulating calcium influx and
42 ng from a relatively slow, late depolarizing afterpotential that approaches or exceeds spike threshol
43 ith a relatively early and fast depolarizing afterpotential that modulates the probability that rando
44 tosolic Ca2+ transient increases may lead to afterpotentials that ultimately trigger VF in these anim
45 zed RS neurons displayed firing patterns and afterpotentials that were similar to those of uninjured
46 therefore tested the effects of presynaptic afterpotentials using simultaneous presynaptic and posts
47 tion is required to trigger the depolarizing afterpotential, we eliminated frequency-dependent broade
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