


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e for growth (50 microgram/ml [77 microM] on agar medium).
2 ed, homogenized, and cultured in tryptic soy agar medium.
3 tin-exposed yeast since it failed to grow on agar medium.
4 op around individual donors during mating on agar medium.
5 loids, however, showed marked penetration of agar medium.
6 ureus genome that altered hemolysis on blood agar medium.
7 so highly induced by root penetration of the agar medium.
8 ae, LSUPB201, also produced toxoflavin on LB agar medium.
9 or would these cells form colonies in a soft-agar medium.
10 stitutive swarmer cells and swarm on minimal agar medium.
11 cent, since they could not be subcultured on agar medium.
12 ants with altered swarming abilities in soft agar medium.
13 nfected with these strains and overlaid with agar-medium.
14  strains produced rough-surfaced cultures on agar medium and demonstrated a propensity to form pseudo
15    Both mutants displayed a growth defect on agar medium and hypersensitivity to sodium dodecyl sulfa
16  very different environments-growth on solid agar medium and in liquid suspension culture.
17 ction occurred in seedlings exposed to water-agar medium and in roots, related luminescence responses
18 cted anaerobically, plated on enriched blood agar medium, and incubated at 35 degrees C for 5 to 7 da
19 35000 grown in liquid medium, grown on solid agar medium, and isolated from lesions of H. ducreyi-inf
20     These samples were cultured on cetrimide agar medium, and isolates were epidemiologically charact
21                              To select which agar medium best supported conidial growth, representati
22 s inhibited 50% when seedlings were grown on agar medium containing 0.1 M MeJA.
23 ed by direct plating of H. halobium cells on agar medium containing antibiotic.
24 eta-hemolysis when cultured anaerobically on agar medium containing blood.
25 ur current method of direct plating on blood agar medium containing neomycin and nalidixic acid (NNA)
26 me Les Grottes, France) is a new chromogenic agar medium designed to enable the isolation of staphylo
27 is thaliana (L.) Heynh. plants were grown in agar medium during 6 or 11 d of spaceflight exposure on
28 and evaluation of MRSA ID, a new chromogenic agar medium for the specific isolation and identificatio
29                                         This agar medium has the following advantages compared to a l
30 verse microbiota using a semiselective blood agar medium incorporating nalidixic acid and sulfamethaz
31 Moreover, the expression of zapA on nutrient agar medium is co-ordinately regulated in concert with t
32                    We questioned whether the agar medium itself created an anaerobic environment for
33 ts for those that could migrate through soft agar medium lacking added magnesium.
34 mis bacterial colonies grown on low-nutrient agar medium mutually inhibit growth through secretion of
35 died revertants, selected on lactose minimal agar medium, of the Escherichia coli lacZam strain that
36 C. elegans depends on the composition of the agar medium on which PA14 is grown.
37                          On semi-solid (0.3% agar) medium they formed "mats": complex multicellular s
38                                        A new agar medium to perform pyrazinamide (PZA) susceptibility
39 is end, we evaluated a prototype chromogenic agar medium (VRE-BMX; bioMerieux, Marcy l'Etoile, France
40    Herbicidal effects were reversed when the agar medium was supplemented with AMP, but not IMP or GM
41 trast, dig1 dig2 cells constitutively invade agar medium, whereas a dig1 dig2 ste12 triple mutant doe
42  performed using a liquid medium and a solid agar medium with an incubation period of up to 60 days.

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