


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 h which to prevent MgO nanocrystallites from agglomeration.
2 d frequently results in phase separation and agglomeration.
3 y of the QDs size, and reduced nanoparticles agglomeration.
4 surface area with cycling, suggesting sulfur agglomeration.
5 vides steric repulsions to prevent particles agglomeration.
6 lity and circumvents the problem of particle agglomeration.
7 emoves most of the HC, while DTAB induces NP agglomeration.
8 ue to the negative zeta-potential preventing agglomeration.
9 dispersion, dissolution/dissociation, and/or agglomeration.
10 of increased viscosities and severe particle agglomeration.
11 s had relatively poor surface structure with agglomerations.
12 rface in approximately 50 mum sized globular agglomerations.
13 sible for primary crystal formations and fat agglomerations.
14 ce suggests that productivity rises in dense agglomerations.
15 sing stability with increasing pH and strong agglomeration above the isoelectric point and settling i
16     Additionally, changes to the CNTs (e.g., agglomeration) after environmental release and matrix ef
17      Compared with Xcalibur, our statistical agglomeration algorithm produces 68% less m/z error and
18                              Our statistical agglomeration algorithm reduces peakwise error by 38% ma
19 xs, as the Prxs presented challenges of both agglomeration and division.
20 ists of the loss of active sites through the agglomeration and possible dewetting of Au NPs.
21  provide an enhanced barrier to nanoparticle agglomeration and promote nanoparticle-polymer binding.
22  of ENM in complex matrices by measuring ENM agglomeration and sedimentation in municipal solid waste
23                                     However, agglomeration and surface oxidation remain as two major
24              The source code for Statistical Agglomeration and the datasets used are freely available
25 at traps the nanoparticles to avoid particle agglomeration and to control the coalescence of nanopart
26 y implications of emerging patterns of urban agglomerations and uncover insights for maintaining key
27 hus influence cell migration, proliferation, agglomeration, and cell death.
28 rious parameters including the size, length, agglomeration, and impurities of CNTs that may cause oxi
29 n (i) manipulating the size, shape, defects, agglomeration, and precipitation of nanoparticles, as we
30 electrons reduces or eliminates nanoparticle agglomeration; and the large difference between the chem
31 esent, it is generally agreed that P protein agglomerations are preparation artifacts due to injury,
32 how that leaf-captured PM is concentrated in agglomerations around leaf hairs and within the leaf mic
33 ar Au nano-mounds based on diffusion limited agglomeration at comparatively low annealing temperature
34 r metal particle nucleation, growth, and now agglomeration (B + B --> C) and secondary surface autoca
35 A + B --> 2B (rate constant k2), bimolecular agglomeration, B + B --> C (rate constant k3), and secon
36 chemical descriptors of bimolecular particle agglomeration, B + B --> C, and autocatalytic agglomerat
37 gglomeration, B + B --> C, and autocatalytic agglomeration, B + C --> 1.5C, involved in, for example,
38 was highly impacted by the particle-specific agglomeration behaviour in this study.
39 guishing between nanoparticle aggregation vs agglomeration by characterizing a colloidal system of Ag
40 ster analysis showed two equal-sized patient agglomerations characterized by proinflammatory (interfe
41 In the subsequent growth phase, hierarchical agglomeration could be a dominant process and would prod
42 sing SA concentration in the solvent, gluten agglomeration decreased with gluten yield reductions of
43 s in individual tubes indicate that At SEOR1 agglomerations do not markedly affect or alter flow.
44 ed via this route displayed minimal particle agglomeration during the deposition and activation steps
45  glucose oxidase (GO) and H(2)O(2) on gluten agglomeration during wheat flour gluten-starch separatio
46 ractiveness with its floorspace, and with an agglomeration effect approximated as the total retail fl
47  result of carbon dioxide emissions as urban agglomerations grow.
48 agriculture, trade and task differentiation, agglomerations have evolved according to scaling rules t
49 ter streams, stabilizes silver colloids from agglomeration in high salinity marine waters by electros
50 a of quantifying the role of floor-space and agglomeration in retail location choice.
51 reus surface proteins are a prerequisite for agglomeration in synovial fluid, low activity of the Agr
52 tational flow stirs and suppresses precursor agglomeration in the core of the cilia-driven vortex.
53 e 2 mM Ca(2+) and 100 mM Na(+) enhanced AgNP agglomeration in the synthetic media.
54                 Many smaller scale populated agglomerations including their surrounding rural areas a
55 rmation of Pt carbonyls (Pt1-CO), leading to agglomeration into subnano clusters.
56                                         This agglomeration is shown to be induced by complex formatio
57       Many bacterial pathogens form cellular agglomerations known as biofilms, which considerably lim
58           We propose a multilevel equivalent agglomeration (MEA) model in which all particles in an i
59 s to the molecule-specific proteins, free of agglomeration, nonspecific binding, or biomolecule deact
60 d in terms of the steric effects produced by agglomeration of Ag atoms into larger clusters following
61                                              Agglomeration of AgNP exposed in filtered natural freshw
62                                              Agglomeration of AgNPs was not observed despite a high s
63 ferences between treatments in the degree of agglomeration of AgNPs, as indicated by the accumulation
64 ocrystals are as follows: first, GO-promoted agglomeration of amorphous spherical Cu(2)O nanoparticle
65 action), facilitates nucleation, growth, and agglomeration of cholesterol monohydrate crystals; this
66 these tasks requires a unified framework for agglomeration of data from various genomic resources, no
67 obilized DNA strands as templates avoids the agglomeration of DNA caused by shielding of charges on D
68                                  The reduced agglomeration of nHfO2 was achieved through controlled h
69 e Brownian motion of NMO that led to reduced agglomeration of NMO.
70 eration of the samples resulted in extensive agglomeration of NP to form larger (>50 nm) colloids, an
71                                    The rapid agglomeration of Pd atoms under CO oxidation conditions
72 lent stability and recyclability without any agglomeration of PdNPs after several cycles.
73 t to a critical role for Snx4 in cytoplasmic agglomeration of proteasomes en route to autophagic dest
74 tion significantly suppresses detachment and agglomeration of Pt nanoparticles, two of the major degr
75 carbon support and subsequent detachment and agglomeration of Pt particles.
76 RNA target sites within the vast and dynamic agglomeration of RNA molecules in the living cell.
77 h dose is attributed to the accumulation and agglomeration of scattering centres at lower doses.
78            These particles are attributed to agglomeration of smaller particles and clusters and/or h
79       Although the mechanistic basis for the agglomeration of staphylococcal cells in biofilms has be
80 tant proteins nor the phospholipids, induced agglomeration of the AgNWs.
81              ES1 treatment induced the rapid agglomeration of the auxin translocators PIN2 and AUX1 a
82         These differences were linked to the agglomeration of the sulfidic precipitates and coprecipi
83    However, high-temperature processes cause agglomeration of these nodes, so that the single-site ch
84    Silencing PI4KA also resulted in aberrant agglomeration of viral replicase proteins, including NS5
85 ially used polycrystalline ceramics that are agglomerations of a very large number of variously orien
86                Biofilms are surface-attached agglomerations of microorganisms embedded in an extracel
87                                     However, agglomerations of phytoplankton into patches are observe
88 high-resolution microcomputed tomography are agglomerations of smaller calcified matrix vesicles.
89 work investigates the effect of whey protein agglomeration on the survivability of Saccharomyces boul
90                                The impact of agglomerations on phloem flow is discussed.
91     This approach effectively prevents phase agglomeration or separation during successive H2 dischar
92 ost matrix proteins such as fibrin initiates agglomeration; our present results show that, thereafter
93 able outcome, we take advantage of the early agglomeration phenomenon observed for whey protein by ad
94 olution of agglomerates over time during the agglomeration process.
95             As a result it is concluded that agglomeration rather than irreversible aggregation takes
96 n quantitatively to offer probable reference agglomeration ratio (not necessary a very precise value)
97 son results indicate the satisfactory priori agglomeration ratio estimations range from renovated mod
98 was an important parameter influencing their agglomeration-results obtained using dynamic light scatt
99 ing either via aggregation (irreversible) or agglomeration (reversible) processes.
100 ibers had a network structure with a similar agglomeration sponge, with more homogeneous pores compar
101  substances, no relevant changes in the AgNP agglomeration state were measured.
102 characterized for their size and morphology, agglomeration state, structure, and Ag speciation.
103  nanomaterials surface chemistry, purity and agglomeration state.
104 g quantitative analysis of their aggregation/agglomeration states and the particle concentration in a
105 rence, in turn, depended upon NP type, size, agglomeration status, and position relative to the focal
106 ccurred at a(w)s from 0.43 to 0.79 including agglomeration, stickiness and collapse.
107 rolimus formulation (LCPT) with a controlled agglomeration technology.
108  high specific surface area and with the low agglomeration tendency of Ag nanoparticles in comparison
109 ction to 20 nm leads to significant particle agglomeration, thus decreasing the activity.
110 nt-based model of spatio-temporal search and agglomeration to investigate the dynamics of cell motili
111 potential procedural artifacts (dissolution, agglomeration) using a dissolved/particulate Ag mass rat
112                            However, particle agglomeration was found at higher loading of silica (i.e
113                                         Bulk agglomeration was not a relevant loss mechanism at low i
114 urface of AgNP became positive and increased agglomeration was observed.

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