


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 the diet containing 0.015% genistein (as the aglycone).
2 ety attached via a carbon-carbon bond to the aglycone.
3 hosphate, and Teg12 bound to the teicoplanin aglycone.
4 s further elaborated to a protected candidin aglycone.
5 ntical to the naturally derived landomycin A aglycone.
6 cis relationship between the epoxide and the aglycone.
7 phosphodiester linkage to a phosphoglyceride aglycone.
8 -1), for an alternate substrate, teicoplanin aglycone.
9  teicoplanin molecule and the other with the aglycone.
10 the fact that they release the same aromatic aglycone.
11 -->GalNAc linked via an alpha-linkage to the aglycone.
12  of the inherent base lability of the parent aglycone.
13 red lactone macrolides based on spiramycin's aglycone.
14 ete decomposition/transformation of terpenyl aglycone.
15 bled the convergent total synthesis of G-CSF aglycone.
16  clover contains mostly easily absorbed free aglycones.
17 , digoxin, digitoxin, and gitoxin with their aglycones.
18 nferring biological activities to its parent aglycones.
19  gut requires deconjugation of glucosides to aglycones.
20 d aglycone equivalents, primarily (95.8%) as aglycones.
21 benzimidazole and 2-quino-2-benzimidazole as aglycones.
22 nst bone loss may be enhanced for isoflavone aglycones.
23 he enzymes that biosynthesize the glycolipid aglycones.
24  within tissues and cells than do polyphenol aglycones.
25 avone composition in mediating conversion to aglycones.
26 leomycin A(2) (4), as well as the respective aglycones.
27 es), although occasionally they are found as aglycones.
28 of a single class of compounds, the flavonol aglycones.
29 s on beta-D-xylosides containing hydrophobic aglycones.
30 cosides were, in most cases, equipotent with aglycones.
31 with isorhamnetin and quercetin as the major aglycones.
32 e potentials were higher than those of their aglycones.
33 glucosides, 72.9% malonylglucosides and 1.2% aglycones.
34 sidase and convert glycosidic isoflavones in aglycones.
35 through hydrolysis to give the corresponding aglycones.
36  new signal shifted 4-6 ppm upfield from the aglycone 2-fluoro-4-nitrophenol (OFPNP).
37                                          The aglycone, 3-hydroxybenzo[a]pyrene, was metabolized to 3-
38 DHPEA-EDA (6) and oleuropein (1), oleuropein aglycone (4) and hydroxytyrosol ORACFL values was undert
39  The enantiomer of the bicyclic lomaiviticin aglycone A core was prepared via a two-directional, dive
40 '-desmethylepipodophyllotoxin (the etoposide aglycone), a naturally occurring lignan that is the imme
41 inds TDP in the interdomain cleft, while the aglycone acceptor binds in a deep crevice in the N-termi
42 cquisition of MS3 product ion spectra of the aglycone adducts [BH2]+.
43 rgely unknown whether structural features of aglycone affect the extent of sulfation, sulfation patte
44 le extract was readily converted to apigenin aglycone after combination with almond, flax seed, or ch
45  the identities of four glucosides and seven aglycones, among them vanillin (5.7/100 g), 4-hydroxyben
46 strate that gossypin (and not gossypetin, an aglycone analog) inhibited NF-kappaB activation induced
47 the closely related (-)-deacetoxy-oleuropein aglycone and a series of related analogues for structure
48             The ECA(CYC) molecules lacked an aglycone and contained four trisaccharide repeat units t
49     The major phenolic acids, some flavonoid aglycone and glycosides were identified in leaves by hig
50             They exist in planta as both the aglycone and glycosyl conjugates.
51                    Microbial GNPs consist of aglycone and glycosyl structure groups in which the suga
52                                          The aglycone and sugar moieties of the cytotoxic drug are es
53                        Using the teicoplanin aglycone and the 3 sulfotransferases found in one of the
54 d hydrolysis was highly dependent on type of aglycone and the conditions.
55 erein a convergent total synthesis of GM-CSF aglycone and two homogeneous glycoforms.
56 des to acetylglycosides, beta-glycosides and aglycones and a significant reduction in the activity of
57                   Flavonols were analysed as aglycones and anthocyanins as authentic compounds using
58 spectrometry (APCI-MS/MS) of citrus limonoid aglycones and electrospray ionization tandem mass spectr
59                            The four limonoid aglycones and four limonoid glucosides (LG, OG, NAG, and
60  at 100 degrees C did not degrade the lignan aglycones and glycosides in dry foods.
61  roasting temperatures caused degradation of aglycones and glycosides.
62  red clover extract (RCE) rich in isoflavone aglycones and probiotics to concomitantly promote uptake
63 en Vibrio cholerae also encodes rhabduscin's aglycone, and bacterial cell-coated immunosuppressants c
64 LIF-mono, and DLIF-bis, corresponding to the aglycone, and the aglycone with one and two sugars, resp
65 (194) forming stacking interactions with the aglycone, and the hydrogen bond between the His(195) nit
66 ce a better product, due to lower amounts of aglycones, and higher protein nutritional quality than h
67 tyl glycosides were about twice as active as aglycones, and the peracetyl glycosides were, in most ca
68 ed a novel group of unique anthocyanins with aglycones (anthocyanidins) at 449, 419 and 433 Da.
69            In contrast to apoptolidin A, the aglycones apoptolidinone A and D were shown to be noncyt
70            In contrast to apoptolidin A, the aglycone (apoptolidinone) shows no cytotoxicity (>10 muM
71                                        These aglycones are most likely derived from beta-amyrin, a pr
72 xyloside derivatives linked to a hydrophobic aglycone as substrates and/or inhibitors.
73 eroids 19-hydroxysarmentogenin and trewianin aglycone as well as to the assembly of the panogenin cor
74 tion by various cardiac glycosides and their aglycones at different pH values using shark Na,K-ATPase
75 soflavone conjugates may serve as sources of aglycones at specific target tissues and may have bioact
76 ha-hederin and one for delta-hederin) on the aglycone backbone, hederagenin.
77 olic acids, their derivatives, and flavonoid aglycones based on their molecular masses and fragmentat
78 here was a conversion of isoflavone forms to aglycones, being higher in heat-processed samples.
79 rate complexes of Dhr1 show that the mode of aglycone binding differs from that previously observed i
80 bserved in the surface loops surrounding the aglycone binding site, and these are likely to strongly
81 259), Phe(261), and Ser(462), located in the aglycone-binding site of S. bicolor Dhr1, are crucial fo
82 p378, Phe466, and Ala467) are located in the aglycone-binding site of ZmGlu1 and form the basis of ag
83 bstrate imposed by steric impediments at the aglycone-binding site.
84                               The associated aglycone biosynthetic genes of the GNP genotype then cla
85 MPK, an effect also seen with phloretin (the aglycone breakdown product of phlorizin), but not to any
86 ng (ABMP) employing a physiologic library of aglycones built from glycosides isolated from grape.
87 on of chloroeremomycin from the heptapeptide aglycone by the sequential actions of the three enzymes.
88 ing benzoic acids, cinnamic acids, flavonoid aglycones, C- and O-glycosides, coumarins, and lignans)
89 P and attachment of the neutral sugar to the aglycone can occur in either order.
90                  In this study, we show that aglycones can switch not only the type of GAG chains, bu
91                    Daunomycinone (daunomycin aglycone), carminomycin, 13-dihydrocarminomycin, idarubi
92 om cocrystals of enzyme-substrate and enzyme-aglycone complexes have shown that five amino acid resid
93                                    The total aglycone content in black soymilk was enriched by 67.14+
94 oflavone composition can be used to modulate aglycone content in soy food products.
95 rees C for 25min, the daidzein and genistein aglycone contents were maintained, the glycitein and bet
96  type of deoxysugar residues attached to the aglycone core.
97  from a TDP donor to the beta-OHTyr-6 of the aglycone cosubstrate.
98  in enantioselective free energy between the aglycone CSP and the teicoplanin CSP was between 0.3 and
99 resolution factors 2-5 times higher with the aglycone CSP.
100 were better separated on the teicoplanin and aglycone CSPs, respectively.
101 25 mug/d) given either RCE (60 mg isoflavone aglycones/d and probiotics) or a masked placebo [control
102 ldehydic forms of oleuropein and ligstroside aglycones (DAFOA and DAFLA), indicating a more active pa
103   Concentrations of 12 isoflavone isomers, 3 aglycones (daidzein, genistein, and glycitein), and 9 gl
104 the simultaneous determination of isoflavone aglycones (daidzein, glycitein and genistein), their cor
105 ds, pigment content and deacetoxy oleuropein aglycone (DAOA) content and didn't affect the sensory ch
106                     A Hydrogen bond mediated aglycone delivery (HAD) method was applied to the synthe
107 uring negative ion APCI analysis of limonoid aglycones, depending on the mobile-phase modifier used.
108           The position of the glucose on the aglycone determines how SA is stored, further metabolize
109 acid hydrolysis the area of released terpene aglycone did not exceed 1.3% of total peak area indicati
110 s of daily supplementation with 80 or 120 mg aglycone equivalent soy hypocotyl isoflavones plus calci
111                           Genistein content (aglycone equivalent) of the soy isolate diets were 15, 1
112 gle soy meal containing 64.8 mg isoflavonoid aglycone equivalents (95% as glucosides).
113 nistein compounds were measured expressed as aglycone equivalents per 100g of fresh fruit flesh.
114 8 g) + isoflavone tablets (105 mg isoflavone aglycone equivalents), soy protein + placebo tablets, co
115 provided approximately 100 mg isoflavones/d (aglycone equivalents).
116 ls (90 mg epicatechin) + 100 mg isoflavones (aglycone equivalents)/d] or matched placebo.
117 yme contained 36.7% of ingested isoflavonoid aglycone equivalents, primarily (95.8%) as aglycones.
118 e blood and tissues are, in general, neither aglycones (except for green tea catechins) nor the same
119                                              Aglycone flavonols accumulated at the hypocotyl-root tra
120         In young Landsberg erecta seedlings, aglycone flavonols accumulated developmentally in three
121                                              Aglycone flavonols are thought to modulate auxin transpo
122 ffective for developing a flavone-rich, high aglycone food ingredient from celery.
123 the chemopreventive compound diosmin and its aglycone form, diosmetin, on the carcinogen activation p
124 elds of polyketide products, but only in the aglycone form.
125 dent on whether isoflavone treatments are in aglycone form; we conclude that beneficial effects again
126 tection was shown to be able to observe both aglycone formation and further reactions in isolated fra
127 y encoding three early enzymes of triterpene aglycone formation: squalene synthase (SS), squalene epo
128 olinone and maleimide functionalities of the aglycones formed are all derived from dioxygen.
129                                         Both aglycone forms and glycosides of monolignols, lignin oli
130 enzymatic conversion of isoflavones to their aglycone forms.
131 and subsequent Heck cyclization delivers the aglycone framework in an overall 12 steps.
132 uman oral microbiota to produce wine odorant aglycones from odourless grape glycosidic aroma precurso
133 for at least one sugar residue linked to the aglycone (-genin).
134 d daidzein are found in blood and tissues as aglycones, glucuronides, and sulfates.
135 vonoids through combinatorial enumeration of aglycone, glycosyl, and acyl subunits.
136 s characterized for activity either with the aglycones (GtfB, E) or the glucosylated derivatives (Gtf
137 s, and subsequent GC-MS determination of the aglycones, highlighted that the majority of norisoprenoi
138 ucosyldisaccharide chain on residue 4 of the aglycone; however, the characterization of GtfA and glyc
139                     For the synthesis of the aglycones, improved synthetic avenues to substituted cou
140  correlations between the monosaccharide and aglycone in the intact natural product.
141  sugars and glycosyltransferases compete for aglycone in these cells.
142 r results enable production of the etoposide aglycone in tobacco and circumvent the need for cultivat
143 nversion of isoflavone glycosides into their aglycones in black soymilk.
144  conversion of beta-glucoside isoflavones to aglycones in soymilk processing and to evaluate their th
145 en isolating studies that provide isoflavone aglycones in their treatment arm, the average effect was
146 of o-diphenols (hydroxytyrosol or oleuropein aglycone) in olive oil led to a lower oxidation rate und
147  drug molecules bind to the duplex, with the aglycones intercalated between the CpG or TpG steps and
148 erting diverse, fully synthetic polyphenolic aglycones into the corresponding glycosides in a whole-c
149 onversion of beta-glucosides into isoflavone aglycones involved soaking the soybeans at 5 degrees C f
150 rosporine by streptomycetes, assembly of the aglycones involves a complex set of oxidative condensati
151 e tetrahydro-beta-carboline of strictosidine aglycone is converted into akuammicine, a Strychnos alka
152  involved in elaboration of the rebeccamycin aglycone is encoded by rebO, located at the left-hand re
153                      The binding site of the aglycone is located in the N-terminal half of the protei
154                      The binding site of the aglycone is located in the N-terminal half of the protei
155           It is clearly established that the aglycone is responsible for the enantioseparation of ami
156 amounts of isoflavones (Soy- group) or 80 mg aglycone isoflavones (Soy+ group).
157  kefir-fermented soymilk is a good source of aglycone isoflavones and phenolics, since the content of
158 ms and the storage process did not alter the aglycone isoflavones and total phenolic contents.
159                               The content of aglycone isoflavones increased 2-fold, and the total phe
160 responding increase in the concentrations of aglycone isoflavones, with the magnitude of these change
161 ion can potentially occur in vivo to produce aglycone, it occurs only at certain sites.
162 1)), and an unnatural substrate, teicoplanin aglycone (k(cat) = 20 min(-1)).
163 ating both its natural substrate, vancomycin aglycone (k(cat) = 60 min(-1)), and an unnatural substra
164                         Overall formation of aglycones K252c and arcyriaflavin A from their biosynthe
165 tophan to the staurosporine and rebeccamycin aglycones, K252c and 1,11-dichloroarcyriaflavin A.
166         Sequence analysis indicates that the aglycone kijanolide is formed by the combined action of
167 cs having a similar structure of 16-membered aglycone lactone ring.
168                                      ABMP of aglycone libraries provides a versatile tool to uncover
169 agmentation patterns of four citrus limonoid aglycones (limonin, nomilin, obacunone, and deacetylnomi
170                               Increasing the aglycone lipophilicity of a series of polysulfated oligo
171 e concentrations should be normalized to the aglycone mass (or an isoflavonoid equivalent) rather tha
172 igate the first two reactions in teicoplanin aglycone maturation catalyzed by the enzymes OxyBtei and
173 milar broad specificities for both sugar and aglycone moieties and exhibit nearly identical pH depend
174 tion of the primers and the structure of the aglycone moieties can affect the composition of the newl
175 pecificity, beta-glucosides to release toxic aglycone moieties.
176  in type, structure and composition of their aglycone moiety and oligosaccharide chains.
177  + NH3]+ of limonoid glucosides produced the aglycone moiety corresponding to each glucoside.
178                     The tight binding of the aglycone moiety of dhurrin promotes the stabilization of
179 lucosides, with specificity depending on the aglycone moiety, the type of sugar and the linkage betwe
180 bic interactions dominate the binding of the aglycone moiety.
181 activated dissociation (CAD) of the limonoid aglycone molecular ions in negative ion APCI analysis, f
182  and applied a suite of difluoromethylphenyl aglycone, N-halogenated glycosylamine, and 2-deoxy-2-flu
183 them to be 2- to 3-fold more potent than the aglycone natural product K-252c.
184 say method considers 13 flavanones including aglycones, neohesperidosides, rutinosides and 3-hydroxy-
185                                          The aglycone novobiocic acid, obtained from selective degrad
186  and extended to deacylated anthocyanins and aglycones, obtained, respectively, by alkaline and acid
187  macrocyclic skeleton of rimocidinolide, the aglycone of (+)-rimocidin (1), has been achieved in conv
188 proposed structure (2) of landomycinone, the aglycone of landomycin A, has been synthesized and shown
189             Functionalization of 16-membered aglycone of spiramycin with the use of intramolecular ca
190      6-Deoxyerythronolide B, the macrocyclic aglycone of the antibiotic erythromycin, is synthesized
191 or the biosynthesis of 6-dEB (1), the parent aglycone of the broad spectrum macrolide antibiotic eryt
192                We report the synthesis of an aglycone of the surugatoxin family.
193 ent, enantioselective total synthesis of the aglycone of the tetrocarcins, (+)-tetronolide, is descri
194  the thioamide derivates 6a-1, including the aglycone of thiosangivamycin (6m), were good inhibitors
195 toyocamycin (4m) furnished the corresponding aglycone of thiosangivamycin (6m).
196              A similar transformation of the aglycone of toyocamycin (4m) furnished the corresponding
197 -hydroxyl group of tylactone, the polyketide aglycone of tylosin (Ty).
198 g interactions between the base pair and the aglycone of WP401.
199  extraction the benzoic acid derivatives and aglycones of flavonoids showed lower recovery (70-80%).
200 ed to the apoplast, we hypothesized that the aglycones of these compounds are made within the cell.
201                                          The aglycones of vicine and convicine, divicine and isourami
202                                         The "aglycone" of pluraflavin A (2) has been synthesized.
203        These enzymes act on the free peptide aglycone or intermediates bound to the nonribosomal pept
204 irrespective of whether they are ingested as aglycones or glycoside conjugates.
205 ost all such studies, cells are treated with aglycones or polyphenol-rich extracts (derived from plan
206 ivity was determined toward two prototypical aglycones, p-nitrophenol and estrone, in intact and digi
207 lightly differently oriented relative to the aglycone part if compared to that of spiramycin (1).
208 tic teicoplanin, a molecule consisting of an aglycone peptide "basket" with three attached carbohydra
209 he methoxy group at the C(4) position on the aglycone portion also appears to add potency and selecti
210 nded wedge-shaped spirocyclic molecule whose aglycone portion is an enantiomer of DDI, which mimics t
211 n as the key step in combining the sugar and aglycone portions.
212 s the formation of tylactone (1), the parent aglycone precursor of the macrolide antibiotic tylosin.
213 olide and 10-deoxymethynolide, the macrolide aglycone precursors of the antibiotics picromycin and me
214 bonolide (2), the parent 12- and 14-membered aglycone precursors of the macrolide antibiotics methymy
215 ncosamine to the beta-OH-Tyr6 residue of the aglycone, preferentially after GtfB action, to generate
216 and 1,6-conjugate addition at the spiramycin aglycone, proceeds with the inversion of absolute config
217 t, further degradation and transformation of aglycones produce more or less active compounds, dependi
218 This study investigated the stability of the aglycones produced by hydrolysis with beta-glucosidase.
219  validated the expression system, endogenous aglycone production was prevented by deletion of the pol
220  own converts chromopyrrolic acid into three aglycone products, K252c, arcyriaflavin A, and 7-hydroxy
221 mportantly, the obtained sample presented an aglycone proportion superior to the reported by other me
222 uring positive ion APCI analysis of limonoid aglycones, protonated molecular ion, [M + H]+, or adduct
223 observed at 919.88 m/z, which represents the aglycone [prymagly+2H](2+) backbone structure common to
224                                         Many aglycones reached or exceeded their odor thresholds, enr
225 binding site of ZmGlu1 and form the basis of aglycone recognition and binding, hence substrate specif
226 ing site of S. bicolor Dhr1, are crucial for aglycone recognition and binding.
227 cipally by the glycone binding site, whereas aglycone recognition is highly plastic.
228                                      Odorant aglycones released in the culture mediums were isolated
229 tasting, by retronasal perception of odorant aglycones released in-mouth.
230                                 The volatile aglycones released varied depending on the substrate spe
231 are almost twice the molecular weight of the aglycones; reported isoflavone concentrations should be
232 erythromycin and pikromycin 14-membered ring aglycones, respectively.
233 and dTDP-L-daunosamine, and the monoglycosyl aglycone, rhodosaminyl aklavinone.
234 ng interactions with both xylopyranoside and aglycone rings.
235  are glycosides of triterpenoid or steroidal aglycones (sapogenins).
236 to crosslinking between the side chains, the aglycone scaffold displays substantial flexibility, impo
237 ncosamine is the terminal sugar added to the aglycone scaffold in chloroeremomycin, a member of the v
238  atoms on each of two indole moieties of the aglycone scaffold.
239                                   Isoflavone aglycones show higher bioavailability than their glycosi
240 osides of at least five different triterpene aglycones: soyasapogenol B, soyasapogenol E, medicagenic
241 t saponins based on at least five triterpene aglycones; soyasapogenols B and E, medicagenic acid, hed
242 ties that may play a role in conferring such aglycone specificities were predicted by structural mode
243                            Quantification of aglycones spiked with (13)C(3)-labeled internal standard
244 erol, hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol and oleuropein aglycone) spiked in Purified Olive Oil (POO) as the lipi
245                            The proportion of aglycones, ss-glucosides, and acetyl and malonyl glucosi
246 is a wedge-shaped spirocyclic molecule whose aglycone structure closely resembles that of the natural
247  compounds were glycosides of four different aglycone structures, of which akebonoic acid and gypsoge
248  represent a specificity determinant at this aglycone subsite.
249 e accommodated in the glycone as well as the aglycone subsites.
250                             Importantly, the aglycone substrate demonstrates a flattened conformation
251  bind to the N-terminal domain such that the aglycone substrate's reactive hydroxyl group hydrogen bo
252 phoadenosine 5'-phosphate and desulfo-A47934 aglycone substrate.
253 can be efficiently attached to a 16-membered aglycone substrate.
254 GRs can also occur between carbohydrates and aglycones, such as the phenolic compounds present in dai
255 NovM displays activity with variant coumarin aglycones, suggesting it may be a promiscuous catalyst f
256        The unusual structure of the spinosyn aglycone suggests an intriguing biosynthetic pathway for
257 er activity for free terpenoic and benzenoic aglycones than the yeast glycosidases.
258 substrate TDP-L-fucose are also added to the aglycone, the disaccharide and low levels of a fully rec
259 ble to show formation and degradation of the aglycones, the proposed method allows monitoring of the
260 ration of the derivatives of the secoiridoid aglycones; the effect of the temperature on the oxidored
261 nsferase AknS transfers L-rhodosamine to the aglycone to initiate construction of the side-chain tris
262 es examined hydrolyzed LacdiNAc from the TMR aglycone to various degrees, whereas they were less acti
263 library of click-xylosides that have various aglycones to decipher the mechanism of GAG biosynthesis
264 ubation with beta-glycosidase, percentage of aglycone (total aglycone/total isoflavones) in SIM isofl
265 a-glycosidase, percentage of aglycone (total aglycone/total isoflavones) in SIM isoflavone extracts i
266 eck for all studies providing isoflavones as aglycones.Twenty-six RCTs (n = 2652) were included in th
267 esulting strain was fed with the 16-membered aglycone tylactone, the normal TylM2 substrate.
268     GtfB efficiently glucosylates vancomycin aglycone using UDP-glucose as the glycosyl donor to form
269 ymethyl-2',7'-dioxane moiety attached to the aglycone via a carbon-carbon bond.
270 arbohydrate units covalently attached to the aglycone via an additional carbon-carbon bond.
271                            Resolution of the aglycone via stereospecific glycosylation with an enanti
272            Desosamine is added to the parent aglycone via the action of a glycosyltransferase that ut
273 y generated cinnamic acid from coumaric acid aglycone was detected in fermented plant material combin
274             The enzyme was inactive when the aglycone was methanol but shows activity against the gly
275         The sugar units were removed and the aglycone was purified.
276 earing a 1,4,5-trisubstituted-1,2,3-triazole aglycone was synthesized using a straightforward click/e
277                            The extraction of aglycones was better at higher ratios, but leveled off b
278                  The biosynthesis of the APG aglycones was investigated by examination of the enzymat
279            The highest concentration of free aglycones was observed following hydrolysis with Pektopo
280 ol glycosides and increase in the respective aglycones was observed, attributed to enzymatic hydrolys
281 paper, two other coumarin glycosides and one aglycone were confirmed.
282 ydrolysis with Rapidase AR2000, the released aglycones were analysed by GC-MS.
283            However, the recoveries of tested aglycones were below 10%.
284                               A range of UGT aglycones were capable of modulating glucuronidation in
285                                              Aglycones were detected only after soaking and their con
286          The synthesized compounds and their aglycones were evaluated to determine their minimal bact
287 (PNQ) antibiotic lactoquinomycin and related aglycones were found to be selective inhibitors of the s
288  extraction, and dansylation of unconjugated aglycones were tested and optimized.
289 nd luteolin derivatives, in contrast to free aglycones, were not cytotoxic against human lymphocytes
290 lysis 85-91% of total peak areas was terpene aglycone, whereas for acid hydrolysis the area of releas
291 e vesicles preferentially take up monolignol aglycones, whereas the vacuolar vesicles are more specif
292 lts in a significant rise of the odoriferous aglycones which are direct determinants of the aroma.
293  framework and stereochemical features of an aglycone while simultaneously establishing the site of g
294 -bis, corresponding to the aglycone, and the aglycone with one and two sugars, respectively.
295 eloped a synthetic platform to prepare G-CSF aglycone with the goal of enabling access to native and
296  in the small intestine and appear to absorb aglycones with an efficiency comparable with that of con
297 highly dependent on the sugars linked to the aglycone, with alpha-hederin showing a greater ability t

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