


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d drought stresses simultaneously for future agronomic adaptation and mitigation strategies, particul
2                                          The agronomic advantages and disadvantages as well as the po
3 inct, in some cases independently of visible agronomic advantages.
4 t have high levels of cadmium in rice grain, agronomic and breeding strategies are required to lower
5 wn to vary widely depending on the cultivar, agronomic and climatic conditions.
6 y because of its adaptability across diverse agronomic and climatic conditions.
7               Nine modeling groups simulated agronomic and climatic responses at low-input (Chinoli,
8                                Several other agronomic and ecological factors also affected biodivers
9 ich makes it difficult to assess the average agronomic and economic impacts of the pollutant as well
10 d movement patterns of insect pests, and the agronomic and economic requirements of the production sy
11          Increasing application of HANPs for agronomic and environmental advantages will expedite the
12 adopholus similis) cause severe harm in many agronomic and horticultural crops and are very difficult
13 ved to be an effective strategy from both an agronomic and late blight management perspective.
14                                              Agronomic and marketing considerations must be carefully
15 onal plant-breeding methods can improve both agronomic and medicinal traits, and molecular marker ass
16                            Comparison of the agronomic and metabolic trait variation uncovered novel
17 nd the potential for using this gene for the agronomic and nutritional enhancement of crops.
18 ipulation of the phenylpropanoid pathway for agronomic and nutritional purposes.
19 ients is key to developing crops with higher agronomic and nutritional value.
20 his research was to study the effect of some agronomic and oenological factors on the content of biog
21 programs or engineer genotypes with improved agronomic and/or quality traits.
22 ering approaches to enhance the nutritional, agronomic, and industrially relevant properties of sorgh
23 r two genotypes per species, often with poor agronomics, and efficiencies that place these methods be
24 y were to determine the long-term effects of agronomic application of olive mill wastewater (OMW) wit
25  of polyphenols and mannitol indicating that agronomic application of OMW with RP generated an oxidat
26 ver, has met with difficulty and has delayed agronomic applications.
27 oped through plant breeding as a sustainable agronomic approach to alleviate vitamin A deficiency.
28   In the absence of viable alternatives, the agronomic approaches used were implemented through desig
29 ility to obtain Ca biofortified BLV by using agronomic approaches.
30  matter ha(-1) yr(-1)), we provide the first agronomic assessment of long-term N fertilizer effects o
31 had little effect on SOM and they complement agronomic assessments of environmental N losses, that de
32 nt source for food, feed, and possesses many agronomic attributes attractive for a biofuels feedstock
33                              With respect to agronomic attributes of lands undergoing grassland conve
34  elevated tropospheric O(3) by measuring the agronomic, biochemical, and physiological responses of s
35                     The results suggest that agronomic changes tend to translate improved drought tol
36 e (P(i)) have been frustrated by undesirable agronomic characteristics associated with the phytic aci
37 nipulating biosynthetic pathways and complex agronomic characteristics in plants.
38   We use a food systems model that addresses agronomic characteristics of organic agriculture to anal
39                           Fiber quality, the agronomic characteristics of the plant and seed composit
40 will expedite mushroom breeding for improved agronomic characteristics.
41 ric acid content with no associated negative agronomic characteristics.
42  also tomatoes sample growth under different agronomic conditions and harvested at two ripeness stage
43 ls (EVOOs) on their differentiation based in agronomic criteria and on the antioxidant capacity was s
44 on photosynthesis), and rice, a protein-poor agronomic crop, both highly divergent from Arabidopsis.
45 lastid transformation being applied in major agronomic crops.
46 l weed has recently emerged, causing serious agronomic damage in one of the most important maize-grow
47 ver and water vapour from satellite imagery, agronomic data from the Andean altiplano and an index of
48 underlying loci largely responsible for this agronomic division.
49 le analysis linking biophysical, hydrologic, agronomic, economic, policy, and institutional dimension
50 eria and fungi in the context of natural and agronomic ecosystems is emphasized, including interactio
51 ke, suggesting the potential for genetic and agronomic efforts to produce more rice with less N2O emi
52       When DeltaSOC, soil GHG emissions, and agronomic energy usage were used to calculate system GWP
53 rent physiological response of plants to the agronomic environment.
54 pment and ripening entail key biological and agronomic events, which ensure the appropriate formation
55 factors corresponding with a period of rapid agronomic evolution from the 1980s to the 2010s in the N
56 A better understanding of the ecological and agronomic factors underlying neonicotinoid residues is n
57 the precise and efficient substitution of an agronomic haplotype into a domesticated species.
58  they may have significant environmental and agronomic impacts and important policy implications.
59 fects on guard cells may have ecological and agronomic implications for plant productivity and for re
60  understand the ecological, evolutionary and agronomic implications of interplant signalling via CMNs
61 t acquisition, with important ecological and agronomic implications.
62 ybean was selected for this study due to its agronomic importance and its root size.
63 sure directed at genes controlling traits of agronomic importance during their domestication and subs
64  allows identification of genes of potential agronomic importance even when gene function and the phe
65 on offer a means of identifying new genes of agronomic importance even when gene function and the phe
66                                    Given the agronomic importance of canopy traits in cereals, identi
67  the strawberry flower and is of significant agronomic importance, being the precursor to strawberry
68 ing and shade avoidance are both of critical agronomic importance, but little is known about how thes
69  a wide variety of genes, including those of agronomic importance, despite often being expressed at l
70  controls a plethora of processes, many with agronomic importance, such as photosynthesis, photoprote
71 lism underpins many traits of ecological and agronomic importance.
72 oids and steroid inhibitors affect traits of agronomic importance.
73  mechanism of RNA packaging among viruses of agronomic importance.
74 ugates with compounds of pharmacological and agronomic importance.
75 Poaceae), which include plants of world-wide agronomic importance.
76 ungi and plant roots is of environmental and agronomic importance.
77 t into the genetic architecture of traits of agronomic importance.
78                        There has been little agronomic improvement in pennycress through traditional
79 nsformation and other biotechnologies in the agronomic improvement of cassava.
80  in natural habitats and useful variants for agronomic improvement of crop species.
81 henomena would hold considerable promise for agronomic improvement of staple food crops such as rice
82 evaluation through germplasm enhancement and agronomic improvement programs.
83 ultifaceted yield-limiting factors involving agronomic, infrastructural, and socioeconomic conditions
84 fied as an effective strategy of genetic and agronomic innovation for yield enhancement; however, its
85 grass with a broad cultivation range and low agronomic input requirements.
86  through biotechnology in providing improved agronomic "input" traits, differentiated crops that impa
87 2) equivalents (CO(2)e).ha(-1) that included agronomic inputs, changes in C stocks, altered N(2)O and
88                                              Agronomic intensification has transformed many agricultu
89 nsgenic rice expressing a number of genes of agronomic interest such as pest and herbicide resistance
90  performed across different plant species of agronomic interest to highlight putative biomarkers of e
91 ized to generate plants expressing traits of agronomic interest.
92                                    Long-term agronomic management impacts on soil organic carbon (SOC
93                                    With best agronomic management practices (BMPs), including conserv
94  study explores the potential of alternative agronomic management practices to mitigate N2O emissions
95                        Improved genetics and agronomics may further enhance energy sustainability and
96 ve optimal tiller number through genetic and agronomic means is still lacking.
97  in soil properties, climatic conditions and agronomic operations (e.g. fertilization, residue manage
98              Comparing a N rate within 4% of agronomic optimum (208 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)) and an excess
99 nd NO3 emissions exponentially increase when agronomic optimum N is surpassed.
100 /function relationships as well as selective agronomic or end product quality improvements.
101 acid in two different soils with contrasting agronomic P status.
102 formation about changes in physiological and agronomic parameters through the life cycle of plants ex
103 s (i.e. environmental releases), in terms of agronomic performance and also the lipidomic profile of
104 -based groups on carotenoid accumulation and agronomic performance in hybrids, which were tested in f
105 mental responses and the factors influencing agronomic performance of cereal crops.
106 eny of particular inbred lines have enhanced agronomic performance relative to both parents.
107 best peptide transgenic line showed improved agronomic performance relative to non-transgenic control
108 increased cellulose and low lignin with good agronomic performance that could improve the economic vi
109 tus of the epigenome and its contribution to agronomic performance would help in developing approache
110 ginal due to the lack of varieties with good agronomic performance, adapted to a broad range of envir
111 e package of high yield, disease resistance, agronomic performance, and end-use quality.
112 om S. pennellii can show remarkably superior agronomic performance.
113 ich an F1 hybrid exhibits enhanced growth or agronomic performance.
114 events for insert cleanliness and, trait and agronomic performances.
115 d secondarily for common rust resistance and agronomic phenotypes was investigated at the molecular g
116 ssociation of genetic diversity with diverse agronomic phenotypes.
117 fur (S) or iron (Fe), have been described at agronomic, physiological, biochemical, metabolomics, and
118 t requires genetic improvement to attain its agronomic potential.
119 hich can be used to improve root traits with agronomic potential.
120 tural production has been driven by improved agronomic practices and a dramatic increase in the use o
121 es through application of these organisms or agronomic practices that influence their population dens
122 fluctuating temperature) and man-made (e.g., agronomic practices, pollution) factors influence the co
123 rtificial selection and adaptation to modern agronomic practices.
124 was applied to investigate the effect of the agronomic production system on the metabolite compositio
125                                          The agronomic production systems may affect the levels of fo
126 er, zinc and iron in soil decreases both the agronomic productivity and the nutrient quality of crops
127 uality but also influence climate change and agronomic productivity.
128 nction and to rational strategies to improve agronomic properties in pennycress.
129 w variety maintains the high yield and other agronomic properties of the recurrent parent and is tole
130 ls, sterols, phenolic acids and folates) and agronomic properties previously determined on the same s
131 ggesting that barren stalk1 was selected for agronomic purposes.
132  spindle and Solaxe, were evaluated based on agronomic, qualitative and metabolomic traits.
133 high potential for improving root traits and agronomic qualities of crops.
134 nly a single application of biosolids (at an agronomic rate for nitrogen) were predominantly below th
135 tal stress has evolutionary significance and agronomic relevance in terms of polyploidization.
136 ing a number of candidate genes of potential agronomic relevance.
137 fying the genetic bases of complex traits of agronomic relevance.
138 rganism for Solanaceae in both molecular and agronomic research.
139 y suggest the need for developing individual agronomic rules for iodine biofortification of carrot fo
140 elected genes have functions consistent with agronomic selection for nutritional quality, maturity, a
141                             Because of their agronomic significance, maize and rice have been extensi
142 ein levels in crop species, a trait of great agronomic significance.
143 ion is a complex trait of key ecological and agronomic significance.
144 echanics is likely to be of evolutionary and agronomic significance.
145  discuss the potential of plants as a viable agronomic solution for future terpene-derived biofuels.
146  important tool for plant ecology, design of agronomic systems, quarantine regulations in internation
147 ional opportunities for lessening the GWP of agronomic systems.
148 udy that represents the genetic material and agronomic technology available for switchgrass productio
149  biomarkers have the potential to be used as agronomic tools to monitor and optimize nitrogen fertili
150 est that it may contribute to phenotypic and agronomic trait diversity.
151            Our studies focus on an important agronomic trait in a major crop for global agriculture.
152                    Flowering is an important agronomic trait that often depends on the integration of
153 sence of PAs in forage crops is an important agronomic trait, preventing pasture bloat in ruminant an
154  thus alter branching patterns, an important agronomic trait.
155 uncover the evolutionary origins of this key agronomic trait.
156 ific regions of the wheat genome that affect agronomic traits also have distinct effects on specific
157 rison on the evolutionary bases of important agronomic traits among different crop species.
158 tgrass (IWG) - together with its interesting agronomic traits and environment-related benefits - make
159  been successfully used to engineer valuable agronomic traits and for the production of industrial en
160 for polymorphisms that underlie variation in agronomic traits and highlights genes that exhibit a sig
161 on uncovered novel correlations between some agronomic traits and the levels of certain primary metab
162                        Genomic prediction of agronomic traits as targets for selection in plant breed
163       We also explored the predictability of agronomic traits based on the 839 metabolites through cr
164                                              Agronomic traits controlling the formation, architecture
165 egions are enriched for loci associated with agronomic traits detected in genome-wide association stu
166 in related genes which may be related to key agronomic traits during black raspberry domestication.
167 umulate more ABA and exhibit more productive agronomic traits during drought while OsOTS1 overexpress
168 with high provitamin A content and desirable agronomic traits from different molecular-based groups m
169  on the association between metabolites with agronomic traits has been inadequate.
170 nes with the 3BS resistance QTL and improved agronomic traits have been developed.
171             Several therapeutic proteins and agronomic traits have been highly expressed via the toba
172 he associations of 839 metobolites with five agronomic traits in a collection of 533 rice varieties.
173 hat drl genes control the development of key agronomic traits in maize.
174  is an emerging model for genetic studies of agronomic traits in Panicum, presenting a tractable dipl
175 association study of major domestication and agronomic traits in soybean.
176  parent (a winter-type cultivar) that affect agronomic traits in spring-type inbreds and hybrids.
177  some of which are associated with important agronomic traits including bolting, flowering and leaf n
178 ulation in rice may allow for the control of agronomic traits involving plant growth or development.
179 of quantitative trait locus (QTL) studies of agronomic traits is limited by lack of knowledge of bioc
180 s the door for cloning of many crop-specific agronomic traits located in the gene-rich regions of bre
181 n the leaves of young plants, as well as for agronomic traits of mature plants in field trials.
182 emperature on its photosynthetic physiology, agronomic traits or biomass, and seed yield under open f
183 tobacco chloroplast genome to confer desired agronomic traits or express high levels of vaccine antig
184 ransgenes can be engineered to enhance plant agronomic traits or to produce high-value agricultural o
185 A was developed by mapping 17 QTLs for seven agronomic traits relative to 26 RFLP and 15 SSR chromoso
186 er, the potential of APA in determining crop agronomic traits remains elusive.
187 selection and may contribute to variation of agronomic traits such as biotic resistance, seed composi
188 ation of cell wall properties can affect key agronomic traits such as disease resistance and plant gr
189 tion of putative genes controlling important agronomic traits such as flowering and glucosinolate met
190 ls to help them identify genes for important agronomic traits that can be bred into new varieties.
191 g the mechanisms underlying the myriad other agronomic traits that can be improved with S. pennellii
192 ls to help them identify genes for important agronomic traits that can be introduced into elite varie
193                     Additionally, data on 29 agronomic traits that had been assessed in the same fiel
194                Seed size is one of the major agronomic traits that have been selected in crop plants
195 abolome-wide association studies for the six agronomic traits using both the genome-wide efficient mi
196 and pedigree predictions for grain yield and agronomic traits were carried out using high density mol
197  events and variation in gene expression and agronomic traits were observed, suggesting potential rol
198 seed size and nitrogen content are desirable agronomic traits, and that efficient remobilization of n
199 re annotated with functions related to major agronomic traits, including disease resistance, flowerin
200 me-anchored markers; (ii) map four important agronomic traits, namely, vernalization requirement, see
201 it SNPs (QTSs) associated with two important agronomic traits, plant height (PH) and heading date (HD
202 s at genes controlling key morphological and agronomic traits, resulting in reduced genetic diversity
203 vement programs is the stacking of desirable agronomic traits, such as disease and pest resistance an
204 (Glycine max), have contributed to important agronomic traits, such as grain quality, fruit shape, an
205 PA for regulation of gene expression of many agronomic traits, suggesting a potential important role
206 g yield and its component traits, as well as agronomic traits, to obtain a precise estimate of recomb
207 o uncouple oil increase from the undesirable agronomic traits, we identified a LEC1 downstream transc
208 ion of genomic selection for yield and other agronomic traits, whole-genome marker profiles will be a
209 ave detrimental or beneficial effects on the agronomic traits, yield, and productivity of plants, ind
210 identification of genes underlying important agronomic traits.
211 rowing the genotype-phenotype gap of complex agronomic traits.
212 proved to be useful for predicting important agronomic traits.
213 ered 23 lincRNAs potentially associated with agronomic traits.
214  is effective in uncovering the basis of key agronomic traits.
215 d 32 genes for the GRR controlling important agronomic traits.
216 ites were significantly associated with five agronomic traits.
217 genes/QTLs controlling grain yield and other agronomic traits.
218 ybrid correlated with heterosis in important agronomic traits.
219 nsion control fiber morphology and important agronomic traits.
220 uated during two growing seasons for several agronomic traits.
221 as candidate genes associated with important agronomic traits.
222 development processes potentially related to agronomic traits.
223 them for two years at three locations for 84 agronomic traits.
224  These have distinct fiber quality and other agronomic traits.
225 fying novel genes that contribute to soybean agronomic traits.
226 ariation in gene content in pathways for key agronomic traits.
227 nd increased carbon dioxide and reflects the agronomic trend toward higher sowing densities.
228 iency and productivity must be considered if agronomic utility is sought.
229  that regulate this process, in spite of the agronomic value of controlling seed dispersal in crop pl
230 ese parasites with compounds of medicinal or agronomic value.
231 rannual variability, and predictions for all agronomic variables were significantly different from on

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