


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 Action for Health in Diabetes Mellitus (Look AHEAD).
2 workforce is to meet the challenges that lie ahead.
3 ion on a myriad of challenges that still lie ahead.
4  outlook of the opportunities and challenges ahead.
5 an to obtain specific rewards several trials ahead.
6  by cryo-EM and point to challenges that lie ahead.
7  and to look forward to the challenges lying ahead.
8  lessons learned and the challenges that lie ahead.
9 rowing area of research with many challenges ahead.
10  function as well as new directions that lie ahead.
11 n, and treatment of lung cancer in the years ahead.
12 mes of research, and call out the challenges ahead.
13  past and only need to be planned one radian ahead.
14  separation causes overwinding of the duplex ahead.
15 vention over 4 years across the DPP and Look AHEAD.
16 to identify the challenges and opportunities ahead.
17 rrent and emerging therapies, and challenges ahead.
18 ows projection of an El Nino event about 1 y ahead.
19 of our knowledge and the challenges that lie ahead.
20 ntional forecasting is still limited to 6 mo ahead.
21 as the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
22 frameworks and experimental tools on the way ahead.
23  enabled dengue warnings to be made 3 months ahead.
24 ress of the epigenomics field and challenges ahead.
25 ine the challenges for neurobiology that lie ahead.
26 g eccentric gaze than while looking straight ahead.
27 l zeolites, significant challenges are still ahead.
28 t forecasting is still limited to about 6 mo ahead.
29 n, and discuss the major challenges that lie ahead.
30 m to address the research questions that lie ahead.
31 ht the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
32 vides promise for further gains in the years ahead.
33 ies and highlighting the challenges that lie ahead.
34 RCs) so that their buds have a full lifespan ahead.
35 are being addressed, and the issues that lie ahead.
36 chronic HCV and HIV coinfection in the years ahead.
37 nd to copy directional changes made by those ahead.
38 elf-motion was to the right/left of straight ahead.
39 eed are transmitted to those both behind and ahead.
40 ostate cancer and the opportunities that lie ahead.
41 ears, and underscore the challenges that lie ahead.
42 n made, yet a tremendous amount of work lies ahead.
43 as representative of the potential that lies ahead.
44 oviding indications on how to move the field ahead.
45 imulate trailing edge retraction in the cell ahead.
46 d therapy, and the challenges that are still ahead.
47 int to opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.
48 d describes the challenges and opportunities ahead.
49 ine, participants initially reached straight ahead.
50 ext of what has come before and what may lie ahead.
51 scribes the considerable challenges that lie ahead.
52 l as outline some of the challenges that lie ahead.
53 jet aircraft at distances of more than 50 km ahead.
54  an outlook on the challenges that still lie ahead.
55 al applications and the remaining challenges ahead.
56 speech from a target talker located straight ahead (0 degrees azimuth) in the presence of four compet
57 ure focus showed a decrease in activity well ahead (0-300 ms) of the discharge onset, while 12.2% of
58  (mean difference range: 6.6-11.9 kg in Look AHEAD; 11.5-14.6 kg in DPP; P < 0.0001).
59                                      Looking ahead, 59% to 62% of patients believed that they should
60 nitial weight loss (agreement: 85.0% in Look AHEAD; 87.4% in DPP).
61 nitial weight loss (agreement: 91.6% in Look AHEAD; 90.5% in DPP).Although all of the criteria discri
62 ; in kg/m(2)) 32 +/- 3] enrolled in the Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) trial and randomly
63 study used publicly available data from Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes; n = 1791) and Diab
64 on/comparison) or with type 2 diabetes (Look AHEAD [Action for Health in Diabetes]; N = 2,014/1,892 i
65 ial weight loss, 7 of 28 comparisons in Look AHEAD and 13 of 28 in the DPP were in high agreement.
66     We reflect on the possibilities that lie ahead and discuss some of the potential pitfalls that mi
67 ensure that eyes are held steady in straight-ahead and eccentric positions of gaze.
68 ss the multifaceted drug delivery challenges ahead and further expand the spectrum of therapeutic app
69 s of potential establishment, while planning ahead and gathering sufficient resources will be the key
70 y of life, clinicians should cautiously move ahead and offer the option of organ preservation to pati
71 e basis of correlations with HRQOL, straight-ahead and reading positions should be highly weighted.
72 plopia, or only rarely for distance straight ahead and reading.
73 we describe current progress, the challenges ahead and the new interventions that are being tested to
74  toward these goals, consider the challenges ahead, and describe promising applications.
75  optimization models at the multidecade, day-ahead, and hour-ahead time scales, incorporating spatial
76 n asks whether goal maintenance and planning ahead are critical for innovative tool use.
77 iscuss challenges and opportunities that lie ahead as basic scientists and clinical investigators wor
78 nation's leading cause of death in the years ahead as our population ages.
79           Challenging and exciting times lie ahead as these new technologies are embraced and efforts
80  NIH and the research community in the years ahead as we simultaneously face exciting scientific oppo
81  consent" system, donation often does not go ahead because of another issue: their families refuse to
82 ld be caused not by a disinclination to plan ahead, but by virtue of this ability.
83         Therefore, the N-tier ring is pushed ahead by the C-tier ring during CMG translocation, oppos
84                                      Looking ahead, current challenges in bioartificial lung engineer
85                                 When looking ahead, despite model limitations in simulating mixed lay
86 etimes" or worse for reading and/or straight-ahead distance.
87 lopia questionnaire for reading and straight-ahead distance.
88                                   By looking ahead, epidemiologists can take advantage of upcoming re
89                                         Look-ahead extended farther on journeys to distant goals than
90 conclude with a discussion on what might lie ahead for medicinal chemists, biologists, and physicians
91 suggesting a daunting (but stimulating) path ahead for neuroscience more generally.
92                           Exciting times lie ahead for pediatric tuberculosis, but much work remains
93                           The task that lies ahead for sub-Saharan Africa to achieve elimination is s
94 lications of these findings for what may lie ahead for teenagers as globalization continues to expand
95                    Whatever predicament lies ahead for the replication fork, PCNA is there to orchest
96                                    The 1-day-ahead forecast of a local operational product, Revised D
97 n the non-template DNA strand one nucleotide ahead from the active center (the i+2 position).
98           The neuroscience field is steaming ahead, fueled by a revolution in cutting-edge technologi
99 suring 14-25 prism diopters (PD) in straight-ahead gaze at distance fixation.
100 nd reversal of the hypertropia from straight-ahead gaze to the other 8 diagnostic positions of gaze t
101 ism diopters [pd] hyperdeviation in straight-ahead gaze) and 4 asymmetric.
102             Despite many challenges that lie ahead in applying these technologies to lung disease, ra
103 ad of unexplored applications that still lie ahead in cancer research and medicine.
104                               Much work lies ahead in developing these next-generation checkpoint age
105                      I also discuss the road ahead in fulfilling the promise of genomics for medicine
106    CNVs have also highlighted the challenges ahead in genotype-phenotype correlation.
107 g themes, questions, and challenges that lie ahead in mechanistic studies of translation.
108 er the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead in refining this technology for regenerative medic
109 ividual (e.g., hard work) factors in getting ahead in society (i.e., opportunity beliefs).
110 ss the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead in targeting meta-organismal endocrinology for CVD
111 and gaze position weights of 40 for straight ahead in the distance, 40 for reading, 1 for up, 8 for d
112 ajectories, we predict 80% of patient events ahead in time.
113 ins made and significant challenges that lie ahead in trying to accurately delineate their identities
114 ed that perceived self-movement was straight-ahead, in the direction of visual fixation.
115 y surfaces to using them primarily for "look ahead." In environments with increased risk of collision
116  insight in fungal immunopathogenesis forges ahead, interventions for boosting immune functions along
117                                         Look AHEAD is a randomized, controlled trial to determine the
118               The main challenge on the road ahead is to harness bigger health care data in ways that
119                                     The task ahead lies in transforming this information into persona
120 ethods for studying the behavior of the look-ahead model are introduced, and several approaches to pa
121 or human subjects, allowing sponsors to move ahead more quickly with the development of new agents.
122                                      Looking ahead, multidimensional live-cell nanoscopy combined wit
123 from the Action for Health in Diabetes (Look AHEAD, n=4760; 2001-12).
124  and approximately 300 Arp2/3 complexes just ahead of a burst of actin assembly into short, capped an
125 urrent reproduction with their own condition ahead of a challenging migration and future reproduction
126  surfactant (Span 83) are placed on the agar ahead of a swarm, as the water is absorbed by the agar a
127 res accessory helicases to displace proteins ahead of advancing replication forks.
128 cognitively normal adults Abeta*56 increased ahead of amyloid-beta dimers or amyloid-beta trimers, an
129 breaks and then reforms histone-DNA contacts ahead of and behind it, respectively.
130 present mechanisms of diamond formation both ahead of and behind the redox front.
131 onally uncouple cells of the proximal tubule ahead of any overt loss in epithelial cell function.
132 the method forecasts a danger over one month ahead of blockage.
133 M) progenitors map exclusively to mesenchyme ahead of budding airways.
134 A when the number of genes in a cell doubles ahead of cell division?
135 s of Convex-NMF place this approach one step ahead of classical label-requiring supervised methods fo
136                                    Their use ahead of conventional immunosuppressive strategies canno
137 , as recently proposed by French authorities ahead of COP21 in the 'four per mil' initiative, is nota
138 o hydrolyzed infant formulas and breast milk ahead of dairy products intake, the symptom resolved.
139 o hydrolyzed infant formulas and breast milk ahead of dairy products intake, the symptoms resolved.
140 inal vasculature grows towards the periphery ahead of differentiated astrocytes, but behind astrocyti
141 NA template structures and G-rich sequences, ahead of diverse reverse transcriptases can be strong st
142  accessibility increases specifically at and ahead of DNA replication forks in normal S phase and dur
143 ermanent genomic damage are those that occur ahead of DNA tracking systems.
144 icacious antibiotics available to the public ahead of epidemic resistance.
145 s well, toward designing inhibitors one step ahead of evolution to counter resistance with more intel
146 is widely accepted that column technology is ahead of existing chromatographic instruments.
147 methodology can produce predictions one week ahead of GFT's real-time estimates with comparable accur
148                        A visionary Darwinian ahead of his time, George C.
149  this "synthetic erythropoiesis protein" was ahead of its time, but has gained new relevance in recen
150 e useful to public health services, not only ahead of mass gatherings, but also before the peak dengu
151  the "Cell" and the people who "hoed the row ahead of me."
152 0 drones would be required to deliver an AED ahead of median 911 response times by 3 minutes.
153 d by deoxyuridine conversion to abasic sites ahead of nascent lagging strand DNA synthesis and subseq
154 assembled in mitotic prophase, significantly ahead of nuclear pore disassembly.
155 ry (where it fell between letting others get ahead of one in line and volunteering some time to help
156 hat HBE behaves as an enhancer, is activated ahead of other Nodal enhancers in the epiblast, and is e
157 rin and the 90 kDa fragments, which occurred ahead of other prejunctional and postjunctional componen
158 r rule can be favoured by natural selection, ahead of other rules which are more accurate.
159 ndicates that the assembly of FAK-FAs occurs ahead of paxillin at cell front.
160 he inflammatory mediator TNFalpha 24 or 48 h ahead of PGE(2) do not show the enhanced and prolonged h
161 ving, with the epidemiology-based literature ahead of potential biological mechanisms that might expl
162 ting that postsynaptic alterations may occur ahead of presynaptic deficits.
163 American Heart Association," which published ahead of print August 13, 2015, and appeared in the Sept
164 ral Arterial Events," which published online ahead of print September 8, 2015, and appears in the Nov
165 growth factor) is expressed dynamically just ahead of progenitor outgrowth in decaying branches.
166 ing the supercoiling that normally builds up ahead of replication forks.
167 ving positive DNA supercoils that accumulate ahead of replication forks.
168 y remove positive supercoils that accumulate ahead of replication forks.
169 -azacytidine does not increase Xi expression ahead of reprograming, but instead reveals a second cadr
170 tochastic Xi expression in human fibroblasts ahead of reprograming.
171 x expression, in a PKC-dependent manner days ahead of rod development in untreated explants.
172 ants between 2007 and 2010 within budget and ahead of schedule.
173                                     PSs just ahead of SLE were associated with hyperpolarizing potent
174       However, 2 basic information gaps loom ahead of such a study: the development of robust, valid,
175 ich, crucially, motor planning always starts ahead of task-critical perceptual analysis, and the two
176 rk by translocation along the 3' DNA strand, ahead of the "lagging" AdnA motor domain.
177 listic forecasts of dengue risk three months ahead of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.
178  the neural/epidermal (Ne/Epi) boundary just ahead of the advancing zipper.
179 he extent to which theta sequences projected ahead of the animal's current location varied on a momen
180 e subdivision of the deformed microstructure ahead of the boundary plays the dominant role.
181                   The polarity of the N-tier ahead of the C-tier places the leading Pol epsilon below
182  in the American population, up to two weeks ahead of the CDC, with an absolute average difference be
183 tic deflection of the structure was observed ahead of the compaction of the lattice, while no elastic
184 on of the maximum deviator stress is tracked ahead of the crack tip on the experimental concrete samp
185  represented relatively long paths extending ahead of the current location.
186 and show that stromal gene signature changes ahead of the epithelial gene signature as prostate cance
187     The MCM motor of the CMG helicase powers ahead of the eukaryotic replication machinery to unwind
188 report object reappearance being behind than ahead of the expected position.
189 proposed that the overwinding that builds up ahead of the fork could force it to swivel and diffuse t
190 acteria, DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV act ahead of the fork to keep DNA underwound.
191 n contexts that inhibit topoisomerase action ahead of the fork, including stable protein-DNA fragile
192 HMG-like domain could bind to the duplex DNA ahead of the fork, whereas the C-terminal portion of gp5
193  replication elongation to dissipate torsion ahead of the forks.
194 ombining curative with preventive treatments ahead of the front reduced local damage and contained sp
195 ch we show restricts atonal (ato) expression ahead of the furrow.
196 tina to limit Hh pathway activity within and ahead of the furrow.
197 ature, CO2 , and nitrogen deposition decades ahead of the global average, such that biological respon
198 he TPRE mechanism, and (iii) the segregation ahead of the growing Si twins, inducing a solute entrain
199 agnetosonic speed, with no bow shock forming ahead of the heliosphere, as was widely expected in the
200 at very low output energy of 26 mJ and 1 mus ahead of the helium plasma generation.
201 established, almost invariably stay one step ahead of the host's immune system, and in the vast major
202 II-driven, filopodia-based probing mechanism ahead of the leading edge allows cells to migrate effici
203 ocked at protein-DNA complexes contain ssDNA ahead of the leading strand polymerase.
204 rming are concentrated in late winter, weeks ahead of the main budbreak period.
205 h regions located between -7585 and -5550 bp ahead of the main transcription start site and via an NF
206  In principle, either tier could translocate ahead of the other during movement on DNA.
207  heterohexamer, unwinds the DNA double helix ahead of the other replication machinery.
208 financial resources to drive its development ahead of the outbreak, point-of-care Ebola tests support
209     The resulting piling up of surface steps ahead of the oxide growth front progressively impedes th
210 vided the helicase is located one nucleotide ahead of the primer-end.
211 When uracil/hypoxanthine is bound four bases ahead of the primer-template junction (+4 position), bot
212 ering uracil in template strands, four bases ahead of the primer-template junction.
213 e-stranded region of the template, two bases ahead of the primer-template junction.
214 se pro-mutagenic deoxynucleosides four steps ahead of the primer-template junction.
215  for targets displaced to new locations just ahead of the prior path, with suppression elsewhere in t
216 he population, such that place-field centers ahead of the rat are sequentially activated in the order
217                                              Ahead of the reaction front, high pH pore fluid mixes wi
218  weekly ILI predictions for up to four weeks ahead of the release of CDC's ILI reports.
219  accomplished by using a GC column separator ahead of the REMPI-TOFMS.
220 eterochromatin and euchromatin are disrupted ahead of the replication fork and are then reassembled i
221     This is achieved by topoisomerase action ahead of the replication fork or by fork rotation and su
222 factors include a helicase to unwind the DNA ahead of the replication fork, a single-stranded binding
223 esis from redeposition of histones displaced ahead of the replication fork, which in turn leads to lo
224 e strand uracil irrespective of its distance ahead of the replication fork.
225 er cells to damaging agents that form blocks ahead of the replication forks.
226 a positively supercoiled domain is generated ahead of the RNA polymerase and a negatively supercoiled
227 nucleation and growth occur upon heating and ahead of the scanning laser focus.
228 focusing of strains yields the material just ahead of the singularity, allowing it to propagate, leav
229  of growing hyphae during vegetative growth, ahead of the Spitzenkorper, and is required for polarize
230                                Saccades fall ahead of the target with an error that increases when th
231 at drives the assembly of the efflux complex ahead of the transcription activation of the cus operon
232  some cases, EWIs were detected considerably ahead of the transition.
233 lts show that local increases in SR [Ca(2+)] ahead of the wave can potentially facilitate Ca(2+) wave
234 city-specific mitigation and control actions ahead of the World Cup.
235 being more at risk of sepsis when challenged ahead of their activity phase.
236  the position of moving upper limbs slightly ahead of their real position but only when the anticipat
237 he founders of the Dutch hypothesis were far ahead of their time, and we can learn from their insight
238 ble of circumnavigating dead (trapped) cells ahead of them by choosing a serpentine path.
239 antages and outstanding challenges which lie ahead of this technology are discussed.
240 enesis and the developmental status of cells ahead of this wave.
241 tic resonance imaging scanner, premix of tPA ahead of time, initiation of tPA in brain imaging suite,
242 ed us to predict spontaneous strategy shifts ahead of time.
243 s induced formation of spine-like structures ahead of time.
244  management options to minimize yield losses ahead of time.
245 e interval 0.72-0.82 when ordered > 180 days ahead of time; odds ratio = 0.90, 95% confidence interva
246 ng forward, the most challenging nanoscience ahead of us will be to find new chemical and physical me
247 ncient individual known as "Shuka Kaa" ("Man Ahead of Us") recovered from the On Your Knees Cave (OYK
248 y, and discuss the limitations and obstacles ahead of us.
249 basis for progressing navitoclax into trials ahead of venetoclax in other subgroups.
250  the retinal vasculature of diabetic people, ahead of visual impairments.
251 induced mixing, led to significant and rapid ahead-of-eye-centre cooling (at least 6 degrees C and up
252 uoy similarly revealed significant and rapid ahead-of-eye-centre cooling during Typhoon Muifa (2011).
253 Historical buoys from 1985 to 2015 show that ahead-of-eye-centre cooling occurred beneath all 11 trop
254 ," "often," or "always" in distance straight ahead or reading positions on the Diplopia Questionnaire
255 nce that participants in our experiment plan ahead over two consecutive, inter-dependent helping oppo
256 saccades than controls when walking straight ahead (p =.040) and in preparation for a turn (p =.032).
257 g as no eavesdrop is detected, and, planning ahead, part of the capacity of these uncompromised trans
258                                         Look AHEAD participants included in this report were 3,845 ov
259                         INTERPRETATION: Look AHEAD participants with moderately or poorly controlled
260 temporary vertical deviation in the straight ahead position that increased with head tilt to one side
261 0 minutes each) or CCBT using the "Good Days Ahead" program.
262 th type 2 diabetes were enrolled in the Look AHEAD randomised controlled trial, of whom 4901 were inc
263 ART model successfully predicted the 3-month-ahead reductive dechlorination potential with 75.8% and
264                    While the field is racing ahead, some researchers are pausing to evaluate whether
265 vespertilionids, but ensonifying objects far ahead suggesting more clutter.
266 ing a pragmatic review of the many obstacles ahead that must be overcome to significantly impact publ
267               We also discuss the challenges ahead that need to be addressed for clinical implementat
268            Finally we outline the challenges ahead that will be fundamental to overcome if the ultima
269      While the long road of translation lies ahead, the path to meaningful clinical progress has neve
270                                      Looking ahead, they imply a net negative impact on yield from mo
271 ion flavours, can be predicted up to 3 years ahead, thus exceeding the predictive skill of current tr
272 dels at the multidecade, day-ahead, and hour-ahead time scales, incorporating spatial wind energy mod
273 nd limitations of current therapies and look ahead to continued progress in melanoma prevention and t
274 memory, primarily at the DNA level, and look ahead to discuss their potential implications in reward
275 the American College of Surgeons as it moves ahead to further develop and expand its national trauma
276                                 We also look ahead to future studies characterizing novel pathways th
277 ogram in India and highlights the challenges ahead to improve the situation for millions of people wh
278 current success, and identify the challenges ahead to make OFETs applicable in real applications.
279                             Finally, we look ahead to persistent challenges in the application of net
280                         Furthermore, looking ahead to potential therapeutic strategies encompassing i
281                      Although challenges lie ahead to reach clinical fruition, the unique mechanical
282 n criteria, and previous experience, looking ahead to the chance of a cure for these disorders.
283 ngs, highlight recent developments, and look ahead to the changes in clinical practice that will like
284 he challenges and the opportunities that lay ahead to the development of efficacious and nontoxic PAI
285 genome-wide association studies) and looking ahead to the further challenges posed by next generation
286 hievements of the DECIPHER project and looks ahead to the opportunities and challenges of jointly ana
287 he hippocampus and, finally, attempt to look ahead toward novel therapeutics for brain aging.
288 s and the key problems to solve in the years ahead toward understanding these intriguing macromolecul
289      The Action for Health in Diabetes (Look AHEAD) trial investigated whether long-term cardiovascul
290 eight loss or regain within the DPP and Look AHEAD trials, directly or via interactions with lifestyl
291  sharply, cells leave the corner, continuing ahead until hitting the opposite wall of the channel, wi
292           On arrival at goals, however, look-ahead was similar regardless of where the animal began i
293                              Looking farther ahead, we envision direct linkages between aggregate exp
294 ng progress made and the challenges that lie ahead, we hope to create a clinical, educational, and re
295                                      Looking ahead, we propose systems genetics as a complementary ap
296  small variations in heading around straight ahead, whereas thresholds rise precipitously when subjec
297 n vegetation productivity two to six seasons ahead which enables national governments and farmers for
298 , which we find can also be predicted months ahead with a significant skill of 0.56.
299            The CIT for transplants that went ahead with a virtual XM was 3 hours shorter than those r
300 pressure episodes could be predicted 30 mins ahead with good calibration (Hosmer-Lemeshow p value 0.1

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