


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                       MITO-8 aimed to verify this hypothesis commonly used in clinica
2 model can be used to test therapeutic agents aimed at chemoprevention.
3 , a knowledge-based curve fitting algorithm, aiming to identify the complex relationships between phe
4                           This meta-analysis aimed to compare the long-term outcomes with both device
5 en to mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue and aim to elicit protective CTL-mediated immunity.
6 plasmic reticulum (ER) stress and cGVHD, and aimed to create effective treatment of cGVHD.
7 acids regulate colonic HbetaD expression and aimed to test this by investigating the effects of deoxy
8 us behavior in biophysics and enzymology and aims to inform the design of efficient self-assembled mi
9  first structure-based cross-docking attempt aimed at distinguishing antibody-antigen binders from no
10 hemical components and sensorial attributes, aiming to quantify the impact of prolonged frying on pot
11                                  The authors aim to position TEK in relation to other emerging school
12 ould be offered to all patients with cancer, aiming to improve sexual response, body image, intimacy
13                            Systems chemistry aims to emulate the functional behavior observed in livi
14 targets and efficiently screen new compounds aimed at those targets.
15  procedures for each of these three critical aims.
16                      The CLIP Tool Kit (CTK) aims at providing a set of tools for flexible, streamlin
17 tematically screen for homozygous deletions, aiming to identify rare tumour suppressors.
18 f patients, and while regenerative dentistry aims to heal dental tissue after injury, existing polyme
19 n families of natural products was designed, aiming to access several natural products from a common
20 l SECM-based techniques have been developed, aiming on the combined benefit of a local irradiation of
21 g microcephaly, has prompted intense efforts aimed at the development of new and specific diagnostic
22  the contrary allergen immunotherapy exactly aims to induce tolerance.
23 y, we report a new shock recovery experiment aimed at synthesizing decagonal quasicrystals similar to
24  for the virus can inform future experiments aimed at further clarifying this issue.
25 al and endoscopic remission), with the final aim of blocking their progression and preventing bowel d
26 nges in the nasal morphology and/or function aimed to humidify and warm the air before it reaches the
27                                      The GDC aims to democratize access to cancer genomic data and to
28             Fewer than half of funded grants aimed for clinically related targets (eg, sunburn reduct
29 eview and our own derivations presented here aim to encourage undergraduate physics students to open
30 s opportunities for therapeutic intervention aimed at the prevention of neuronal death in neurodegene
31  Policy makers should consider interventions aimed at tackling the obesogenic built environment.
32              We excluded other interventions aimed at limiting community access to pesticides.
33                   Psychosocial interventions aimed at alleviating the negative impacts of poverty on
34          Here we introduce a package that is aimed to simplify this process.
35 ant of the classic de Bruijn graph, which is aimed at 'detecting and genotyping simple and complex ge
36 rently working on pemphigus pathogenesis, it aims to serve as a solid basis for further investigation
37                                        A key aim in the cancer field is therefore to design intervent
38 ectful modeling' framework which has two key aims: (i) respecting the models themselves and facilitat
39                                     The main aim of this paper was to assess the impact of Gluten-Fri
40                                     The main aim of this study was to determine the mycobiome in lung
41 rowers accomplish this by creating materials aimed at harnessing the complex interplay between quantu
42           The available therapeutic measures aimed at preventing the risk for infection in WHIM patie
43             Additional trials of medications aimed at targeting cytokine overactivity that act direct
44        Using an established laboratory model aimed at evaluating behavioral shifts in the salience of
45 nd semiconductor and magnetic nanoparticles, aiming to take advantage of both the controlled properti
46                                       We now aimed to evaluate the potential of positron lymphography
47                                          Our aim being to consider if there is an overall differentia
48                                          Our aim in the present study was to record local field poten
49                                          Our aim in this study was to assess changes in malaria morbi
50                                          Our aim is to bridge the science-policy interface by develop
51                                          Our aim was to assess the concordance between (18)F-FDHT and
52                                          Our aim was to detect new interacting genes involved in ecze
53                                          Our aim was to determine whether the effects of UCP2 observe
54                                          Our aim was to examine the risk and determinants of HCC in p
55                                          Our aim was to test for a treatment-by-ipsilateral atheroscl
56                                  Purpose Our aim was to determine the role of end-of-induction (EOI)
57                                  Purpose Our aim was to determine whether cardiovascular (CV) risk in
58                                          Our aims were (i) to devise an effective technique for three
59                                          Our aims were to determine the prevalence of HP in a selecte
60                                          Our aims were to evaluate incidence, survival rates, and vol
61                                          Our aims were to identify target enzyme inhibitors and to be
62 europrosthetics research in amputee patients aims at developing new prostheses that move and feel lik
63 s and aryl (alkyl) hydrazines was performed, aimed to the regioselective synthesis of 3- or 5-trifluo
64 based diagnostic workup in AML is presented, aiming at facilitating the p53-based therapeutic choices
65                                  The primary aim of this study was to determine in rat skeletal muscl
66                    Mosquito control programs aimed at limiting transmission of these viruses are ongo
67                                    Radiomics aims to quantify phenotypic characteristics on medical i
68 omputational modeling and empirical research aimed at addressing these questions at the level of psyc
69                         The present research aimed to evaluate the use of spent coffee grounds (SCG)
70  a result, much preclinical alcohol research aims to identify relevant CeA neuroadaptions that promot
71                       This systematic review aimed to examine and rank the effectiveness of these the
72                                  This review aimed to describe core constipation symptoms and their f
73                                  This review aimed to provide a critical overview of the current know
74                         This tutorial review aims to unpick the historical data and provide new resea
75                                 This study's aim was to define the effects of these mediators on neut
76                       Future research should aim to establish clinical, serological, and imaging biom
77                 Future cohort studies should aim to confirm this possible effect.
78 trast to typical drug development strategies aimed at targets that are highly conserved among individ
79  TKIs in tumors and to envisaging strategies aimed at facilitating antitumor immune responses.
80 for macroecological and evolutionary studies aimed at understanding the origin, evolution, and ecolog
81                                    Our study aim was to compare iron absorption from oral iron supple
82                                    Our study aimed at analyzing the characteristics of the IgE sensit
83                                    Our study aimed to assess how metal oxides play a role in Ni bioav
84                            The present study aimed at the elaboration and validation of a method to d
85                                   This study aimed at bridging knowledge gaps regarding the land-sea
86 l derivatives from active retinol.This study aimed to accurately characterize intestinal alpha-carote
87                              Thus this study aimed to assess the effects of 0.5% PVI on acute skin wo
88                                   This study aimed to determine the osteoclastogenic role of H4R in r
89                                   This study aimed to determine the T-cell response to Phl p 12 in pr
90                                   This study aimed to elucidate potential clinical and biological fun
91                                   This study aimed to evaluate clinical response and survival in pati
92                                   This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of LMCA extrinsic compr
93 e the treatment patient friendly, this study aimed to evaluate whether the antinociceptive property o
94                                   This study aimed to examine the effectiveness and safety of TMVR in
95                      Accordingly, this study aimed to investigate sex differences in LV mechanics wit
96                                   This study aimed to investigate the molecular and bio-functional pr
97                                   This study aimed to reveal the selective accumulation of rare varia
98                                    Our study aims to uncover novel insights into channel gating throu
99 dvantage of these results, the present study aims (i) to show that calorimetry and EINS using the Bic
100                                   This study aims to analyze the antioxidant benefits from persimmon
101                                   This study aims to identify the role of IRF6 in development of exoc
102                                   This study aims to introduce a novel conceptual analytical framewor
103                                   This study aims to measure and analyze unregulated compound emissio
104                                   This study aims to validate and apply clinically meaningful bands t
105                                  This target aims for 90% of HIV-positive individuals to be aware of
106  third generation of photovoltaic technology aims to reduce the fabrication cost and improve the powe
107 e mainly five functional modules in TFBSbank aimed at characterizing ChIP peaks, identifying putative
108 patients with dozens of clinical trials that aim to manipulate autophagy to treat (or prevent) diseas
109 dy States and Cities Initiative (CRSCI) that aims to build local capacity to assess and respond to th
110 mework will stimulate fruitful research that aims at unraveling the molecular pathways through which
111 ere, we present SpartaABC, a web server that aims to solve this issue.
112                                          The aim of our study was to examine the degradation of veter
113                                          The aim of the current study is to explore the role of natur
114                                          The aim of the current study was to compare the actions of m
115                                          The aim of the present study is to compare biofilm formation
116                                          The aim of the present study is to determine the immunomodul
117                                          The aim of the present study is to examine presence of syste
118                                          The aim of the present study is to identify microbiota surro
119                                          The aim of the present study was to translate these findings
120                                          The aim of the present study was to understand to what exten
121                                          The aim of the study was to assess the applicability of Pseu
122                                          The aim of the study was to determine the prognostic impact
123                                          The aim of the study was to evaluate biosynthetic absorbable
124                                          The aim of the study was to explore specific microRNAs (miRs
125                                          The aim of the study was to therefore assess whether the ERN
126                                          The aim of this article was to study the prevalence and sign
127                                          The aim of this consensus was to provide guidance on the app
128                                          The aim of this prospective clinical cohort study was to inv
129                                          The aim of this study is to compare peri-implant soft tissue
130                                          The aim of this study is to conduct a meta-analysis of cohor
131                                          The aim of this study is to determine a potential associatio
132                                          The aim of this study is to examine the association between
133                                          The aim of this study is to investigate the potential therap
134                                          The aim of this study was the shelf life extension of whole-
135                                          The aim of this study was to analyze the formation of the mo
136                                          The aim of this study was to analyze the role of rotors and
137                                          The aim of this study was to assess this hypothesis with a M
138                                          The aim of this study was to assess whether a change in acce
139                                          The aim of this study was to characterize the contribution o
140                                          The aim of this study was to characterize the immunohistopat
141                                          The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review and
142                                          The aim of this study was to determine the association betwe
143                                          The aim of this study was to determine the associations betw
144                                          The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and an
145                                          The aim of this study was to develop an environmental-benign
146                                          The aim of this study was to develop and characterize a spec
147                                          The aim of this study was to discover the unique volatile co
148                                          The aim of this study was to establish if systemic oxidative
149                                          The aim of this study was to evaluate the epithelial cell tu
150                                          The aim of this study was to evaluate the fate of fumonisins
151                                          The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of patient-
152                                          The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the samp
153                                          The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of miR-125a-5
154                                          The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of resistance
155                                          The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity and sp
156                                          The aim of this study was to examine the challenges confront
157                                          The aim of this study was to examine the effect of RDN on me
158                                          The aim of this study was to examine trends and predictors o
159                                          The aim of this study was to explore the salivary microbiome
160                                          The aim of this study was to find a conducting polymer-based
161                                          The aim of this study was to identify the residues of WRN in
162                                          The aim of this study was to investigate the association bet
163                                          The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro starch
164                                          The aim of this study was to investigate whether post-hospit
165                                          The aim of this study was to optimize specific and total act
166                                          The aim of this study was to prepare molecularly imprinted p
167                                          The aim of this study was to prospectively evaluate the natu
168                                          The aim of this study was to provide an interactome between
169                                          The aim of this study was to test for an association between
170                                          The aim of this study was to validate their prognostic use a
171                                          The aim of this study was to verify whether ictal perfusion
172                                          The aim of this work is to set up a reliable protocol for po
173                                          The aim of this work was to characterize the composition and
174                                          The aim was to develop a clinically applicable risk predicti
175                                          The aim was to investigate associations of n-3 and n-6 PUFA
176                                          The aim was to investigate available evidence regarding effe
177                             Accordingly, the aim of the present study was to analyze very long-term o
178 xposed to vitamin A in utero or at birth.The aim of this study was to examine independent and combine
179 egarding the effectiveness of using DAs, the aim of this systematic review is to examine marginal bon
180                                  Purpose The aim of this study was to determine the risk of human pap
181                             Case Report: The aim of this study is to present the case of endovascular
182                               Therefore, the aim of the current study was to evaluate the prognostic
183                               Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the associations betwee
184  has recently been questioned, wherefore the aim of this study was to assess the potential associatio
185 itions of extraction were evaluated with the aim of complete extraction of the monacolins and minimal
186 s from patients with crescentic GN, with the aim of identifying potential renal biomarkers; several c
187 l together, in an iterative manner, with the aim of obtaining a deeper understanding of stem cell fat
188 ndergoing pancreatic cancer surgery with the aim to achieve a R0 resection.
189 for (99)Tc monitoring is introduced with the aim to improve hospital residues management.
190 ndophenotype [panel of biomarkers]) with the aim to refine the management of this condition.
191 evaluated this technique in the rat with the aim to transfer it to the mouse because comprehensive ph
192                                          The aims of this study were the optimization and validation
193                                          The aims of this study were to assess the impact of an elect
194                                          The aims of this study were to compare mortality among rural
195                                          The aims of this study were to evaluate whether there is an
196                                          The aims of this study were to manipulate inner ear connexin
197                                          The aims of this study were: (1) to test whether oscillatory
198 plication in the development of therapeutics aimed at correcting the conformation of polyglutamine-ex
199                      Modern cancer therapies aim at targeting tumour-specific alterations, such as mu
200 a potential target for host-directed therapy aimed at manipulating host immunity against TB.
201                                 We therefore aimed to investigate the effects of sputum collection me
202                                      To this aim, the (30)Si mole fraction of a sample of the new mat
203                                 Towards this aim, we have designed a holographic on-chip microscope o
204                                    With this aim, a holder containing metal wires that act as reusabl
205  ongoing randomised studies will continue to aim to optimise treatment for high-risk neuroblastoma.
206 curation and highly precise automated tools, aiming to have the same accuracy as fully hand-curated S
207  calculated for all patients by ray tracing, aiming for postoperative emmetropia.
208                             Novel treatments aim to reduce glucocorticoid exposure, improve excess ho
209                                  This update aims to confirm and explain the superiority of hyperfrac
210                               This study was aimed to determine both total and bioaccessible of trace
211                                           We aim to establish a classifier capable of simulating huma
212                                           We aim to increase insulin secretion by developing strategi
213                                           We aim to investigate the value of clinical screening in re
214                                           We aim to reveal PM 2.5 mobility between cities in China.
215 urrent electrocatalysts are not adequate, we aim to discover new catalysts by obtaining a detailed un
216                                     Here, we aim at unraveling the true potential of plasmonics by ex
217                                     Here, we aim to establish autophagy, a downstream pathway of mTOR
218                                     Here, we aim to provide an integrated overview of the approaches
219 orks, and demonstrating powerful methods, we aim to help elevate the geography of synchrony into a ma
220 han previously considered.In this review, we aim to describe recent advances in neuropathology of MSA
221                            In this study, we aim to leverage complementary information encoded in eac
222                                           We aimed at evaluating overall outcomes, direct and putativ
223                                           We aimed at investigating how smoking affects blood DNA met
224                                           We aimed to analyse the associations of definitions with ou
225                                           We aimed to analyse the efficacy and safety of clemastine f
226                                           We aimed to assess colposcopy referral and CIN2+ detection
227                                           We aimed to assess mortality by occupation in the UK, diffe
228                                           We aimed to assess the effect of an intensified dosing sche
229                                           We aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of ceftazidime-a
230                                           We aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of idelalisib in
231                                           We aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of pacritinib ve
232                                           We aimed to assess the electrophysiological properties of C
233                                           We aimed to assess the persistence of bactericidal antibodi
234                                           We aimed to assess the risk of Sabin 2 transmission after a
235                                           We aimed to assess the scale of this problem and whether it
236                                           We aimed to assess whether a patient-specific molecular sig
237                                           We aimed to assess whether provision of mindfulness courses
238                                           We aimed to characterize early changes in bone functional p
239                                           We aimed to characterize the airway microbiota in patients
240                                           We aimed to clarify the underlying molecular mechanisms of
241                                           We aimed to compare 5-year outcomes of adolescent surgical
242                                           We aimed to compare in-hospital outcomes of patients with C
243                                           We aimed to comprehensively describe the treatment cascade
244                                           We aimed to define an association between mtDNA and fibrobl
245                                           We aimed to determine apixaban pharmacokinetics at steady s
246                                           We aimed to determine if associations between maternal body
247                                           We aimed to determine whether ART initiation during acute H
248                                           We aimed to determine whether changes in the serum levels o
249                                           We aimed to determine whether higher mortality rates with h
250                                           We aimed to determine whether patterns of hypometabolism or
251                                           We aimed to develop a methodical approach that would yield
252                                           We aimed to elucidate the origin and hydrological pathways
253                                           We aimed to enrol four controls for every case not infected
254                                           We aimed to establish the maximum tolerated dose and establ
255                                           We aimed to estimate the difference in opioid relapse-free
256                                           We aimed to estimate the prevalence of cyberbullying and tr
257                                           We aimed to evaluate the effect of two versions of the comm
258                                           We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an adaptive worki
259                                           We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the parenteral (intrav
260                                           We aimed to explore in which situations it is nevertheless
261                                           We aimed to explore the relationship between progressively
262                                           We aimed to identify and evaluate risk factors that contrib
263                                           We aimed to identify diagnostic criteria for cHP that reach
264                                           We aimed to identify genetic and pathological markers that
265                                           We aimed to identify how MGUS and multiple myeloma plasma c
266                                           We aimed to identify Pb-induced transcriptomic changes in N
267                                           We aimed to identify the effectiveness of prolonged versus
268                                           We aimed to identify the pathway that connects the brainste
269                                           We aimed to identify the role of the enzyme acid sphingomye
270                                           We aimed to investigate the contribution of chymase to syst
271                                           We aimed to investigate the outcomes of this algorithm.
272                                           We aimed to investigate the prognostic role of host antitum
273                                           We aimed to investigate urinary NP and BPA levels in relati
274                                           We aimed to investigate whether day-and-night hybrid closed
275                                           We aimed to model pathogenic fibroblast migration in SSc in
276                                           We aimed to profile the microbiota at different stages of B
277                                           We aimed to prospectively assess the risk of advanced fibro
278                                           We aimed to provide the first comprehensive estimates of th
279                                           We aimed to quantify and understand prevalence variation at
280                                           We aimed to quantify changes in projected ranges and threat
281                                           We aimed to quantify the independent and joint associations
282                                           We aimed to systematically evaluate serum levels of tryptop
283                                           We aimed to test the addition of temsirolimus or dinutuxima
284                                           We aimed to test the efficacy and safety of graded exercise
285                                           We aimed to trace the geographic origin of HIV-1 infection
286                                           We aimed to use molecular genotyping to assess antimalarial
287                             Additionally, we aimed to identify microbial patterns associated with the
288 nt classical antigen-presenting cells and we aimed at studying IgE-dependent antigen presentation in
289 genesis models and a transgenic approach, we aimed to understand the cell-source for new neurons in i
290 on of vaccines against paratyphoid fever, we aimed to develop the first human challenge model of Salm
291                                     Here, we aimed to gain insights into the genetic architecture of
292                                   Herein, we aimed to assess the potential role of protein-modifying
293  while exhibiting milder cell loss in PD, we aimed to define the electrophysiological properties of D
294                            In this study, we aimed to define the mechanisms by which noninflammatory
295                            In this study, we aimed to explore the roles of secondary surgical cytored
296 ngestive Heart Failure (INTER-CHF) study, we aimed to measure mortality at 1 year in patients with he
297                            In this study, we aimed to reveal the mechanisms underlying the behavioral
298 lly sweetened beverages (ASBs) is unclear.We aimed to evaluate the associations of ASB and SSB consum
299                             The present work aimed to examine how the doxycycline-inducible lentivira
300                                    This work aims at comparing ToF-SIMS molecular depth profiling of

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