


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 or 2 wk, or at room temperature for 4 wk) in airtight bags before analysis yielded ferritin values th
2 meso-tetra-(4-carboxyphenyl) porphine, in an airtight chamber that held a trephined rabbit cornea.
3 a pH 7.5 Ringer's solution is measured in an airtight chamber that holds an excised rabbit cornea, an
4 re mixed with 60 mL of enteral feeding in an airtight container; the PCO2 of the gastric fluid before
5                        Hermetic storage uses airtight containment facilities to withhold oxygen requi
6                Plant samples are enclosed in airtight cuvettes and O(2) consumption is monitored.
7 ng ions associated with the instrument's non-airtight design.
8 per, air-dried the spots, and placed them in airtight plastic bags until analysis by the spot ferriti
9 red with a Clark-type oxygen electrode in an airtight stirred bath containing Krebs solution buffered
10                                     Using an airtight Y maze and a new method to induce peripheral an

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