


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ver-damaging diseases, such as infection and alcohol intoxication.
2  characterized by repeated episodes of heavy alcohol intoxication.
3 to obtain ethanol, and are more sensitive to alcohol intoxication.
4 y United States police officers to determine alcohol intoxication.
5 nduced hepatic TNF-alpha production in acute alcohol intoxication.
6 ssion in AcbC, CeMPV and EW and the level of alcohol intoxication.
7 , in the initiation of hepatic injury during alcohol intoxication.
8 rapeutic compounds in the treatment of acute alcohol intoxication.
9  this hypothesis, we compared the effects of alcohol intoxication (0.75 g/kg alcohol vs placebo) on b
10 o-controlled cross-over design with moderate alcohol intoxication (~0.6 g/kg), 35 young healthy adult
11 ched in circulation during moderate-to-heavy alcohol intoxication (50-100 mM) modify Ca(2+)- and volt
12 erate consensus for investigation: depicting alcohol intoxication (73%; 35/48), violating patient con
13 .21; P < 0.001), CVD (AHR, 0.70; P = 0.001), alcohol intoxication (AHR, 0.52; P = 0.003), and violenc
14  with an earlier onset and increased risk of alcohol intoxication, alcohol-related problems during la
15                                              Alcohol intoxication alters coordination and motor skill
16 BARs as critical targets underlying low-dose alcohol intoxication and demonstrate that subtle changes
17  cellular mechanism of DHM for counteracting alcohol intoxication and dependence.
18 or the development of novel therapeutics for alcohol intoxication and dependence.
19 and microvascular leakage following combined alcohol intoxication and hemorrhagic shock, in a dose-re
20  the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis) by alcohol intoxication and withdrawal and consequent alter
21 opulation has been explained as misdiagnosed alcohol intoxication and withdrawal effects mistaken for
22 ducation level, marital status, age at first alcohol intoxication, and history of other psychiatric o
23 rs following prolonged exposure to cycles of alcohol intoxication, and is associated with persistent,
24               Neuronal mechanisms underlying alcohol intoxication are unclear.
25 Clinical and animal studies demonstrate that alcohol intoxication at the time of injury worsens postb
26 vascular disturbances, extra-axial injuries, alcohol intoxication at time of injury, and presence of
27                                              Alcohol intoxication caused liver injury in association
28 che, vomiting, an age over 60 years, drug or alcohol intoxication, deficits in short-term memory, phy
29 tration six times lower than the legal blood-alcohol intoxication (driving) limit in most states (0.0
30 ase (CVD); respiratory disorders; neoplasms; alcohol-intoxication; drug intoxication; and violence-re
31                        Our results show that alcohol intoxication exacerbated hemorrhagic shock and r
32                 We directly investigated how alcohol intoxication impacts hemorrhagic shock and resus
33                                              Alcohol intoxication impairs neutrophil function and inc
34 paired ability to recognize modest levels of alcohol intoxication in a range of life situations.
35                       Attributing low GCS to alcohol intoxication in TBI patients may delay necessary
36 creener, with each alcohol outcome (incident alcohol intoxication, incident alcohol-related problems,
37                                        Acute alcohol intoxication inhibited the increase in the numbe
38 posure on the granulopoietic response, acute alcohol intoxication (intraperitoneal injection of 5 g a
39 l evidence indicates that one consequence of alcohol intoxication is a reduction in retinoic acid (RA
40                             Therefore, acute alcohol intoxication leads to decreased MRSA clearance i
41 rgency inpatient or outpatient treatment for alcohol intoxication or misuse (HR = 1.98, 95% CI 1.76-2
42 eliorate the microvascular leakage following alcohol intoxication plus hemorrhagic shock and resuscit
43          Among young men, low sensitivity to alcohol intoxication predicts subsequent alcohol abuse a
44                  It is commonly assumed that alcohol intoxication reduces GCS, thus limiting its util
45                                              Alcohol intoxication strongly attenuates early visual re
46                                              Alcohol intoxication suppressed ERK activation in granul
47       Chronic alcohol consumption plus acute alcohol intoxication suppressed the increase in blood gr
48                                       During alcohol intoxication, the human brain increases metaboli
49                                        Acute alcohol intoxication was induced in BALB/c mice 30 min b

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