


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  required for the ABA response of the cereal aleurone cell.
2 iggering the subsequent ABA responses of the aleurone cell.
3 ot only in the starchy endosperm but also in aleurone cells.
4 oter regulate its expression level in barley aleurone cells.
5 ultrastructure was similar to that of cereal aleurone cells.
6 tially associated with plasmodesmata between aleurone cells.
7 come positioned at the surface converting to aleurone cells.
8 -inducible and GA-repressible in embryos and aleurone cells.
9 transcriptional repressor of GA signaling in aleurone cells.
10 nd -72 are induced by abscisic acid (ABA) in aleurone cells.
11 d-induced HVA22 or HVA1 promoter activity in aleurone cells.
12  among which OsWRKY71 is highly expressed in aleurone cells.
13 utant allele contains two to three layers of aleurone cells.
14  apoptotic bodies, are not observed in dying aleurone cells.
15 s in death of GA-treated but not ABA-treated aleurone cells.
16  ROS in hormonally regulated death of barley aleurone cells.
17 nally regulated cell death pathway in barley aleurone cells.
18 of nuclease activities correlate with PCD in aleurone cells.
19 ed for the GA-dependent signaling pathway in aleurone cells.
20 lin (GA)-dependent signaling pathway in rice aleurone cells.
21 ave pleiotropic phenotypes including lack of aleurone cells, aborted embryos, carotenoid deficiency,
22                Unlike the starchy endosperm, aleurone cells accumulate these storage proteins inside
23 , grain and grain cells (transfer cell (TC), aleurone cell (AL), and starchy endosperm (SE)).
24                                     Sporadic aleurone cells along the fusion plane were observed and
25 nsists of an epidermal-like surface layer of aleurone cells, an underlying body of starchy endosperm
26 epressor, OsWRKY71 is localized to nuclei of aleurone cells and binds specifically to functionally de
27 s, with no difference being detected between aleurone cells and starchy endosperm cells.
28 ment of aleurone signaling molecules between aleurone cells, and SAL1 maintains the proper plasma mem
29 ansduction pathway were introduced into rice aleurone cells, and then the level of the OsCa-atpase tr
30                                       Cereal aleurone cells are specialized endosperm cells that func
31 vacuole (PSV) becomes acidified rapidly when aleurone cells are treated with gibberellic acid (GA) bu
32   Unlike the cells of the starchy endosperm, aleurone cells are viable in mature grain but undergo PC
33           Mutants possess multiple layers of aleurone cells as well as aborted embryos.
34               Over-expression of HvWRKY38 in aleurone cells by particle bombardment blocks GA inducti
35                                       Barley aleurone cells contain three nucleases whose activities
36 lifespan of the endosperm, with internalized aleurone cells converting to starchy endosperm cells and
37 bscisic acid (ABA) slows down the process of aleurone cell death and isolated aleurone protoplasts ca
38                                              Aleurone cell death does not follow the apoptotic pathwa
39 mation of apoptotic bodies do not occur when aleurone cells die.
40 altered pattern of anthocyanin synthesis and aleurone cell differentiation in endosperm.
41 p1-mediated repression of hydrolase genes in aleurone cells during seed development is determined by
42 of fluorescent dye tracers showed that young aleurone cells established symplastic subdomains through
43                 In a transient assay in rice aleurone cells, expression of the introduced Ca(2+)-ATPa
44 sts a hierarchy of gene functions to specify aleurone cell fate and then control aleurone differentia
45 onally, our data suggest that acquisition of aleurone cell fate does not solely rely upon signalling
46 URONE LAYER1 (SAL1), a negative regulator of aleurone cell fate encoding a class E vacuolar sorting p
47 ntrols a gene regulatory network involved in aleurone cell fate specification and cell differentiatio
48               These data suggest a model for aleurone cell fate specification in which DEK1 perceives
49 -specific fluorescence markers, we show that aleurone cell fate specification occurs exclusively in r
50 NKLY4 (CR4), a receptor kinase implicated in aleurone cell fate specification, colocalized to plasma
51 k1) gene is a central regulator required for aleurone cell fate specification.
52                    The starchy endosperm and aleurone cell fates are freely interchangeable throughou
53 or OsCBL2 in promoting vacuolation of barley aleurone cells following treatment with GA.
54 teinase region (DEK1-CALP), is essential for aleurone cell formation at the surface of maize (Zea may
55  the role of vacuole acidification in cereal aleurone cell function.
56 ) mutant line carrying up to seven layers of aleurone cells in defective kernel endosperm compared wi
57  sal1-2 endosperm has two to three layers of aleurone cells in normal, well filled grains.
58                               The opening of aleurone cells increased the physical exposure of FA bou
59                 The relationship between the aleurone cell integrity and the exposure or release of b
60                           Vacuolation of the aleurone cell is a diagnostic feature of the response to
61                                PCD in barley aleurone cells is accompanied by the accumulation of a s
62         The expression of HvWRKY38 in barley aleurone cells is down-regulated by GA, but up-regulated
63               We conclude that cell death in aleurone cells is hormonally regulated and is the final
64  that GA-induced alpha-amylase production in aleurone cells is inhibited by bioactive SA, but not its
65 ndosperm transfer cell layer (BETL), and the aleurone cell layer (AL).
66         We tested the hypothesis that PCD in aleurone cells occurs by apoptosis, and show that the ha
67 number of mRNA species in the mature imbibed aleurone cell of barley, such as a storage globulin, are
68 d by these hormones were investigated in the aleurone cells of barley seeds using double-stranded RNA
69 The Vp1 promoter is active in the embryo and aleurone cells of developing seeds and, upon drought str
70         Constitutive expression of TaABF1 in aleurone cells of imbibing grains completely eliminated
71  evaluated by analysing the aleurone and sub-aleurone cells of mature wheat grain, showing high spati
72                                       In the aleurone cells of the cereal grain, gibberellic acid (GA
73  enzymes (principally alpha-amylases) in the aleurone cells of the endosperm, which then mobilize the
74 nd OsCBL3 were localized to the tonoplast of aleurone cell protein storage vacuoles and OsCBL4-green
75 bombardment-mediated transient expression in aleurone cells represses the expression of two reporter
76                                  Arabidopsis aleurone cells responded to nitric oxide (NO), gibberell
77            Sensitivity to H2O2 in GA-treated aleurone cells results from a decreased ability to metab
78 Gain- and loss-of-function studies in barley aleurone cells show that HvABI5 expression is positively
79        Over-expression of these two genes in aleurone cells specifically and synergistically represse
80 y-GUS reporter gene in developing vp1 mutant aleurone cells strongly depends on the presence of a viv
81 signal transduction pathways exist in cereal aleurone cells that enable them to modulate hydrolase pr
82 in regulating GAMYB-mediated GA signaling in aleurone cells, thereby establishing a novel mechanism f
83  have been implicated in the response of the aleurone cell to GA.
84 ents occurring until late development caused aleurone cells to switch fate to starchy endosperm indic
85                            The percentage of aleurone cells transformed following this method varied
86 ll death was studied in barley (cv Himalaya) aleurone cells treated with abscisic acid and gibberelli
87 ive and do not degrade their DNA, but living aleurone cells treated with GA accumulate nucleases and
88          Herein, we report transcriptomes of aleurone cells treated with the hormones abscisic acid,
89                                       Barley aleurone cells undergo programmed cell death (PCD) when
90 m cells remain competent to differentiate as aleurone cells until late in development.
91 1 and OsWRKY51 are revealed in the nuclei of aleurone cells using bimolecular fluorescence complement
92 ta-glucuronidase, and introduced into barley aleurone cells using the particle bombardment method.
93 ase reporter genes when introduced to barley aleurone cells via particle bombardment.
94 y the components of transduction pathways in aleurone cells, we have investigated the effect of okada
95                                  Arabidopsis aleurone cells were examined by light and electron micro
96 ination of the connated kernel revealed that aleurone cells were present for only a short distance al
97 d) rather than cyanidin (purple) pigments in aleurone cells where the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathwa

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