


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tress, to which the nanothreads consistently align.
2 vement preparatory activity do not generally align.
3 ing water layers, which reach a minimum when aligned.
4 nitial movement direction) are not typically aligned.
5 largely conserved and pre-propeptides can be aligned.
6 n, we report that MoS2 films with vertically-aligned 2D layers exhibit excellent visible light respon
7 f rapid, contact-guided migration of CSCs in aligned 3D collagen matrices.
8             To validate the MSERg method, we aligned 45 pairs of in vivo prostate MRI and correspondi
9                           We use Rail-RNA to align 667 RNA-seq samples from the GEUVADIS project on A
10                     Our method yields highly aligned, acellular collagen constructs with predictable
11 s in close proximity wait for one another to align all chromosomes before entering anaphase synchrono
12            We propose such a shift come from aligning all available data types collectively rather th
13 demonstrated the majority of unique residues align along the outer helical ridge.
14 size in the range of 20-200 nm are uniformly aligned along the axial direction of the CNTs.
15 ated between the segregating chromosomes and aligned along the axis of segregation, are essential.
16 ole moment of the electron donor perylene is aligned along the axis of the electric field vector with
17 that only one subset of magnetic moments has aligned along the field direction.
18               Fragments identified were then aligned along the peptide template by computer modeling
19 en achieved from the F8BT polymer filled and aligned along the periodic nano-channels of the grating
20 V approximately a few meters per second) are aligned along the symmetry axes of the lattice.
21                                           By aligning along different interfaces the higher abundance
22            Here, we describe a modular, self-aligned, amplitude-division electron interferometer in a
23 onstrate how these minerals can concentrate, align and act as adsorption templates for amino acids, a
24 ell within a polarized epithelial sheet must align and correctly position a wide range of subcellular
25 h experimental observations, simulated cells align and form stringlike structures parallel to static
26 y resulted in the identification 873 EFO-CLO aligned and 344 EFO unique immortalized permanent cell l
27 s fibril number rapidly increases, become co-aligned and correctly oriented.
28 d fluorescence image analysis revealed cross-aligned and lamellar characteristics of the construct, m
29 ages of the animal's brain are straightened, aligned and registered, and the locations of neurons in
30                              Vertically well-aligned and thin InAs nanowires with high yield were obt
31 nal as an independent temporal reference for aligning and averaging noisy fluorescence data.
32 actions in the low-resolution structures, by aligning and making comparative geometric assessments.
33 eus into a micropipette shows that chromatin aligns and stretches parallel to the pore.
34 fy regions where needs and provisions do not align, and thus should be targeted for future strengthen
35  spread along axes where claustral cells are aligned, and 3), because of multiple axes for cell align
36  the sediments and planting records are well aligned, and sedDNA of exotic conifers appears in high q
37                          Our study compared, aligned, and synchronized the cell line information betw
38  work together when scientific interests are aligned; and finally, to encourage international collabo
39 stems indicate a 0.015 odds ratio against an aligned angular distribution compared to an isotropic on
40        We demonstrate that for single cells, aligned architectures providing contact guidance cues in
41 arallel structures (with Asp(15) and Phe(19) aligned), are highly stable and ordered.
42 to pack nanotubes into full surface-coverage aligned arrays.
43 rmolecular charge transfer states, naturally aligned at an organic semiconductor donor-acceptor (DA)
44   The sensor consists of a thin magnet disc, aligned at the back of the electrode, in order to popula
45  shifting the central frequency of the phase-aligned band in time, we mapped the phase-sensitive SF p
46 ady route to rapid design and fabrication of aligned biohybrid nanomaterials potentially useful for f
47 g polyphenylene resin (Parmax) into a highly aligned buckypaper frame at an optimal weight ratio boos
48 pectively, far exceeding those of Parmax and aligned buckypaper individually.
49  constituent particles segregate by size and align by shape.
50 otic prophase, homologous chromosomes are co-aligned by linear elements (LinEs) analogous to the axia
51 ling should play in support of strategically aligned capital investments.
52 chemical vapor deposition uniquely generates aligned carbon nanotube (CNT) textiles with individual C
53  flexible glucose biosensor using vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNT) and a conjugated polyme
54     Here, it is demonstrated that vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNTs) with uniformly coated,
55 erned to create microgrooves for engineering aligned cardiac tissues exhibiting anisotropic electrica
56     Here we report the bottom-up assembly of aligned CdS nanowalls by a simultaneous combination of h
57 tion to the spindle orientation machinery to align cell divisions.
58               The anisotropic film with well-aligned cellulose nanofibers has a mechanical tensile st
59 73% porosity) conductive framework with well-aligned channels as Li host material.
60 e the thermal conductivity for the case with aligned circular pores, confirming a significant thermal
61                          FtsZ protofilaments align circumferentially in the cell, with the CTC mediat
62                                 These values aligned closely with ADP centile values published for te
63 nflammatory signature in IL-17C+KO mice that aligns closely with human psoriasis.
64                   NucAmino is more likely to align codons flush with a reference sequence's amino aci
65 nological gap, we propose a simple method to align collagen gels using guided cellular compaction.
66                                              Aligned collagen fibers support elevated tensions that p
67  particularly for carcinoma cell invasion on aligned collagen fibres.
68   However, a profoundly enhanced motility in aligned collagen matrices is observed for the subpopulat
69 on is impaired, and it decreases in cells in aligned collagen matrices, where migration is facilitate
70 of the lack of efficient methods to generate aligned collagen matrices.
71 rected cell migration by contact guidance in aligned collagenous extracellular matrix (ECM) is a crit
72 sing risk accurately and, where appropriate, aligning conservation and risk reduction goals.
73 rizes the entire cell; if the fibers are not aligned, contact guidance of individual protrusions stil
74 t accurate alignment and correct it with the aligned contig regions (long read support based validati
75 lativistic-intensity femtosecond lasers with aligned copper nanorod array targets.
76 ork, we report the fabrication of vertically aligned copper nanowires (v-CuNWs) using electrosynthesi
77  with nozzle-skimmer dissociation (NSD), and aligned data processing resources to rapidly characteriz
78 s as a potential, patient-centered indicator aligned directly with the goal of patient safety-freedom
79 y lack tools that efficiently and accurately align DNA reads against protein references, the techniqu
80 nct string of eplets and matching is done by aligning donor and recipient strings.
81                          We hypothesize that aligning dynamic network representations of evolving sys
82 ontrol the optical sensing parameters and to align each sample to the corresponding channel.
83 ayment system reform is a potential tool for aligning economic incentives with the improvement of qua
84 ve their spin, or internal angular momentum, aligned either parallel or antiparallel with their linea
85 imit, which occurs only for a magnetic-field-aligned electric field (E parallelB).
86          We also infer upward magnetic-field-aligned electric potentials of up to 400 kiloelectronvol
87                   These results describe how aligned features polarize a cell independently of MII an
88 e multidomain-peptide assembly into parallel-aligned fiber bundles.
89         Subtracting high-field fits from the aligned fiber's MR yielded an unconfounded negative MR,
90 c transport model accounting for most of the aligned fiber's room temperature resistance, appears to
91 rinting technique was developed to fabricate aligned-fiber antibiotic (tetracycline hydrochloride, TE
92 nstituent cells to migrate efficiently along aligned fibers and to quickly change their direction acc
93   Drug loaded 3D patches possessed perfectly aligned fibers giving rise to fibrous strut orientation,
94                                              Aligned fibers of extracellular matrix (ECM) affect the
95 onstrated successful TE-HCL encapsulation in aligned fibers.
96                         Scattering data from aligned flagellar bundles confirmed the theoretically pr
97                          We demonstrate that aligned Fn is a prominent feature of invasion sites in h
98 ations involving nematic stripes and locally aligned focal conic domains.
99 easurement and simulation of these nanoscale aligning forces for the ZnO(0001)-ZnO(000[Formula: see t
100 en developed to guide genetic testing and to align genetic findings with the clinical context.
101 cterial activity of the film with vertically aligned GO stems from an increased density of edges with
102 cterial activity of the film with vertically aligned GO.
103                                              Aligned graphene flakes exhibit emergent properties appr
104 ctivity, and oligomerization of human RR, we aligned >300 eukaryotic RR sequences to examine natural
105 nal responses and perceptual sensitivity, by aligning high-excitability phases to events within a sti
106 ng meniscus-guided coating results in highly aligned, highly crystalline donor-acceptor polymer thin
107                                Comparison of aligned histology/OCT images demonstrated that GARP2 acc
108         This is demonstrated with vertically aligned hyperbolic nanotube (HNT) arrays composed of alt
109 oscopic observations of deposition growth of aligned ice crystals on feldspar, an atmospherically imp
110 images to a common space and then fusing the aligned images to form a template.
111 oles in each layer of the stacked strands to align in a parallel fashion.
112                              The cis-isomers align in the main 12-membered ring (MR) channel of GME.
113                        These areas naturally align in the opposing monolayers.
114 ds of sub-10 nm size with local dipoles self-aligned in a direction opposite to the macroscopic polar
115 nent of a resin and carbon fiber fluid to be aligned in three dimensions via controlled micro-extrusi
116          Subventricular zone neuroblasts are aligned in tightly bundled chains within a meshwork of a
117     These EFNAs subsequently topographically align ingrowing visual cortical axons to the retino-coll
118 d by LAP in that it was more likely to codon align insertions and deletions and to facilitate the pla
119 curs at the growth plates where chondrocytes align into columns that allow directional growth.
120 embrane insertion and channel formation, now aligning ion channel formation with the differential neu
121 chanism that regulates control engagement to align it with changing environmental demands.
122 etection classifiers to guide eye movements, aligns its fovea with regions of interest in the input i
123 authors propose that surgical education must align itself with rather than separate itself from overa
124          The use of integrated programmes to align justice and health-care goals has great potential
125                2D MoS2 films with vertically-aligned layers exhibit numerous 2D edge sites which are
126 ansition from nematic to smectic A in hybrid-aligned liquid crystal droplets on water substrates, usi
127 organosiloxanes inhibits dissociation of the aligned loaded silicon-oxygen bonds.
128 ptually new method designed specifically for aligning long reads contaminated by a high level of erro
129 ons and doping degree and (2) CNT fiber with aligned, long-length microstructure.
130 undary of neighbouring regions of oppositely aligned magnetic dipoles, their equivalent in optics hav
131 or randomly oriented multilamellar lipids or aligned membranes, solid-state (2)H NMR enables direct m
132  sensor stack design comprised of vertically aligned metal electrodes confining semi-conductive MoS2
133                                     The well-aligned metal rods are confined and separated by the woo
134 Bigger males scheduled earlier routines that aligned more closely with uplift availability compared t
135                                   Vertically aligned nanocomposites (VAN) thin films present as an in
136 OPA oxidation allows covalent capture of the aligned nanofiber bundles, enhancing their birefringence
137 g shows remarkable birefringence, and highly aligned nanofibers are visible in scanning electronic mi
138  determine the volume fraction of coherently aligned nanowires in SEM images.
139  of the catalytic core, with the coiled-coil aligned near the entrance of the substrate UDP-glucose i
140                                   The hybrid-aligned nematic droplet spontaneously generates boojum d
141  from well- to poorly-studied species across aligned network regions.
142 edge as well as node conservation across the aligned networks, MAGNA++ conserves static edges and sim
143                         We observe that when aligning networks with a known mapping and optimizing on
144               We used sensory entrainment to align neural oscillations to different frequencies and t
145                           However, centrally aligned nuclei observed in muscle fibers suggest for mus
146 holder priorities; facilitate cooperation to align objectives; foster agreement on the evidence requi
147 ctivity, above-ground biomass and tree cover align on a hydrological relationship with a breakpoint a
148       We hypothesized that entrainment would align ongoing oscillations and drive them toward the sti
149  robust and accurate tool called OMBlast for aligning optical maps, the set of signal locations on th
150 cisions pervade our every-day lives, and can align or conflict with inbuilt biases.
151 t the charge transfer transition is strongly aligned orthogonal to the heterojunction and find that i
152 gnment, the cells were capable of forming an aligned pattern up to length scales similar to that of t
153 ace stacking of DNA nanosheets with peptides aligned perpendicularly to the sheet surfaces.
154 dies have demonstrated that circadian clocks align physiology and behavior to 24-h environmental cycl
155 rystal structure, such that the side-by-side aligned polyhedra are offset by 158 degrees.
156 complete nuclear genomes totaling 15 million aligned positions reveal significant differences consist
157  adiabatic Raman passage, with its bond axis aligned preferentially parallel or perpendicular to the
158 force microscopy confirms that GO nanosheets align progressively well with increasing magnetic field
159 estigated likely functional positions within aligned protein families that contained a significant en
160 puts: (i) multiple pHMM files, (ii) multiple aligned protein sequence files, (iii) mixture of pHMM an
161 risingly, complete overlapping of random and aligned RBS spectra from the sample with T g = 700 degre
162 ubsequences, both within and adjacent to the aligned read, relative to a baseline calculated in assay
163                             Manual review of aligned reads for confirmation and interpretation of var
164  the reads to the relevant genome, and saved aligned reads in a uniform format, annotated for cell of
165                   The assembly module parses aligned reads into splicing graphs, and uses network flo
166 od calculates read-specific weights based on aligned reads to correct the over- or underrepresentatio
167 tween infants' categorical distinctions also aligned, relative to the adaptation point, with the card
168 clinicians and basic scientists to integrate aligned research findings and develop a foundation for n
169                 It will also be important to align resources and incentives to promote appropriate al
170 e-rod-length-thick liquid-like monolayers of aligned rods.
171          Coaches used concrete strategies to align role and process expectations about the coaching p
172 in sequence files, (iii) mixture of pHMM and aligned sequence files and (iv) unaligned protein sequen
173 jority of cases, these have been analyzed by aligning sequence reads to a single reference genome, bi
174    Our instructional games allow students to align sequences by hand, fill out the dynamic programmin
175                              Structure data, aligned sequences, experimental data and prediction scor
176 on-specific ultra-short motifs from a set of aligned sequences.
177 nd for accelerating the time to diagnosis by aligning services to where patients initiate care.
178 icular, Short-Pair increases the accuracy in aligning short reads that are part of remote homologs.
179  we found that the recovered hippocampal map aligned solely to the chamber geometry.
180 ransition to develop spin-spin coherence and align spins unidirectionally across the material.
181 rom the formation of tertiary contacts in an aligned state.
182                 Existing NA methods can only align static networks.
183 les that include transformed coordinates for aligned structures, several metrics that quantify protei
184 es are inserted into gapped positions in the aligned subject sequence, the resulting PSSM rarely prod
185 rangement of SWCNTs, building uniformly well-aligned SWCNT channels, and enhancement of the electrica
186  in predictive timing, a brain function that aligns temporal fluctuations of attention with the timin
187 ed and the coupling might be instrumental in aligning temporally the initiation of the saccade with t
188  in terms of DeltaGalign, the probability of aligning tertiary contact partners, and DeltaGtert, the
189 hat they typically require a training set of aligned TF binding sites.
190 mage registration was performed to spatially align the 2D LA-ICP-TOFMS images relative to the corresp
191 icate the presence of mechanisms that finely align the cytoskeleton of the axon with the one of the S
192 ment of place fields in disoriented mice now align the electrophysiological data with the behavioral
193 atibility for food processing, these results align the enzyme stabilization properties of chitosan wi
194                                         CAFs align the Fn matrix by increasing nonmuscle myosin II- a
195 onary revascularization, and in an effort to align the subject matter with the most current American
196 els of mTORC1 activation mediated by Akt and aligned the model outputs to kinetic data acquired for g
197              We performed RNA sequencing and aligned the reads to both the human reference genome and
198 available immune-related scRNA-seq datasets, aligned the reads to the relevant genome, and saved alig
199 coupling might be instrumental in temporally aligning the initiation of the saccade with the visual s
200 ective contacts with rod ON-bipolar cells by aligning the presynaptic voltage-gated Ca(2+) channel di
201 all nanocrystals form interparticle bridges, aligning the QDs and leading to attachment.
202 will produce superior alignments compared to aligning the systems' static network representations, as
203 s and also provides a possible mechanism for aligning the time scales of cellular and behavioral lear
204 ith early-20th century industrial emissions, aligning the UFG record with other North American mercur
205 acial, mandibular and dental morphology that aligns the Jebel Irhoud material with early or recent an
206                                         HALC aligns the long reads to short read contigs from the sam
207                            This binding mode aligns the pendant lariat cysteine thiolate for coordina
208  resonance (EPR), we show that this rotation aligns the two membrane-binding regions in the helical d
209 improve their gender dysphoria and to better align their physical and psychological features with a m
210 he mechanisms by which multicellular tissues align their surrounding ECM before migration, we used an
211 und that uses quality scores of the reads to align them to a genome of reference.
212 aging in liquid food, larvae are observed to align themselves and coordinate their movements in order
213 work structure by condensing, degrading, and aligning these fibers.
214            In order for endothelial cells to align, they undergo rapid remodeling of the actin cytosk
215 eads to greater need to move the head/eye to align this area that contains the fovea with objects of
216 f ecosystems when global and local processes align to drive intense heating, with devastating consequ
217 inciples that determine how circadian clocks align to these external cycles are not well understood.
218    Manually segmented prostate capsules were aligned to a BCR (-) template for statistical comparison
219 S100 calcium-binding protein A4 (S100A4) was aligned to a principal axis associated with metastasis.
220 equirement so that a long read region can be aligned to at least one contig region, including its tru
221 n cells and neurons in visual cortex must be aligned to form a visuotopic map, but the basic mechanis
222 agnetism, graphene flakes can respond and be aligned to magnetic field like a ferromagnetic material.
223                            Fourth, sequences aligned to miRNAs with mismatches are remapped to a refe
224  In cultured cells, this capacity is tightly aligned to phosphorylation of ShcD CH1 region tyrosine m
225           If federal and state policies were aligned to promote prairie strips, the practice would be
226 ventricular cardiomyocytes are strategically aligned to reproduce key electrophysiological features o
227 neous treatment with BRAF and MEK inhibitors aligned to standard-of-care combination therapy, suggest
228 ed in a specific gene to visualize the reads aligned to this gene to estimate cell-specific preferenc
229 : GD6.5-14.5; 3: GD14.5-16.5; 4: GD0.5-16.5) aligning to milestones during human development.
230                                    Sequences aligning to multiple Cache Valley virus genes were ident
231 ad only a reference database is required for aligning to the query sequences, making our method easil
232 fide foam with uniform mesopores, vertically aligned two-dimensional layers and cobalt atoms doping d
233 ng and noisy reads from TGS are difficult to align using existing algorithms.
234 the principal eigenvectors these can then be aligned using standard dynamic programming algorithms.
235 s demonstrated using architectures of highly aligned vertical carbon nanotubes (CNTs) acting as super
236 f E. plantagineum were evident and incidence aligned well with reported historical introduction event
237                      This expression pattern aligns well with RNA-seq data, but contradicts a multitu
238  coronary artery endothelial cells failed to align when either BMPs were inhibited or SMAD4 was deple
239 ate locations in the reference genome do not align with a given read due to high dissimilarity.
240 PIC probes (referred as mEPIC probes), which align with a unique best alignment score to the bisulfit
241 otubules that fail to enter filopodia and co-align with actin filaments.
242 and assemble reads from a CRAM file and then align with BWA-MEM.
243                             These dimensions align with classic debates in artificial intelligence an
244                         Four concepts of PCC align with clinical ethics principles and are associated
245 e cross-reactive immune responses frequently align with emm clusters, raising new opportunities to de
246        Resource management boundaries seldom align with environmental systems, which can lead to soci
247 tive for transplant centers in particular to align with extant CECs.
248  precipitation patterns did not consistently align with global meteorological cycles such as the El N
249 n preference varies topographically so as to align with specific translatory optic flow fields, creat
250  the importance of selecting PNC models that align with study area characteristics (e.g., dominant so
251 er eye changes its orientation preference to align with that of the dominant eye.
252 ientation on the top surface was designed to align with the direction of the first fluid input channe
253 rees on the bottom surface of the channel to align with the direction of the second fluidic input.
254 D, Matthew's correlation coefficient 0.887), align with the international AST standard (ISO 200776-1;
255      Additional themes that did not directly align with the SEIPS model were also identified.
256 dicted principal stress directions generally align with those observed independently in earthquake mo
257 bserve that PPI networks are almost entirely aligned with a handful of aligners that we unify into a
258                   While catabolic remodeling aligned with a microbiota dominated by proinflammatory b
259 ir value and as payment increasingly becomes aligned with better outcomes at lower cost, these effort
260 .e., a ground velocity that is not precisely aligned with body orientation) typical of bee flight, a
261 me its mode of biological action was closely aligned with cisplatin [cis-PtCl2(NH3)2].
262            Infants' categorical distinctions aligned with common distinctions in color lexicons and a
263 play a preferred, unidirectional orientation aligned with current, as indicated by the identified cur
264 stinct occupancy and abundance distributions aligned with environmental gradients.
265     The second genetic dimension was closely aligned with extraversion-introversion and grouped neuro
266                         Vimentin fibers were aligned with fibroblast branching and migration directio
267 s of correlation in resting fMRI are closely aligned with functional architecture as identified using
268 hains and strings of nanoparticles can be co-aligned with high anisotropy over very large distances.
269 ay analysis demonstrated that IgE activation aligned with processes such as oxidative phosphorylation
270                          The CA.M network is aligned with rows of phosphorus atoms and forms large do
271 de-specific fragment-ion chromatograms to be aligned with that of precursor MS1 ion by nanoLC elution
272 leated wheel-like microtubule configuration, aligned with the apical actin cable and adherens-junctio
273            Remarkably, internalized proteins aligned with the applied voltage bias, and their orienta
274      The detected communities are accurately aligned with the biological brain connectivity patterns.
275       Unusually, the nematic director is not aligned with the crystal axes, unless a substantial orth
276       These new investment vehicles are more aligned with the geography and type of support of the Be
277 ted postoperative care protocols appear well aligned with the goals of bundled payment initiatives fo
278 at the overall body sway response was always aligned with the inter-aural axis (i.e. craniocentric).
279 h that the whole-body sway response remained aligned with the inter-aural axis, maintaining the crani
280                                              Aligned with the need for new broad and easily modifiabl
281 e rodent spinal cords over a time frame that aligned with the normal development of these cells in hu
282 likely to have spins that are preferentially aligned with the orbit.
283 eved through developmental programs that are aligned with the organization of muscle targets in the l
284 eer learning"), which they believe is better aligned with the principles promoted by the IOM.
285       The polarization vector is found to be aligned with the spin axis of the pulsar for a polarizat
286 mer such that the designed binding sites are aligned with the target sites.
287                               These findings aligned with the voltage-dependent profiles of L- and T-
288 inal translatory directions are represented, aligned with two axes of high adaptive relevance: the bo
289  skin fibroblasts consistently elongated and aligned with underlying collagen and migrated dependent
290 ises when inputs at successive locations are aligned with, and amplified by, propagating chemical wav
291 m pathways that are in similar direction, it aligns with clinical data, which suggest that both indiv
292                                  This result aligns with evidence for a developmental heterochronic s
293              In animals, the mitotic spindle aligns with Par complex polarized fate determinants, ens
294 d ensure that our ongoing level of treatment aligns with patients' and caregivers' goals and values.
295         Thus refocused, epigenetics research aligns with the field of functional genomics to provide
296                                           It aligns with the International Liaison Committee on Resus
297 ned blood pressure level because the J curve aligns with the SBP target.
298                  The RNA exit tunnel of RNAP aligns with the Shine-Dalgarno-binding site of the 30S s
299                                          The aligned ZnO NR arrays were irradiated using 150 MeV Ag i
300 aper addresses the fabrication of vertically aligned ZnO@TiO2 multishell nanotubes by a combined full

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