


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 , 0.008-0.025; P < 0.001) over the period of alignment.
2 odds ratio decreases to 2.9 x 10(-7) against alignment.
3 in and significantly reduced the fiber cross alignment.
4 d molecules stacked in an antiparallel sheet alignment.
5 as a result, for long-term flow-induced cell alignment.
6  of expressed transcripts from RNA-seq reads alignment.
7 ructure alignment method for local structure alignment.
8 es and database hits using pairwise sequence alignment.
9  these strings and providing scores for each alignment.
10 ength of Bacillus cereus from a whole genome alignment.
11 gracefully as subjects with normal binocular alignment.
12 t whose S 3 scores match that of the perfect alignment.
13 yer on top of 2H-MoTe2 due to favorable band-alignment.
14 orm amplification and more accurate sequence alignment.
15 nt interpretation than conventional sequence alignment.
16 tive to the direction and extent of collagen alignment.
17 inins are required for proper trans-synaptic alignment.
18 hree mid- to large-size mitochondrial genome alignments.
19 ve functions may lead to dramatically better alignments.
20 most topologically and biologically coherent alignments.
21  by additionally providing multiple sequence alignments.
22 structure-based, rather than sequence-based, alignments.
23 o infer statistically significant structural alignments.
24 s well as methods based on multiple sequence alignments.
25                  TurboFold II has comparable alignment accuracy with MAFFT and higher accuracy than o
26  resulted in substantial improvement in peak alignment accuracy, automated data filtering, and ultima
27             The tool utilizes retention time alignments, accurate mass tolerances, Pearson's correlat
28 n of each compartment and then discuss their alignment across pre- and postsynaptic cells at a nanome
29                                        Every alignment algorithm consists of two orthogonal component
30 ting tools that employ nucleotide or protein alignment algorithms.
31  them before invoking computationally costly alignment algorithms.
32 ading tools, including methods that focus on alignment alone and methods that provide both alignment
33            However, the cortical microtubule alignment along growth-derived maximal tensile stress in
34 iochar, which resulted in the aggregation or alignment along the edges of multisheets composing bioch
35 g a slight increase in cellulose microfibril alignment along the growing stem.
36  biased walk toward aggregate centroids, and alignment among neighboring cells in a radial direction
37 ected in these proteins by multiple sequence alignment analysis.
38  MARK1 in NSCLC increases the collagen fiber alignment and captures outward alignment vectors from th
39  reads' alignments to find the most accurate alignment and correct it with the aligned contig regions
40 yed as a full-text searchable index for read alignment and de novo assembly.
41 icient portable sequencing via new iterative alignment and deletion error-correcting codes.
42 s 7.23%, ascribed to the HTL's suitable band alignment and excellent hole extraction/collection prope
43 or BAM access, BWA-MEM and BLAT for sequence alignment and Fermi for error correction and sequence as
44 om RNA-Seq data under the guidance of genome alignment and independent of gene annotation.
45 ental design, including temporal and spatial alignment and interpretation of results.
46 collagen substrates were used to investigate alignment and migration of skin and lung fibroblasts fro
47 etermine the relationship of each measure of alignment and morphology to the presence of SHFP edema,
48                                  Measures of alignment and morphology were divided into quartiles, an
49 T approaches, k-mer algorithms, whole genome alignment and others; each of these has advantages and d
50                                   Structural alignment and phylogenetic tree analysis indicate that S
51 tic progression by affecting metaphase plate alignment and pressure generation by delocalizing cortic
52                      Carollia shows cellular alignment and spontaneous population-activity spread alo
53  heterostructures have a type-I energy level alignment and strongly localized interfacial states.
54 lignment alone and methods that provide both alignment and structure prediction.
55         To assess TurboFold II, its sequence alignment and structure predictions were compared with l
56 ttraction is strongly dependent on azimuthal alignment and systematically decreases as intervening wa
57 ghlight the importance of improving sequence alignment and the use of appropriate substitution models
58  to reduce the alveolar segments into proper alignment and to improve nasal symmetry in patients with
59  this effect arises from the favourable band alignment and transient excited-state Coulomb environmen
60                                   Subsequent alignment and tree estimation can incorporate newly anno
61 tic variation observed after DNA sequencing, alignment and variant calling of a sample cohort.
62 erases have been identified through sequence alignment and/or genetic analysis; however, few have bee
63 has multitudinous identities, organisational alignments and disciplinary links.
64  for each of the three- mitochondrial genome alignments and greatly outperformed the method currently
65 s are available, including multiple sequence alignments and HMM profiles for each VOG.
66 fills the increasing demand for constructing alignments and phylogenies for a given loci from thousan
67 ith custom data parsing to generate accurate alignments and phylogenies using all the individuals fro
68 rovides an interface to analyses of sequence alignments and sets of contact predictions.
69  has three main uses: (i) Users may download alignments and voucher tables for members of the Pezizom
70 ctive function M measuring the quality of an alignment, and a search algorithm that explores the spac
71 n proper centrosome positioning, chromosomal alignment, and centrosome number.
72 pping algorithm model both map formation and alignment, and recapitulate our experimental observation
73 at regulate chromatin remodeling, chromosome alignment, and stability.
74  affects spindle pole morphology, chromosome alignment, and stringency of checkpoint signaling, resul
75 or organelle inheritance in mitosis, spindle alignment, and the choice of daughter progenitors to dif
76 omparable magnitudes across replicates, peak alignment, and the use of an adaptive mixture model-base
77 ints derived from antibody multiple-sequence alignments, and (ii) during backbone design, maintained
78 f of principle, a range of different shapes, alignments, and correlating SMC marker levels were gener
79 pendent gap length distributions in pairwise alignments, and current approaches for extending these a
80 er XSuLT, an enhanced version of the protein alignment annotation program JoY, formats a submitted mu
81             Additional capabilities for BLAT alignment are available under the BLAT license.
82      The strain-hardening behavior and chain alignment are found to depend on the volume fraction, bu
83 nhibitors, we find that nuclear movement and alignment are microtubule dependent, with 19 microtubule
84                       Genomic-scale sequence alignments are increasingly used to infer phylogenies in
85 cale computer simulations indicate that this alignment arises from the preferential nucleation of pri
86  axes, they were not correlated with nuclear alignment as observed when the monolayers were grown on
87 osition the donor and acceptor with cofacial alignment at distances of 3.3-3.5 A wherein efficient sp
88  on charge-carrier dynamics and energy level alignment at the interface of perovskite NCs with molecu
89       Specifically, completion of chromosome alignment at the metaphase plate was significantly delay
90         This approach uses multiple-sequence alignments, atomic-resolution structural information, an
91 r recall rate and precision comparing to the alignment-based approach that would recover 99% of imput
92 f SNV calling between the assembly-based and alignment-based calling approaches.
93  how these methods work, how they compare to alignment-based methods, and what their potential is for
94 hile Seqkernel performs better than standard alignment-based methods, its applications are potentiall
95 cognition compared to the use of traditional alignment-based methods.
96                    WSeqKernel, just like any alignment-based sequence comparison method, depends on a
97 roaches study 3D structures directly and are alignment-based.
98 oteinase activity is not required for matrix alignment before cell migration.
99 ttraction, short-range repulsion, and mutual alignment between adjacent swimmers.
100                 Important differences in the alignment between care seeking patterns and diagnostic a
101                         The PPA assessed the alignment between patient care seeking and the availabil
102 y analysis (PPA) was completed to assess the alignment between patient care seeking and the availabil
103 a by P. aeruginosa revealed a high degree of alignment between the bacteria and collagen lamellae ex
104 and histologic analyses demonstrated a close alignment between the responses of human and rodent alve
105 ence alignment (MSA) implied by the pairwise alignments between the query model (PSSM, HMM) and the s
106 ent the sequences, before generating textual alignments between these strings and providing scores fo
107  cross-sectional study, patellofemoral joint alignment (bisect offset, patellar tilt angle, and Insal
108 iduals are not the result of passive current alignment, but represent a rheotactic response at some s
109 ctical to fabricate such nanowires in proper alignments by either "bottom-up" growth techniques or by
110                            The errors of the alignments can be calculated based on the information co
111                              LC-elution time alignment combined with accurate mass and arrival time e
112 o map the microscopic three-dimensional (3D) alignment, composition and distribution of the collagen
113 ncluding quality control metrics, transcript alignment, count generation, transcript fusion identific
114 uld act to bring brains into mutual temporal alignment, creating a joint-networked state that is stru
115         This in turn enables precise in-situ alignment detection, for the first practicable realisati
116    In this work, it is demonstrated that the alignment direction of chromonic assemblies can be patte
117 rectional electron transport parallel to the alignment direction.
118                                    Following alignment, DMRfinder extracts methylation counts and per
119 CNs) to facilitate spatiotemporal control of alignment, domain structure, and birefringence.
120        Different partitions within these new alignments (e.g., genes, codon positions, and structural
121               We took advantage of a spatial alignment effect paradigm, which typically refers to a d
122                                     Sequence alignments enabled classification of the evasins into tw
123                               Examination of alignment errors during psiblast PSSM contamination sugg
124 r approach is based on a joint estimation of alignment errors, and the object, using an iterative ref
125 27% are in repeat proteins likely reflecting alignment errors.
126 ts of the gate-bias dependent interface band alignment, especially the confining potential profile, a
127 ase of the guide strand, with the looped-out alignment facilitated by weakened Watson-Crick and rever
128                          We observe a stable alignment for the looped-out 6'N7' bulge base, which sta
129 protein evolution and in the optimization of alignments for comparative modelling and construct desig
130 ezizomycotina (Ascomycota)-based on sequence alignments for six loci (nr5.8S, nrLSU, nrSSU, mtSSU, RP
131           The similarity measurement, called alignment, formulated as an approximate string matching
132    We have presented and characterized a new alignment free method based on a mathematical kernel for
133 ablished graphlet measures via a new network alignment-free approach, 2) introducing normalized graph
134                             Existing network alignment-free approaches have drawbacks: 1) They rely o
135 approach is emerging as one of the prominent alignment-free approaches.
136 ently developed state-of-the-art k-mer based alignment-free dissimilarity measures including CVTree,
137 ysis (CAFE), for efficient calculation of 28 alignment-free dissimilarity measures.
138                We present ALFRED-G, a greedy alignment-free distance estimator for phylogenetic tree
139                    In this study, we used an alignment-free method that uses k-mers as genomic featur
140                   Here, we developed a novel alignment-free method, ChimeRScope that accurately predi
141 the first integrated web server, based on an alignment-free method, to deliver a suite of RNA analysi
142                                              Alignment-free methods for comparing protein sequences h
143                                           An alignment-free module can be run directly on FASTQ files
144 ver (RNA-TVcurve) was designed based on this alignment-free RNA comparison algorithm.
145                                              Alignment-free sequence analyses have been applied to pr
146 we report a standalone software, aCcelerated Alignment-FrEe sequence analysis (CAFE), for efficient c
147                                              Alignment-free sequence comparison approaches have been
148                 It motivates a surge of fast alignment-free techniques for sequence analysis.
149                                      Network alignments have been used to uncover functionally conser
150 d with SANA's ability to produce the perfect alignment if given the perfect objective function, sugge
151 ricular tissue, higher myofibril density and alignment, improved calcium handling, enhanced contracti
152       The output of our pipeline includes an alignment in FASTA format and a tree file in newick form
153 clotide, allowed us to calculate the protein alignment in the membrane directly from the orientation-
154 n this work, we study strong-field molecular alignment in, for the first time, degenerated channels f
155 90% increase in potential ferromagnetic spin alignments in the central layer and this could be signif
156 trusion is provoked by singularities in cell alignments in the form of comet-shaped topological defec
157 spontaneously 'sense' and follow topographic alignment, intercellular interactions within epithelial
158 ivity fingerprint (ECFP) to develop a rapid, alignment-invariant 3D representation of molecular confo
159            These results indicate that phase alignment is a general mechanism of the brain to process
160 , which is the probability that the reported alignment is incorrect.
161                         Ligand/metal orbital alignment is modulated by auxiliary phosphine donors and
162           Unlike most steps in the pipeline, alignment is particularly amenable to benchmarking with
163 -fast metagenomic classifiers, full sequence alignment is performed allowing for gene identification
164      It thus appears that egocentric retinal alignment is required for visual scene recognition, but
165 r, the quality of the corresponding sequence alignment is usually poor, leading to poor performance f
166  search algorithm that explores the space of alignments looking for ones scoring well according to M
167                                         This alignment makes the donor sensitive to the Stark effect
168 ts based on a non-sequential-order structure alignment method for local structure alignment.
169 roteins that is not found using conventional alignment methods.
170 n offer substantial advantages over existing alignment methods.
171 sing the accuracy of RNA secondary structure alignment methods.
172 ned from different types of multiple network alignment (MNA) approaches to expand the search space of
173 sis of a quantitative interface energy level alignment model, which indicates that bipolarons are gen
174 built from the query-based multiple sequence alignment (MSA) implied by the pairwise alignments betwe
175 of correlated mutations in multiple sequence alignments (MSAs).
176 e Gate Arrays (FPGAs), which can perform pre-alignment much faster than software.
177 ce tone may be responsible, but breakdown of alignment occurs via a unique, pathological type of eye
178  of jet lag, that is, travel that shifts the alignment of 24-h environmental cycles relative to the e
179 lular contact guidance is built on the local alignment of adhesions and individual protrusions.
180 e observations indicate that the unfavorable alignment of C-terminal DNA-binding region in solution c
181 ectrical responses as a direct result of the alignment of carbon fiber bundles in the microscale whic
182 d analysis of 3D cell migration reveals that alignment of collagen does not alter the total motility
183 ncy of multisensory products on the temporal alignment of crossmodal cues.
184 r GapmeRs inhibited angiogenic sprouting and alignment of endothelial cells in response to shear stre
185 byrinths of these embryos exhibited aberrant alignment of endothelial cells, which disturbed the feto
186 ted morphology of the invading cells and the alignment of fibers in the matrix, suggesting that cell
187  three different steps: a full mass spectral alignment of GC-MS data using MzMine 2.0, a multivariate
188  chronological control has precluded precise alignment of ice, atmospheric and marine records, making
189 athis australis) to undertake high-precision alignment of key climate data sets spanning iceberg-raft
190 MR spectroscopy studies whereas the magnetic-alignment of macro-nanodiscs (diameter of > ca. 40 nm) c
191 ation of phylogenetic analyses with syntenic alignment of mammalian CD59 genes to identify the only s
192                                              Alignment of more than 50 resequenced genomes from diver
193 ct larger data sets for modeling through the alignment of multiple CZE-MS acquisitions, and study of
194 ctor that allows simultaneous collection and alignment of multiple poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoro
195                                       The co-alignment of multiple protrusions polarizes the entire c
196 st-derived collagen synthesis, and perturbed alignment of myofibroblast arrays in the infarct.
197 (65.7 GPa) owing to the large length and the alignment of nanofibers along fiber axis.
198           Sensory processing requires proper alignment of neural maps throughout the brain.
199                                 To determine alignment of proposed international standard outcomes se
200 ticoid and noradrenergic activity prompts an alignment of reward- with loss-sensitivity, and thus dim
201              Colloidal particles disturb the alignment of rod-like molecules of liquid crystals, givi
202 he hairpin structure and plots depicting the alignment of sequences on the secondary structure.
203 1K leads to a significant improvement in the alignment of short read sequences from immune receptors
204 ndows based graphical tool, employs pairwise alignment of sliding windows and can perform (i) genotyp
205                              Calculating the alignment of such incorrect candidate locations consumes
206      Here, through climate modelling and the alignment of terrestrial, ice and marine (14)C and (10)B
207 This hypothesis predicts that changes in the alignment of tertiary contacts from different connecting
208  more apparent, leading to challenges in the alignment of the acquired projection images.
209                                    The close alignment of the circulatory and ingestion systems, as w
210  in CTD charge distribution and differential alignment of the CTD with reference to transport DNA.
211 upling-method was developed, to simplify the alignment of the FERS setup.
212               Maintenance of the directional alignment of the FN pillars depends on pulsatile blood f
213 s directly proportional to the stiffness and alignment of the matrix.
214                             The nucleic acid alignment of the mutated sequences against the wild-type
215 tch is due to the change in the energy level alignment of the redox states relative to the Fermi leve
216 l cation/pi interactions by the preferential alignment of the S-H sigma* toward the ring carbons and
217 rnatives to approaches that first rely on an alignment of the sequences to be compared.
218 ng step of the hybridization reaction is the alignment of the two strands prior to base pairing.
219 tin's role in cell motility is to govern the alignment of traction stresses that permit single-cell m
220              Synaptic communication requires alignment of transmitter release sites with transmitter
221 n be achieved by exploiting the type-II band alignment of vertically stacked WS2 /MoS2 semiconducting
222                              Structure-based alignments of CsrR orthologs and other anti-sigma factor
223                                     Sequence alignments of the esterase domains in BiFae1B with the f
224 -anticipated possibility of putting sequence alignment on the same footing as statistical phylogeneti
225 As gradient, disrupts cortico-collicular map alignment onto the retino-collicular map, creating a vis
226 rface to BAM/SAM/CRAM files, global sequence alignment operations and sequence assembly.
227 ds and its modulation via the control of the alignment or directionality of SF nanofibers through an
228 is weak and shows no dependence on azimuthal alignment or surface hydration.
229                              Analysis of ECM alignment over time revealed that tissues rapidly reorga
230       Despite its importance, the structural alignment problem has not been formulated, much less sol
231  computational intractability of the network alignment problem, aligners are heuristics providing div
232 d a computational approach with multiple DNA alignment procedures, we identify enhancer-associated sm
233 i heterojunction solar cell through molecule alignment process.
234      We developed a nucleotide-to-amino acid alignment program NucAmino optimized for virus sequencin
235       NucAmino is a nucleotide-to-amino acid alignment program with several advantages for clinical l
236 al interface for data queries and downloads, alignment programs, command-line utilities and more.
237 map, but the basic mechanisms mediating this alignment remain elusive.
238 d serves as a canonical reference to compare alignment results across different algorithms.
239                   H-BLAST produces identical alignment results as NCBI-BLAST and its computational sp
240 o demonstrate the reliability of MMLigner 's alignment results when compared with the state of the ar
241 ramework was shown to yield accurate network alignment results.
242                                   Structural alignment reveals that MyRF DBD possess less interaction
243 iology including RNA structure analysis, RNA alignment, RNA annotation, RNA-protein interaction, ribo
244 rrows-Wheeler Aligner that provides accurate alignment, robust reporting capabilities and orders-of-m
245              We comprehensively evaluate the alignment scoring schemes and global network aligners on
246 ontrol, automated sgRNA sequence extraction, alignment, sgRNA enrichment/depletion analysis and gene
247 spinal balance together with lower extremity alignment should be strongly recommended.
248                                   Structural alignments show that viperin is similar to several other
249 tructure between collinear and non-collinear alignments simply by switching the current direction eve
250                              Current spliced alignment software is designed to analyze each sample se
251 ws exponentially, the computational speed of alignment softwares must be improved.
252 ID framework and extend it for local network alignment, specifically to solve network querying proble
253 t incorporates the strand information in the alignment step for more accurate quantification.
254 er is the first that integrates all the post-alignment steps in a single package.
255 scale (cm(2)) without postgrowth transfer or alignment steps.
256                    With a multiple structure alignment strategy, the consensus RNA-binding pockets in
257 each cluster, and cluster size and cell-cell alignment strength increased with viscoelasticity of the
258 sary conditions for katanin to promote array alignment, stresses the critical importance of the exper
259 pulation of neurons with strong tuning-curve alignment, suggesting that it contains a high concentrat
260 he viperin structure, together with sequence alignments, suggests that vertebrate viperins are highly
261                                  This simple alignment technique opens up enormous applications of gr
262 eedup over the state-of-the-art software pre-alignment techniques, Adjacency Filter and Shifted Hammi
263 nces with discordances, NucAmino produced an alignment that was preferable to that found by LAP in th
264           We demonstrate for all three mtDNA alignments that 3D projections significantly increase th
265  interactions, and the resultant spin vector alignments that are found within the 3-D C-type antiferr
266 pping and optimizing only S 3 , SANA creates alignments that are not perfect and yet whose S 3 scores
267 mensional structures and generate structural alignments (the assignment of one-to-one correspondences
268 ion for full-length oligonucleotide-template alignments - thermoalignments - across the genome to ide
269 alization which interacts with the formatted alignment to facilitate inspection and understanding.
270  the human proteome using protein structural alignment to identify proteins that are likely to bind l
271 ed two types of additional knowledge, the co-alignment to reference genomes and linkage of contigs pr
272  long read, references the other long reads' alignments to find the most accurate alignment and corre
273                                   The use of alignments to find variants and genes along with their t
274 etween the pairs given by Theorem 2, and the alignments to the incorrect strand.
275 sma samples, we find that application of our alignment tools resulted in substantial improvement in p
276 nical variations as well as protein sequence alignment tools.
277 s with SABRE-SHEATH (SABRE in shield enables alignment transfer to heteronuclei).
278 Keeper is the first design to accelerate pre-alignment using Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs),
279 ge approach, first estimating a fast initial alignment using the tissue sections' external boundaries
280 m JoY, formats a submitted multiple-sequence alignment using three-dimensional (3D) structural inform
281 ing of ECM micro-fiber morphology, the local alignment vector can measure the dynamic signature of in
282 ollagen fiber alignment and captures outward alignment vectors from the tumor spheroid, corresponding
283  comprehensive set of charts and interactive alignment view.
284               Furthermore, no bubble lattice alignment was observed in the <111> directions pointing
285 he chemical linkers in determining the level alignment when molecules are attached to different metal
286  has been applied to pairwise global network alignment, where the framework was shown to yield accura
287 d Complex identification by multiple network alignment), which integrates functional orthology inform
288 turbed the spindle structure and chromosomal alignment, which was associated with significant decline
289 ic approaches are based on multiple sequence alignments, which analyze shared gene datasets and conca
290                    Here we identify cellular alignments, which indicate two streams towards the sites
291 Within each region, the bacteria showed good alignment with collagen lamellae (P = 0.002).
292 om start of treatment to completion of tooth alignment with fixed orthodontic appliances.
293 ptogenic mediator, ELFN1, for trans-synaptic alignment with mGluR6.
294 e first crystal structure of hippocalcin and alignment with other NCS proteins showed significant var
295                              Mitotic spindle alignment with the basal or substrate-contacting domain
296 unk position, but the phases shifted towards alignment with the head.
297 wth of nanofibril aggregates and by backbone alignment, with the adjusted R(2) (R(2)adj) correlation
298  show that we achieved a high order of fiber alignment within the composite microstructure, which in
299 be preferred for achieving greater levels of alignment within the confines of a NG environment.
300                 The two-dimensional order of alignment within the culture showed a liquid-crystalline

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