


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and cytoplasmic alkalinization.
2 y, whereas cortical vesicles undergo a rapid alkalinization.
3 hat is strongly potentiated by intracellular alkalinization.
4 thological states associated with organellar alkalinization.
5 opropyl-amiloride-inhibitable, intracellular alkalinization.
6 lation of V-ATPase in response to luminal pH alkalinization.
7 ical plasma membrane, leading to cytoplasmic alkalinization.
8 rowth inhibition, and has no role in AtRALF1 alkalinization.
9 sion of a dominant negative kinase prevented alkalinization.
10 tion, whereas raising the external pH caused alkalinization.
11 ibution of endosomes, reflecting cytoplasmic alkalinization.
12 E1 at specific sites, inducing intracellular alkalinization.
13 sulfonic acid), at 10(-4) M eliminates lumen alkalinization.
14 st and after intracellular acidification and alkalinization.
15 on, whereas MEK-1 inhibition converted it to alkalinization.
16 arin did not inhibit systemin-induced medium alkalinization.
17 o stimulation of glycolysis by intracellular alkalinization.
18 c pigments and enduring severe cytoplasmatic alkalinization.
19 mpletely reversible with either chelation or alkalinization.
20 that it's concentration was not decreased by alkalinization.
21 r acidification and reduced by extracellular alkalinization.
22 lic acidification and inhibited by cytosolic alkalinization.
23 on channels and pumps to promote cytoplasmic alkalinization.
24 uct lumen was observed, followed by a marked alkalinization.
25 lso recover spontaneously from intracellular alkalinization.
26 the non-ionized form was titrated by luminal alkalinization.
27 om 2.5 to 50 mM resulted in an intracellular alkalinization.
28 gical processes associated with acidosis and alkalinization.
29 nting excessive cytoplasmic acidification or alkalinization.
30  acid secretion while preventing cytoplasmic alkalinization.
31 to reflect transient events of mitochondrial alkalinization.
32  calcium but is insensitive to intracellular alkalinization.
33 s necessary but not sufficient for lysosomal alkalinization.
34 acidic and decrease their polyP content upon alkalinization.
35 ) was reversed by NH(4)(+)-induced cytosolic alkalinization.
36  activated by both voltage and intracellular alkalinization.
37 ns alters mIPSCs in a manner consistent with alkalinization.
38 ge inhibitor, on the apical side produced an alkalinization (0.02 pH units) followed by acidification
39 e Ringer, apical H2DIDS produced a transient alkalinization (0.02 pH units), whereas basolateral expo
40 oval from the apical side caused a transient alkalinization (0.03 pH units) followed by a return to b
41 all acidification (0.01 pH unit) followed by alkalinization (0.05-0.1 pH unit), consistent with diffu
42 e of cell contraction or cause intracellular alkalinization (-0.01+/-0.02 U, NS).
43                                  The rate of alkalinization, 0.047 pH units/min, was reduced to 42% o
44 tive ATO1(G53D) allele results in a delay in alkalinization, a defect in hyphal formation, and a redu
45 nels of sperm proteins (CATSPERS1-4) form an alkalinization-activated Ca(2+)-selective channel requir
46 bly as a tetramer) to form a sperm-specific, alkalinization-activated Ca(2+)-selective channel.
47 equires Ca2+ entry into the sperm tail by an alkalinization-activated voltage-sensitive Ca2+-selectiv
48                                              Alkalinization activates the pH(i)-sensitive I(KSper), s
49 ished its proteinase inhibitor induction and alkalinization activities.
50 ding those for peptidase, decarboxylase, and alkalinization activity.
51                               Thus, cellular alkalinization after Cl- removal is caused primarily by
52                               EIPA inhibited alkalinization after lactate removal.
53                          The rate of gradual alkalinization after the addition of HCO(3)(-)/CO(2) was
54 hese same treatments augmented the vesicular alkalinization already present in cells from ethanol-fed
55                           Here, we show that alkalinization also has a dramatic effect on membrane po
56                                              Alkalinization also required the stress-activated p38 mi
57 lar mechanism for RALF-induced extracellular alkalinization and a signaling pathway that regulates ce
58 herefore dedicated to inducing intracellular alkalinization and activating spermatozoa.
59 ATO1(G53D) double mutant strain has additive alkalinization and ammonia release defects.
60 ated by both intracellular acidification and alkalinization and are regulated by the enzyme phospholi
61  mice with CGD due to defective DC endosomal alkalinization and autophagy.
62 e time point of Bax translocation (a similar alkalinization and Bax translocation was also observed a
63 (rapid alkalinization factor)(2,3) to induce alkalinization and cause disease in plants.
64  stimulation likewise elicited an apoplastic alkalinization and cytoplasmic acidification as well as
65                         This synergy between alkalinization and GlcNAc to induce hyphal genes involve
66 on Factor 1 [RALF1]) that triggers cell wall alkalinization and growth arrest, possibly through the i
67 posure to phorbol ester caused intracellular alkalinization and it increased the rate of recovery fro
68 , strongly inhibited the UV-B-induced medium alkalinization and MAPK activity.
69 ther that ADK1 functions between cytoplasmic alkalinization and PIN3 relocalization in a linear pathw
70  bafilomycin) suppresses stimulation-induced alkalinization and reduces endocytotic uptake of FM1-43.
71 arium (F)-RALF peptide failed to induce host alkalinization and showed markedly reduced virulence in
72 ccharide specificity for induction of medium alkalinization and the generation of reactive oxygen in
73 ociated hyperuricemia consists of hydration, alkalinization, and allopurinol.
74 e relationship between 16K binding, endosome alkalinization, and altered EGFR signaling remains uncle
75 tants lacking AHR1 were defective in growth, alkalinization, and ammonia release on amino acid-rich m
76  treated with acetazolamide to cause urinary alkalinization, and Cerenkov images were compared with P
77 eatment includes fluid administration, urine alkalinization, and monitoring for signs of acute renal
78 ith increased NHE-1 phosphorylation and cell alkalinization, and plays a role in cell cycle progressi
79 DR) protein is associated with intracellular alkalinization, and several investigators have reported
80 on with vacuolar acidification and cytosolic alkalinization, and subsequent addition of K(+) ion incr
81 l and basolateral surfaces produced cellular alkalinization (apical side, 0.07 pH units; basolateral
82 increase in [H(+)]), followed by a prolonged alkalinization ( approximately 30 nM peak decrease in [H
83 raised in the presence of CNQX/APV, a second alkalinization arose, presumably due to direct activatio
84 inhibitor furosemide prevented intracellular alkalinization, Bax translocation, cytochrome c release,
85 plasma membrane H(+) V-ATPase energizes this alkalinization but the ion carriers involved are unknown
86 rize the basolateral membrane led to a small alkalinization but this was not mimicked by addition of
87 on ATPases, respectively, both induce medium alkalinization, but neither response was inhibited by su
88                             TnaA may reverse alkalinization by metabolizing amino acids to produce ac
89                     The inhibition of medium alkalinization by suramin was reversible in the presence
90 hetic NAEs inhibited elicitor-induced medium alkalinization by tobacco cells in a time- and concentra
91 honic acid (DIDS) partially inhibits luminal alkalinization caused by apical SCFA.
92                DIDS has no effect on luminal alkalinization caused by transepithelial CO2 gradients.
93 somal function as a consequence of lysosomal alkalinization, caused by failed maturation of the proto
94 hile the bicarbonate-dependent intracellular alkalinization could be related to chloride/bicarbonate
95  neural plate, suggesting that intracellular alkalinization could contribute to propagation of noggin
96 A) participates in a glutamate decarboxylase alkalinization cycle to protect E. coli from cytoplasmic
97 entiate force under these conditions nor did alkalinization decrease force.
98  in the amplitude of the Ca2+ transient, and alkalinization decreased its magnitude.
99 s rise in pH(i) was a depolarization-induced alkalinization (DIA).
100 IL-7) or IL-3 produced a rapid intracellular alkalinization, disrupting mitochondrial metabolism and
101           However, releasing stored Ca2+ via alkalinization does not appear to trigger significant Ca
102                          Thus, recovery from alkalinization does not utilize specific, ion-dependent
103 we demonstrate that astrocytes undergo rapid alkalinization during periods of seizure-like activity,
104 bsent in uninduced ectoderm, indicating that alkalinization elicits alterations in tyrosine phosphory
105 ence tags revealed that genes encoding Rapid ALkalinization Factor (RALF) preproproteins were present
106 TE-1 PROTEASE (S1P) cleaves endogenous RAPID ALKALINIZATION FACTOR (RALF) propeptides to inhibit plan
107  34 genes encoding proteins related to rapid alkalinization factor (RALF), a peptide growth factor.
108                   Arabidopsis thaliana rapid alkalinization factor 1 (AtRALF1) is a small secreted pe
109 is a receptor for a signaling peptide (Rapid Alkalinization Factor 1 [RALF1]) that triggers cell wall
110 9-amino acid polypeptide, AtRALF1 (the rapid alkalinization factor protein family).
111  of the plant regulatory peptide RALF (rapid alkalinization factor)(2,3) to induce alkalinization and
112 e found that a secreted peptide, RALF (rapid alkalinization factor), suppresses cell elongation of th
113                                        RAPID ALKALINIZATION FACTOR-LIKE8 (AtRALFL8) was induced in ro
114                                        Rapid Alkalinization Factors (RALFs) are plant peptides that r
115 (2)/HCO(3)(-) with HEPES buffer caused rapid alkalinization followed by a gradual decrease in pH(i).
116 (-) in the presence of HCO(3)(-) produced an alkalinization followed by a resumption of the slow acid
117 tracellular bicarbonate, glycine produced an alkalinization followed by an acidification while, in th
118 des of depolarization coinciding with matrix alkalinization, followed by uncoupling.
119                                Intracellular alkalinization following bath perfusion of quinine mimic
120 plication of NPPB and ACh accelerated the re-alkalinization following the initial acidification, indi
121  application of H2DIDS and ACh slowed the re-alkalinization following the initial acidification, indi
122                              Increased river alkalinization has major environmental implications incl
123 AA induced rapid and transient extracellular alkalinization; however, the characteristics of the OGA
124 se as crucial components of the steady-state alkalinization in anterior midgut of mosquito larvae.
125                                  Cytoplasmic alkalinization in breast cancer cells occurs as a result
126                            The intracellular alkalinization in Cl(-)-free, HCO(3)(-)-containing mediu
127 a positive inotropic effect or intracellular alkalinization in control cells.
128 Synthetic SnHypSys I was capable of inducing alkalinization in other Solanaceae cell types (or specie
129 the biliary epithelium reduces bile flow and alkalinization in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF).
130 rated that Xenopus ectoderm cells undergo an alkalinization in response to planar inductive signals d
131 lamide had no effect on the NH(4)(+)-induced alkalinization in the AE3 knock-out neurons.
132   We have examined the role of intracellular alkalinization in the establishment of anterior neural f
133 investigating the requirement for phagosomal alkalinization in the host defense against pulmonary asp
134  antiporter is the mechanism responsible for alkalinization in the isolated hippocampal brain slice i
135  increase (n = 11; approximately 0.4 pH unit alkalinization) in HPTS fluorescence in the lamellipodia
136                                Extracellular alkalinization increased the magnitude of the rise of [C
137                  In a manner consistent with alkalinization, increasing the buffering capacity from 3
138 NF 007, a suramin derivative, induced medium alkalinization, indicating that neither NF 007 nor hepar
139                             Transient matrix alkalinization induced by NH4Cl only minimally influence
140                                 Experimental alkalinization inhibited the development of priming.
141 nt Ca2+ entry, perhaps because intracellular alkalinization inhibits either the Ca2+ entry pathway or
142                         The cortical vesicle alkalinization is independent of exocytosis and cytosoli
143 pH increase of <0.1), indicating that matrix alkalinization is minimal during an mt-cpYFP flash.
144 e in P(o) for the subconductance channels by alkalinization is not associated with an increase in PIP
145  also suggest that IAA-induced extracellular alkalinization is not sufficient to account for the mech
146 e expression in planar explants in which the alkalinization is prevented by treatment with 4,4'-dihyd
147                                          The alkalinization is selectively eliminated by blocking ves
148                               The astrocytic alkalinization is shown to be highly correlated with ast
149 gulating NHE1 expression, suggesting that SC alkalinization is the major stimulus for increased NHE1
150                                Extracellular alkalinization is thought to contribute to fungal pathog
151 ted cortical granule exocytosis, cytoplasmic alkalinization, MAP kinase dephosphorylation, DNA synthe
152 ior neural-specific gene expression and that alkalinization may act by regulating the activity of a t
153 is and suggest that the protective effect of alkalinization may be attributed to inhibition of myoglo
154                      The resulting cytosolic alkalinization may facilitate vesicular endocytosis.
155          Resistance is not observed when the alkalinization mediated by reverse Cl-/HCO3- exchange up
156 erved in intact animal caps, indicating that alkalinization-mediated changes in gene expression do no
157                The most rapid rates of river alkalinization occurred at sites with highest inputs of
158                               mPTP-dependent alkalinization occurred in procoagulant platelets, sugge
159                              Pulse-perfusion alkalinization occurred with or without flow reversal an
160                                  IAA-induced alkalinization occurs primarily in the growing apical re
161  free and total carbonate is demonstrated by alkalinization of a thin layer sample ( approximately 10
162                    Tunicamycin treatment and alkalinization of acidic cell compartments with NH4Cl di
163 omol/L colchicine also brought about a rapid alkalinization of acidic vesicles in a manner that resem
164 roximately 40 min superfusion resulted in an alkalinization of approximately 0.35 pH units and an acc
165  latter would enhance depolarization-induced alkalinization of astrocytes, and extracellular acidific
166                                Perioperative alkalinization of blood and urine using an infusion of s
167                                              Alkalinization of CF airway cultures prevented CF ASL hy
168 as increasing endolysosomal P2X4 activity by alkalinization of endolysosome lumen, promoted vacuole e
169 eceptor, the results indicate that sustained alkalinization of endosomes could have important functio
170 at increased CD36 translocation is caused by alkalinization of endosomes resulting from inhibition of
171 onic anhydrase is vital for NaCl resorption, alkalinization of gut contents, and absorption of short-
172 nol administration also caused a significant alkalinization of hepatic endosomes, and this increased
173 esponsible for acidification of endosome and alkalinization of intracellular pH.
174 ease (usually delayed 3 to 7 days), citrate, alkalinization of litmus milk, oxidization of glycerol (
175                                     In vitro alkalinization of luminal fluid led to reversal of defec
176 ves of young tomato plants and induces rapid alkalinization of media containing suspension-cultured L
177                                              Alkalinization of normally acidic intracellular compartm
178 se of other Al-chelating ligands, Al-induced alkalinization of rhizosphere pH, changes in internal le
179                                The cytosolic alkalinization of root cap columella cells that normally
180 ing experimental observations were made: (i) alkalinization of slices mimicked the effect of D3 agoni
181             This process is known to require alkalinization of sperm cytoplasm, but the mechanism res
182              The three new peptides cause an alkalinization of suspension-cultured cells and induce t
183  aureus-associated endosomes with lysosomes, alkalinization of the acidic environment with chloroquin
184               In contrast, insulin causes an alkalinization of the cell, consistent with its main fun
185 nit within 55 s of gravistimulation, whereas alkalinization of the cells on the upper side was slower
186                 Blocking the gravity-induced alkalinization of the columella cytoplasm with caged pro
187 n of the wall around the columella cells, an alkalinization of the columella cytoplasm, and the devel
188 ella but did not inhibit the gravity-induced alkalinization of the columella cytoplasm.
189 he polypeptide wound signal systemin are the alkalinization of the culture medium and the activation
190 ted from tobacco leaves that induced a rapid alkalinization of the culture medium of tobacco suspensi
191  transport into the cytoplasmic space, while alkalinization of the cytoplasm significantly enhanced t
192                                   To prevent alkalinization of the cytoplasm, a basolateral bicarbona
193 ocampal neurons, we studied NH(4)(+)-induced alkalinization of the cytosol, which is mitigated by Cl(
194 increase in auxin levels induces a transient alkalinization of the extracellular matrix, reducing cel
195                                              Alkalinization of the extracellular space occurred conco
196      These data demonstrate that Ca2+ evokes alkalinization of the inside of secretory vesicles befor
197                                     Interior alkalinization of the inside-out proteoliposomes due to
198 of hydrolases within lysosomes together with alkalinization of the intralysosomal compartment would r
199               We conclude that the transient alkalinization of the leaf apoplast is related to salini
200 a selective block in endocytosis, and (3) if alkalinization of the luminal fluid reverses this defect
201 methylamine, and bacitracin is not due to an alkalinization of the lysosome.
202  were coincident with a pronounced transient alkalinization of the matrix and are therefore not cause
203                                              Alkalinization of the medium exacerbated the protein syn
204  48-kDa mitogen-activated protein kinase and alkalinization of the medium of suspension-cultured cell
205 magnitude could be increased 3,000-fold upon alkalinization of the milieu (pK(a) = 7.1).
206 ne, blocked oxidase-induced 86Rb+ fluxes and alkalinization of the phagocytic vacuole, whereas NS1619
207 he ability of S. aureus to survive following alkalinization of the phagolysosomes by chloroquine.
208  does not affect gravity-induced cytoplasmic alkalinization of the root statocytes, suggesting either
209    TSLP production and dermatitis induced by alkalinization of the skin could be blocked by the PAR2
210 poietin production and dermatitis induced by alkalinization of the skin could be blocked by the prote
211                                              Alkalinization of the skin of asymptomatic NC/Tnd mice h
212                                              Alkalinization of the skin of asymptomatic NC/Tnd mice h
213                                              Alkalinization of the urine is a controversial treatment
214 ard therapies include intravenous hydration, alkalinization of the urine to increase the solubility o
215 idic organelles and was more effective after alkalinization of this compartment by the previous addit
216                                              Alkalinization of uninduced ectoderm at stage 10.5 led t
217                                 CA-I-induced alkalinization of vitreous increased kallikrein activity
218                 The class C ash causes rapid alkalinization of water that is neutralized over time by
219                                              Alkalinizations of approximately 0.2-0.4 pH units of Hel
220        Finally, the effects of intracellular alkalinization on protein tyrosine phosphorylation were
221 zed SCFA (N-butyrate) augments crypt luminal alkalinization only slightly (0.08 pH units) versus a po
222  The concerted effects of depolarization and alkalinization open voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels.
223  pHi 7.0 and were inhibited by intracellular alkalinization or acidification.
224 tion of the pathway was reversed by enforced alkalinization or overexpression of NHE-1, leading to a
225 centrations of OGA did not block IAA-induced alkalinization or the initial IAA-induced inhibition of
226               We now observe that this novel alkalinization pathway is mediated by the pH regulator N
227                                           On alkalinization (pH >12), signals from the pigment moiety
228 ne (P < 0.05), associated with intracellular alkalinization (pH(i) + 0.08+/-0.02 U, P < 0.05) and a s
229 n, increased ROI production, and cytoplasmic alkalinization play crucial roles in altered IL-10 respo
230      Our results indicate that intracellular alkalinization plays a critical role in the activation o
231 vity, thus permitting PTH secretion, whereas alkalinization potentiates CaR activity to suppress PTH
232 cium channel, and suggest that intracellular alkalinization potentiates CatSper current to increase i
233 f mosquito larvae maintains a specific lumen alkalinization profile with large longitudinal gradients
234             The strongest predictor of river alkalinization rates was carbonate lithology.
235                                        River alkalinization rates were significantly related to water
236 riables explained ~40% of variation in river alkalinization rates.
237                                     Podocyte alkalinization reduces cytosolic cathepsin L protease ac
238 CO(3)(-)-free) bath buffer resulted in lumen alkalinization reflecting HCO(3)(-) transport into the l
239 g pancreatic acinar cells, whereas cytosolic alkalinization released Ca2+ from intracellular stores.
240                 However, the duration of the alkalinization response during continuous gravistimulati
241 ng tomato plants and nearly as active in the alkalinization response in Lycopersicon esculentum suspe
242            Additionally, systemin induced an alkalinization response in the transgenic tobacco cells
243 olymerization of 10 to 13, induced a maximal alkalinization response of 0.48 pH unit, but OGA treatme
244          IAA (1 microM) induced a saturating alkalinization response of approximately 0.2 pH unit and
245 nal mutants and by a gain in function of the alkalinization response to AtPep1 by tobacco suspension-
246 e FERONIA, which mediates the RALF-triggered alkalinization response(6), displayed enhanced resistanc
247 not to have an effect on the AtRALF1-induced alkalinization response.
248 with other approaches revealed that vacuolar alkalinization resulting from loss of Vma-dependent vacu
249 iminished mIPSCs in a manner consistent with alkalinization, resulting in faster rise time, a 39% red
250 ntial transducer revealed that the transient alkalinization rigidified (i.e. stiffened) the cell wall
251 reased the magnitude of SCFA-induced luminal alkalinization, roughly in the same proportion to the in
252 ation and amplitude being increased, whereas alkalinization shortened the action potential and reduce
253 fication was accompanied by an extracellular alkalinization, showing that it results from proton move
254 nt between WT and KO, and BZ amplified these alkalinizations similarly.
255 w here that the addition of an acidification/alkalinization step is essential in order to cancel any
256 the analysis, triggered by the acidification/alkalinization step, was behind the signal magnification
257 lated by barrier status per se, or by the SC alkalinization that accompanies barrier perturbation.
258             Loss of VPH1 results in vacuolar alkalinization that is even more rapid and pronounced th
259 ransmembrane conductance regulator-dependent alkalinization to abnormal CF ASL.
260  approximate 6.19), whereas neither external alkalinization to pH 8.4 nor internal acidification to p
261 nnels can then be increased by intracellular alkalinization to supra-physiological pH.
262                     Interestingly, lysosomal alkalinization was accompanied by a rise in lipid oxidat
263                                Intracellular alkalinization was accompanied by translocation of Bax t
264                         The NH(4)(+)-induced alkalinization was also increased with inhibition of ani
265 ic response to the transient leaf apoplastic alkalinization was analyzed via ultra-high performance l
266                              The K(+)-evoked alkalinization was Cl(-)-independent and was not substan
267 ream signaling of C5a-mediated intracellular alkalinization was dependent on C5aR1, intracellular cal
268                         The NH(4)(+)-induced alkalinization was enhanced when the extracellular CAs w
269 ted from AE3-null mice, the NH(4)(+)-induced alkalinization was much larger than that seen in neurons
270                                    Endosomal alkalinization was observed in hearts from rats fed a la
271  was prevented by blocking a proton pump, re-alkalinization was prevented by blocking proton-permeant
272 ceptor outer segments increased by lysosomal alkalinization was restored 73% by a P2X7R antagonist.
273                                Crypt luminal alkalinization was saturable by apical SCFA (substrate c
274                            The intracellular alkalinization was the result of an alkaline shift in th
275 mitogen-activated protein kinases and medium alkalinization, were neither increased in BRI1-FLAG-over
276 rpolarizes horizontal cells, causes synaptic alkalinization, whereas activating an exogenously expres
277 ining HCO(3)(-) caused a rapid intracellular alkalinization, whereas the intracellular pH increase fo
278 y aimed to discover if perioperative urinary alkalinization with sodium bicarbonate infusion reduces
279                                              Alkalinization with weak bases or by removal of CO2 inhi
280                  The resulting intracellular alkalinization would be expected to increase channel act

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