


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 he deltaD values of the mixture of coeluting alkenones.
2  hydrogen isotopic measurement on individual alkenones.
3  using hydrogen isotope ratios of individual alkenones.
4 various tri- and tetrasubstituted conjugated alkenones and alkenoates is also obtained in this arylat
5 icient catalysts for the Michael reaction of alkenones and alkynones with malonates, alpha-cyano este
6 hael reactions of alkynones, unlike those of alkenones, are shown to be irreversible.
7 an efficient procedure to isolate individual alkenones based on double-bond numbers using silica gel
8              Previously published records of alkenone-based CO(2) from high- and low-latitude ocean l
9                                              Alkenone-based pCO(2) estimates for the late Miocene ind
10                                              Alkenone-based tropical SST records from the major ocean
11 ble carbon isotopic values of di-unsaturated alkenones extracted from deep sea cores to reconstruct p
12                              Here we analyse alkenones from marine sediments in the eastern equatoria
13 ific hydrogen isotope analysis of individual alkenones has not been possible due to chromatographic c
14 that multidecadal to centennial increases in alkenone-inferred Atlantic Water SSTs on the shelf occur
15         We show here that haptophyte-derived alkenones isolated from Bermuda Rise drift sediments are
16                                          Our alkenone isolation approach opens a new avenue for paleo
17 eltaD values and that coelution of different alkenones may lead to erroneous source water deltaD reco
18 ch is apparently due to lateral transport of alkenones on fine-grained particles from the Nova Scotia
19             We present a new high-resolution alkenone palaeotemperature reconstruction from the Gulf
20 H or D/H) of long-chain unsaturated ketones (alkenones) preserved in lake and marine sediments hold g
21  specific di-, tri- and tetraunsaturated C37 alkenones produced by an Emiliania huxleyi culture, as w
22                  We report a high-resolution alkenone reconstruction of conditions in the heart of th
23                 Here, we further investigate alkenone records and demonstrate that Antarctic and suba
24 bility obtained from coral, foraminifer, and alkenone records are shown to be consistent with one ano
25  back as 4.2 Myr ago, while diatom and C37:4 alkenone records show a long-term trend towards colder a
26 rium/hydrogen (D/H) isotope ratios in fossil alkenones, salinity increased rapidly with the onset of
27 aeotemperature proxies: faunal abundance and alkenone saturation.
28 f temperature over the past 5,600 y based on alkenone unsaturation in sediments of two lakes in West
29 mate record by combining measurements of the alkenone unsaturation index (U37(K)) with non-destructiv
30                               Time series of alkenone unsaturation indices gathered along the Califor
31 truction of sea surface temperature based on alkenone unsaturation ratios in sediments of the Bermuda
32 Based on this and concurrent trends in a new alkenone varepsilonp record, we propose that decreasing
33                  These findings suggest that alkenones with different numbers of carbon-carbon double
34 ene vicinal C-N bonds formation of 2-bromo-2-alkenones with guanidine avoiding its NH-protection/deri
35 possible due to chromatographic coelution of alkenones with the same carbon chain length but differen

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