


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 many PDZ proteases use a common mechanism of allosteric activation.
2 active-site pairs, providing a mechanism for allosteric activation.
3 h transmission of intrasteric inhibition and allosteric activation.
4 ing movement of the beta1 strand even during allosteric activation.
5 HR) were involved in methylated DNA-mediated allosteric activation.
6 one, corroborating the proposed mechanism of allosteric activation.
7 d an increase in V(max), suggesting positive allosteric activation.
8 l occupancy of the enzyme catalytic site via allosteric activation.
9 ng to the anionic interface and a consequent allosteric activation.
10 ondrial mRNA correlates with the property of allosteric activation.
11 G binds TDG on Arg275 providing an enzymatic allosteric activation.
12  affinity and suggest a role for the loop in allosteric activation.
13  previously been implicated in mediating the allosteric activation.
14 his noncatalytic site facilitates homotropic allosteric activation.
15 hrough dephosphorylation and, more potently, allosteric activation.
16 ctivation depends on SOS1 expression but not allosteric activation.
17 le mechanistic link between the two types of allosteric activation.
18 nderstood, namely, sequential metabolism and allosteric activation.
19 hosphorylation, although it does not lead to allosteric activation.
20 gainst dephosphorylation, as well as causing allosteric activation.
21 into the regulation of SAMHD1 with regard to allosteric activation and active site specificity.
22 fasting) and when 2) AAs provide leucine for allosteric activation and glutamate from transaminations
23 as the synthetic activator A-769662 to cause allosteric activation and inhibition of dephosphorylatio
24                                              Allosteric activation and inhibition of PFK1 by over ten
25 ct residues support different mechanisms for allosteric activation and inhibition.
26 t potentially plays an important role in the allosteric activation and modulation of the Cys loop fam
27 the S-loop is critical for cofactor binding, allosteric activation and oligomerization.
28 ion occurs by a dual mechanism that involves allosteric activation and phosphorylation by upstream ki
29  were inconsistent with a two-state model of allosteric activation and suggested multiple activated s
30 e apoptosome, ruling out the requirement for allosteric activation and supporting an induced proximit
31 in the N-terminal 17-residue linker mediates allosteric activation, and its mutation to alanine leads
32    With no exceptions, signature residues of allosteric activation appear in bacterial sequences alon
33 nges in the repressor monomer that accompany allosteric activation are not known.
34  at 2.9 A and provide a structural model for allosteric activation based on comparisons with other in
35 tent with the Monod-Wyman-Changeux model for allosteric activation but also suggest that rigidificati
36 to the feedback inhibitor UTP, and decreased allosteric activation by 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphat
37  insulin was enhanced 4-fold, in part due to allosteric activation by a glucosamine metabolite.
38 that betaY137 is involved in NAD binding and allosteric activation by ADP.
39  respective kinetic defects in catalysis and allosteric activation by AMP.
40 ate binding by IDH1 being a prerequisite for allosteric activation by AMP.
41 cooperativity with respect to isocitrate and allosteric activation by AMP.
42 mers provides a mechanistic understanding of allosteric activation by cAMP.
43  guanylyltransferase, which does not require allosteric activation by Cet1.
44 ion, but has no effect on the equilibrium of allosteric activation by deoxynucleotides.
45 psilon null mice were also supersensitive to allosteric activation by ethanol and flunitrazepam.
46 idue in bacterial PFK, prevented binding and allosteric activation by fructose 2,6-bisphosphate.
47 bits positively cooperative (ultrasensitive) allosteric activation by fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP)
48 aling is generally thought to be mediated by allosteric activation by G proteins and Ca(2+).
49 inase demonstrated that it is the subject of allosteric activation by GlcNAc-6-P.
50 on of GSase, which alters the sensitivity to allosteric activation by glucose 6-phosphate (G6P), is a
51                                    Following allosteric activation by high phenylalanine levels, the
52  glutamine as a nitrogen donor, and required allosteric activation by N-acetylglutamate (AGA), a sens
53                                         This allosteric activation by PA could involve a conformation
54 ivity of Fe(III)-CBS, and still responded to allosteric activation by S-adenosyl-L-methionine.
55 after this protein, suggests a mechanism for allosteric activation by S-adenosylmethionine.
56  is subject to complex regulation, including allosteric activation by the methyl donor, S-adenosylmet
57  cooperativity of AdoMet binding mediated by allosteric activation by the methylated CG steps.
58 variant, which has been shown to be inert to allosteric activation by the natural activator TF, sugge
59 on and multimerization properties respond to allosteric activation by the substrate phenylalanine (Ph
60  centrosomes in the early stages of mitosis, allosteric activation by TPX2 of dephosphorylated Aurora
61                          We then address the allosteric activation by TPX2 through activity assays an
62 tion of the loop and suggest a mechanism for allosteric activation: calcium binding results in partia
63                       This demonstrates that allosteric activation can be recapitulated throughout a
64 f1 and Nef thus play interconnected roles in allosteric activation, cargo recruitment, and coat assem
65 ites responsible for feedback inhibition and allosteric activation control filament length, implying
66 model through which membrane recruitment and allosteric activation could be structurally integrated.
67 ce very effective channel activation (direct allosteric activation (DAA)) by operating at two distinc
68 nd thus displayed the expected phenotype for allosteric activation-deficient PrfA mutations.
69 0 amino acids, indicating the presence of an allosteric activation determinant between amino acids 12
70 ing seen as switches with fixed responses to allosteric activation, ensembles can evolve to be "funct
71 ansitions can decouple regions important for allosteric activation from receptor binding specificity.
72                     Arachidonic acid-induced allosteric activation has not been directly observed wit
73 n the fully activated state, and the bulk of allosteric activation has occurred in the intermediate.
74  studied, structural changes associated with allosteric activation in mammalian PheH have been elusiv
75 affinity and leads us to propose a model for allosteric activation in nuclear receptor dimers, in whi
76 nd T3, highlighting a dominant role of M2PYK allosteric activation in the regulation of cancer prolif
77 nus domain, has been signaled as pivotal for allosteric activation in TRP channels.
78     Our data are consistent with a model for allosteric activation in which sGC undergoes a simple sw
79 dings support a minimal three-state model of allosteric activation in which the P14 mutations perturb
80  can be interpreted in terms of differential allosteric activation, including DNA binding in the abse
81           CARF domain mutations that abolish allosteric activation inhibit Csm6 activity in vivo, and
82 (DTW) and NOD("DR2")) demonstrates that this allosteric activation is critical for the function of NO
83 nd to be unable to bind AMP, suggesting that allosteric activation is dependent both upon binding of
84                                      Classic allosteric activation is in play where either activation
85                 They also indicate that PrfA allosteric activation is not required for early intracel
86                   The Y355F mutant exhibited allosteric activation kinetics in the presence of arachi
87 our study provides a compelling and unifying allosteric activation mechanism in STKR1 kinases that re
88 xyl-terminal domain so that the endothermic, allosteric activation mechanism of CRP by cAMP is restor
89 arged residues of the GH disaccharide in the allosteric activation mechanism was investigated with va
90 results are discussed in light of a proposed allosteric activation mechanism.
91 em diversified rapidly, while conserving the allosteric activation mechanism.
92 rally attributed to lipid cofactor-dependent allosteric activation mechanisms at membranes.
93                                         This allosteric activation occurred if the sequence was attac
94 enzymes are exquisitely tuned to ensure that allosteric activation occurs only when concentrations of
95                                              Allosteric activation of 5(')-AMP-activated protein kina
96        Accumulation of citrate could lead to allosteric activation of ACC, further augmenting malonyl
97      Our data show that both orthosteric and allosteric activation of alpha7 nAChR require cooperativ
98        Compound 6 represents a chemotype for allosteric activation of alpha7 nAChRs, with therapeutic
99 t is shown to derive from three sources: (i) allosteric activation of antithrombin by a sequence-spec
100     A revised model for the mechanism of the allosteric activation of antithrombin is proposed.
101 ons of the NBS and the inferred mechanism of allosteric activation of ArsA provide a useful model for
102 charide, is mediated exclusively through the allosteric activation of AT towards efficient inhibition
103 eet A, which is known to be critical for the allosteric activation of AT.
104 parin-responsive molecular switch during the allosteric activation of ATIII anticoagulant activity.
105                                           An allosteric activation of auto(poly-ADP-ribosylation) by
106                 Activated tBID results in an allosteric activation of BAK, inducing its intramembrano
107  to act as a redox switch that precludes the allosteric activation of bGP by AMP.
108 Kunitz inhibitors based on current ideas for allosteric activation of BK(Ca) channels by voltage and
109     The molecular events in the cAMP-induced allosteric activation of cAMP receptor protein (CRP) inv
110 lfuration pathway depending on the extent of allosteric activation of CBS by S-adenosylmethionine.
111 erol and fatty acid correlated with enhanced allosteric activation of CCTalpha by the membrane lipids
112                                              Allosteric activation of CD11b via pretreatment with the
113 face plays a critical modulatory role in the allosteric activation of CfaE.
114 he nuclear localization of ChREBP through an allosteric activation of ChREBP/14-3-3 interactions and
115  The results are interpreted in terms of the allosteric activation of CRP by cAMP by a conformational
116                                              Allosteric activation of DAT via the Zn(2+)-binding site
117 ing conformation of DAT, which allows for an allosteric activation of DAT, in both, the forward trans
118 provide a compelling molecular mechanism for allosteric activation of DegS by OMP-peptide binding.
119 with a conformational change accompanying an allosteric activation of DNA-binding.
120  RING/U-Box E3/E2 pairs, as the linchpin for allosteric activation of E2~Ub.
121                            Understanding the allosteric activation of EcPFK by MgADP has been complic
122     Understanding of the structural basis of allosteric activation of EcPFK by MgADP is complicated b
123    The mechanism for this requirement is not allosteric activation of Epac2 by Ras but the compartmen
124 se data implicate a dual role for FAS in the allosteric activation of ExoS, involving both substrate
125 heparin pentasaccharide (300-500-fold), (ii) allosteric activation of factor IXa by calcium ions (4-8
126 r VIIa with high affinity and supported full allosteric activation of factor VIIa toward tripeptidyl-
127                                              Allosteric activation of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FB
128                               In the case of allosteric activation of G protein-coupled receptors (GP
129  metabolism by oxidative decarboxylation and allosteric activation of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH).
130 egulatory arm of the HBP that involves rapid allosteric activation of glycogen synthase (GS) and stim
131 inis muscle reach levels sufficient to cause allosteric activation of glycogen synthase and inhibitio
132 that the absence of Epm2aip1 in mice impairs allosteric activation of GS by glucose 6-phosphate, decr
133 ion promotes muscle glycogen accumulation by allosteric activation of GS through an increase in gluco
134 GlcN-6-P levels within minutes, resulting in allosteric activation of GS, stimulation of GBS, and a r
135 migration--to promote cell motility, through allosteric activation of guanylyl cyclases by autophosph
136 suggests an important physiological role for allosteric activation of IDH during changes in environme
137 at of 3beta-HSD2 isomerase and abolishes the allosteric activation of isomerase by NADH.
138      Tyr-1 is also essential for binding and allosteric activation of mammalian guanylyltransferase b
139 -alpha(1L14)-alpha(2L14)), are essential for allosteric activation of MKP3 and formation of a product
140                   One of these postulates an allosteric activation of monomeric caspase-9; the other
141 ieved through physical tethering rather than allosteric activation of Munc18-1.
142                                              Allosteric activation of NCX by [Ca]i was comparable in
143 ytic activity of EGFR is switched on through allosteric activation of one kinase domain by another, a
144 o form an asymmetric dimer that supports the allosteric activation of one kinase.
145 rease in surface AMPAR levels because of the allosteric activation of PDE2.
146 er describe the domain movements involved in allosteric activation of PheH in solution and present th
147  bradyphylaxis is mediated by cGMP-dependent allosteric activation of phosphodiesterase 5, which shap
148 lytic cleavage by caspase-3, suggesting that allosteric activation of PKCdelta is sufficient to trigg
149 e Eed core component of PRC2 and triggers an allosteric activation of PRC2's enzymatic activity.
150 f BH3-only proteins ultimately culminates in allosteric activation of pro-apoptotic BAX and BAK, the
151 region of Hook3 specifically required for an allosteric activation of processive motility.
152 o glucose through greater hepatic acetyl-CoA allosteric activation of pyruvate carboxylase flux.
153 hese modifications are the consequence of an allosteric activation of pyruvate kinase via cytosolic N
154 ysteine affect Ras membrane localization and allosteric activation of Raf kinase.
155                In this study, we investigate allosteric activation of SAMHD1 by deoxynucleotide-depen
156                Apart from the lack of direct allosteric activation of SNF1 by AMP, the regulation of
157  of Sos bound to two Ras molecules show that allosteric activation of Sos by Ras occurs through a rot
158                                 The expected allosteric activation of SOS by Ras-guanosine triphospha
159               We suggest that there might be allosteric activation of substrate binding.
160 lone (AP), regulate neuronal excitability by allosteric activation of synaptic and extrasynaptic GABA
161 at a key feature of the mechanism of heparin allosteric activation of the anticoagulant serpin, antit
162 erminal cyclic nucleotide binding domain and allosteric activation of the C-terminal acyltransferase
163                 The second step involves the allosteric activation of the catalytic site through dist
164        These results suggest that the normal allosteric activation of the chemotaxis receptor has bee
165 the pores of MP-SiO(2), and particularly the allosteric activation of the DNAzymes through cooperativ
166                        Binding of AMP causes allosteric activation of the enzyme and binding of eithe
167 nd acts as a redox switch that precludes the allosteric activation of the enzyme by AMP without affec
168 st the catalytic domain where it could drive allosteric activation of the enzyme.
169 dies reveal determinants for the binding and allosteric activation of the Fe-S assembly complex and p
170                                              Allosteric activation of the hexameric arginine represso
171 structure of a HslUV complex, a mechanism of allosteric activation of the HslV protease, wherein bind
172 unctions, such as DNA repair, to augment the allosteric activation of the main protective system, Kef
173  chromatin marks, and that this leads to the allosteric activation of the methyltransferase activity
174 n of MKP3 and ERK2 and specific ERK2-induced allosteric activation of the MKP3 C-terminal phosphatase
175 osttranslational regulation seems to involve allosteric activation of the ML beta-glucan synthase Bgs
176 med that limiting rate constants for heparin allosteric activation of the mutants were altered in con
177                                              Allosteric activation of the PDZ is achieved by local re
178 ith an armlike structure in DPP9, leading to allosteric activation of the peptidase.
179 he substrate selectivity and Na(+)-dependent allosteric activation of the protease domain of human co
180 ng that this residue may be required for the allosteric activation of the protease.
181 he serpin, antithrombin, to the mechanism of allosteric activation of the protein by heparin was dete
182 rosine 341 (Y341) and are thought to provide allosteric activation of the Raf dimer.
183  bond in the zymogen-like pro-HGF results in allosteric activation of the serine protease-like beta-c
184  factor Xa by antithrombin mainly through an allosteric activation of the serpin inhibitor, but an al
185 parin pentasaccharide, denoted DEFGH, in the allosteric activation of the serpin, antithrombin, we st
186                                          The allosteric activation of the T127-->L mutant of 3',5'-cy
187                                           If allosteric activation of type II IPPs by PI(4)P and PS i
188 ur results provide a mechanistic example for allosteric activation of USPs by their regulatory partne
189 wn, however, whether this loop has a role in allosteric activation of VIIa.
190  analyzed the structural determinants of the allosteric activation of yeast pyruvate kinase (YPK) by
191 f the multiligand interactions governing the allosteric activation of YPK.
192 tor protein (CRP) from Escherichia coli, the allosteric activation, or apo-holo transition, involves
193 ough PKC isotypes are characterized by their allosteric activation, phosphorylation also plays a key
194 te binding site of the active subunit blocks allosteric activation regardless of the activity of the
195 t do not affect the cooperativity), and this allosteric activation requires an intact PH domain.
196                                              Allosteric activation results from an increase in k(cat)
197 s unambiguously show that the conformational allosteric activation signal extends to the EGF1 domain
198 e, we identify a receptor (ephrinB2)-induced allosteric activation site in Nipah virus (NiV) G involv
199 assess the conformational flexibility of the allosteric activation site.
200 cs were observed, suggesting the presence of allosteric activation sites.
201 ations' effects on parameters reflecting the allosteric activation state of the serpin were inconsist
202 he conformational space network, whereas the allosteric activation step covers a much wider region an
203 s Asp residue in nSMase2 disrupts catalysis, allosteric activation, stimulation by phosphatidylserine
204 ector, NADH (0.7-0.9 per site), and exhibits allosteric activation, suggesting that the proteins reta
205 findings implicates the gammaCRD as being an allosteric activation switch in PhK that interacts with
206 hese results indicate that RasGRF1 lacks the allosteric activation switch that is crucial for Sos act
207 omains surrounding the kinase active site in allosteric activation, the nature of that site and the r
208 the enhanced thrombin specificity was due to allosteric activation, the remainder being realized with
209 a, we propose a model in which PLN undergoes allosteric activation upon encountering SERCA.
210                           GS is regulated by allosteric activation upon glucose-6-phosphate binding a
211 y towards RhoA, but full activation requires allosteric activation via Galphaq.
212                                              Allosteric activation was reduced in the double point mu
213 n-activated state and support a new model of allosteric activation we recently proposed in which a ba
214 rms of a two-state model for the interfacial allosteric activation, where the enzyme-substrate comple
215 , ADAMTS13 is regulated by substrate-induced allosteric activation, which may optimize VWF cleavage u
216 nge could be responsible for the interfacial allosteric activation, which thermodynamically relates t
217 n/K-Ras4B interaction, to accomplish K-Ras4B allosteric activation, with a minor contribution from cS

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