


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n these cases, the radiation emitted spreads along a "cone", making it impractical for most applicati
2 on of polarization knots at a rate of 28 GHz along a 10 km length of normally dispersive optical fibr
3 uditory information is known to be processed along a central ascending pathway leading to auditory co
4 d rats to use a joystick to manipulate sound along a continuous frequency axis.
5 leaflet of the inner membrane and propels it along a filament that extends across the periplasm to di
6 ing aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) sites along a latitudinal gradient (from 52 degrees to 58 degr
7 roton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) steps along a pathway of redox active amino acids (Y122beta <-
8 ectivity and overlapping cognitive processes along a posterior-anterior vmPFC axis.
9 ing species from three grassland communities along a precipitation gradient.
10 ntaining Asn/Gln residues may act in concert along a replicative interface to promote prion conversio
11  we show that the local thermal conductivity along a single Si nanowire can be tuned to a desired val
12 oyed from May to September 2011 at six sites along a transect from the northeastern coast to the Maun
13 ence seem to induce a selective sensory gain along acoustic dimensions that are functionally-relevant
14 nal necessity of minus-end-directed movement along actin is unclear as the underlying architecture of
15 opose that precise fine-tuning of conduction along already-myelinated axons may also be mediated by a
16 trol the mechanical properties of a material along an edge or around a localized defect.
17 electromagnetic fields are accrued gradually along an optical path.
18 attern consistent with progressive spreading along anatomical pathways.
19 eport bi-directional domain wall (DW) motion along and against current flow direction in Co/Pt double
20 develops when fluctuating pressure gradients along anomalous communications in the optic nerve head i
21  arc volcanoes in subduction zones indicates along-arc variation in the physical condition of the und
22 d field observations reveal surface ruptures along at least 12 major faults, including possible slip
23         Although action potentials propagate along axons in an all-or-none manner, subthreshold membr
24              In addition, solute segregation along cellular walls and low-angle grain boundaries can
25 ism for directing the transport of molecules along chemical gradients.
26 bled at the kinetochore, not at damage sites along chromosome arms, such that the APC is fully inhibi
27 g (Hh) morphogen is transported via vesicles along cytonemes emanating from signal-producing cells to
28 de a spatial map of synaptic calcium signals along dendritic arbors of hippocampal neurons and relate
29 unlike other remodellers, INO80 translocates along DNA at the H2A-H2B interface of nucleosomes and pe
30  2 helicases turn ATP hydrolysis into motion along DNA.
31 ming, creating multiple sequencing fragments along each transcript.
32 rong, cells break symmetry and move steadily along either straight or circular trajectories, and the
33 on initiates hyperpolarization that conducts along endothelium into FAs.
34                    Here we compare variation along environmental gradients in foliar N isotope (delta
35 large length and the alignment of nanofibers along fiber axis.
36 and fibres taking into account their changes along gastrointestinal digestion.
37 tor to reposition and reorganize nucleosomes along genomic DNA.
38  However, the cortical microtubule alignment along growth-derived maximal tensile stress in adjacent
39 ition of IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha production, along IL-10 increase, (ii) CD73(+)Foxp3(+)Treg subset ex
40 eport the complexity of alternative splicing along isoforms, including 683 intra-molecularly co-assoc
41 ections from the dorsal claustrum, extending along its entire rostral-caudal length.
42 orobots and groups of microrobots were moved along linear, circular, and arbitrary 2D trajectories.
43 sels generate rapid contractions coordinated along lymphangions to propel lymph, but the underlying s
44 te the rapid conduction of contraction waves along lymphatic muscle during lymph propulsion.
45 delivered to the division plane by transport along microtubules of the bipolar phragmoplast network t
46 capable of long-distance processive movement along microtubules.
47 rangi subduction interface; extensive uplift along much of the coastline; and widespread anelastic de
48    They are thus under intense investigation along multiple fronts, one of which is how their structu
49 anisms that involve shortening of sarcomeres along myofibrils.
50 xperimental support of critical slowing down along natural stress gradients in tidal marsh ecosystems
51     Many human glandular cancers metastasize along nerve tracts, but the mechanisms involved are gene
52             Dendritic spines are protrusions along neuronal dendrites that harbor the majority of exc
53 odellers generally function by translocating along nucleosomal DNA at the H3-H4 interface of nucleoso
54 s environments that differ from the original along one, two, or three environmental dimensions.
55 oriented with the proximal-distal hand axis (Along orientation) and one oriented with the medio-later
56                                  Flow occurs along pathways that periodically reconnect, like cars co
57 hat Hec1 tail phosphorylation tunes friction along polymerizing microtubules and yet does not comprom
58  this negative-valence signal is transmitted along projections to the organum vasculosum of the lamin
59 omyces cerevisiae caused R-loop accumulation along rDNA.
60 here shifting climates converge, are present along sections of the coast facilitated by the strong la
61 owed in vivo in real time at high resolution along several hundred micrometers of the zebrafish spina
62 that, instead, these neurons encode features along specific axes, which explains why they were previo
63 e the insertion of fine needles at acupoints along specific meridians (meridian specificity).
64 ailed kinetic model for Hel308 translocation along ssDNA that sheds light on how superfamily 1 and 2
65                                 The NWs form along the <11-20> 2H-MoTe2 crystallographic directions w
66 hium iron phosphate microrods with long-axis along the [010] direction.
67 uired for subclass-specific traits expressed along the A-P axis.
68  of FGF14 together with Nav and Kv7 segments along the AIS suggests that these channels relocate as a
69                                     Labeling along the antennal nerve, in projections of the dorsal l
70 , dorsal and ventral ectoderm was subdivided along the anterior-posterior and medial-lateral axes by
71  molecules that are expressed differentially along the anterior-posterior and medial-lateral axes of
72 activate target genes at different positions along the anterior-posterior axis.
73  of actomyosin-dependent force and stiffness along the antero-posterior and dorso-ventral axis.
74 el differences are combined across frequency along the ascending auditory system.
75 ta revealed a bilateral increase in activity along the auditory pathway and in certain limbic regions
76  low-level speech features as they propagate along the auditory pathway, and form an empirical framew
77 nt of the electron donor perylene is aligned along the axis of the electric field vector with respect
78 ed to localise the position of a noise burst along the azimuth before, during, and after training wit
79 choice that also predicted female morphology along the benthic-limnetic trait axis.
80                          Steered simulations along the bilayer normal establish the metastable nature
81 ven that the paleodrainage properties differ along the Brazilian coast, we also evaluate whether esti
82 tudy, we identified an age-related mechanism along the cholinergic nerve-airway smooth muscle (ASM) a
83         However, its non-random distribution along the chromosomes constrains the landscape of potent
84 geologic features that can be observed today along the coastlines of Bermuda and the Bahamas.
85 tion into the irradiated areas, and diffuses along the Cu-rich domains to the extent of the stopping
86 ransformation is observed to occur initially along the Cu2O/Cu interface in a layer-by-layer manner.
87  other crucial for the stability of the flow along the cycle.
88                           Dscam is expressed along the developing optic pathway in a pattern consiste
89 siently enhanced contribution from locations along the direction of motion.
90 100 nm diameter Si3N4 nanopores are enlarged along the direction of the tip scan.
91 ements indicate a strong domain wall pinning along the direction orthogonal to the rips, inducing an
92 lls (CNCCs) to define global gene expression along the dorsoventral axis of the developing arches.
93                ATP7B maintains a Cu gradient along the duodenal crypt-villus axis and buffers Cu leve
94 ich resulted in the aggregation or alignment along the edges of multisheets composing biochar.
95  from straight nanobeams with a complete LOS along the entire length to nanobeams in which the LOS ra
96 and anisotropic dispersion of CN nanospheres along the entire NB head nanotubes lead to creating of a
97 en ocean warm water volume (WWV) variability along the equatorial Pacific and El Nino-Southern Oscill
98 ring large magnitude earthquakes a step-over along the fault zone results in the vertical displacemen
99 rands to form an infinite metal-ligand chain along the fibril axis.
100 y one subset of magnetic moments has aligned along the field direction.
101 Escherichia coli) particles by (i) capturing along the filopodial shaft and surfing toward the cell b
102               Efforts need to be intensified along the food chain to reduce Campylobacter load, espec
103 e main factor controlling growth variability along the gradients, although the timing and strength of
104 e reactions to create a new conductive phase along the grain boundaries of dual-phase materials.
105  k-vector distribution of exciton-polaritons along the hybrid modes by a thermodynamic model, which y
106  correlations in positions, or communication along the hydrogen-bonded network depends on the protona
107 t discrete voids nucleate, grow and coalesce along the intermetallic compound/solder interface during
108 e expression of major Na(+) transporters all along the kidney tubule.
109 etry, which form two strands that interleave along the lattice sites.
110 docardial myofibers normally run in parallel along the left ventricular outflow tract, but in the Nkx
111 the distribution of the pathogenic mutations along the length of DYRK1A with that of natural variants
112 ), and the spatial distribution of responses along the length of the cochlear partition (place code).
113 osa-associated bacterial community structure along the length of the intestinal tract.
114 d conservation of gene expression regionally along the length of the intestine from fish to mammals a
115 aracterised the mucosa-associated microbiota along the length of the intestine of piglets, and determ
116  on a network of polar and aromatic residues along the length of the TM domain.
117 ls is to analyze molecule displacements only along the long axis of the cell, where molecules experie
118 t the bundle is solid, and stiff to bending, along the long axis, whereas it has a liquid and viscous
119 ribbons results in a high degree of twisting along the long axis.
120      We find that a small component of field along the magnetic easy-axis melts long-range order, rev
121 btropical oceans based on the data collected along the Malaspina 2010 Circumnavigation Expedition.
122 ic scales allows us to model their evolution along the mammalian tree and to infer ancient diets from
123 r the formation of circular fibres, oriented along the medial-lateral axis.
124 cluded hypertrophy of the bronchial arteries along the mediastinal course, diffuse thickening of the
125 ution can be predicted with high probability along the Mediterranean coast.
126 owever, the requirement of momentum matching along the metasurface sets its nontrivial beam manipulat
127 Louisiana coastline during spring season and along the Mississippi River Delta during the fall season
128 his enables observation of root tips growing along the natural gravity vector over prolonged periods
129 aneous with large-magnitude paleoearthquakes along the Newport-Inglewood/Rose Canyon fault system.
130 tabilize intermediate receptor conformations along the OFF-ON energy landscape.
131 erent overall conformation than those formed along the on-pathway, suggesting the generation of disti
132 hanism where CglI complexes must communicate along the one-dimensional DNA contour before cleavage is
133     Fluorescence intensity profiles measured along the optical axis of human eye lenses with age-rela
134 trated the majority of unique residues align along the outer helical ridge.
135                       Yet, advances directly along the patent-paper boundary are notably more impactf
136 ved from the F8BT polymer filled and aligned along the periodic nano-channels of the grating structur
137 fferent NaV channel isoforms are distributed along the peripheral and central branches of their bifur
138    Biochemical characterization of orthologs along the phylogenetic lineage from cassava to A. thalia
139 ds to a radial variation of the optical axis along the plane of the film.
140 a and effectively soften the short Na-O bond along the polar axis - an effect that is proposed to fac
141 phoester elongation and siloxane contraction along the pulling axis in the respective rate-determinin
142 on of states and their interconversion rates along the reaction pathway of a bacterial homodimeric en
143 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) situated along the river and Lake Erie.
144 red to ensure efficient neuroblast migration along the RMS.
145  on continuity of the ventral funiculus (VF) along the S2-L2 segments.
146 ce, and by a positive mechanical correlation along the sequence.
147 perties are profiled in windowed calculation along the sequence: fold propensity, and net segment cha
148 ast 12 major faults, including possible slip along the southern Hikurangi subduction interface; exten
149 ures of adaptive evolution at multiple sites along the spectrin-betaV amino acid sequence in the line
150               The co-adsorbed alkali cations along the step weaken the OH adsorption at the step site
151 ved a fourth mechanism in which PECs migrate along the surface of the inflow tract to reach the ventr
152 tem, with LYVE(+) labeling reaching the lens along the suspensory ligaments that connect the lens to
153 y short spinal cord, which terminates midway along the thoracic vertebrae before giving rise to a lon
154 in E. coli membranes and PELDOR measurements along the transport cycle indicate that McjD does not un
155            The pristine, natural wood is cut along the transverse direction and the top surface is ca
156 studies of variation in physiological traits along the urbanization gradient might be the next direct
157 d oxidative damage in different tissues vary along the urbanization gradient, and suggest that applyi
158 n from the CSF to underlying neural circuits along the ventral midline.
159 nocyte (CX3CR1(high), Ly-6C(low)) patrolling along the vessels of the microcirculation is critical fo
160                                 SCPs migrate along the visceral motor nerve to the vicinity of the fo
161 , potential challenges that must be overcome along the way, and a literature review of the current pr
162 ich assemble into a helical strand that runs along the whole approximately 1 mum length of a thin fil
163       Investigating transformation over time along these dimensions will reveal how the nature of lan
164 le a stimulus set that systematically varies along these dimensions.
165 e, we study stochastic evolutionary dynamics along these equilibrium paths.
166 e therefore selected participants who varied along this dimension and applied a virtual lesion to the
167 leading us to postulate that the gas ascends along this fracture zone.
168           Ca(2+) binding rigidifies elements along this pathway, thereby blocking signal transmission
169  analyze the evolution of bilayer properties along this transition: domains of two phases transform t
170  dioxide subjected to strong magnetic fields along threefold axes in the magnetic state exhibit the a
171  shear stress optimized mangrove development along tide-influenced tropical coastlines.
172 ent community species can change dynamically along to resource availability gradient.
173 munities, then languages should be channeled along uniparental lines.
174 ndogenous signaling transducers and isoforms along vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signalin
175 e interstitial space combined with advection along vessels is likely to substitute for the lymphatic
176  spreaders is fixed by the subcritical paths along which cascades propagate: the number of subcritica
177 pro-inflammatory macrophages emerged in VWAT along with 1520 DMRs (P < 0.0001), associated with 693 g
178 We retrospectively collected 497 meningiomas along with 309 samples of other extra-axial skull tumour
179 multiple emulsion by WPC-pectin-maltodextrin along with 5% inner aqueous phase showed a high stabilit
180 a haemagglutinin and botulinum neurotoxin B, along with 6,286 control sequences to probe contribution
181 red (overall mortality rate 16.5 per 1,000), along with 9,746 cases of macrovascular disease and 1,34
182 h its N-terminal thioredoxin-binding domain, along with a central regulatory region that links the tw
183                   The data are included here along with a discussion of the existing literature about
184 lity is lost in a number of ciliated tissues along with a reduction in the number of outer and inner
185 binding sequences into overlapping fragments along with a simplified integrative energy function for
186 asexual blood, sexual and sporozoite stages, along with a transcriptomic comparison of the mRNAs that
187 performed on the MS and Raman spectral data, along with a variety of spectral preprocessing technique
188                                 This dataset along with a web portal is provided to the community to
189 gnitive, motor, and respiratory functioning, along with absence of disability, mental health problems
190 esp1, Tbx5, Gata4, Nkx2.5 and Baf60c (MTGNB) along with activation of Wnt and JAK/STAT signaling.
191 ing efficient TDG-mediated DNA demethylation along with active transcription during somatic cell repr
192 ed regression trees and subsequently fitted, along with additional landscape factors, to HeV spillove
193 Sm, Lu(Yb), and Hf, Th, and U, respectively) along with an additional, in-house prepared resin for se
194 continued high rates of adult obesity and DM along with an aging population, NAFLD-related liver dise
195  using the DRILL interface coupled to ESI-MS along with an improved limit of detection (10-fold enhan
196 that DNA damage induced acetylation of HIPK2 along with an increase in the protein amount, which was
197 foreign samples is represented by Mn content along with another REE, particularly terbium (Tb).
198 velop a biphasic hydrogel methodology, which along with automated analysis, provides for high-through
199  Furthermore, intradermal injection of ADSCs along with BA-DEG-BA into mouse ears markedly enhanced t
200                                              Along with benzyl nitriles, aryl Weinreb amides and anil
201 ions with gold and other metal nanoparticles along with carbon allotropes are also covered.
202                     The reappearance of C2H4 along with CH4 at U less than -0.85 V arises from *CHO f
203  rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate, along with changes-over-time for each.
204 14 eyes with adequate amounts of tumor seeds along with clinical and macroscopic photographic correla
205 l diagnosis of solid-cystic pituitary masses along with clinical correlation, which includes early in
206 t fever reduction in critical care patients, along with clinically important reductions in blood pres
207  PFOA compared to powdered activated carbon, along with comparable capacity and kinetics.
208 ieving the targeted compounds are presented, along with comprehensive structural characterizations (X
209 us with the risk for coronary heart disease, along with CXCR4 transcript expression in human atherosc
210                              Taken together, along with declines documented by others in field survey
211 abilization indicated acyl chain disordering along with decreased intensity of the cardiolipin cis-do
212 nd reduced macrophage recruitment in medaka, along with delayed neutrophil clearance.
213 the cellular structure of muscle fibers and, along with DMD, forms part of the dystrophin-glycoprotei
214 ion or inactivation of hundreds of enhancers along with drastic genome-wide reduction of HNF4A and HN
215                                              Along with educational level and use of internet support
216 with CD and embryonic fibroblasts from mice, along with enteroids and human IEC lines, we found that
217 ized by fever, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, along with eosinophilia ranging from 0.9 x 109/L to 6.1
218 increased ALIX and ALG-2 levels are detected along with ER stress markers and associated caspases in
219              Mining fungal and plant genomes along with evolutionary and genetic approaches will impr
220                             When inactivated along with ExoI in Escherichia coli, or Sae2 in eukaryot
221  acetyl-CoA levels during the diauxic shift, along with expression of both acetyl-CoA synthetase gene
222 a reversible capacity of 1,327 mAh/(g of S), along with fast reaction kinetics and negligible polysul
223                                  These data, along with findings from two retrospective studies, supp
224                                        SET8, along with FoxO3a, mediates an active NQO1-PGC1-alpha co
225 ation with high throughput leaf metabolomics along with functional genomics in wild tomato unreveal p
226 ults, and discuss limitations of the method, along with future directions for further improvements.
227  herein its structure and replicative cycle, along with genomic analysis and genomic comparisons with
228            AHR expression and responsiveness along with H3K4me2 were significantly reduced in the liv
229  can alter vascular transport rate constants along with having direct tumoricidal effects.
230  integrative theory of numerical development along with implications for understanding mathematics di
231  and to empower appropriate clinical trials, along with improved genetic technologies, have allowed t
232                    In vitro characterization along with in vivo analysis indicates that the ketoreduc
233 terized by prolonged circulation time (5.5h) along with increase in the AUC (56mugh/mL) for CPD100 Li
234 levels of GABAAR alpha2 and gamma1 subunits, along with increased alpha2beta1gamma1 GABAAR pentamers
235 ment of ILC2s, eosinophils, and neutrophils, along with increased production of IL-5, prostaglandin D
236 ess cytosolic extrusion of mitochondrial DNA along with increased reactive oxygen species and reduced
237 Of note, induction of IBTKalpha and the UPR, along with inhibition of autophagic flux, was associated
238 hich metabolic pathway associations are used along with intensity profiles, retention time characteri
239                                              Along with its extremely low cost (about 3 cent per gram
240                                              Along with its increased efficiency at higher ambient te
241 es, which should be taken into consideration along with its known aerobic effects in the skeletal mus
242        An initial discussion of QD materials along with key concepts surrounding their preparation an
243 ptor subtype-selective allosteric modulators along with knockout mice we now report that the effects
244  additional RV pressure-volume measurements, along with lung, RV histological, and protein analyses.
245 adult lifespan, and the maintenance of this, along with maintained DM deactivation, characterizes suc
246                                              Along with molecular barcodes, we provide a detailed ana
247 eneration between the graft and native liver along with multiple refinements in surgical technique ha
248 ion of RECQL4 biochemical activities by RPS3 along with nuclear interaction during UV and oxidative s
249 sts of either a polymer or a lipid component along with other excipients to stabilize the colloidal s
250  on "whole serum" must be examined carefully along with other experimental variables, keeping in mind
251  from the aqueous phase and to exclude water along with other interfering molecules from the surface
252 ncy with the detection limit of 39 or 48 ppb along with other nitroaromatics such as p-nitrotoluene a
253 el reviewed the results of the MINDACT study along with other published literature on the MammaPrint
254         Collection of CT, PET, and MR images along with outcomes from trials is critical to develop i
255 literature model of organic cation sorption, along with phenyltrimethylammonium Kd values, allowed fo
256 mens of patients with IBD were also analyzed along with plasma 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 (25D) detection.
257 valent chromatin modifications that are lost along with pluripotency, suggesting a mechanism by which
258 the habitat use of highly migratory species, along with possible intrapopulation variation in these s
259 athetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, along with potential non-autonomic mechanisms, by indivi
260  we present gradually more complex examples, along with programming code and data sets, to show how B
261  were decreased crown-like structures in VAT along with reduced mRNA expression of some macrophage ma
262 70+ eukaryotic pathogens (protists & fungi), along with relevant free-living and non-pathogenic speci
263 esponses to frequency and duration deviants, along with responses to standard stimuli, were obtained
264 tudy used T1D mice with severe hyperglycemia along with significant deficits in echocardiographic mea
265 l features of native human ventricle, which, along with specific selection criteria, allows for a dir
266 ed daily for 7 days before the study period; along with stool frequency and consistency.
267 dation in a light-driven system are explored along with strategies for improving device performance.
268 omatic nanofiltration membranes were studied along with surface charge at different electrolyte compo
269            These favourable characteristics, along with synthetic convenience, indicate that these ag
270 gnificant atrial and ventricular remodeling, along with systolic dysfunction and comparable intra-car
271  Overall, the results obtained suggest that, along with tannins, other polyphenols present in red win
272 multi-instrument metabolomics-based platform along with targeted analyses was used to determine chang
273 e defects in electrocatalysts are presented, along with techniques to identify the defects.
274                                              Along with the 21.5% (95% CI, 19.3%-23.7%) of patients w
275 e unique porous structure of this construct, along with the abundance of Mg ions and DNA molecules pr
276 tself into the amoeba sori, and disseminates along with the amoeba.
277 ated under three different drying conditions along with the anti-swarming activity against Citrobacte
278 ical analysis of advances made in HFA assays along with the challenges and future prospects.
279                                Inhomogeneity along with the coexistence of Li-rich and Li-poor phases
280                  Using experimental HIC data along with the estimated surface areas, we derive an ami
281 wing the maximum range of negative pressure, along with the observed slight decrease in skeletal dens
282 ers: the grating period and the fill-factor, along with the optimization of the grating coupler etchi
283  for the parallel input architecture of HVC, along with the orthogonal input topography of MMAN and N
284 s jitter) of synchrony of inhibitory inputs, along with the rates (0-100 spikes s(-1) ) and number (0
285 hanges in common neurodegeneration pathways, along with the re-activation of stem cell genes, in the
286  for spectral reproducibility are summarized along with the recent developments.
287 ion rate of human blood plasma were measured along with the standard coagulation time.
288                                        This, along with the upregulation of JA-biosynthesis genes in
289                              These findings, along with the well-known regulatory roles that SIRT1 pl
290  both mechanical stretching and temperature, along with their potential application as skins for ener
291 rs old or older and recorded those patients, along with their respective races, who had an "Adult Com
292                                              Along with these attractive features, this electrochemic
293             Collectively, our in vitro data, along with those from previous cell culture and in vivo
294 section from November 2013 through May 2017, along with tumor-free liver tissues (control tissues) an
295 red to express three different LGR5 isoforms along with unique fluorescent protein lineage reporters
296  provide inputs consistent to a given output along with unique outputs to a given set of inputs.
297 Huron, and a total of 26 PHCZs were analyzed along with unsubstituted carbazole using gas chromatogra
298 ma cells demonstrated chromosome instability along with upregulation of several signaling pathways, i
299 n et al. (2017) and Rodriguez et al. (2017), along with Wang et al. (2017) in Nature Cell Biology, sh
300  wrinkled surfaces can guide water spreading along wrinkle orientation, and hence switchable, anisotr

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