


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e made of the distributions of total calcium along the length of A and I bands in skinned frog semite
2 e initiation of apical polarisation part way along the length of a cell, rather than at a cell extrem
3 crossovers are not independently distributed along the length of a chromosome.
4 ns of enteric bacteria by adsorbing randomly along the length of a flagellar filament and then inject
5 ch the profile of relative replacement rates along the length of a given sequence is defined as a fun
6 ication of a controlled temperature gradient along the length of a microchannel filled with an approp
7 type DHPRs were present relatively uniformly along the length of a myotube.
8 avior to the localization of a bound exciton along the length of a nanotube.
9 esolve nanoscale-spaced molecular structures along the length of a polymer, but do so with greatest s
10    Here, an antibody is immobilized in zones along the length of a single freestanding polyacrylamide
11 eral communication of mechanical information along the length of a stress fiber.
12                         Mice were inoculated along the length of a subcutaneously implanted intraveno
13 s showed that FabG-ACP interactions occurred along the length of ACP helix alpha2 and extended into t
14  parallel, two-chain coiled coil which binds along the length of actin filaments in both muscle and n
15  coiled-coil protein that binds head-to-tail along the length of actin filaments in eukaryotic cells,
16 ropomyosin, a coiled coil protein that binds along the length of actin filaments, contains 40 uninter
17 onserved dimeric proteins that form polymers along the length of actin filaments.
18 essed in transfected cells, GRXCR1 localizes along the length of actin-filament-rich structures at th
19 at comprises, in total, 12 FETs side by side along the length of an individual carbon nanotube.
20  that sigma(LW) and rho(LW) are not constant along the length of an individual outer hair cell.
21 tility whenever high specificity is required along the length of an oligonucleotide.
22 e found that the bundler ase1p localized all along the length of antiparallel MTs, whereas the motor
23 show that individual virions are distributed along the length of astrocyte filopodia, suggesting that
24  a uniform increase in mitochondrial density along the length of axons during high impulse load, supp
25 rsely, the distribution of myelinated tracts along the length of axons has been assumed to be uniform
26 multiple, small, independent myelin segments along the length of axons, each with associated nodes an
27  presented to demonstrate electron transport along the length of bacterial nanowires.
28 as cells confirmed that IC140 is distributed along the length of both flagellar axonemes.
29 radients in the levels of some MyHC isoforms along the length of both layers.
30 iary epithelial cells (BECs) are distributed along the length of both the extrahepatic and intrahepat
31 hr-423 phosphorylation of PAK1, particularly along the lengths of cell protrusion structures.
32 ther than by a processive zippering of sites along the length of chromosome.
33 rate of genetic recombination is not uniform along the length of chromosomes or between sexes.
34 taphase chromosomes, and fluorescence ratios along the length of chromosomes provide a cytogenetic re
35    Cohesion between sister chromatids occurs along the length of chromosomes, where it plays essentia
36 the frequency and distribution of crossovers along the length of chromosomes.
37 at C(3)G is present in a thread-like pattern along the lengths of chromosomes in meiotic prophase, co
38 enabled computer-controlled surface scanning along the length of development lanes or at fixed Rf val
39 peating segmental arrangement of MDA5 dimers along the length of dsRNA.
40    DCE MR imaging revealed gadolinium uptake along the length of ducts with DCIS, with an average K(t
41 the distribution of the pathogenic mutations along the length of DYRK1A with that of natural variants
42 odicities in gene expression signals ordered along the length of each chromosome.
43 ttern of multiple contact points (or arbors) along the length of each DLM fiber.
44 s study enumerated the fibers in both layers along the length of each EOM.
45 e' and 'Exon' arrays-which interrogate exons along the length of each gene.
46 and scalar diffusion metrics were calculated along the length of each tract.
47 amilies and among elements, but particularly along the length of elements.
48 ially detected in centrosomes at E14.5, then along the length of emerging stereocilia, and later beco
49 ted sequences to holocentromeres that extend along the length of entire chromosomes.
50 creased by having new microtubules nucleated along the length of existing astral microtubules, but th
51 observed MT nucleation from gamma-TuCs bound along the length of existing MTs.
52    Epicuticular wax production was evaluated along the length of expanding leek (Allium porrum L.) le
53 TP caused accumulation of nucleoplasmin-gold along the length of extended cytoplasmic filaments, wher
54 scles, DLMs, make multiple points of contact along the length of fibers.
55 t developed at discrete, repeating locations along the length of fibrils.
56 onverted vimentin remained in small clusters along the length of filaments rather than redistributing
57 zes with cDHC1b in the basal body region and along the length of flagella in wild-type cells.
58                               p54 is present along the length of genes, and small interfering RNA (si
59 A moderate level of acetylation was observed along the lengths of genes on both the Xi and Xa, regard
60   The presence of amine and its distribution along the length of gradient and uniformly modified colu
61 velopmental anatomy and hydraulic physiology along the length of grapevine (Vitis berlandieri x Vitis
62 t dramatic changes in structure and function along the length of grapevine fine roots.
63 le to detect the attachment of ADAMTS-13 all along the lengths of HUVEC-secreted VWF strings.
64 tation, cellular diameter varied erratically along the length of individual filaments and many filame
65 entrations of ganglioside GM1 were addressed along the length of individual microfluidic channels.
66   Furthermore, rho-GFP concentrations varied along the length of individual rods, indicating that exp
67 ecause of a shift in sieve element structure along the length of individual trees.
68 est that viral egress can occur sporadically along the length of infected axons and is not confined s
69 and density within sublaminae of the EPL and along the length of M/T secondary dendrites.
70                Pds5 colocalizes with cohesin along the length of meiotic chromosomes.
71          In interphase cells, KRIT1 is found along the length of microtubules.
72 e drugs paclitaxel and ixabepilone that bind along the lengths of microtubules and the drugs eribulin
73  in cytostatic factor extracts and uniformly along the lengths of microtubules in interphase extracts
74 rease twofold; this motor also redistributes along the length of microvilli, into compartments normal
75 an cells and in C. elegans lead to swellings along the lengths of mitochondria, consistent with the p
76  bidirectional movement of protein complexes along the length of most eukaryotic cilia and flagella.
77  and regulatory complexes repeat every 96 nm along the length of motile cilia.
78 ne of stacked residues in continuous contact along the length of P22 tailspike's beta-helix domain th
79 x (SC), a proteinaceous structure elaborated along the lengths of paired homologs.
80 cement giving rise to multiple constrictions along the length of plastids.
81 nd not within the platelet-sized beads found along the length of proplatelet extensions.
82 fic, actin-rich anchoring junction) function along the length of Sertoli cell in the testis.
83 ide evidence that Rna15 and Sub1 are present along the length of several genes and that Sub1 facilita
84 Rna15 are recruited to promoters and present along the length of several yeast genes.
85 n is mediated by the association of cohesins along the length of sister chromatid arms.
86  that microparticles form as submicron beads along the lengths of slender, unbranched micropodia.
87 n the wild-type, gamma(cyto)-actin localizes along the length of stereocilia but re-distributes to si
88 er ear, and its encoded protein is localized along the length of stereocilia, the actin-filament-rich
89 ttle is known about siRNA targeting patterns along the length of TEs, yet this information may provid
90 ide a bifacial thymine-recognition interface along the length of the 21-residue peptide.
91 me-dependent shift in RNase H susceptibility along the length of the acceptor toward the 5' end, sugg
92 coiled-coil protein that aligns head-to-tail along the length of the actin filament and regulates its
93  of these changing cell types and structures along the length of the airways are unknown.
94 pes were located approximately equidistantly along the length of the alpha-helix.
95 e-tagged site markers at 42-550 kb intervals along the length of the amplicon and defined the amplico
96 neuronal patterning and path finding defects along the length of the anteroposterior neuraxis.
97  a spatial gradient in mechanical properties along the length of the Arabidopsis thaliana hypocotyl.
98 ctional anisotropy in a core region centered along the length of the aSLF.
99 several cultured cell types but is not found along the length of the associated actin-rich stress fib
100 hes the appearance of growth-cone-like waves along the length of the axon, an effect not observed wit
101 from intra-axonal Ca(2+) stores, distributed along the length of the axon, contributes significantly
102 myelination and is characterized by swelling along the length of the axon, loss of YFP signal, and tr
103 a2+ channels are distributed heterogeneously along the length of the axon, with the higher channel de
104 ion gradients of proteins both over time and along the length of the axon.
105 ice in straight flagella repeats every 56 nm along the length of the axoneme, matching the spacing of
106 ies show that the PF2 protein is distributed along the length of the axoneme, where it is part of a d
107 projected to hair cells in the middle region along the length of the basilar papilla in which, in one
108 tter behavior, namely a uniform distribution along the length of the bundle irrespective of the halot
109 cules were found to be uniformly distributed along the length of the bundle, corresponding to approxi
110 r, thus, creating an image of the separation along the length of the capillary.
111 s resided toward the center of the cytoplasm along the length of the cell and exhibited a discontinuo
112 ions of labeled loci at comparable positions along the length of the cell are strongly correlated whe
113 zoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei is attached along the length of the cell body by a complex structure
114 ell via the flagellar pocket, it is attached along the length of the cell body by a cytoskeletal stru
115 ltinuclei and new flagella that are detached along the length of the cell body.
116  chromosome, ICEBs1 was located near midcell along the length of the cell, a position characteristic
117 led cytoskeletal-like structure that extends along the length of the cell.
118 flagella in generating backward-moving waves along the length of the cell.
119 it to block division at other unwanted sites along the length of the cell.
120 redominantly by peptidoglycan (PG) synthesis along the length of the cell.
121 are located both at the poles and at regions along the length of the cells.
122 protein is seen to be coupled differentially along the length of the chain to the protein.
123 bility, induced by an electric field applied along the length of the channel, increases by an average
124 commodate five toluene molecules per peptide along the length of the channel.
125 ater chemistry was monitored over two months along the length of the channel.
126 crosatellite polymorphic markers distributed along the length of the chromosome arm.
127 domain is necessary for robust DNA transport along the length of the chromosome in vivo.
128   Chromosome motion varies in predicted ways along the length of the chromosome, dependent on tetheri
129 ifferentially compacted regions of chromatin along the length of the chromosomes.
130 um and found that endogenous USP9X localizes along the length of the ciliary axoneme, indicating that
131 rains at the tip as well as at various sites along the length of the cilium.
132 are involved in activating Shh transcription along the length of the CNS.
133 ith functionalization at the CNT tip and not along the length of the CNT core.
134 is in the underlying epithelium is organised along the length of the cochlea and, in mice in which th
135     The severity of this phenotype is graded along the length of the cochlea, similar to the hair cel
136 spiral ganglion cells can vary significantly along the length of the cochlea.
137 induction of the prosensory domain that lies along the length of the cochlear duct, and which forms b
138  the spatial distribution of neural activity along the length of the cochlear partition (place code).
139 ), and the spatial distribution of responses along the length of the cochlear partition (place code).
140 cal Fourier transform by mapping frequencies along the length of the cochlear partition.
141 re arranged into four ordered rows extending along the length of the cochlear spiral.
142  of -4.0 dB/mm and -4.9 dB/mm, respectively, along the length of the cochlear spiral.
143  showed a clear gradient in surface coverage along the length of the column for the gradient stationa
144 dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were measured along the length of the columns.
145 tides to probe the distribution of halothane along the length of the core of the 4-helix bundle as a
146 c predictions, 384 primer sets were designed along the length of the crAssphage genome.
147  of cystic bulge movement is fairly constant along the length of the cyst.
148 f highly elongated cysts, then translocating along the length of the cysts.
149 t ascending axons and repel descending axons along the length of the developing spinal cord.
150 the specification of ventral cell identities along the length of the developing vertebrate neural tub
151 is also strongly affected by mixing and flow along the length of the device.
152  with naked DNA, and was essentially uniform along the length of the DNA substrate irrespective of ro
153  action of AID at the Cs positioned anywhere along the length of the DNA.
154 per balance of Gli3R and Gli2/3A is required along the length of the dorsoventral axis of the inner e
155 nd Fab1068 prevent lateral clustering of SUs along the length of the dsRNA ligand.
156 and p21 was higher in basal cells and varied along the length of the ductal system.
157 hich the first step is facilitated diffusion along the length of the duplex followed by subsequent bi
158 ered, with dynactin positioned approximately along the length of the dynein tail.
159                Scanning the excitation laser along the length of the electrophoresis capillary excite
160               The most common flexible point along the length of the EmaA appendage was localized 29.
161 active in the floor plate of the midbrain or along the length of the embryo in mouse and chick.
162 n the system can use, and is nearly constant along the length of the embryo.
163 cts of conformational and structural changes along the length of the fatty acid tail of CAI-1.
164   Distention of the capsule by at least 5 mm along the length of the femoral neck was almost always s
165 ons known as dislocations are known to occur along the length of the fibers.
166                       The GAGs were detected along the length of the fibril strand, and the periodici
167          A high concentration of XAip1 bound along the length of the filament.
168 , stochastically creating protofilament ends along the length of the filament.
169  protein tropomyosin, which binds end-to-end along the length of the filament.
170 silver particles at fairly regular distances along the length of the filamentous organic assemblies.
171 re the degree of cross-linking is controlled along the length of the film.
172 zation is required to provide sufficient ATP along the length of the flagellum to support sperm motil
173 a function of the local Ca(2+) concentration along the length of the flagellum.
174 es cells to linearly increasing shear stress along the length of the flow channel floor.
175 rnately turn on and off different electrodes along the length of the flow path to maximize this trans
176 h actomyosin fibres and tension are directed along the length of the furrow.
177 underlying differential expression of NPC1L1 along the length of the gastrointestinal tract.
178 venly distribute 25 unique restriction sites along the length of the gene while retaining the native
179 gesting that recombination occurs frequently along the length of the genes, including both the intron
180 hen appeared 10-15 microm (mean 12.5 microm) along the length of the germ tube.
181 erglacial ( 125 ka) is found discontinuously along the length of the Gulf at elevations of 3 to 26 m.
182 e lumens arise independently from each other along the length of the gut and do not share a continuou
183 on of vagal NCCs and their delayed migration along the length of the gut during early development.
184  the pattern of cryptdin 4 mRNA distribution along the length of the gut, the cryptdin 4 peptide was
185 clude the structural and functional gradient along the length of the healthy intestine, the atrophy a
186 with distinct stripes of amino acid residues along the length of the helix, the stripes facing the li
187  on either pore features (treated as uniform along the length of the hemichannel) or entrance effects
188 racteristics, particularly the histone code, along the length of the hepatic IGF-1 gene.
189 ent the results of structural investigations along the length of the high elevation belt and suture z
190 eta oscillations are traveling waves, moving along the length of the hippocampus in a posterior-anter
191 istributed anatomically in distinct segments along the length of the hippocampus.
192 hypothesis we engineered a series of mutants along the length of the IKKgamma molecule that could be
193                    By stimulating four sites along the length of the index finger, we were able to id
194 osa-associated bacterial community structure along the length of the intestinal tract.
195 urine Cftr transcription start site was seen along the length of the intestinal tract; different star
196 d conservation of gene expression regionally along the length of the intestine from fish to mammals a
197 aracterised the mucosa-associated microbiota along the length of the intestine of piglets, and determ
198 physiology by modifying host gene expression along the length of the intestine, but the underlying re
199            Peristalsis regulates the changes along the length of the intestine.
200 thelial cells within the stem cell niche and along the length of the intestine; expression was conser
201           DCDC2a fluorescence is distributed along the length of the kinocilium with increased densit
202 shout, suggesting little voltage attenuation along the length of the lateral membrane.
203  brain is a narrow stem cell niche that lies along the length of the lateral wall of the lateral vent
204 er and the distribution of abaxial trichomes along the length of the leaf.
205 t is distributed, with components reiterated along the length of the leech; (c) excitatory signals tr
206        How these connections are established along the length of the limb remains unknown.
207 that could move laterally in both directions along the length of the liposome and coalesce into brigh
208 plete or extensive reduction to homozygosity along the length of the long arm.
209 A and MreB adopt discrete helical structures along the length of the longitudinal cell axis.
210 uperior zones that exhibited minimal overlap along the length of the LR and only modest overlap for M
211 lymphatic valves exists that prevents reflow along the length of the lymphatic channels.
212 cta are heterogeneous and appear as clusters along the length of the M/T dendrites.
213  the local elastic properties vary step-wise along the length of the material.
214    Lastly, we observed that ribosome density along the length of the message remains constant, sugges
215                          EB1 by itself bound along the length of the microtubules with 1 mol of EB1 d
216  anaphase, the Cdc23-GFP was also visualized along the length of the mitotic spindle.
217 h the wavelength and location of the channel along the length of the MMI waveguide.
218 also observed, appearing as a repeat pattern along the length of the molecule, with a length of appro
219 es have an inherent resolution of </= 0.6 nm along the length of the molecule.
220 ty to induce a variety of ventral cell types along the length of the mouse CNS.
221 riants have differential expression patterns along the length of the mouse organ of Corti and spiral
222 distributions with respect to codon position along the length of the mRNA, and this interplay leads t
223 hin the kinetochore are narrowly distributed along the length of the MT.
224        Cdx-2 expression correlates with PTEN along the length of the murine colon and in colonic poly
225 nificantly, utrophin expression is localized along the length of the muscle fibre, not just at the sy
226  CD spectra suggest the formation of domains along the length of the nanofibers with decreasing conce
227 e axons, oligodendrocyte precursors migrated along the length of the nerve and subsequently multiplie
228 nd generates dorsalising morphogenic signals along the length of the neuraxis.
229 ent is associated with floor plate formation along the length of the neuraxis.
230 onal changes to drive helicase translocation along the length of the nucleic acid.
231 tion and a few scattered PCNA-positive cells along the length of the palpebral conjunctiva toward the
232 d with a collar-like structure that migrates along the length of the parasite in synchrony with and i
233  of the flagellum and a minor, nonpolar site along the length of the partially assembled PFR.
234 s triggered the formation of new capillaries along the length of the patterned cords.
235       However, the density of somatic spines along the length of the perikaryal membrane was higher i
236 he flagellum where they could still be added along the length of the PFR.
237 ermis/cuticle of larval and adult stages and along the length of the pharynx of adult worms, as well
238  that are predicted to result in compression along the length of the platelet and therefore on the bo
239 with poly(G) is formed at a number of points along the length of the polynucleotide, analogous to bea
240 B in which functional domains are segregated along the length of the polypeptide chain.
241 ained for s(T) and sigma(T) remain unchanged along the length of the polypeptide except for very shor
242 e dyes to the probe, the location of the dye along the length of the probe, and the distance between
243  nucleosome disassembly occurs in waves both along the length of the promoter and during the cell cyc
244 d on at least 10 lysine residues distributed along the length of the protein by the acetyl transferas
245 gene lineages and share extensive similarity along the length of the protein products.
246                          These mutations lie along the length of the protein, indicating that transpo
247  we created a series of sequential deletions along the length of the protein.
248 nt tubulin-binding sites aligned in sequence along the length of the protein.
249 plutonic-to-volcanic ratios we estimate vary along the length of the Puna Plateau, all ratios are lar
250 same phenotype, and all eight residues align along the length of the putative target DNA binding tren
251 s was performed to average layer-specific BF along the length of the retina and choroid.
252 inding are initiated from multiple locations along the length of the RNA.
253 on activity, our data suggest that sequences along the length of the rod also play a role in the isof
254                   Internalized tracers moved along the length of the rod outer segment, indicating co
255                           Retinol also moved along the length of the rod outer segment, with an appar
256 d contained odontoblast-like cells organized along the length of the root wall as assessed by immunos
257   DNA is found to be nonrandomly distributed along the length of the SC in condensed clusters.
258         The nucleocapsid protein polymerizes along the length of the single-strand genomic RNA (viral
259 many with an unusual "balloon" shape, varies along the length of the small bowel.
260 uantifying the distribution of 3H-sitostanol along the length of the small intestine following intrad
261 e distribution of Bmi1-expressing stem cells along the length of the small intestine suggested that m
262 ostrocaudal pattern provided by Hox proteins along the length of the spinal cord, suggesting a model
263 lampreys contained netrin-expressing neurons along the length of the spinal cord.
264 g provided visualization of these components along the length of the spinal cord.
265 meiosis, the contractile ring moved downward along the length of the spindle and completed scission a
266 tase increased the velocity of ring movement along the length of the spindle.
267  types of supporting cells arrayed precisely along the length of the spiral cochlea.
268 were measured at five standardized locations along the length of the spiral ganglion, as determined f
269  increases from proximal to distal locations along the length of the star's rays with a ratio of 1:2.
270 ry in average velocity and wall shear stress along the length of the stenosis.
271 ent lateral links, fails to be downregulated along the length of the stereocilia in maturing Myo6 mut
272 hevrons and two pairs of slow muscle "cords" along the length of the tail.
273              In addition, proteins that bind along the length of the telomere (TRF1/TIN2/tankyrase in
274  varied patterns of structural accessibility along the length of the Tetrahymena group I intron.
275  that Brf and B" share an extended interface along the length of the TFIIIB-DNA complex.
276 ation in that only some amyloplasts sediment along the length of the tip cell.
277  on a network of polar and aromatic residues along the length of the TM domain.
278  roughness and the internal diameter profile along the length of the treated capillary.
279 rned trenches induce alignment of the SWCNTs along the length of the trenches.
280 spermatozoa and that these structures change along the length of the tubule.
281  electrostatic potential and accessibilities along the length of the tunnel and determine the electro
282                  Endogenous HS was localized along the length of the UB suggesting a role in limiting
283 rong and significant diffusion abnormalities along the length of the uncinate bilaterally, the ipsila
284 op region and found that the cleavage occurs along the length of the unpaired strand.
285  duct proliferate to deposit a cord of cells along the length of the urogenital ridge.
286 og/kg of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide along the length of the uterus on day 28 of gestation.
287 the distance from the vessel to chord length along the length of the vessel showed best agreement (r
288 ion formation by preserving a cuff of tissue along the length of the vessel.
289  in which the optical potential is modulated along the length of the waveguide such that nonreciproca
290 haracteristics of the rat hepatic IGF-1 gene along the length of the whole gene.
291 nd that critical amino acids are distributed along the length of the YA molecule, with functionally i
292  H2B is mediated by four domains distributed along the length of the YA molecule.
293 y expressed EpsC and EpsM form discrete foci along the lengths of the cells, different from the polar
294  Cik1p associate in a highly specific manner along the lengths of their respective coiled-coil domain
295 s domain within the BimC box (BCB), localize along the length of these interpolar MT bundles, being c
296 lateral interactions of the remaining motifs along the length of this ropelike molecule or the forces
297 t variation in accessibility to MTS reagents along the length of TM VIII.
298  transmembrane segment of NpHtrII and a face along the length of TM2 that becomes more available for
299 ro in a salt-resistant manner and is located along the length of vertebrate transcripts in vivo.
300 at serine 5 of the C-terminal domain of RNAP along the lengths of VZV genes (the promoter, body, and

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