


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e of MHC-peptide antigen presentation to the alpha beta T cell.
2  ontogeny and occurs in both gamma delta and alpha beta T cells.
3 ed by gene targeting so that these mice lack alpha beta T cells.
4 gnificantly augmented by as few as 1 x 10(5) alpha beta T cells.
5 and secondary sites, and is mediated by CD8+ alpha beta T cells.
6 ction have drawn heavily on our knowledge of alpha beta T cells.
7 pus-prone MRL mice congenitally deficient in alpha beta T cells.
8 ut they do so in a way that is distinct from alpha beta T cells.
9  important for the subsequent development of alpha beta T cells.
10  cells while retaining normal frequencies of alpha beta T cells.
11  delta subset of T cells, which may regulate alpha beta T cells.
12  to ligands that are different from those of alpha beta T cells.
13 may not recognize antigen the same way as do alpha beta T cells.
14 o primary infection as mice deficient in all alpha beta T cells.
15 ied by an increase in the percentage of CD4+ alpha beta T cells.
16 V beta usage during T. gondii stimulation of alpha beta T cells.
17 e infection with C. parvum was restricted to alpha/beta T cells.
18  could be induced in gamma/delta T cells and alpha/beta T cells.
19 ecrosis in the ilea after infection are CD4+ alpha/beta T cells.
20 dependent on the collaboration between B and alpha/beta T cells.
21 lpha-/- mice that are congenitally devoid of alpha/beta T cells.
22 IEL were up-regulated in the presence of TCR(alpha beta) T cells.
23 proliferation of normal gamma delta, but not alpha beta, T cells.
24 of diseased recipients are host-derived CD4+ alpha/beta+ T cells.
25 electin, whereas only 30% of gamma/delta and alpha/beta T cells adhered to E-selectin.
26 ly exacerbated GVHD when compared with naive alpha beta T cells alone.
27  cells share many cell surface proteins with alpha beta T cells and are able to secrete lymphokines a
28 lta T cells), and adaptive immune responses (alpha beta T cells and B cells) in infected mice.
29     Cytokine signaling by IL-2 and IL-7 from alpha beta T cells and epithelial cells was necessary fo
30 or suppressor, and identifies roles for both alpha beta T cells and gamma delta T cells in Fas-indepe
31           To explore the mechanisms by which alpha beta T cells and gamma delta T cells regulate syst
32                                         CD4+ alpha beta T cells and gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) are
33  of the magnitude of major superantigens for alpha beta T cells and may bridge the gap between innate
34 ay inflammation, mediated by accumulation of alpha/beta T cells and driven by DCs, is critical to air
35                   NK cells, dendritic cells, alpha beta T cells, and B cells were also recruited to t
36 the ligand for Fas (APO-1, CD95) compared to alpha beta T cells, and induce apoptosis of Fashigh CD4+
37 ing for activated macrophages, the number of alpha beta T cells, and the number of delta gamma epithe
38  with elevated numbers of NK cell, NKT cell, alpha/beta T cell, and macrophage infiltration of the in
39  E alpha 52-68/I-A(b) complex-specific 1H3.1 alpha beta T cell antigen receptor are positively select
40                We found that gamma delta and alpha beta T cells are controlled by partially overlappi
41 d and autoimmune state, both gamma delta and alpha beta T cells are found as infiltrates.
42                     These data indicate that alpha beta T cells are important for resistance to C. pa
43 lized autoimmunity, but autoantigen-specific alpha beta T cells are required to cause overt disease.
44 eficiency, suggesting that CD4(+) and CD8(+) alpha/beta(+) T cells are sufficient to mount a protecti
45                    gamma delta T cells, like alpha beta T cells, are components of all well-studied v
46 ll maturation was strictly restricted to TCR-alpha beta T cells as the absolute number of thymic dend
47 lly share many common features with adaptive alpha/beta T cells, as both lineages include naive-like
48 n of activated gamma delta T cells and naive alpha beta T cells at the time of bone marrow transplant
49  the interleukin 7 receptor (IL-7R) generate alpha/beta T cells at a detectable but greatly reduced r
50 ifically stained gamma delta T cells and not alpha beta T cells, B cells, neutrophils, or monocytes.
51 d in substantial increases in the numbers of alpha/beta T cells, both CD4+ (150%) and CD8+ (60%), and
52                                Purified CD4+ alpha beta T cells but not CD8+ alpha beta T cells proli
53 igher ratios of gamma/delta T cells and CD4+ alpha/beta T cells but lower ratios of CD8+ alpha/beta T
54 rial Ag is dependent on the presence of CD4+ alpha beta T cells, but the requirement for CD4+ alpha b
55 mmunization with this Ag nor the presence of alpha beta T cells, but was enhanced by IL-2.
56 as not due to the direct inhibition of naive alpha beta T cells by gamma delta T cells.
57 ere rendered deficient in CD40 ligand and/or alpha beta T cells by intercrossing CD40L -/- and TCR-al
58 a beta T cells, but the requirement for CD4+ alpha beta T cells can be met by cytokines that use the
59 ld-type or mutant mice shows that 65% of all alpha/beta T cells carry receptors that are normally ass
60               Second, similarly to naive CD8 alpha/beta T cells, CD44(lo) gamma/delta T cells are poo
61  alpha/beta T cells but lower ratios of CD8+ alpha/beta T cells compared to those of infected IL-6(-/
62 mma delta T cells was inhibited by an intact alpha beta T cell compartment, and both populations were
63             Murine NK1.1+ (CD4+ or CD4-CD8-) alpha/beta+ T cells comprise a beta 2-microglobulin (bet
64 atly resemble, and behave like, their CD8(+) alpha/beta T cell counterparts.
65 h commonly occurs in patients suffering from alpha beta T cell deficiencies, such as AIDS.
66                      Both neonatal and adult alpha beta-T-cell-deficient mice developed chronic infec
67 t or anti-CD20 B cell-depleted mice, but not alpha/beta T cell-deficient mice, display decreased infl
68 ncluding that MRL autoimmunity requires CD4+ alpha beta T cells, demonstrate that non-alpha beta T ce
69 chanism; 2) identify a role for CD40L in non-alpha beta T cell-dependent autoantibody production and
70 D4+ alpha beta T cells, demonstrate that non-alpha beta T cell-dependent mechanisms are capable of in
71      To investigate the possibility that non-alpha beta T cell-dependent mechanisms can induce system
72 gs demonstrating a role for CD40L-dependent, alpha beta T cell-dependent mechanisms in autoantibody p
73 st of both alpha beta T cell-independent and alpha beta T cell-dependent mechanisms.
74 nd Fyn (lck(-/-)fyn(-/-)) completely arrests alpha beta T cell development at the CD4-CD8- stage.
75 ion of Bcl-2 in these mice partially rescued alpha beta T cell development but not gamma delta T cell
76   The ability of CD16 cross-linking to block alpha beta T cell development was not attributable to to
77 "beta selection." This is the first point in alpha beta T-cell development at which the products of a
78                                     Although alpha beta T-cell development is observed in IL-7- and I
79                                              alpha beta T-cell development is restricted to the thymu
80  Lck and Fyn in the absence of Csk uncouples alpha/beta T cell development entirely from engagement o
81  provide genetic evidence for this notion as alpha/beta T cell development is blocked in lck(-/)-fyn(
82 ic organ cultures from Lef1-/- Tcf1-/- mice, alpha/beta T cell differentiation is completely arrested
83 esponse to Eimeria vermiformis, mice lacking alpha beta T cells display defects in protective immunit
84 gly, the requirements for a highly effective alpha beta-T-cell-driven memory response are less string
85 differentiation, and expansion of mainstream alpha/beta T cells during ontogeny depend on the highly
86                                     Overall, alpha beta T cells exhibited a distinct pattern of NKR e
87       We investigated the mechanism by which alpha/beta T cells expand upon transfer to T cell-defici
88 d splenocytes, more gamma delta T cells than alpha beta T cells expressed CD44 at high levels.
89 tions, 80% of gamma/delta T cells and 53% of alpha/beta T cells formed shear-resistant adhesions to P
90 tro reactivity to Toxoplasma gondii of human alpha beta T cells from T. gondii-seronegative individua
91  (CD45RO+) phenotypes from adults as well as alpha beta T cells from T. gondii-seronegative newborns
92 ues substantially higher than those found on alpha beta T cells from the same donors.
93                                      Resting alpha beta T cells from these individuals proliferated i
94 ese data show that, whereas less potent than alpha beta T cells, gamma delta T cells are able to prom
95 cells in vitro; however, in contrast to CD4+ alpha beta T cells, gamma delta T cells predominantly pr
96              In contrast, animals containing alpha beta T cells, gamma delta T cells, and/or function
97                                  CD4 and CD8 alpha/beta T cells, gamma/delta T cells, NKT cells, regu
98 alpha/beta and that the Vbeta1 subset of TCR alpha/beta T cells had a dominant role in protective imm
99                                 Mice lacking alpha/beta T cells had higher levels of infectious MAV-1
100 t ultimately populate the thymus to generate alpha/beta T cells has been controversial, and their mol
101 , natural killer (NK)1.1 receptor-expressing alpha/beta T cells has recently been identified.
102             Autoantigen-specific, pathogenic alpha beta T cells have been isolated from some lupus-pr
103                    Thus, antigen-nonspecific alpha beta T cell help can promote generalized autoimmun
104 n distinguishes gamma delta T cell help from alpha beta T cell help induced under analogous circumsta
105 ntibodies in the absence of conventional TCR alpha beta+ T cell help.
106                                    Thus, non-alpha/beta T cell help may drive Ig synthesis and autore
107 ncluding autoantibodies) is a product of non-alpha/beta T cell help that can be provided by gamma/del
108 ed both in 293T cells and in 2 different TCR alpha(-)/beta(-) T cell hybridomas.
109 were neighboring epithelial cells (IL-7) and alpha beta T cells (IL-2 and IL-7).
110 arious circumstances, especially in cases of alpha/beta T cell immunodeficiency.
111  that gamma delta T cells can substitute for alpha beta T cells in a virus model of demyelination and
112 oimmune disease, and to address the roles of alpha beta T cells in murine lupus, we analyzed lupus-pr
113 e graft-vs-host (GVH) reactivity mediated by alpha beta T cells in murine recipients transplanted wit
114 mune skin disease; and 3) suggest a role for alpha beta T cells in the down-regulation of autoimmunit
115 mphocytes without altering the repertoire of alpha beta T-cells in the intestine.
116                       Although equivalent to alpha/beta T cells in binding to E-selectin, gamma/delta
117  the forces driving polyclonal activation of alpha/beta T cells in lupus is an intrinsically heighten
118 d from the low numbers of CD8alpha/alpha TCR-alpha/beta T cells in mice deficient in Qa-2 genes.
119 an eightfold increase in the CD8+, Db/HY TCR-alpha/beta T cells in the lymph nodes (LN) of delta Nur7
120 the other subsets to naive and memory CD8(+) alpha/beta T cells, in this study, we show that Ly-6C(-
121 transfer of various populations of B and non-alpha/beta T cells including cloned gamma/delta T cells
122 suggest that MRL disease may consist of both alpha beta T cell-independent and alpha beta T cell-depe
123 D4(+) T (NKT) cells, gamma/delta T cells, or alpha/beta T cells indicated that alpha/beta CD4(+) T ce
124 MC completely abrogated the proliferation of alpha beta T cells, indicating the need for processing o
125                                    These AND alpha beta T cells induced hypergammaglobulinemia and au
126 40L-intact or -deficient (CD40L+ or CD40L-), alpha beta T cell-intact or -deficient (alpha beta+ or a
127                         The division of CD4+ alpha beta T cells into Th1 and Th2 subsets has become a
128 g the differentiation of antigenically naive alpha/beta+ T cells into Th2 cells.
129                               In both donors alpha beta T cells less frequently expressed the inhibit
130 ect is cell-autonomous and restricted to the alpha beta T cell lineage.
131                                          The alpha beta T-cell lineage consists of distinct subsets,
132 genic reporter delta deletion construct show alpha/beta T cell lineage-specific use of the transgenic
133   The developmental block is specific to the alpha/beta T-cell lineage at a stage before the completi
134  delta genes were deleted on both alleles in alpha beta T cell lines, thereby indicating conservation
135 d a gamma delta T-cell line, but not in B or alpha beta T-cell lines.
136 were present in CD8 alpha beta+- but not CD8 alpha beta- T cell lines nor in a B cell line.
137 lass of antigens, lipids and glycolipids, to alpha/beta T cells, little is known about the T cell sub
138                    First, like memory CD8(+) alpha/beta T cells, Ly-6C(+)CD44(hi) gamma/delta T cells
139                  In the principal pathway of alpha/beta T cell maturation, T cell precursors from the
140 n murine lupus, they also: 1) establish that alpha beta T cells may drive autoimmune skin disease by
141  flexibility than the more classical type of alpha beta T cell-mediated cellular immunity.
142    SLE, too, is most commonly regarded as an alpha/beta T cell-mediated condition.
143 r beta 2m 0/0 knockout mice, which lack CD8+ alpha beta T cells, nor C57BL/6 mice depleted of CD8+ T
144 tive and -negative selection of conventional alpha beta T cells occur in anatomically distinct sites
145 d that contained only a single population of alpha beta T cells of foreign specificity by generating
146 ic inhibitory NKR was especially apparent on alpha beta T cells of one donor.
147                                CD4+ and CD8+ alpha/beta+ T cells of the T helper cell (Th)2 phenotype
148 ise homologues of the subset of NK1.1(+) TCR-alpha/beta+ T cells, often referred to as NK T cells, wh
149             These mutations block mainstream alpha/beta T cell ontogeny at an early prethymocyte stag
150 ell-deficient mice, unlike mice deficient in alpha beta T cells or B cells, show no severe defects in
151                                              alpha beta T cells perform all well-characterized T-cell
152       These results indicate that the NK1.1+ alpha/beta+ T cell population, as well as other beta 2m-
153 signature comparable to MDV-transformed CD4+ alpha/beta T cells present in tumors.
154      Generation of gamma/delta and of CD4-8- alpha/beta T cells proceeds normally despite blockade of
155 urified CD4+ alpha beta T cells but not CD8+ alpha beta T cells proliferated in response to these T.
156 cell proliferation occurs after maximal CD4+ alpha beta T cell proliferation.
157                Thus, disruption of CD40L and alpha beta T cells provides a novel dissection of the ph
158 mined for full-length and truncated forms of alpha beta T cell receptor (TCR) heterodimers, both alon
159 he specificity of a T cell is dictated by an alpha beta T cell receptor (TCR) that recognizes a compl
160                           Interaction of the alpha beta T cell receptor (TCR) with major histocompati
161 were either CD4+ or CD4+/CD8+, expressed the alpha beta T cell receptor, secreted IFN-gamma, and were
162 fected PTB lungs were T cells expressing the alpha beta T cell receptor.
163  with monoclonal antibodies directed against alpha beta T-cell receptor (TCR)+, CD5+, and CD8+ T-cell
164                     T cells that express the alpha beta T-cell receptor are thought to be the T-cell
165 yxoviruses has never been recognized for the alpha beta T-cell receptor-positive subsets.
166                                     Although alpha(beta)T cell receptor (TCR)+ T cells have been repo
167 uced in the thymus, each expressing a unique alpha/beta T cell receptor (TCR) capable of binding to a
168                                          The alpha/beta T cell receptor (TCR) HA1.7 specific for the
169  requirements for inducing downregulation of alpha/beta T cell receptor (TCR) molecules on naive majo
170                                          The alpha/beta T cell receptor (TCR) recognizes peptide frag
171 ority of CD8(+) cells do not express surface alpha/beta T cell receptor alpha/beta(TCR), gamma/deltaT
172                                          The alpha/beta T cell receptor complex transmits signals fro
173                      Natural killer (NK)1.1+ alpha/beta T cell receptor+ T(NT) cells, a unique lineag
174             To investigate the role of CD8+, alpha/beta T-cell receptor (TCR)+ T cells in mucosal imm
175 ty (85%) of CD3+ VL are CD4+ and express the alpha/beta T-cell receptor (TCR), similar to the results
176 lation of CD4- CD8- T cells that express the alpha/beta T-cell receptor (TCR).
177               The NKT cell lines express the alpha/beta T-cell receptor (TCR).
178 iated with a reduced infiltration of CD8 and alpha/beta T-cell receptor-expressing cells, diminished
179 s GVHD are CD8+ T lymphocytes expressing the alpha/beta T-cell receptor.
180        A recent crystal structure of the N15 alpha/beta-T cell receptor (TCR) in complex with an Fab
181 se lines revealed > 99% CD3+, 85 to 95% CD3+ alpha beta T-cell-receptor-positive (TCR+), 5 to 9% CD3+
182                   1) RT6+ IELs appear before alpha(beta) T-cell-receptor- expressing IELs in diabetes
183                              The ligands for alpha beta T cell receptors (alphabetaTCRs) are usually
184 ative T cells" (DNTs), T lymphocytes bearing alpha beta T cell receptors and expressing neither clust
185 tural killer-1+ natural T cells that express alpha beta T cell receptors requires a conserved beta 2-
186                                Engagement of alpha-beta T cell receptors (TCRs) induces many events i
187       The specificity of immunoglobulins and alpha/beta T cell receptors (TCRs) provides a framework
188 These NC16A-responding T lymphocytes express alpha/beta T cell receptors and CD4 memory T cell surfac
189 rther supports the idea that gamma delta and alpha beta T cells recognize antigens differently and su
190  to control L. major, mice with a monoclonal alpha beta T cell repertoire (ABLE TCR-C alpha 0 mice) d
191 n alpha gene to create animals with a single alpha beta T cell repertoire.
192 n of gamma delta T cell replenishment before alpha beta T cell reseeding, thereby indicating the comp
193                    This rapid and remarkable alpha beta T cell response may play an important role in
194                                         This alpha beta T cell response to the parasite was inhibited
195  failure to regulate the consequences of the alpha beta T cell response.
196                         The antigen-specific alpha/beta T-cell response that followed the exaggerated
197                                              Alpha beta T cells secreted significant amounts of IFN-g
198 f autoimmune diseases with only autoreactive alpha beta T cells seem invariably to fall short for lac
199       TCR gene transfer into a TCR-deficient alpha beta T cell showed that besides the TCR, no other
200                                              alpha beta T cells specifically recognize a ligand compo
201                                   To address alpha beta T cell specificity in murine lupus, lupus-pro
202                Thus, both alpha beta and non-alpha beta T cells, such as gamma delta T cells, regulat
203               Although mice deficient in all alpha beta T cells (TCR-C alpha 0 mice) failed to contro
204  airway remodeling because mice deficient in alpha/beta T cells (tcra(-/-)) are protected.
205 s effect indirectly through donor BM-derived alpha beta T cells that acted as the proximate regulator
206  NK1 T cells are a specialized population of alpha/beta T cells that coexpress receptors of the NK li
207 1+ (NK1) T cells are a specialized subset of alpha/beta T cells that coexpress surface receptors that
208        We propose that these double-negative alpha/beta T cells that express HIV protein may be a com
209 g-term surviving mouse kidney allografts are alpha/beta-T cells that have downregulated their cell su
210                In contrast with the study of alpha beta T cells, that of gamma delta T cells is relat
211 e cells are derived from mature autoreactive alpha/beta T cells, the significance of coreceptor downr
212 aracterized collaboration between B and "non-alpha/beta T" cells, the phenotype has been reconstitute
213  the ability of MHC-incompatible nontolerant alpha beta T cells to cause GVHD after allogeneic BMT.
214 e able to signal the migration of peripheral alpha beta T cells to the epidermis by secreting specifi
215 e stimuli, though promoting the expansion of alpha beta-T cells, usually do not promote the efficient
216 electin glycoprotein ligand (PSGL-1), as all alpha/beta T cells versus approximately 75% of gamma/del
217 n contrast, when the administration of naive alpha beta T cells was delayed for 2 wk post-BMT, surviv
218 at fetal day 16.5 and is strictly limited to alpha beta T cells, we find that rearrangement under the
219 roperty of gamma delta T cells, as activated alpha beta T cells were incapable of ameliorating the su
220 aftment, indicating that limiting numbers of alpha beta T cells were required in the marrow graft for
221  In contrast, mice specifically lacking only alpha beta-T cells were no more susceptible than wild-ty
222                                        Thus, alpha/beta T cells were required for clearance of MAV-1.
223 These cells, but not conventional CD4 or CD8 alpha beta T cells, were detected in the central nervous
224               Addition of 2.5 x 10(4) mature alpha beta T cells, which alone were incapable of facili
225          Murine lupus predominantly requires alpha beta T cells, which provide pathogenic help for au
226                                    Both CD4+ alpha beta T cells with naive (CD45RA+) and memory (CD45

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