


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tion of islet architecture (ratio of beta to alpha cells).
2 y 50% were ZnT8-negative (14 +/- 1.8% of all alpha-cells).
3  a direct effect of leptin on the pancreatic alpha cell.
4  than those presynaptic to the OFF sustained alpha cell.
5 ch multiple a-cells compete to mate with one alpha-cell.
6 ich can selectively stain glucagon secreting alpha cells.
7 ak, inconsistent connections with ON and OFF alpha cells.
8 ric acid A receptor activation in pancreatic alpha cells.
9  loss of beta cell function and expansion of alpha cells.
10 Z treatment sensitizes release mechanisms of alpha cells.
11 nd ROBO2 receptors were detected in beta and alpha cells.
12 resence of a separate population of Ucn 3(+) alpha cells.
13 ineage in primates, but is also expressed in alpha cells.
14 e antagonistically acting glucagon-producing alpha cells.
15 vel observation that they concomitantly gain alpha cells.
16 ansient RGC type that co-stratifies with OFF Alpha cells.
17 anglion cells of which 3.4% (8,300) comprise alpha cells.
18  cells in the presence of a normal number of alpha cells.
19  less dense F-actin networks than EphA4(+/+) alpha-cells.
20 al generated via beta-cell GDH that inhibits alpha-cells.
21 ease via blockade of NaChs in the pancreatic alpha-cells.
22 ion through IL-6-induced GLP-1 production in alpha-cells.
23 articular inhibiting glucagon secretion from alpha-cells.
24 nown about ATP and its relation to Ca(2+) in alpha-cells.
25 duce the proliferation of glucagon-secreting alpha-cells.
26 +)IL-5(+) and CD4(+)IL-2(+)IL-4(+)IL-5(+)TNF-alpha(+)) cells.
27      The cells clustered into populations of alpha-cells (5%), beta-cells (92%), delta-cells (1%), an
28 reting microarray data from MATa cells, MATa/alpha cells, a starving MATalpha/alpha control, and a me
29  reporter was selectively activated in islet alpha-cells, a process mediated by Isl-1 in overexpressi
30 her this pathway is important for regulating alpha-cell activity and glucagon secretion in human isle
31  ion channel in beta-cells to understand how alpha-cell activity is regulated by beta-cells.
32 ion of beta-cells triggered a suppression of alpha-cell activity via gap junction-dependent activatio
33 l activity in delta-cells but suppression of alpha-cell activity.
34 RNAs, of which only 7 were expressed more in alpha-cells (alpha-miRNAs) and 134 were expressed more i
35 c deletion of the mTORC1 regulator Raptor in alpha cells (alphaRaptorKO), we showed that mTORC1 signa
36 n hormone glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) by alpha cells and acts directly on beta cells to stimulate
37 l gap junction coupling was observed between alpha cells and beta cells in the islet.
38  islets and isolated islets from mice; human alpha cells and beta cells were sorted by flow cytometry
39 a cells, and hypomethylated and expressed in alpha cells and Dnmt1-deficient beta cells.
40            Glucagon released from pancreatic alpha cells and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) released
41 peptide hormones as follows: glucagon in the alpha cells and glucagon-like peptides (GLP)-1 and -2 in
42 ble hyperglucagonemia from insulin-resistant alpha cells and is prevented by glucagon suppression or
43 ncreatic beta-cells with apparent sparing of alpha cells and leads to the disruption of pancreatic is
44          INT-777 augmented PC1 expression in alpha cells and stimulated GLP-1 release from islets of
45 sive beta cells normally regulate juxtaposed alpha cells and that without intraislet insulin, unregul
46 ial entrainment characteristics of circadian alpha-cell and beta-cell clocks are an important feature
47 ts and did not explore the interplay between alpha-cell and beta-cell clocks.
48 ne expression, and functional outputs of the alpha-cell and beta-cell clockworks could be assessed in
49 llel analysis of the molecular properties of alpha-cell and beta-cell oscillators using a mouse model
50 n by two mechanisms, a direct stimulation of alpha-cells and an indirect inhibition via somatostatin
51 s our hypothesis that non-beta-cells such as alpha-cells and delta-cells in adults can regenerate, an
52 n, and juxtacrine signals between EphA4/7 on alpha-cells and ephrins on beta-cells.
53  However, Grg3 is expressed in fewer nascent alpha-cells and is progressively lost from alpha-cells a
54 xpression, and Grg3(+/-) pancreata have more alpha-cells and more polyhormonal cells, indicating that
55 ed subplasmalemmal translocation of STIM1 in alpha-cells and retranslocation in beta-cells involving
56 a endocrine cells such as glucagon-producing alpha-cells and somatostatin producing delta-cells.
57 n increased STAT3 phosphorylation in primary alpha-cells and stimulated glucagon secretion.
58 oundary method for modeling both a-cells and alpha-cells and their cell shape changes, the extracellu
59 ion into triglycerides as compared with p110-alpha(+/+) cells, and hepatic expression of liver fatty
60 ely restricted to pancreatic islet beta- and alpha-cells, and responsible for zinc accumulation into
61 subtypes: insulin(+) beta-cells, glucagon(+) alpha-cells, and somatostatin(+) delta-cells.
62 all, this study supports the hypothesis that alpha cells are an endogenous reservoir of potential new
63 c beta cells via apoptosis while neighboring alpha cells are preserved.
64                   Mouse pancreatic beta- and alpha-cells are equipped with voltage-gated Na(+) curren
65  from duct cells and transdifferentiation of alpha-cells are potential contributors to the beta-cell
66 anisms that regulate glucagon secretion from alpha-cells are still unclear.
67 y explain why pancreatic beta cells, but not alpha cells, are targeted by an autoimmune response duri
68 lls that resulted in an altered beta-cell-to-alpha-cell area in the insulin- resistant group.
69 of alpha-cell proliferation and expansion of alpha-cell area, consistent with changes exhibited by en
70 t alpha-cells and is progressively lost from alpha-cells as endocrine cells mature into adulthood.
71 s, with a predominance of glucagon-producing alpha cells at the expense of insulin-producing beta cel
72 rted cells are indistinguishable from native alpha-cells based on ultrastructural morphology and main
73 beta-cells; specifically, glucagon-producing alpha-cells begin producing insulin by a process of repr
74 ie beta-cell dysfunction in T2D, its role in alpha-cell biology remains unclear.
75 ncreatic islet, including glucagon secreting alpha-cells, but particularly in insulin-secreting beta-
76  to GLP-1 synthesis in human and mouse islet alpha cells by GS/cAMP/PKA/cAMP-response element-binding
77 tion, Slc30a8 was inactivated selectively in alpha-cells by crossing mice with alleles floxed at exon
78 ogues reveals a positive correlation between alpha-cell [Ca(2+)](i) and secretion at low glucose leve
79 d by K(ATP) channel activity or reduction in alpha-cell [Ca(2+)](i).
80 ltage-gated calcium channels is critical for alpha-cell calcium oscillations and glucagon secretion a
81     The recent demonstration that pancreatic alpha cells can be continuously regenerated and converte
82                               Interestingly, alpha cells can undergo alpha-alpha unisexual reproducti
83 scence does not alter alpha-cell plasticity: alpha-cells can reprogram to produce insulin from pubert
84 duced [ATP]pm generation was left shifted in alpha-cells compared to beta-cells.
85  Previous studies have noted the increase of alpha-cell composition in diabetes patients and in anima
86 t abnormal glucagon dynamics, and EphA4(-/-) alpha-cells contain less dense F-actin networks than Eph
87 nt decrease in beta-cells and an increase in alpha-cells containing glucagon and glucagon-like peptid
88 trast, before puberty there is no detectable alpha-cell conversion, although beta-cell reconstitution
89 gher numbers found in male fetuses), whereas alpha cell counts were unaffected, precipitating decreas
90 erglucagonemia, possibly due to an intrinsic alpha-cell defect.
91 ression of Ucn 3 in primary and hESC-derived alpha cells demonstrates that human Ucn 3 is not exclusi
92 ants of renin-expressing cells as pancreatic alpha cells despite a lack of active renin expression in
93 riptional and epigenetic derepression of the alpha-cell-determining Arx gene in endocrine progenitors
94 wed that mTORC1 signaling is dispensable for alpha cell development, but essential for alpha cell mat
95 e downregulating arxa, a master regulator of alpha-cell development and function.
96 s development, including islet beta-cell and alpha-cell differentiation, from single fetal progenitor
97 ed for 3D imaging of live islets by staining alpha cell directly.
98                        Ucn 3(+) hESC-derived alpha cells do not express Nkx6.1, Pdx1 or PC1/3 in agre
99 tion, we demonstrate conserved plasticity of alpha cells during islet regeneration.
100 cifies the formation of the pancreatic islet alpha-cell during development.
101   The cause and the underlying mechanisms of alpha cell dysfunction are unknown.
102 that postprandial lipemia induces pancreatic alpha cell dysfunction characteristic of type 2 diabetes
103 etes and, therefore, propose that pancreatic alpha cell dysfunction could be viewed, at least partly,
104 ells may contribute to beta cell failure and alpha cell dysfunction in diabetes.
105                             The TGRL-induced alpha cell dysfunction was due to reduced gamma-aminobut
106 ype 2 diabetes is associated with pancreatic alpha cell dysfunction, characterized by elevated fastin
107  lipoproteins (TGRLs) might cause pancreatic alpha cell dysfunction.
108  ability of an a-cell to distinguish between alpha-cells either making or not making alpha-factor, an
109 imulation of somatostatin secretion inhibits alpha-cell electrical activity by a paracrine mechanism.
110 tissue slices enabled in situ examination of alpha-cell electrophysiology.
111 igated whether TGR5 activation in pancreatic alpha cells enhances hyperglycemia-induced PC1 expressio
112 cagon secretion through tonic stimulation of alpha-cell EphA receptors.
113                          MitoNEET-challenged alpha-cells exert potent antiapoptotic effects on beta-c
114 ntify that reduced mitochondrial function in alpha-cells exerts potently protective effects on beta-c
115 uman alpha, beta, and acinar cells and found alpha cells exhibit intrinsic phenotypic plasticity asso
116 with exocrine and beta cells, differentiated alpha cells exhibited many more genes bivalently marked
117                Importantly, this replicating alpha-cell exhibited activated Sonic hedgehog signaling,
118 ergo elevation of plasma glucagon levels and alpha-cell expansion similar to wild-type mice.
119                                        Human alpha cells express the vesicular acetylcholine transpor
120                                   Pancreatic alpha-cells express voltage-gated Na(+) channels (NaChs)
121 y an increase and decrease, respectively, in alpha-cell F-actin density.
122 et of FoxO1-deficient beta cells adopted the alpha cell fate, resulting in hyperglucagonemia.
123 fferentiate as beta cells instead take on an alpha cell fate.
124  Mnx1 functions to promote beta and suppress alpha cell fates.
125        ZnT8 is thus important in a subset of alpha-cells for normal responses to hypoglycemia and act
126 y facilitate the generation and expansion of alpha-cells for transdifferentiation into beta-cells and
127 howed a negative linear correlation with the alpha-cell fraction (Pearson r = -0.76).
128   We also examined a naturally proliferating alpha-cell from a healthy adult, for which pathway analy
129 a positive role of linagliptin in modulating alpha cell function to restore normoglycemia.
130 onal regulation of key genes responsible for alpha cell function.
131 r, mechanisms regulating glucagon action and alpha-cell function and number are incompletely understo
132 rate an inhibitory role of PI3K signaling on alpha-cell function and provide experimental evidence fo
133 k regulation involving amino acids regulates alpha-cell function and secretion, while glucagon, in tu
134 ncretin and beta-cell function and decreased alpha-cell function, and thus lower glucose levels.
135 e showed no differences in glycemic control, alpha-cell function, or alpha-cell mass.
136 eceptor signaling has deleterious effects on alpha-cell function, promoting hyperglycemia.
137 PI3K) signaling is an important regulator of alpha-cell function.
138 rance, reduced fasting insulin, and improved alpha-cell function.
139 stinfection were elevated, indicating normal alpha-cell function.
140 despite hyperglycemia, implicating defective alpha-cell function.
141 mation on whether these variants also affect alpha-cell function.
142 ing reduced beta-cell secretory capacity and alpha-cell function.
143  with a phosphomutant form of Ngn3 increases alpha cell generation, the earliest endocrine cell type
144                                           In alpha-cells, genetically ablating Scn3a reduces the Na(+
145 uring glucose stimulation and interacts with alpha-cell GHB receptors, thus mediating the suppressive
146 (SST) suppression of hypoglycemia-stimulated alpha-cell glucagon release plays an important role.
147 -cell secretion is not the only regulator of alpha-cell glucagon secretion.
148  and shows that UCP2 is necessary for normal alpha-cell glucose sensing and the maintenance of euglyc
149       We also identified glycine, acting via alpha-cell glycine receptors, as the predominant amino a
150                                   Pancreatic alpha-cell gp130 knockout (alphagp130KO) mice showed no
151 logy modeling type 2 diabetes, activation of alpha-cell gp130 receptor signaling has deleterious effe
152                                Antagonism of alpha-cell gp130 receptor signaling may be useful for th
153  In this study, we elucidated the effects of alpha-cell gp130 receptor signaling on glycemic control
154 ling between pancreatic islet beta-cells and alpha-cells has been proposed to play a role in regulati
155                                 UCP2-deleted alpha-cells have higher levels of intracellular reactive
156 eated with incretin therapy were notable for alpha-cell hyperplasia and glucagon-expressing microaden
157 nockout mice), pancreatic swelling is due to alpha-cell hyperplasia with gross hypersecretion of gluc
158 roliferation and dysplasia and the latter by alpha-cell hyperplasia with the potential for evolution
159  glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, and alpha-cell hyperplasia.
160 p)(-/-) mice developed hyperglucagonemia and alpha-cell hyperplasia.
161 pha-cells link glucagon receptor blockage to alpha-cell hyperplasia.
162 proved in Gcgr(-/-) mice as a consequence of alpha-cell hyperplasia.
163 that without intraislet insulin, unregulated alpha cells hypersecrete glucagon, which directly causes
164                  These alterations may prime alpha cells in STZ-treated mice for more glucagon releas
165 practical tool to evaluate and identify live alpha cells in terms of localization, distribution and a
166               We found higher proportions of alpha cells in the dorsal and ventral retinas.
167                   Acetylcholine secretion by alpha cells in turn sensitizes the beta cell response to
168 e effects of anti-TNF-alpha treatment on TNF-alpha(+) cells in the skin and blood of patients with ps
169                Our data showed the number of alpha-cells in each islet increased following STZ-mediat
170 sistent with changes exhibited by endogenous alpha-cells in Gcgr(-/-) and Gcgr(Hep)(-/-) pancreata.
171 ecovery of regulated glucagon secretion from alpha-cells in small pseudoislets depends upon the combi
172 eride metabolism in adipose tissue regulates alpha-cells in the endocrine pancreas.
173 asma triglyceride metabolism do not regulate alpha-cells in the pancreas.
174  indicate that XBP1 deficiency in pancreatic alpha-cells induces altered insulin signaling and dysfun
175 sing and insulin secretion, as well as islet alpha-cell infiltration, which contribute to reduced glu
176 olazine, via blockade of NaChs in pancreatic alpha-cells, inhibits their electrical activity and redu
177 rglucagonemia has been thought to arise from alpha-cell insensitivity to suppressive effects of gluco
178 dult islet, including the glucagon-producing alpha cells, insulin-producing beta cells, somatostatin-
179       Proglucagon is expressed in pancreatic alpha cells, intestinal L cells, and some hypothalamic a
180                    The data indicate that an alpha-cell-intrinsic mechanism controls glucagon in hypo
181 -cells is increased, while the percentage of alpha-cells is reduced.
182 ever, the mechanism of glucagon secretion in alpha-cells is still not well established.
183                                       Sorted alpha-cells lack endogenous stimulation of EphA forward
184  found that GIP induces production of IL6 by alpha cells, leading to islet production of GLP1 and ins
185 glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 by L cells and alpha cells, leading to secretion of insulin from beta c
186                     Induction of mitoNEET in alpha-cells leads to fasting-induced hypoglycemia and hy
187                  Infection of the pancreatic alpha cell line alpha-TC6 with 7B2-encoding adenovirus e
188 f miR-200c, miR-125b or miR-182 in the mouse alpha cell line alphaTC6 decreases the level of cMAF mRN
189 O] mice) and in vitro (stable XBP1 knockdown alpha-cell line [alphaXBPKD]) models.
190 iated knockdown of Arx, a determinant of the alpha-cell lineage, inhibits the conversion.
191 -expressed in either pituitary or pancreatic alpha cell lines, proglucagon processing was preferentia
192  plasma amino acids and their transport into alpha-cells link glucagon receptor blockage to alpha-cel
193 egulators of beta-cell (Pdx1 and Nkx6.1) and alpha-cell (MafB and Arx) formation and function are dow
194 -secreting beta cells and glucagon-secreting alpha cells maintain physiological blood glucose levels,
195 , urocortin-3, or appeared to co-express the alpha-cell marker, glucagon.
196                                          The alpha-cell markers, Sst and Hhex, are upregulated in Sno
197 responsible for the regulation of pancreatic alpha cell mass and function are not completely understo
198 R complex 1 (mTORC1) as a major regulator of alpha cell mass and glucagon secretion.
199              GCGR antibody blockage expanded alpha-cell mass 5.7-fold, and S961 had no additional eff
200  the maintenance of pancreatic beta-cell and alpha-cell mass and for glucose-stimulated insulin secre
201 mechanisms regulating glucagon secretion and alpha-cell mass are not well understood.
202 tween pancreatic tracer uptake and beta- and alpha-cell mass in a rat model for beta-cell loss.
203 rating leukocyte subtypes, and beta-cell and alpha-cell mass in pancreata recovered from organ donors
204                                     Although alpha-cell mass of STZ-treated mice remained unchanged,
205 butions, decreased beta-cell mass, increased alpha-cell mass, and hyperglucagonemia.
206 P-4 inhibitors expand beta-cell mass, reduce alpha-cell mass, and inhibit glucagon secretion in precl
207 mpensatory hyperglucagonemia or expansion of alpha-cell mass, and that it cannot be given to induce s
208 y which signaling through the Gcgr regulates alpha-cell mass, wild-type islets were transplanted into
209 rsecretion involving expansion of pancreatic alpha-cell mass.
210 in glycemic control, alpha-cell function, or alpha-cell mass.
211 taless related homeobox, result in decreased alpha-cell mass.
212  but did not alter plasma glucagon levels or alpha-cell mass.
213 nd identify a role for mTORC1 in controlling alpha cell-mass maintenance.
214 or alpha cell development, but essential for alpha cell maturation during the transition from a milk-
215 se differences in intracellular Zn(2+) among alpha-cells may contribute to the inhibition in glucagon
216 g of Adora1 and loss of Adora1 expression on alpha-cells may explain the hyperglucagonemia observed i
217                          Thus, diploid a and alpha cells must undergo a developmental transition to t
218 r: beta-cells principally express Nav1.7 and alpha-cells Nav1.3.
219                                       In OFF Alpha cells, NMDAR-mediated responses followed stimuli a
220 ontrols, whereas STZ-associated increases in alpha-cell number and serum glucagon were significantly
221 ta-cell allocation with accompanying reduced alpha-cell numbers.
222                Transition of beta-cells into alpha-cells occurs after beta-cell degranulation and is
223 acrine cells presynaptic to the ON sustained alpha cell of mouse retina provide currents with a highe
224         M4 cells apparently correspond to ON alpha cells of earlier reports, and are easily distingui
225                    Instead, we find that the alpha cells of human islets provide paracrine cholinergi
226                                              alpha cells of STZ-treated mice exhibited the following:
227 acellular Ca(2+) increases were unchanged in alpha-cells of alphaZnT8KO KO mice.
228 ls, with high expression in the hyperplastic alpha-cells of Gcgr(-/-) mice.
229 eceptor (Adora1), is gradually diminished in alpha-cells of NOD mice, autoantibody-positive (AA(+)) a
230 is a 29-amino-acid peptide released from the alpha-cells of the islet of Langerhans, which has a key
231 pal hyperglycaemic hormone, is released from alpha-cells of the pancreatic islet.
232 vealed recombination in approximately 30% of alpha-cells, of which approximately 50% were ZnT8-negati
233       The effect of TGR5-mediated GLP-1 from alpha cells on insulin release from islets could be bloc
234 for beta-cells and that the influence of the alpha-cells on (111)In-exendin uptake is negligible.
235  promising initial results, the influence of alpha-cells on the uptake of the radiotracer remains a m
236 xpressing three reporter genes: one labeling alpha cells, one specific for beta cells, and a third mo
237 countered no overt changes in numbers of TNF-alpha(+) cells or signs of apoptosis in lesional psoriat
238 ltrastructural morphology and maintain their alpha-cell phenotype after transplantation in vivo.
239 pathways, can drive pancreatic cells with an alpha-cell phenotype toward a beta-cell-like phenotype.
240  provide experimental evidence for enhancing alpha-cell PI3K signaling for diabetes treatment.
241      We found that senescence does not alter alpha-cell plasticity: alpha-cells can reprogram to prod
242  diabetogenic role of glucagon released from alpha-cells plays a major role in the etiology of both t
243  have suggested that, under some conditions, alpha cells possess the capacity to transdifferentiate i
244 es replication of beta cells but not that of alpha cells, PP cells, or fibroblasts.
245                           Here, we show that alpha cells produce the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylgl
246 ep)(-/-) mice exhibited an increased rate of alpha-cell proliferation and expansion of alpha-cell are
247   Identification of novel factors regulating alpha-cell proliferation and mass may facilitate the gen
248 ption of hepatic Gcgr signaling can increase alpha-cell proliferation independent of direct pancreati
249  angptl4 and Angptl4 supplementation promote alpha-cell proliferation specifically.
250 t mice without increasing glucagon levels or alpha-cell proliferation, underscoring the importance of
251 receptor inhibition to hyperglucagonemia and alpha-cell proliferation.
252  not previously known to contribute to human alpha-cell proliferation.
253                            Furthermore, beta/alpha cell ratios were increased by approximately 18% an
254 ormal islet size distributions, beta-cell to alpha-cell ratios, endocrine hormone profiles, and RARbe
255 toration of EphA forward signaling in sorted alpha-cells recapitulates both normal basal glucagon sec
256                Ectopic expression of Grg3 in alpha-cells represses glucagon and Arx, and the addition
257 so sufficient to cause Arx-dependent beta-to-alpha-cell reprogramming.
258 eta-cell regeneration therapies relying upon alpha-cell reprogramming.
259 on (V0.5) at -100 mV and -50 mV in beta- and alpha-cells, respectively).
260 was fixed at basal, mimicking the diminished alpha-cell response to hypoglycemia seen in T1DM.
261 e topographic distribution of both total and alpha cells reveal a dual topographic organization of a
262 basal Glp1r signalling in the suppression of alpha cell secretion during exercise.
263 ing receptor-based mechanism for controlling alpha-cell secretory responses to metabolic fuels.
264 EN, a negative regulator of this pathway, in alpha-cells show reduced circulating glucagon levels and
265                                Additionally, alpha-cell-specific EphA4(-/-) mice exhibit abnormal glu
266                  Further to this, we created alpha-cell-specific UCP2 knockout (UCP2AKO) mice, which
267 pha-cells, we created complementary in vivo (alpha-cell-specific XBP1 knockout [alphaXBPKO] mice) and
268 s thus enabled throughout life via delta- or alpha-cell spontaneous reprogramming.
269 sly been shown to downregulate IL-4R subunit alpha cell surface expression and promote Th1 responses.
270 ptide, and glucagon to examine beta-cell and alpha-cell survival and function in a group of 10 chroni
271 glucagon expression expressed selectively in alpha-cells (TFalpha) is targeted by beta-miRNAs; miR-20
272 ion show heterogeneous uptake of Zn(2+) into alpha-cells that correlates to the known heterogeneities
273 let size and an elevated number of beta- and alpha-cells that resulted in an altered beta-cell-to-alp
274                   Given the presumed role of alpha cells to detect brisk transient stimuli, their sim
275 iency did not impair the natural capacity of alpha-cells to reprogram into insulin production after e
276 urine models of diabetes, glucagon-secreting alpha cells transdifferentiate into insulin-secreting be
277 ession of Arx in beta cells, causing beta-to-alpha-cell transdifferentiation.
278 lls to infection by CVB5 and 4 indicate that alpha cells trigger a more efficient antiviral response
279                                   Therefore, alpha-cell UCP2 deletion perturbs the fasting/hypoglycem
280 ow that glucagon, secreted by the pancreatic alpha cell, up-regulates the expression of its own gene
281 , Arx mRNA levels were up-regulated in islet alpha-cells upon Isl-1 overexpression in vivo.
282 Zn(2+) levels were significantly lower in KO alpha-cells versus control cells.
283                        Here we characterized alpha-cell voltage-gated ion channels in a streptozotoci
284 requency distributions for beta cells versus alpha cells was observed, thereby establishing both the
285 Furthermore, TGR5-induced GLP-1 release from alpha cells was via an Epac-mediated PKA-independent mec
286                  Direct effects of SSTR2a on alpha-cells was assessed by resecting the pancreas, whic
287 whereas the effect on electrical activity in alpha-cells was blocked by CYN 154806, an antagonist of
288              To evaluate the role of XBP1 in alpha-cells, we created complementary in vivo (alpha-cel
289  FFAR1 is also present on glucagon-secreting alpha-cells, we hypothesized that palmitate simultaneous
290 in highly purified adult glucagon-expressing alpha-cells, we observed surprisingly high insulin mRNA
291 sing enhanced yellow fluorescence protein in alpha cells were used to identify alpha cells within pan
292                           Glucagon-secreting alpha-cells were unambiguously identified by cell specif
293 found SLIT1 and SLIT3 in both beta cells and alpha cells, whereas SLIT2 was predominantly expressed i
294 by SST receptor type 2 (SSTR2) antagonism of alpha-cells, which relieve SSTR2 inhibition, thereby inc
295     Incubation of mouse and human pancreatic alpha cells with GIP induced their production of IL6, le
296 stituted from dispersed islet cells to study alpha-cells with and without various indirect effects fr
297 ound to be expressed in pancreatic beta- and alpha-cells, with high expression in the hyperplastic al
298 protein in alpha cells were used to identify alpha cells within pancreas slices.
299 -releasing beta-cells and glucagon-secreting alpha-cells within intact mouse and human pancreatic isl
300 undergo a conversion into glucagon-producing alpha-cells without introduction of any genetic modifica

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