


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e co-resident symbiont Hodgkinia cicadicola (alpha-Proteobacteria).
2 embers of which are widely distributed among alpha proteobacteria.
3 transcription factor CuxR in plant symbiotic alpha-proteobacteria.
4  closely related to the genera Paracoccus of alpha-Proteobacteria.
5 a new mechanism of F1F0-ATPase regulation in alpha-proteobacteria.
6  but this has not been demonstrated in other alpha-proteobacteria.
7 ith succinyl-CoA in non-plant eukaryotes and alpha-proteobacteria.
8 ral importance to the specific lifestyles of alpha-proteobacteria.
9 rine bacterium belonging to sulfur-degrading alpha-proteobacteria.
10 ny of which are also conserved among diverse alpha-Proteobacteria.
11 ing (HLB), is a non culturable member of the alpha-proteobacteria.
12 aralogous pathway that arose specifically in alpha-proteobacteria.
13  the global cell cycle regulator CtrA in the alpha-proteobacteria.
14 nts (GTAs), viral-like particles produced by alpha-Proteobacteria.
15  a conserved function of CpdR proteins among alpha-proteobacteria.
16 ukaryotic succinyl-CoA synthetase clade with alpha-proteobacteria.
17 d among plasmids and some chromosomes of the alpha-Proteobacteria.
18 h are highly conserved among plasmids of the alpha-Proteobacteria.
19 ed in free-living and obligate intracellular alpha-proteobacteria.
20 ial DNA methyltransferase from gram negative alpha-proteobacteria.
21 Pase of Paracoccus denitrificans and related alpha-proteobacteria.
22 er sphaeroides and related proteins in other alpha-proteobacteria.
23 K (S11)-rpoA (alpha)-rplQ (L17) found in the alpha-proteobacteria.
24 enzymes similar to that of its homologues in alpha-proteobacteria.
25 een in other archaea and an example from the alpha-proteobacteria.
26 wo chromosomes are similar to those of other alpha-proteobacteria.
27 mily of response regulators found in several alpha-proteobacteria.
28 ase activity over the ATPase turnover in the alpha-proteobacteria.
29 ins within a distinct taxonomic group of the alpha-proteobacteria.
30 d to novel lineages of podoviruses infecting alpha-proteobacteria, a bacterial class critical to ocea
31 tions of the origins of the replicons in the alpha proteobacteria Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Sinor
32 hvI orthologues for virulence of the related alpha-proteobacteria Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Bruce
33 eral, but not all, cyanobacteria and also in alpha -proteobacteria and acidobacteria.
34 tion of circular chromosome origins in these alpha proteobacteria and is also the first to specify th
35 ignatures for the beta/gamma proteobacteria, alpha proteobacteria and low GC Gram-positive bacteria g
36 teria the class I LysRS is only found in the alpha-proteobacteria and a scattering of other groups, i
37 logs of GapR, which are ubiquitous among the alpha-proteobacteria and are encoded on multiple bacteri
38 the Mt group matches best with the classical alpha-proteobacteria and closely with Rickettsia but sig
39  Many Gram-negative organisms, including all alpha-proteobacteria and diverse environmental isolates,
40 ained in both bloom and control samples with Alpha-proteobacteria and Gamma-proteobacteria being the
41                Data showed that the dominant alpha-proteobacteria and gamma-proteobacteria communitie
42                                      In both alpha-Proteobacteria and gamma-Proteobacteria, postrepli
43  eight conserved sigma(E)-dependent genes in alpha-proteobacteria and gamma-proteobacteria.
44  Gelfand identified a protein termed BioR in alpha-proteobacteria and predicted that BioR would have
45 agnetotactic bacteria that is outside of the alpha-Proteobacteria and that forms bullet-shaped crysta
46                         FzlA is conserved in alpha-proteobacteria and was found to be functionally cr
47 e encoded in a wide range of host-associated alpha-proteobacteria, and it is likely that the VtlR gen
48 p. berkhoffii and closely related species of alpha proteobacteria are an important, previously unreco
49          Members of the Roseobacter clade of alpha-proteobacteria are among the most abundant and eco
50     This CbiX can generally be identified in alpha-proteobacteria as the terminal enzyme of siroheme
51 ularly permuted version of the tmRNA gene in alpha-proteobacteria as well as in a lineage of cyanobac
52                     Conversely, diversity of alpha-Proteobacteria, beta-Proteobacteria, and Chlamydia
53  relationships among a representative set of alpha-Proteobacteria by sequencing analysis of three loc
54        The CcrM DNA methyltransferase of the alpha-proteobacteria catalyzes the methylation of the ad
55 plicated HSP60 sequences among the classical alpha-proteobacteria contrasted with no duplications of
56                 They differentiated from the alpha-proteobacteria-derived ancestors by adding noncata
57 uinone reductase), which is composed of four alpha-proteobacteria-derived catalytic subunits (SDH1-SD
58 ae formation, and had already evolved before alpha-proteobacteria developed into mitochondria.
59                        Mic60 homologues from alpha-proteobacteria display the same membrane deforming
60  that serves as a "phosphate sink" among the alpha-proteobacteria (e.g. Sinorhizobium meliloti), for
61 ine isolates belong to novel taxa within the alpha-PROTEOBACTERIA: Eight of these latter isolates are
62 other gamma-Proteobacteria, and in beta- and alpha-Proteobacteria, for example, in genomes of Enterob
63 acteria, Methylobacterium species, and other alpha-proteobacteria form distinct phylogenetic clusters
64                      Wolbachia is a genus of alpha-proteobacteria found in obligate intracellular ass
65                                    Recently, alpha-proteobacteria have been shown to possess virus-li
66     A major conclusion of this study is that alpha-proteobacteria have evolved a promiscuous sigma fa
67  capsulation in Caulobacter, indicating that alpha-proteobacteria have retained HvyA activity.
68 he possibility of involvement of one or more alpha proteobacteria; however, because of the limited qu
69 ers are found in the genomes of other marine alpha-proteobacteria, implying lipid renovation is a com
70 METTL20 orthologues are found in a subset of alpha-proteobacteria, including Agrobacterium tumefacien
71 chain fatty acid thought to be unique to the alpha-proteobacteria, including B. abortus.
72 was reported that tRNA(His) of a subgroup of alpha-proteobacteria, including Caulobacter crescentus,
73  conserved in several speices of flagellated alpha-proteobacteria, is required for motility and flage
74  divergence within the bacterial subdivision alpha-Proteobacteria on the basis of the 16S rRNA gene a
75 ities could be detected in other autotrophic alpha-proteobacteria or in gram-positive methylotrophic
76 211, an isolate of the SAR11 clade of marine alpha-proteobacteria, produces methane from MPn, stoichi
77 otting apples and reconstructed microbiomes: alpha-Proteobacteria-rich communities promote proliferat
78                                           In alpha-proteobacteria, strict regulation of cell cycle pr
79 -negative, lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-negative alpha-Proteobacteria such as Ehrlichia muris and Sphingo
80 consists of very small, heterotrophic marine alpha-proteobacteria that are found throughout the ocean
81      Wolbachia are cytoplasmically inherited alpha-proteobacteria that can cause cytoplasmic incompat
82 ally distinct group with RpoH orthologs from alpha-proteobacteria that contain two rpoH genes.
83 yR is a hybrid stress regulator conserved in alpha-proteobacteria that contains an N-terminal sigma-l
84 The dimorphic prosthecate bacteria (DPB) are alpha-proteobacteria that reproduce in an asymmetric man
85 eciensis belongs to the roseobacter clade of alpha-Proteobacteria, the populations of which wax and w
86 which are characteristic of mitochondria and alpha-proteobacteria, their shared ancestry suggests tha
87 ribution of che1 and che2 orthologues in the alpha-proteobacteria together with our results allow us
88 cally under purifying selection but have, in alpha-proteobacteria, undergone a burst of diversificati
89                                              alpha-Proteobacteria uniquely integrate features of two-
90 is found only in the asymmetrically dividing alpha-proteobacteria, was integrated later in evolution
91                                              Alpha proteobacteria were not isolated from the blood by
92 s strongly conserved in more closely related alpha-proteobacteria with similar ecological niches as S

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