


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 PA (GA-binding protein transcription factor, alpha subunit).
2 g phosphohistidine-containing segment of the alpha subunit.
3 ed region of rpoA, the gene encoding the PEP alpha subunit.
4 depends on the stabilization of their labile alpha subunit.
5 gh trans-presentation via the IL-15 receptor alpha subunit.
6  ARNT spirals around the outside of each HIF-alpha subunit.
7 ith many different functions, including a Go alpha subunit.
8 ed ligand binding sites on the Na(v) channel alpha subunit.
9 n are not necessary for GDP release from the alpha subunit.
10 no dominant-negative effect on MaxiK channel alpha subunit.
11 ed tumor cells expressing RET and/or the HIF-alpha subunit.
12  the skeletal muscle-expressed KCNC4 (Kv3.4) alpha subunit.
13 ding the T2DM-linked KCNQ1 potassium channel alpha subunit.
14        AGDV has very little contact with the alpha-subunit.
15 , but the suppression is much greater in the alpha-subunit.
16 bunit and an S6 point mutation in the second alpha-subunit.
17 s used as a stand-alone catalyst without the alpha-subunit.
18  of the absolutely conserved Thr(772) of the alpha-subunit.
19 s encircles the C-terminal segment of the IR alpha-subunit.
20  of barttin suffices for most effects on the alpha-subunit.
21  the organization of membrane domains of the alpha-subunit.
22 produce the effects of complexation with the alpha-subunit.
23 rom each other in how they interact with the alpha-subunit.
24 he gene encoding the Kv9.3 potassium channel alpha-subunit.
25 t T210 phosphorylation of the Snf1 catalytic alpha-subunit.
26 in cells overexpressing either WT or 3M ENaC-alpha subunits.
27 beta2 tetramers differing in their catalytic alpha subunits.
28  in both alpha (N217, V218 and P221) and non-alpha subunits.
29 itive regulators of heterotrimeric G protein alpha subunits.
30 ctive noncanonical GABAA receptors that lack alpha subunits.
31 e at the interface between receptor beta and alpha subunits.
32 t is a heteromeric receptor composed only of alpha subunits.
33 H and promoting lysosomal degradation of HIF-alpha subunits.
34 and binding pocket conferred by two adjacent alpha subunits.
35 P) is blocked by the convergent N termini of alpha-subunits.
36 idual alpha-subunits and between neighboring alpha-subunits.
37 RAMP2), and the role of individual G protein alpha-subunits.
38 in (TrfA) with both the polymerase beta- and alpha-subunits.
39 stalk binds to the N-terminal regions of two alpha-subunits.
40 , and ATP synthase mitrochondrial F1 complex alpha subunit 1 (Atp5a1)] functions.
41 (Nfe2) and core-binding factor, runt domain, alpha subunit 2, translocated to, 3 homolog (Cbfa2t3h) b
42 son we expressed zebrafish CaV2.1 and CaV2.2 alpha-subunits, along with their accessory subunits, in
43 h mutant mice harboring diazepam-insensitive alpha-subunits alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, or alpha5 have re
44 TR of the mRNAs encoding the collagen type I alpha-subunits (alpha1(I) and alpha2(I)), and coordinate
45        FSH is a heterodimer consisting of an alpha subunit, also present in luteinizing hormone, and
46 av) channel is composed of an ion-conducting alpha subunit and associated beta subunits.
47 ing a conditional allele of diphtheria toxin alpha subunit and cell-specific expression of Cre recomb
48 lso identifies the gamma-binding site on the alpha subunit and demonstrates that in the majority of i
49 an bind to more than one site on the Nav 1.5 alpha subunit and induce the formation of alpha subunit
50  are transmembrane receptors composed of one alpha subunit and one beta subunit and are involved in c
51  that prevents reassociation of G(i) protein alpha subunit and prolongs the betagamma-mediated signal
52 pe and the switching function of a G-protein alpha subunit and the influence of a GPCR in that landsc
53         Both our structural model of an ENaC alpha subunit and the resolved structure of an acid-sens
54 otassium (Kv) channels comprise pore-forming alpha subunits and a multiplicity of regulatory proteins
55 erizes alphaIIbbeta3 is seen between various alpha subunits and beta1 TM/CTs.
56                  Genes encoding two putative alpha subunits and two putative beta subunits of Rab-GGT
57 urally related heterodimers consisting of an alpha-subunit and a ligand-specific beta-subunit that co
58  a hetero-oligomer consisting of a catalytic alpha-subunit and a regulatory beta-subunit (Na,K-beta)
59 bunit or an S4S5 point mutation in the first alpha-subunit and an S6 point mutation in the second alp
60 ther an S4S5/S6 double mutation in the first alpha-subunit and no mutation in the second (concatenate
61 olves dynamic binding both within individual alpha-subunits and between neighboring alpha-subunits.
62 ntly occurring mutants of trimeric G-protein alpha-subunits and GPCRs.
63                    It consists of four KCNQ1 alpha-subunits and up to four KCNE1 beta-subunits, which
64 ne a flavin-binding flavoprotein (SiRFP, the alpha subunit) and the other an iron-containing hemoprot
65 how the beta-subunit surrounds a part of the alpha-subunit, and we showed the existence of the two me
66 uced rearrangements of the voltage sensor in alpha-subunits, and (iii) the relative position of the b
67 (+) (Kv) channel comprises four pore-forming alpha-subunits, and only members of the same Kv channel
68 ed a new class of FP from an allophycocyanin alpha-subunit (APCalpha).
69 associated protein interaction domain of the alpha subunit are key components of this recognition pro
70 h various nonhypoxic stimuli, the active HIF-alpha subunits are mainly regulated through increased pr
71 l abundances of G proteins because G protein alpha subunits are misfolded and degraded rapidly.
72 region and first transmembrane domain of the alpha-subunit are required for modulation by auxiliary b
73    Unlike potassium channels, sodium channel alpha-subunits are believed to form functional monomers.
74   We demonstrate that many of the GPCTRs and alpha-subunits are co-expressed in these tissues and tha
75                The contributions of specific alpha-subunits are further dissected using exogenously e
76  homo- or heterotetramers of Kv7.4 and Kv7.5 alpha-subunits, are important regulators of vascular smo
77 ically to those contributions of some of the alpha-subunit aromatics.
78        We identified CD25, the IL-2 receptor alpha subunit, as a favorable target for systemic radioi
79 it transcription, which allows increased HIF-alpha subunit availability.
80  is folded before the subunits dock, and the alpha-subunit becomes incorporated into the dimer by a m
81 in interacts with its platform formed by the alpha-subunit beta-propeller and beta-subunit betaI doma
82                           The GABAA receptor alpha subunit beta1 strand runs anti-parallel to the bet
83  of vertebrate KCNQ2, KCNQ3, and Nav channel alpha-subunits bind Ankyrin-G (AnkG), thereby mediating
84 ction through the same mechanism: mimicry of alpha-subunit binding.
85 (+)(BK) channel consists of the pore-forming alpha subunits (BKalpha) and auxiliary subunits.
86 e-forming voltage-gated Na(+) channel (VGSC) alpha subunit, but also by the integrated function of a
87 l constructs and relate it to other integrin alpha subunits by mutagenesis.
88   We observe the interaction of the Msm RNAP alpha-subunit C-terminal domain (alphaCTD) with DNA, and
89 ly defined as ancillary to the Na(+) channel alpha subunit, can be partly consequent to disrupted int
90 ly defined as ancillary to the Na(+) channel alpha subunit, can be partly consequent to disrupted int
91 oximately 200 times more rapidly than native alpha subunits, causing the oxygenated form of rHb Kirkl
92 ression of the interleukin 3 (IL-3) receptor alpha subunit (CD123), an established marker of acute my
93 t role in the transcription of IL-7 receptor alpha-subunit (CD127), enabling responsiveness of naive
94 ression of the interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor alpha subunit CD25, accumulation of Foxp3(+)CD25(-) cell
95 t stimulate gene transcription of the common alpha-subunit (Cga) and the hormone-specific beta-subuni
96 ocess of rod cyclic nucleotide-gated channel alpha-subunit (CNGA1), a PM component essential for phot
97         Ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor alpha subunit (CNTFRalpha) and CNTF play important roles
98       Interleukin 6, interleukin 10 receptor alpha subunit, colony stimulating factor 3 receptor and
99 rs adopt the analogous beta-alpha-delta-beta-alpha subunit configuration remains controversial.
100 llection of Gram-negative bacteria, with the alpha subunit containing the BC and the beta subunit the
101                                       Mutant alpha subunits containing Leu-58(E7) autoxidize approxim
102                                    G protein alpha subunits cycle between active and inactive conform
103 AMPK mice deficient for one of the catalytic alpha subunits displayed reduced endogenous tau phosphor
104 in each of the voltage-sensors from the four alpha-subunit domains (DI-DIV) to monitor the activity o
105 t the mutation impacts both the level of the alpha subunit encoded by PMPCA and the function of mitoc
106                    Co-expression of the AP-2 alpha subunit enhanced the Nef.AP-2 sigma2 subunit BiFC
107 nctional effects on human cardiac Kv channel alpha subunits expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes.
108 PLY, correlating with reduced pulmonary ENaC-alpha subunit expression.
109                                         BKCa alpha-subunit expression was unchanged, BKCa beta1-subun
110 ndau tumor suppressor, which targets the HIF-alpha subunit for proteasomal degradation, led to rapid
111 stency with the traditional idea of a single alpha-subunit functioning as a monomer.
112    Inactivation of the G-protein stimulatory alpha-subunit (G(s)alpha) leads to accelerated different
113  by exchange of GDP for GTP at the G protein alpha subunit (Galpha), most notably by G protein-couple
114  that guanine nucleotide-binding (G) protein alpha subunit (Galpha)-interacting vesicle-associated pr
115 d show that a conformational ensemble of the alpha subunit Galphas of heterotrimeric stimulatory prot
116                        G protein stimulatory alpha-subunit (Galphas)-coupled heptahelical receptors r
117 NA level of Scn5a (the cardiac Na(+) channel alpha subunit gene), as well as a 56% reduction (by Wnt3
118 , the P/Q-type voltage-gated calcium channel alpha subunit gene, expressed throughout the brain desta
119  distal enhancer of the gonadotropin hormone alpha-subunit gene, chorionic gonadotropin alpha (Cga),
120  was highly specific, involving just 3 of 69 alpha subunit genes probed: known KCNE3 partners KCNC4 a
121  histidine (R243H) mutation in the G-protein alpha subunit GNAO1 in breast carcinoma tissue.
122 ng the TSH receptor (TSHR) or the Gs protein alpha subunit (GNAS) are found in approximately 70% of A
123 nock-out mutant of the Arabidopsis G-protein alpha subunit (gpa1-5) and analysed its transcriptome to
124 tor glycoprotein Ib (GPIb), specifically its alpha subunit (GPIbalpha), to signal as they tether and
125 ne model in which a constitutively active Gq alpha subunit (Gq(Q209L), referred to herein as GqQ>L) i
126                 At the same time, the mutant alpha subunit has an approximately 80,000-fold higher af
127 ein, and the tentatively assigned hemoglobin alpha subunit-heme complex from blood suggests that fibe
128  Activation of HIF-1 requires binding of its alpha-subunit (HIF-1alpha) to the transcriptional coacti
129 arker RAM-11, and hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha subunit [HIF-1alpha]).
130               The hypoxia inducible factor 1 alpha subunit (HIF1A) directly repressed the MIR34A gene
131 ed the binding of hypoxia inducible factor 1 alpha subunit (HIF1A) in the VEGFA gene promoter.
132 ma 2 (BCL2), and hypoxia inducible factor 1, alpha subunit (HIF1A).
133 HIFs are heterodimers of an oxygen-sensitive alpha subunit, HIF1alpha or HIF2alpha, and a constitutiv
134 ubunit that could regulate activity of MaxiK alpha subunit (hSlo) on the plasma membrane.
135 ired for maintaining a stable IkappaB kinase alpha subunit (IKKalpha) level because treating the cell
136  epithelial anti-inflammatory IL-10 receptor alpha subunit (IL-10RA) is also important for barrier fo
137         Here, we identify the IL-11 receptor alpha subunit (IL-11Ralpha) as a cell surface marker of
138 studied the internal mobility of a G-protein alpha subunit in its apo and nucleotide-bound forms and
139 tion of the peripheral knuckle domain of the alpha subunit in the alphabetagamma trimer results in ch
140  alpha2 subunit ( approximately 20% of total alpha subunits in rat ventricle): they act as a reserve
141  glycosylated and do not associate with VGSC alpha subunits in the brain.
142  several classes of heterotrimeric G protein alpha subunits in vertebrates.
143                 The crystal structure of the alpha-subunit in the complex with an analog of glycyl ad
144  in three out of the four diazepam-sensitive alpha-subunits in mice with a 129X1/SvJ background, diaz
145 sults from a phylum-specific cleavage of the alpha subunit, in which the C-terminal alphaC fragments
146 ltage-gated sodium (NaV) channels contain an alpha-subunit incorporating the channel's pore and gatin
147 We identified one of four planarian integrin-alpha subunits inhibition of which phenocopied these eff
148 s with lower affinity to a site at the gamma-alpha subunit interface where etomidate analogs bind tha
149 erlap with the orthosteric sites at the beta/alpha subunit interface.
150 d to act through the transmembrane beta((+))/alpha((-)) subunit interface of the receptor, possibly t
151 binding in the ion channel and to a gamma(+)-alpha(-) subunit interface site similar to its GABAAR in
152 g in the extracellular domain at the beta(+)-alpha(-) subunit interfaces.
153 ed by Yme1p acting alone, while the released alpha subunit is degraded in parallel by an unidentified
154 eta2-subunit of the Na/K-ATPase, whereas the alpha-subunit is exchangeable.
155       Cardiac isozymes contain one catalytic alpha-subunit isoform (alpha1, alpha2, or alpha3) associ
156 ns in the genes coding for Na(+),K(+)-ATPase alpha-subunit isoforms lead to severe human pathologies
157 fferentially modulates the N-terminal BK(Ca) alpha-subunit isoforms.
158  does not contain homologs of bacterial RNAP alpha subunits, it contains, in addition to the beta and
159 mach, and kidney, KCNE3 coassembles with the alpha-subunit KCNQ1 to form K(+) channels important for
160      In the heart, KCNE1 associates with the alpha-subunit KCNQ1 to generate the slowly activating, v
161             Here, we show that the catalytic alpha-subunits KIN10 and KIN11 of the Arabidopsis (Arabi
162 esults suggest that multiple residues in the alpha subunit knuckle domain contribute to the mechanism
163         We systematically mutated individual alpha subunit knuckle domain residues and assessed funct
164 ormed by the co-assembly of the pore-forming alpha-subunits, Kv4.2 and Kv4.3, together with the acces
165 the activity of BK channels by decreasing BK-alpha subunit levels at the plasma membrane.
166 ell death-inducing DNA fragmentation factor, alpha subunit-like effector A (Cidea), a transcriptional
167 t cystine knot, and second, contacts between alpha-subunit loop 2 and a hydrophobic tail in the beta-
168  in homozygotes, suggesting that loss of Nav alpha subunit modulation by Nav beta1 contributes to the
169 n the nascent polypeptide-associated complex alpha subunit (NACA).
170      Here we demonstrate that sodium channel alpha-subunits not only physically interact with each ot
171 nd quantify the AOA amoA genes (encoding the alpha subunit of ammonia monooxygenases) preserved in a
172 utations in Galphaq proteins, which form the alpha subunit of certain heterotrimeric G proteins, driv
173 ween the N-terminal residues of PsbP and the alpha subunit of Cytochrome (Cyt) b559 (PsbE).
174 kinase (PERK/EIF2AK3) phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eIF2 (eIF2alpha approximately P), which
175 environmental stress, phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eIF2 (eIF2alpha-P) represses global pro
176 3/PEK) results in the phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eIF2 (eIF2alpha-P), which represses tra
177 s signals lead to the phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eIF2 (Ser51), resulting in inhibition o
178 sponse (ISR) in which phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eIF2 results in a coincident global red
179 ranslation is through phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2).
180 tion of a translation initiation factor, the alpha subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2alp
181 ylation of the translation initiation factor alpha subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2alp
182 tein kinase [PKR]-like ER kinase)-eIF2alpha (alpha subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2)-depende
183 our stress-sensing kinases phosphorylate the alpha subunit of eukaryotic translation initiation facto
184 hibition, mediated by phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eukaryotic translation initiation facto
185 ly for Pro-containing protein regions in the alpha subunit of Hb, revealing new protected Hb regions
186                   The pntA gene encoding the alpha subunit of heteromultimeric PntAB in Synechocystis
187 ubiquitin ligase, which targets hydroxylated alpha subunit of hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs) for ub
188 butable to the extent of deregulation of the alpha subunit of hypoxia-inducible factor alpha, a well
189  toxin targets a cysteine residue within the alpha subunit of inhibitory trimeric G-proteins, we obse
190              Interestingly, the pore-forming alpha subunit of KCa1.1 coimmunoprecipitates with beta1
191                                          The alpha subunit of MCR (McrA) contains several unusual pos
192        The bellwether (blw) gene encodes the alpha subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase.
193                 PMPCA encodes alpha-MPP, the alpha subunit of mitochondrial processing peptidase, the
194 h a known basolateral localized protein, the alpha subunit of Na(+)-K(+) ATPase (ATPalpha).
195 sal adaptor site where it is adjacent to the alpha subunit of NAC.
196 r, in the N-terminal cytoplasmic tail of the alpha subunit of phosphotransferase impair retention of
197                             CTSs bind to the alpha subunit of pump alphabeta protomers.
198                            Additionally, the alpha subunit of the 11S alphabeta regulatory particle,
199              Unlike the beta subunit, the CP alpha subunit of the apicomplexan parasite Plasmodium is
200                                      We used alpha subunit of the calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase
201 ntroducing a (His)6-tag within a loop in the alpha subunit of the complex.
202 air distances are mainly observed within the alpha subunit of the enzyme.
203 le protein with ability to phosphorylate the alpha subunit of the eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF)-
204                      GCN2 phosphorylates the alpha subunit of the eukaryotic translation initiation f
205 wn that YpkA binds to and phosphorylates the alpha subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein complex, G
206 ough the importance of the C terminus of the alpha subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein in G prote
207 n-containing protein 1 (EPAS1), a regulatory alpha subunit of the hypoxia-inducible factor complex, d
208              However, the role of CD103, the alpha subunit of the integrin alphaEbeta7 (also known as
209 ized monoclonal antibody that binds to CD25 (alpha subunit of the interleukin-2 receptor) and modulat
210 , a monoclonal antibody directed against the alpha subunit of the interleukin-5 receptor that signifi
211                            SCN5A encodes the alpha subunit of the major cardiac sodium channel Na(V)1
212        Mutations in SCN5A, which encodes the alpha subunit of the major cardiac sodium channel Na(V)1
213 e show that mycolactone directly targets the alpha subunit of the Sec61 translocon to block the produ
214                                      A wheat alpha subunit of the Sucrose Non-Fermenting1-Related Kin
215 trast, stress-induced phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of the translation initiation factor eIF2
216 this stress response in the liver, including alpha subunit of translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2al
217 entify long-range amino acid networks in the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase both for the restin
218 he RH domains interact specifically with the alpha subunits of G12 heterotrimeric GTPases.
219 ons in GNAQ and GNA11, two highly homologous alpha subunits of Galphaq/11 heterotrimeric G proteins,
220                         In this complex, the alpha subunits of Hb are refolded with the heme displace
221                         The oxygen-regulated alpha subunits of Hif-1 and Hif-2 (namely, Hif-1alpha an
222 EF) activity toward heterotrimeric G protein alpha subunits of the i, q, and 12/13 classes, catalyzin
223  outward potassium current, IA , mediated by alpha subunits of the Kv4 family of ion channels, and th
224 te that the regulatory (beta) and catalytic (alpha) subunits of CK2 are essential for synapse mainten
225 f BKalpha(-/-) mice lacking the pore-forming alpha-subunit of BK channels have longer IPSCs than do t
226 termined crystal structures of the catalytic alpha-subunit of BSS with its accessory subunits beta an
227 er stress conditions, phosphorylation of the alpha-subunit of eIF2 downregulates cellular protein syn
228 t a postulated ligand entry/exit site in the alpha-subunit of hemoglobin, which, to the best of our k
229  the binding of an antibody (mAb 637) to the alpha-subunit of the AChR, suggesting that both antibodi
230                       Here, we show that the alpha-subunit of the alpha2beta2 GlyRS from the bacteriu
231                Here we study the fate of the alpha-subunit of the complex, Fas2, when its partner, th
232 icoid-induced leucine-zipper protein and the alpha-subunit of the epithelial Na(+) channel, supportin
233  control mice and in adult mice in which the alpha-subunit of the epithelial sodium channel was condi
234 is dependent on inactive Fus3 binding to the alpha-subunit of the heterotrimeric G-protein.
235 beta prodomain and through the beta- and not alpha-subunit of the integrin.
236                            SCN4A encodes the alpha-subunit of the skeletal muscle voltage-gated sodiu
237 n of the transcript of the gene encoding the alpha-subunit of the sodium channel ENaC in cell lines a
238  mutations in the SCN5A gene, coding for the alpha-subunit of the sodium channel NaV1.5.
239 by GNAS, XLalphas is partly identical to the alpha-subunit of the stimulatory G protein (Gsalpha), bu
240  the production of which is catalyzed by the alpha-subunit of the stimulatory G protein (Gsalpha), co
241      The hypoxic response is mediated by the alpha-subunit of the transcription factor HIF-1 (HIF-1al
242 IFNAR1-knockout mice that do not express the alpha-subunit of the type 1 IFNR did not prevent splenom
243                            SCN5A encodes the alpha-subunit of the voltage-gated sodium channel NaV1.5
244                                          The alpha-subunits of hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF1alpha a
245 , T2R118, T2R138 and T2R104), as well as the alpha-subunits of the associated signalling complex (alp
246 e showed that the N-terminal residues of the alpha-subunits of the CP from the archaeon Thermoplasma
247      LIMBS contacts distinct residues in the alpha-subunits of the two beta3 integrins alphaIIbbeta3
248 .5 alpha subunit and induce the formation of alpha subunit oligomers, including trimers.
249 that noncovalently associates with the small alpha subunit on the intermembrane space side of the inn
250 and no mutation in the second (concatenated) alpha-subunit or an S4S5 point mutation in the first alp
251 mic S4S5/S6 binding occurs within individual alpha-subunits or between neighboring alpha-subunits, we
252  enzyme (GBE) and the phosphorylase b kinase alpha subunit (PhKalpha) protein, were significantly upr
253                                       First, alpha subunits possess intrinsic signals to segregate in
254               First, the cystine knot of the alpha-subunit potentiates formation of the beta-subunit
255 l types and with or without the pore-forming alpha subunit present.
256                   We find that the G protein alpha subunit Ras and helical domains-previously observe
257                   Gastrocnemius K(+) channel alpha subunit remodeling arising from Kcne3 deletion was
258 ains with self-reactivity but is occluded by alpha subunit replacement of pTalpha upon alphabetaTCR f
259 t encodes a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha subunit required for Drosophila sleep.
260 ion analysis of voltage-gated sodium channel alpha subunits revealed NaV 1.7 mRNA transcripts in near
261                         The structure of the alpha subunit reveals that it is a haem-binding PAS doma
262  formed between putative Arabidopsis Rab-GGT alpha subunits RGTA1/RGTA2 and beta subunits RGTB1/RGTB2
263 are present within the regulatory (R) PKA RI alpha-subunit (RIalpha).
264 f human choriogonadotropin, neither of these alpha-subunit roles was necessary for folding of the bet
265 n this study, we targeted the RNA polymerase alpha subunit (rpoA) using a PNA that was covalently con
266 gnaling by accelerating deactivation of Gi/o alpha-subunits, several neurological phenotypes of R7-RG
267 es during development and in adults, whereas alpha subunits showed a structure- and age-characteristi
268 al integrity of the labile C terminus of the alpha subunit (site A).
269 terminal domain to a standard F-ATP synthase alpha subunit suppresses ATPase activity.
270 s that contain amino acid sequences from the alpha subunit that confer GM2 ganglioside-degrading acti
271 d KCNE4 functionally regulated Kv1.5 (the Kv alpha subunit that generates IKslow1 in mice).
272 haolf (Golf) are highly homologous G-protein alpha subunits that activate adenylate cyclase, thereby
273 ulated exon (STREX), a splice-variant of the alpha-subunit that displays altered channel regulation b
274                        Multiple K(+) channel alpha-subunits that coassemble with Hk, including Shaker
275 ugh expression of differing ratios of gamma1:alpha-subunits, the results reveal an all-or-none functi
276 accelerating the GTP hydrolysis on G protein alpha subunits thereby promoting termination of GPCR sig
277 rophysiological modulation of sodium channel alpha subunits to cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth.
278 e with KCNQ1 (Q1) voltage-gated K(+) channel alpha-subunits to form IKslow (IKs) channels in the hear
279 is to chaperone voltage-gated sodium channel alpha-subunits to the plasma membrane.
280 ety from the Ac-CoA binding site (within the alpha subunit) to the NDP-binding site (within the beta
281 he activity of BK channels by stimulating BK-alpha subunit trafficking.
282 his activation is the result of enhanced HIF-alpha subunit transcription, which allows increased HIF-
283 e, but not in mice lacking the rod G-protein alpha subunit, transducin (Galphat), revealing these res
284 t retinal rod bipolar cells depends on the G(alpha) subunit via a G(alpha)-adenylate cyclase-cAMP cas
285                                  An nACh non-alpha subunit was expressed in a group of unidentified c
286                 The primary influence of the alpha-subunit was seen when the hydrophobic tail was pre
287 cs the activation afforded by binding of the alpha-subunit, was demonstrated to have a similar activa
288 vidual alpha-subunits or between neighboring alpha-subunits, we performed a double-mutant cycle analy
289                           Specifically, NaV -alpha subunits were dispersed and NaV beta4 subunit was
290  no evidence for an involvement of any other alpha-subunit, whereas TP003, described as a selective m
291  GNAQ and GNA11 are heterotrimeric G protein alpha subunits, which are mutated in a mutually exclusiv
292               K(+) channels containing Kv1.1 alpha subunits, which become prevalent at internodes in
293 age into a large beta-subunit, and a smaller alpha-subunit, which harbors the prosthetic group at its
294 efold, thereby templating the folding of the alpha-subunits, which then chaperone the assembly of the
295 orebrain structures, and coassembly of these alpha subunits with the beta subunit appears to occur to
296 (<1 ms) and deactivated as a function of the alpha-subunit, with alpha2-containing GABAARs consistent
297 ecause of expression of the diphtheria toxin alpha subunit within developing DCs.
298 which disassociates Gbetagamma subunits from alpha subunits without stimulating nucleotide exchange,
299  activity/levels of the extralarge G protein alpha-subunit (XLalphas) are implicated in various human
300 ion required beta and gamma subunits but not alpha subunits ((Z)beta3gamma2 EC50 value, 660 mum).

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