


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ubtype, after systemic administration of the alpha(2)-agonists 5-bromo-N-(4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-2-y
2 inephrine (NE), clonidine (CLON, a selective alpha2-agonist) and phenylephrine (PE, a selective alpha
3 fect profiles when compared with traditional alpha2 agonists, and may thereby allow for more widespre
4                                      Besides alpha2-agonists, apical uptake was inhibited by verapami
5                          Dexmedetomidine, an alpha(2)-agonist available for ICU sedation, may reduce
6 ing the response to intravenous injection of alpha2-agonist before and after the infusion.
7 ttens received microinfusions (1 mul) of the alpha2 agonist clonidine (CLON; 1.32 nmol), and half rec
8 ,N-MePhe4, Gly-ol5]enkephalin (DAMGO) or the alpha2 agonist clonidine inhibited voltage-gated Ca2+ cu
9  of the alpha1-agonist phenylephrine and the alpha2-agonist clonidine.
10 cocaine CPP in the presence and absence of a alpha2-agonist (clonidine), beta-adrenergic receptor ant
11 e show that the alpha(2)-adrenergic agonist (alpha(2)-agonist) clonidine induced resistance to M. avi
12                                          The alpha2-agonist, clonidine, had a weak effect in LSI neur
13 eatment of HUVECs, but not neutrophils, with alpha2-agonists decreased transendothelial migration, wi
14  yet preliminary evidence indicates that the alpha(2) agonist dexmedetomidine may have distinct advan
15 duced unconsciousness and recovery using the alpha(2)-agonist dexmedetomidine.
16                     The nonsubtype-selective alpha2 agonist dexmedetomidine completely blocked the co
17 both norepinephrine and the highly selective alpha2 agonist dexmedetomidine each reversed the VLPO de
18 ial alpha(1)-agonist, phenylephrine, or full alpha(2)-agonist, dexmedetomidine, indicated that the be
19 rine (alpha(1)-agonist) and dexmedetomidine (alpha(2)-agonist) during moderate rhythmic handgrip exer
20 rine (alpha(1)-agonist) and dexmedetomidine (alpha(2)-agonist) during rhythmic handgrip exercise (15%
21  to investigate the role of the alpha2aAR in alpha2 agonist-evoked analgesia and adrenergic-opioid sy
22 ernal cesium and external barium, opioid and alpha2 agonists had no effect at potentials more negativ
23                                              Alpha2 agonists have been in clinical use for decades, p
24                             In recent years, alpha2 agonists have found wider application, particular
25                                              alpha2 agonists have similar potencies in stimulating Sr
26 nhibition of vas deferens contraction by the alpha2 agonist in alpha2A-AR knockout mice was only 42 +
27 phrine (an alpha1 agonist) and clonidine (an alpha2 agonist) in 10 healthy men during rhythmic handgr
28                                   To put the alpha2-agonists into clinical context, we will discuss t
29 ission at IPL and that brimonidine and other alpha2 agonists may protect RGCs under disease condition
30                  The mutation also decreased alpha2-agonist-mediated spinal analgesia and blocked the
31 y before naloxone with clonidine (20 microg; alpha2 agonist), MK-801 (3 microg; noncompetitive NMDA a
32                               Interestingly, alpha2-agonists prevented the TNF-alpha-mediated decreas
33                                Guanabenz, an alpha2-agonist, prolonged baseline expiration and potent
34                                              alpha2 Agonists, such as brimonidine, have been shown to
35 neuroprotection of retinal ganglion cells by alpha2 agonists, such as brimonidine, in animal models o
36            Compelling evidence suggests that alpha2 agonists, such as brimonidine, protect retinal ga
37                                          The alpha2 agonists that are currently employed in anesthesi
38                                Unexpectedly, alpha(2)-agonist treatment of mice heterozygous for the
39 ther in murine nor in human neutrophils upon alpha2-agonist treatment.
40 he NE-induced inhibition was mimicked by the alpha2-agonist, UK14,304, but not by the alpha1- or beta
41 (P < 0.05) and sensitivity (P < 0.05) to the alpha2 agonist UK14304 was lower in protein-, but not in
42                    The hypotensive effect of alpha2 agonists was completely absent in alpha2A-deficie
43 eir hypnotic response to dexmedetomidine (an alpha2 agonist) was determined.
44 phrine (alpha1-agonist) and dexmedetomidine (alpha2-agonist) were assessed.
45 henylephrine (alpha1-agonist) and clonidine (alpha2-agonist) were assessed.
46 e (selective alpha1-agonist), and clonidine (alpha2-agonist) were determined in 10 young (aged 26+/-1
47 fter we will compare and contrast the use of alpha2-agonists with clinically available agents, and sp

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