


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 eraction of the same alphai subunit with the alpha2A-adrenergic receptor.
2  a well-defined allosteric site on the human alpha2A-adrenergic receptor.
3 0, a PC12 cell line overexpressing the human alpha2A-adrenergic receptor.
4  receptor could be replaced by activation of alpha2A-adrenergic receptors.
5 rtion of the third intracellular loop of the alpha(2a) adrenergic receptor.
6 emonstrated noncompetitive inhibition of the alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor.
7 is thus more complex than that found for the alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor.
8  a well defined allosteric site on the human alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor.
9  a well defined allosteric site on the human alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor.
10 vation of either the P2T(AC) receptor or the alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor.
11 eurons, while POMC neurons are inhibited via alpha2A - adrenergic receptors.
12  both peptides disrupted Gbetagamma-mediated alpha(2A) adrenergic receptor activation of mitogen-acti
13 onded to both amphetamine and guanfacine, an alpha2A adrenergic receptor agonist.
14  is specifically stimulated by the selective alpha2A-adrenergic receptor agonist UK14304 and by lysop
15  undergo agonist-stimulated endocytosis, the alpha(2A) adrenergic receptor (alpha(2A) AR), with ERK a
16  in the third intracellular (3i) loop of the alpha(2A) adrenergic receptor (alpha(2A)-AR) can fully a
17 gulated by a G protein-coupled receptor, the alpha(2A) adrenergic receptor (alpha(2A)AR).
18  that RGS14 functionally associates with the alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor (alpha(2A)-AR) in a Galpha
19                  Genetic manipulation of the alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor (alpha(2A)-AR) in mice has
20 arly true for synaptic receptors such as the alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor (alpha(2A)-AR).
21  at this D79(TM2)-N422(TM7) interface in the alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor (alpha(2A)AR) affects not
22  beta(1)-adrenergic receptor (beta(1)AR) and alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor (alpha(2A)AR) heterodimeri
23 sms regulating the surface t(1/2) of various alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor (alpha(2A)AR) structures.
24 d the direct interaction between DMI and the alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor (alpha(2A)AR), a key regul
25                                              alpha(2A)-Adrenergic receptors (alpha(2A)AR) are presyna
26                                              Alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptors (alpha(2A)AR) regulate mu
27 monitor the recruitment of GRK2 to activated alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptors (alpha(2A)ARs) in living
28 nstrates that agonist-mediated activation of alpha2A adrenergic receptors (alpha(2A)AR) is voltage-de
29                            Here, we used the alpha2A-adrenergic receptor (alpha(2A)AR) as a model to
30  intracellular (3i) loop of the heptahelical alpha2A-adrenergic receptor (alpha2A AR) is critical for
31             Previous studies have shown that alpha2A-adrenergic receptor (alpha2A-AR) retention at th
32                                          The alpha2A adrenergic receptor (alpha2AAR) is directly deli
33 ne expressing a point mutation (D79N) in the alpha2a adrenergic receptor (alpha2aAR) to investigate t
34 was tethered to the carboxyl terminus of the alpha2A adrenergic receptor (alpha2AAR-Galphai2YFP).
35 inent feature of long-term regulation of the alpha2A-adrenergic receptor (alpha2AAR) is a loss of cel
36 novel direct interaction between APP and the alpha2A-adrenergic receptor (alpha2AAR) that occurs at t
37              Truncations and chimeras of the alpha2A-adrenergic receptor (alpha2AAR) were evaluated t
38 C (PKC) to phosphorylate and desensitize the alpha2A-adrenergic receptor (alpha2AAR).
39 etween delta opioid receptors (deltaORs) and alpha2A adrenergic receptors (alpha2AARs) require protei
40 ype Galpha(z) with a specific agonist to the alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor also attenuated cAMP-induc
41 ulate insulin secretion via the G(i)-coupled alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor and the G(s)-coupled recep
42  competing at the one allosteric site on the alpha2A-adrenergic receptor and rules out the possibilit
43  alter subsequent radioligand binding to the alpha2a-adrenergic receptor and the dopaminergic D1 rece
44 which was further inhibited by yohimbine, an alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor antagonist.
45 hich N-terminal hemagglutinin epitope-tagged alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor (AR) expression was driven
46                                          The alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor (AR) undergoes rapid agoni
47                                      For the alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor (AR) we determine the rela
48 hips of the amilorides at the alpha(1A)- and alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptors are different.
49 ily member G(alpha)(z) (which couples to the alpha(2A) adrenergic receptor) are deficient in epinephr
50                              In COS-7 cells, alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptors (ARs) stimulate ERK phosp
51 293 cells, stimulation of either alpha1B- or alpha2A-adrenergic receptors (ARs) leads to rapid 5-10-f
52      The amyloid precursor protein modulates alpha2A-adrenergic receptor endocytosis and signaling th
53 ith fluorescent proteins and four GPCRs: the alpha2A-adrenergic receptor, GABAB, cannabinoid receptor
54  fluorescently labeled Galphai1 subunits and alpha2A-adrenergic receptor, GABAB, or dopamine receptor
55  receptor complexes between micro-opioid and alpha2A-adrenergic receptors has been demonstrated in tr
56 titution studies with the adenosine A(1) and alpha(2A) adrenergic receptors have reached a similar co
57          Stimulation of the Galpha(i)-linked alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor induces a conformational c
58 e RVL, 59% of c-Fos-positive cells contained alpha2A-adrenergic receptor-like immunoreactivity in clo
59 uggest that the effects of the overexpressed alpha2A-adrenergic receptor on PLD activity are mediated
60 tion of Gi-coupled lysophosphatidic acid and alpha2A adrenergic receptors or overexpression of Gbeta1
61                   We show that mu opioid and alpha2A adrenergic receptors reside in close proximity i
62 ctive stimulation of the P2Y(12) receptor or alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor, respectively.
63  and 0.97) with the affinities for the human alpha2A adrenergic receptor subtype and poorly correlate
64 this inhibition is relieved by activation of alpha2A-adrenergic receptor, suggesting that the interac
65 rtion of the third intracellular loop of the alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor to dissect these aspects o
66 amilorides act via an allosteric site on the alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor to strongly inhibit antago
67 ation of agonist binding and function at the alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor was explored.
68 f9 cell membranes expressing the recombinant alpha2A-adrenergic receptor were used to assess the cont
69 couple to the inhibition of NHE1, but not in alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptors, which do not regulate NH
70 abeled agonist and antagonist binding to the alpha2a-adrenergic receptor with an IC50 value of 0.5 mi

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