


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              alpha-COP binds to SMN, linking the COPI vesicular trans
2 e p1 CPY; these defects can be suppressed by alpha-COP overproduction.
3 ypically Golgi associated, in neuronal cells alpha-COP localizes to lamellipodia and growth cones and
4 nsmembrane proteins are captured by coatomer alpha-COP and beta'-COP subunits and packaged into COPI-
5 ate binding of KKxx motifs by the homologous alpha-COP domain.
6 Remarkably, heterologous expression of human alpha-COP restored normal neurite length and morphology
7 ecognition motif appears to reside solely in alpha-COP, antibody-induced supershift strongly indicate
8    The last approximately 170 amino acids of alpha-COP are also non-essential for cell viability, but
9                  Through in vivo analysis of alpha-COP truncation mutants, we characterize distinct f
10 mplex between the C-terminal domain (CTD) of alpha-COP and full-length epsilon-COP, two components of
11                                 Depletion of alpha-COP resulted in mislocalization of SMN and actin a
12                            Reduced levels of alpha-COP restricted development of neuronal processes i
13  34 degrees C, through stabilizing levels of alpha-COP.
14   We identified single amino acid mutants of alpha-COP that selectively abrogate SMN binding, retain
15 mmunoblot analysis confirmed the presence of alpha-COP in the Mono-Q fraction as well as that of a se
16             We present crystal structures of alpha-COP and beta'-COP bound to a series of naturally o
17  characterize distinct functional domains on alpha-COP.
18 tdIns(3,4,5)P3-displaceable labeling of only alpha-COP.
19 at a function of epsilon-COP is to stabilize alpha-COP and the coatomer complex.
20                Binding experiments show that alpha-COP and beta'-COP have generally the same specific
21                                          The alpha-COP CTD adopts a U-shaped architecture that comple
22                                          The alpha-COP protein co-immunoprecipitates with SMN, small
23                                          The alpha-COP(CTD) x epsilon-COP complex forms heterodimers
24                                          The alpha-COP(CTD) x epsilon-COP heterodimer forms a rod-sha
25  D-3 and D-5 phosphates are critical for the alpha-COP-PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 interaction, suggesting an imp
26 raps around a protruding beta-hairpin of the alpha-COP CTD, thus interlocking the two proteins.
27 splaceable photocovalent modification of the alpha-COP subunit was observed with a p-benzoyldihydroci
28 s suggested that the 140-kDa protein was the alpha-COP subunit of coatomer protein COPI, usually asso
29 lta cells shifted to 37 degrees C, wild-type alpha-COP (Ret1p) levels diminish rapidly and cells accu
30 vel yeast alpha-COP mutant, ret1-3, in which alpha-COP is degraded after cells are shifted to a restr
31 elated with the strength of interaction with alpha-COP.
32 -specific synthetic-lethal interactions with alpha-COP mutations: sec28 Delta ret1-3 double mutants a
33                    We isolated a novel yeast alpha-COP mutant, ret1-3, in which alpha-COP is degraded

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